Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 595: The New Form of the Netherworld White Tiger

Chapter 600 The new form of the Netherworld White Tiger

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, rustling sounds were heard from all around again.

Some large and colorful centipedes that had escaped by hiding in the cracks of the rocks seemed to have sensed the danger of their boss, and came out of the cracks one after another. They seemed to be in danger of being destroyed. However, as long as you look carefully, you can find that the number of centipedes that appeared this time is relatively large. Before the rise, it was comparable in size to the sea of ​​​​insects.

Under the double scanning of mental power and soul power, Wang Xiaofeng marked all the centipedes that were still hidden in the stone crevices or waiting for attack in the insect nest. He twisted his wrist and said: "You guys focus on dealing with the six." Poison-winged Centipede, let me clean up these bugs.”

There is no sunlight in the cave for many years, it is dark and humid, and it rained not long ago, so the water element in the rock formations and in the air is very abundant.

A suitable environment can save him a lot of soul power.

A huge water curtain suddenly rose from the ground, separating the insect tide from the three people. Some centipedes wanted to break through, but when they entered the water curtain, they faced a millstone-like strangulation caused by the flow speed in different areas.

The pheromones emitted by the death of similar species caused the centipedes to panic and flee in all directions, but Wang Xiaofeng locked their positions in advance in order not to let any one go.

Water arrows condensed in the air. Each water arrow was about one meter in length. The whole water arrow was in the shape of a jujube core, with sharp tips at the beginning and end. The thickest part in the center was about as thick as an index finger.

Countless water arrows were shot directly at the poisonous insects below, piercing the air at a rapid speed and making a thrilling scream.

Swish, swish, swish! !

After just a few breaths, the ground was covered with centipede corpses.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Xiaofeng's strength has already reached such an extent after not seeing him for a year." Dai Mubai sighed as he looked at the powerful moves.

In the past, although Wang Xiaofeng was outrageous, every step of his growth was observed, which was quite logical, but now, it is completely unreasonable.

The gourd vine is understandable, but is there any connection between the water and the gourd? Could it be the second martial spirit? But I didn’t see any soul rings appearing.

Dai Mubai couldn't help but cursed in his mind as a pervert. When he turned around, he found that Zhu Zhuqing was also looking at him. He grinned and said, "Zhuqing, we can't fall behind."

The two sides have a clear understanding of each other, and they know what each other is thinking without using words.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly and agreed.

Since Brother Feng has taken over the hard work, they will be the one to solve the remaining toughest problem.

That's the right move to deal with a guy whose shell is too hard to hit.

The Six-Winged Poison Centipede couldn't bear it anymore as it looked at its dead great-great-grandson, and finally rushed towards Dai Mubai who was closest to it.

Although they haven't fought side by side for a year, the tacit understanding between the two of them has not disappeared as time goes by.

The dense and sharp water arrows hit the six-winged poisonous centipede's body with a tinkling sound. The hard carapace was unscathed, but the purpose of this attack was not to hurt it.

The continuous impact of the arrows stopped the six-winged poisonous centipede from rushing down.

The threat below became more and more intense. In a hurry, it immediately turned around and swung its tail, soared into the air amidst the random shots of water arrows, and aimed directly below to spit out purple poisonous mist.

Unfortunately, it was too late, the bodies of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing disappeared instantly before the poisonous fog came.

The shocking energy fluctuations directly dispersed the poisonous mist, and a huge alien beast suddenly appeared in the cave.

After two years, the Netherworld White Tiger came to the world again.

But it is different from the previous Nether White Tiger.

If the Nether White Tiger in the past was a domineering king, the Nether White Tiger at this time is the messenger who harvests the souls of the dead.

Not to mention that the overall body size is one size smaller, and the white hair all over the body has been replaced by black. The light blue eyes exude an ominous aura, staring coldly at the six-winged poisonous centipede in front of him.

Compared with the huge figure of the black tiger, which is 6 meters long and more than 2 meters high, it looks so small.

The black tiger roared silently, stepped into the air, and rushed towards the six-winged poisonous centipede in mid-air.

The six-winged poisonous centipede opened its jaws and feet on both sides of its head slightly and sprayed out poisonous mist again. Black Tiger turned a blind eye and plunged directly into the smelly poisonous mist.

The extremely smelly mist penetrated directly through the tiger's body, as if the two were not in the same space.

The six-winged poison centipede launched fiercely, waving its tentacles, jaws and legs like a black dragon searching for a pearl, and struck straight at the black tiger in mid-air. However, the fierce attack suddenly failed, as if it hit the air.

The black tiger remained unabated, and its shadow passed directly through the six-winged poisonous centipede.

The outer shell did not receive any blow, but the six-winged poisonous centipede made an unpleasant neighing noise, clearly suffering great damage.

The Nether Black Tiger disappeared instantly after launching this attack. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing appeared at the same time, not losing strength, but just panting slightly. It can be seen that the fusion of martial arts this time was not very expensive for the two of them.

The Six-Winged Poison Centipede suddenly woke up and saw the two people falling from mid-air. His eyes suddenly turned red, but the stinging pain in his mind made it almost impossible to control his body.

The six-winged poisonous centipede, which had fallen into madness, suddenly spit out a red pill the size of a dragon's eye from its mouth. It was as red as blood and exuded an unsettling halo.

Wang Xiaofeng was very familiar with this kind of momentum. His face changed slightly and he shouted: "It's going to explode its inner elixir!"

The offensive and defensive momentum on both sides changed in an instant, everything happened too fast, but even if he didn't hear Wang Xiaofeng's shout, Dai Mubai's intuition immediately raised the alarm.

If Dai Mubai was willing to throw Zhu Zhuqing at this time, with Zhu Zhuqing's current speed, it would be possible to pierce the inner elixir before the six-winged poison centipede explodes.

But Dai Mubai had no such idea at all. His first reaction was to hold Zhu Zhuqing in his arms, turn around fiercely, open the White Tiger Body Barrier and White Tiger Shura Transformation, and use himself as a shield.

At this critical moment, a small water ball suddenly condensed next to the inner alchemy in front of the six-winged poisonous centipede. In the eyes of the six-winged poisonous centipede, it transformed into a racket and slapped the inner alchemy hard. superior.

The six-winged poisonous centipede's mental state had dropped to its lowest point, and his reaction was half a beat too slow. He could only watch Benimaru fall to the ground.

Feeling that the connection with the inner alchemy was cut off, it became so anxious that it became frantic, its beards and claws trembling all over its body, and it was about to pounce towards the inner alchemy.


The long black object accurately passed through the gap between the oral limbs, inserted from its mouth, and reached its brain.

The huge force nailed it to the stone wall.

The six-winged poisonous centipede kept pouring out thick white juice from its mouth, spraying it on the spear made of fine iron, making a sizzling corrosive sound.

Even after suffering such a fatal injury, the six-winged poisonous centipede did not die immediately. It squirmed like a claw and fangs, causing countless gravel to fall from the stone wall with a loud crashing sound.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a ten-thousand-year-old alien spirit beast, and its vitality is powerful.

At this time, a harsh scream came from the air.

Wang Xiaofeng slowly exhaled a burst of hot air. He stepped on the soft and moist ground under his feet and dug a large pit more than ten centimeters deep. A faint mist evaporated from his right arm, which showed how powerful the blow just now was. strength.

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