Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 594 Six-winged Poisonous Centipede

Chapter 599 Six-winged Poisonous Centipede

The three of them climbed up to the edge of the huge crack on the top of the stone mountain. They lowered their heads and looked down. The crack was like the ferocious mouth of a giant beast, swallowing up any creature that wanted to enter the stone mountain.

The precipitous cliffs were difficult to climb, and poisonous insects might be hidden in the crevices of the rocks. Wang Xiaofeng suggested that he could take his gourd and go down directly from the air.

Several sky lanterns took the lead, one of which even had a live chicken tied to it. After more than ten minutes, the sky lantern landed safely at the bottom, dispersing the surrounding darkness.

The chicken brother stood in the cage, making a very noisy clucking sound.

With the help of the light, which was as small as starlight, Wang Xiaofeng's eyes were slightly focused, and he scanned back and forth several times. There was no trace of poison in the valley bottom below.

Just in case, Wang Xiaofeng took out dozens of straw bags from the gourd, lit them and threw them away.

Afterwards, the three of them slowly descended on the jet hoist.

After passing through several layers of mist, even the moonlight could not reach it. The light became darker and darker. There were water droplets on the surrounding walls, and it was extremely cold.

The further inside the mountain, the heavier the yin energy becomes.

Exposed in the cracks on the belly of the mountain is a large cave, which is extremely deep and wide.

Although you can't see far away, you can feel that the gloomy atmosphere inside is particularly deep.

Dai Mubai jumped off the gourd and landed safely on the wet ground. He smelled the unpleasant herbal smell in the air and rubbed his nose. "This smell seems a bit familiar."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded silently. This special smell was hard to forget, but for a while he couldn't remember when he had smelled it.

Wang Xiaofeng reminded: "When I entered the Star Forest a few years ago, the mistress gave me a sachet that can ward off evil spirits and avoid poison."

"Yes, yes, that's the one." Dai Mubai said with sudden realization.

“That sachet is very effective. There are a lot fewer mosquitoes hanging in the dormitory.

Later, the sachet lost its effectiveness after being stored for a long time. I wanted to ask the mistress for a new one, but unfortunately, I was so ecstatic after being trained by the master that I forgot about it. "

While the two were reminiscing about the past, Zhu Zhuqing stared deeply into the cave and said coldly: "Stop talking, there is a big guy approaching."

With Wang Xiaofeng's fourth soul skill's enhanced visual and auditory senses, he could clearly perceive the surrounding situation without the need for lighting.

After being baptized by the fairy grass, Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Civet Spirit transformed into a three-tailed cat. It has unique blessings in this dark environment, and its five senses are sharper than Wang Xiaofeng's.

The chicken in the cage seemed to be frightened and kept shaking.

Along with a soft rustling sound, more than a hundred large centipedes with colorful patterns emerged from the cracks in the surrounding rocks and cliffs.

Each one is at least four or five inches long, with transparent saliva flowing from its mouth and mouth, and bright red stripes all over its body. You can tell at a glance that it is extremely poisonous.

These poisons are very clever, pretending to be driven away by drugs, and then hide deep in the cracks of the mountain wall and lie dormant.

The sudden attack at this moment caught people off guard. If they were ordinary people, they would really fall into their trap.

The herbs in the sachet can achieve the strongest effect in a short time after being burned, but for the poisonous insects here, the repellent herbs are no longer effective.

This stone mountain is simply a natural poisonous ground.

These poisonous insects use the stone mountain as their nest and usually devour each other. The remaining individuals are all extremely poisonous.

"First get rid of these poisons in front of you, and then go meet the boss here."

Dai Mubai let out a long roar, and amazing energy burst out from his strong body, knocking away dozens of centipedes that wanted to get closer.

His blond hair turned white in an instant, and his body suddenly expanded. In the blink of an eye, he was over two meters tall. His whole body was covered with white and black hair. Two huge tiger palms stretched out, and a golden blade as long as a foot popped out of his fingertips.

The sound of chanting sounded from behind.

The rising soul ring emitted a dazzling brilliance, and ten rays of light pierced the darkness and fell on Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing respectively.

Dai Mubai's already majestic body expanded again, and powerful aura spurted out.

With the enhancement of Wang Xiaofeng's soul skills, all attributes of his body were instantly improved to a terrifying level.

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower."

The purple soul ring shone with light, and a huge ball of light condensed with soul power rose from above Dai Mubai's head. Then, with a loud noise, the ball of light split into countless balls of light that fell down, bombarding the surroundings indiscriminately.

The violent explosion tore countless poisonous centipedes into pieces, and the large pile of soil flew away.

"Hahaha, come again, come again." Dai Mubai has hated the multi-legged bugs since he was a child, and juxtaposed with them are the slippery and fishy seafood.

He gathered his soul power and prepared for another round of bombing, when a sound suddenly came from the cliff not far away.

Dai Mubai subconsciously raised his head and saw a large centipede seven or eight meters long hanging on the cliff, its scarlet eyes staring at him closely.

Dai Mubai felt chills in his heart and his hair exploded, and he subconsciously threw the unformed ball of light in his hand.

The big centipede rushed directly towards Dai Mubai, like a swimming dragon. It made a agile turn in mid-air and easily avoided the attack of the light ball.

The ferocious jaws and teeth on the top opened, reaching straight for Dai Mubai's head.

But Dai Mubai did not fight alone.

A group of black shadows arrived first, and in the blink of an eye, they launched hundreds of attacks on the big centipede's head, causing its forward body to suddenly stop in mid-air.

As Dai Mubai shouted, a dazzling golden light hit the big centipede's head like a meteor. The terrifying explosion knocked it away and hit the stone wall heavily.

The entire mountain wall shook violently, and countless rocks fell, burying it.

Dai Mubai wiped the corners of his mouth, "It should be solved."

boom! !

Stones were thrown in all directions, and the giant centipede stood upright and screamed. The attack just now did not leave a single scratch on its carapace.

Although the defense was not broken, the giant centipede did not continue to attack, even though his great descendants were almost slaughtered.

The tacit cooperation between the two people before left a deep "impression" on it.

The two sides suddenly fell into a confrontation, and everyone had time to carefully observe this old poison.

The body is nearly eight meters long, with twenty-two segments composed of flat links. The top of the head is black, the first segment is yellowish brown, the back of the remaining segments is dark blue, and the belly is dark yellow. Each segment has five pairs of legs, and the hooks are sharp and flexible.

The most surprising thing is that this centipede has six wings on its back. The three pairs of wings are all transparent, just like the wings of a dragonfly, and its whole body emits black gas.

Dai Mubai asked in a low voice: "Xiao Feng, can you tell what kind of soul beast it is?"

If you can identify what kind of soul beast it is, you can attack its weak points, otherwise the outer carapace is too hard.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and observed with interest: "There is no record of it in the book. It should be a mutant created under the special environment here. Let's call it the six-winged poisonous centipede for the time being."

Salute, all tributes

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