Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 596 Bronze Gate

Chapter 601 Bronze Gate

The large and small centipedes in the cave never expected that they would be completely exterminated after just an ordinary outing to hunt for food.

The broken insect bodies were spread all around, and the poisonous blood with a fishy smell soaked into the soil, mixing with the smell of the earth, exuding a disgusting smell.

Wang Xiaofeng pushed back the dislocated joints without changing his expression, "You two, the battle is over, and you still can't bear to separate."

Zhu Zhuqing punched his strong chest muscles with some embarrassment: "You idiot, you are still hugging me and letting Brother Feng see the joke."

"He is jealous." Dai Mubai teased, but his hands unnaturally let go of Zhu Zhuqing.

When possessed by the martial spirit, nothing could be seen on the tiger's palm, which was covered by the hair. But after returning to normal, the sharp-eyed Zhu Zhuqing immediately noticed something strange on Dai Mubai's left hand.

"what happened to your hand?"


Dai Mubai calmly turned sideways to hide the abnormality, but he could feel the numbness in his left hand gradually expanding.

Is there anything that can change the color of my palms?

Zhu Zhuqing was almost anxious to death. Why didn't this man tell the truth at this time?

"Brother Feng, Mubai is injured!"

Injured, why was he suddenly injured when he was in good condition?

Wang Xiaofeng came to Dai Mubai in a few steps. He tore open the sleeve of his left hand and saw that from the palm to the joint, it was black and purple, showing very obvious signs of poisoning.

"When did you get poisoned?"

"It should have been when the martial soul fusion skill launched its attack that it was pinched by the old centipede." Dai Mubai explained.

The new form of the Nether White Tiger, the Black Tiger, is a new form born under the leadership of Zhu Zhuqing. Its attack method can not only cause direct damage to the soul, but also ignore most physical attacks.

But it is not completely immune to attacks, and the damage received will still be fed back to the two people whose martial souls are fused. However, they did not expect that this centipede is so poisonous.

Wang Xiaofeng grabbed Dai Mubai's left arm and thrust his soul power into it. The situation was more difficult than he thought, as the toxin had already invaded the bone marrow.

His right hand quickly tapped around Dai Mubai's left arm to seal the meridians.

Tang San might have a solution, after all, there are specialties in the arts, but now there are only three of them, they can only act as doctors.

Wang Xiaofeng frowned and said: "I have sealed the meridians of my left arm, so my life will not be endangered for a while. But the poison is too strong, and it completely eroded half of the arm in a short period of time. The situation is not optimistic.

Currently I have two options:

First, amputate his left arm to save his life.

Second, take this inner elixir. "

Wang Xiaofeng waved gently, and a thick vine suddenly stretched out, with a red pill rolled at the top of the branch.

Some of the branches have withered, and it seems that this thing is quite toxic.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the elixir and put it in front of Dai Mubai indifferently: "The inner elixir of the six-winged poisonous centipede is almost its essence. Ancient books record that the inner elixir has the power to bring the dead back to life. No matter how sick you are, as long as you are still If you have a trace of vitality and swallow a soul beast inner elixir, you can definitely regain your life and return to the sun again.

This inner elixir may have the detoxification effect of the original food in soup. "

Dai Mubai thought to himself that the worst outcome would be to survive with a broken arm. No matter how bad it was, it would be better to swallow pills to survive.

He has never believed in ghosts and gods, and he is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but at this moment he can't help but pray secretly: "Ancestor Holy King, if there is really a legacy left by you in the mountains, please protect me from this life..."

Dai Mubai suddenly lost all feeling in his left arm. Without hesitation, he raised his hand to take the six-winged poisonous centipede's inner elixir, threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it into his belly as soon as he raised his neck.

A pungency penetrated from the throat into the abdomen, and then a fire rose from the abdomen.

Dai Mubai felt as if his internal organs were being burned by fire, and blood immediately flowed from his mouth and nose.

Zhu Zhuqing was silently protecting the law, with a resolute light in her eyes. No one knew what resolute decision she had made at this moment.

Dai Mubai was already wrapped in pain and could no longer sense information from the outside world.

After experiencing all kinds of hardships for so many years, he thought that his heart was as hard as iron. Even if he felt the pain of picking out bones and pulling out tendons, he would never move an eyebrow.

But at this moment, the pain that penetrated deep into the bones of his body was so painful that he almost gritted his teeth and punched the ground in order to relieve the bone-gnawing pain. A layer of black juice kept oozing out of his body.

"The energy in this inner elixir is more violent than I thought. Most people would have self-destructed long ago if they ate it directly."

After realizing that Dai Mubai could barely maintain the balance in his body, and it was difficult to digest the energy in the inner elixir to detoxify, Wang Xiaofeng no longer hesitated and fumbled for a small bottle containing a special solution from the gourd.

"Brother Feng, what is this?" Zhu Zhuqing's worried eyes moved away from Dai Mubai and looked at the scarlet liquid in the glass bottle.

"This is the Eight Spider Spear that I used to imitate Xiaosan. It extracts the essence of life energy from the Blue Silver Grass. It has not been tested on animals yet. It is a dead horse being used as a living horse doctor."

Wang Xiaofeng used his mind to control the life energy in the bottle with water flow, and then split it into countless threads, which penetrated into Dai Mubai's mouth through the gaps between his teeth, and then merged into his body.

At the same time, the five soul rings on his body emitted fluorescence again, amplifying Dai Mubai.

Under the interference of external forces, the balance in the body that Dai Mubai had worked so hard to maintain was directly broken.

No matter how violent the inner elixir of the six-winged poison centipede is, it can only be suppressed unwillingly.

I don't know how much time passed, but Dai Mubai felt that the energy and blood in his chest gradually became smoother, and a stream of coolness passed through the three levels and spread throughout his limbs.

He opened his mouth and vomited a few mouthfuls of black blood. The numbness in his left arm disappeared and his limbs moved as normal.

Not only that, the hidden wounds and foundation damage he had left since his last exploration of the ancient ruins, which caused him to feel chest tightness and shortness of breath from time to time, had completely disappeared.

The soul power also increased by one level, reaching level 55.

Before officially entering the ancient ruins, half of the purpose of this trip has been completed.

That's right, the real purpose of Dai Mubai's trip was actually to try to find a few treasures of heaven and earth in this ancient ruins that were rumored to be inherited by the Holy King, so as to cure the damage to his foundation.

Since his foundation was damaged, his cultivation speed and efficiency have become very low. He even arranged a full schedule and only slept for two hours a day, just to squeeze out more cultivation time.

However, treating the symptoms rather than the root cause still cannot solve the problem.

He could only watch as Zhu Zhuqing's level slowly caught up with him.

This is unacceptable to a proud man like him.

Fortunately, the White Tiger Holy King seemed to have really heard his request and sent him such a great gift. He had never felt that his condition was so good.

This trip has been guaranteed, and even if the next trip to the ruins does not fulfill the clan's requirements, it will not be considered empty-handed.

"Zhuqing, I'm fine!" Dai Mubai excitedly picked up Zhu Zhuqing and spun him around twice.

It was a pun, but Zhu Zhuqing still understood it, with a very rare smile on his face, "Congratulations."

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips, "I always feel like you are hiding something from me."

Dai Mubai put Zhu Zhuqing down and scratched his head, "Well, it's not that I didn't say it on purpose, it's just a bit hard to say."

"Then don't talk about it. I'm not a fat man or Xiao Ao, and I have no interest in gossip."

Wang Xiaofeng came to the bottom of the cliff, stretched out his right hand, and the rich water element wrapped the body of the six-winged poisonous centipede nailed to the cliff. He pulled out the fine iron spear and the body fell from the top.

When it hit the ground, several pairs of wings and tentacles trembled.

Dai Mubai thought he was not dead, so he subconsciously stepped forward.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly stopped him, "Don't be nervous, it's already dead. This is just an irritated reaction of nerve cells."

The most precious thing on the six-winged poison centipede is undoubtedly the inner elixir, but other than that, things like the poison sac carapace are also good materials.

The scenes of dismembering corpses and extracting materials are always difficult to watch, but since I have the ability to control water, the scene finally doesn't have to be so tragic.

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand gently, and the six-winged poisonous centipede's body fluids and venom were separated in an orderly manner, turning into two groups of liquid, one large and one small, one white and one purple, which were sucked into the gourd in turn.

After the six-winged poisonous centipede lost water, its whole body became withered, and its originally dark and shiny carapace became wrinkled and yellowed like a cicada. It seemed that it had not died instantly, but had been dead for a long time.

Under Wang Xiaofeng's precise knife skills, all parts of the head, antennae, and jaw limbs were neatly separated. The whole scene was indescribably weird and cruel.

After putting the last organ into the nutrient solution for preservation, Wang Xiaofeng wiped his clean and white hands, picked up the gourd and hung it back on his waist. "It's been a long wait, let's go."

Dai Mubai whispered to Zhu Zhuqing on the side, "So you know what is going on in Shrek about not messing with Xiaofeng? It's all based on experience."

Wang Xiaofeng went up and gave him a hard blow on the head, "This is how my reputation was ruined by you and Fatty."

Dai Mubai held his head and yelled unreasonably: "I'm just imparting experience."

Zhu Zhuqing covered his mouth and snickered.

After dealing with the poison in the cave, the three of them continued deeper.

Since it is not a normal passage, but one enters through cracks caused by natural disasters, there is naturally no road, only stone cracks.

Fortunately, there was Dai Mubai, who was waving a pair of steel tiger claws repeatedly, breaking mountains and rocks with ease.

In this way, the three of them moved forward slowly like snails. About an hour later, Dai Mubai's tiger claw suddenly became empty. He was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't wait to expand the hole.

"We dug the road."

The three of them got out of the crack and came to a huge space.

A large hole suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, and the moonlight followed the hole and turned into a beam of light that shone in the center of the space.

By the moonlight, everyone looked around.

In this huge cave, there are several grand halls with double eaves and resting mountains. The palaces are towering, the pavilions are towering, the eaves and brackets are densely arranged, complex but not chaotic, and the atmosphere is rigorous.

The design style is very similar to the current capital of the Star Luo Empire, and is a product of the past hundred years.

Wang Xiaofeng teased: "You built a palace on the mountain without saying a word. Your Xingluo titled Douluo is quite rich."

Dai Mubai smiled bitterly and said: "Prince Qing is not only very powerful, but also in charge of a large army. Wealth is only something that can be easily obtained."

If it were just an ordinary titled Douluo, how could it make the Star Dou royal family so fearful.

And looking at the situation in front of him, even Prince Qing would never be able to build a palace with such a huge amount of work without disturbing the royal family at all.

So from this moment on, the history books recorded by the royal family can no longer be trusted. There were absolutely unknown secrets hidden 500 years ago.

"Mubai, Brother Feng, look over there." Zhu Zhuqing suddenly pointed at a big tree shrouded in a beam of light and said.

It was a huge laurel tree, with sparse branches and leaves like crowns, growing very densely.

Wang Xiaofeng withdrew his soul and mental power from the exploration, and shook his head, "It doesn't have the consciousness of birth, so it shouldn't be a soul beast."

Dai Mubai suddenly looked happy and ran towards the osmanthus tree. Zhu Zhuqing followed silently. Although Wang Xiaofeng didn't know what he found, he still followed.

As the distance approached, Wang Xiaofeng discovered the huge building that was obscured by the osmanthus tree and almost completely integrated with the root system of the tree trunk.

It was a large and majestic stone gate.

The dark blue stone door is divided into two doors and is three to sixty seven meters high. It looks extremely heavy, probably weighing no less than three to five thousand kilograms.

There are ancient characters chiselled on the stone gate, and there are also many inscriptions on birds and animals. Unfortunately, the copper marks are mottled and it is impossible to distinguish them in detail.

Dai Mubai waved his arms excitedly, "Just like the pictures in the ancient books, this is the entrance to the ancient ruins."

Wang Xiaofeng, who stood silently behind, rubbed his eyebrows with a serious expression.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Wang Xiaofeng wouldn't have believed that there was such a huge bronze door hidden in an empty place under the dual scanning of soul power and mental power.

The material that makes up the gate cannot yet be determined, but its appearance is similar to that of bronze. For the time being, this building is called a bronze gate.

It seems that new detection methods need to be added. Relying on mental power and soul power alone is completely insufficient.

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