Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 597: God’s Chosen Place

Chapter 602 God’s Chosen Place

Generally, wild osmanthus trees like warm environments.

Although it has certain shade and cold tolerance, it needs relatively sufficient light and a ventilated and light-transmitting environment to ensure its normal growth.

The plant in front of me grows in this cold rocky mountain, and its branches and leaves grow as densely as a crown. It is obviously a special species.

Wang Xiaofeng casually broke off a twig and wanted to take it back to see if it could be planted. As a result, red juice gurgled out from the cut part.

"This tree doesn't look like a good tree."

Wang Xiaofeng murmured in his heart, but it didn't stop him from taking out the medicine bottle from the gourd to collect the juice.

After filling five bottles with a total of nearly 500 ml of juice, Dai Mubai's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Xiao Feng, our soul power has almost recovered. Do you want to rest for a while and recover your soul power?"

"Need not."

Wang Xiaofeng held up the bottle in his hand and shook it gently: "This is a break for me."

Relying on his distraction control skills, strong mental power and precise control of his own energy, Wang Xiaofeng developed a method to build a second energy circulation system outside the body half a year ago.

The biggest advantage of this system is that it can absorb the surrounding spiritual energy to restore soul power without affecting the circulation of soul power in the body.

In layman's terms, it has a permanent soul power recovery efficiency buff and an automatic idle training buff.

Although the theory is not very mature at present, the spiritual energy conversion rate is very low, and the entry barrier is very high. Only Wang Xiaofeng has completed it.

But since the extracorporeal energy circulation system was constructed and driven by the three cores (internal, external, and gourd), he has never lacked soul power.

In a battle with the same level of intensity as before, the soul power in his body has never been lower than 99%, so he does not need to rest.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng didn't seem to be speaking politely, Dai Mubai didn't force himself and took out dry food from the soul guide and distributed it to the two of them.

There's no telling what the trial behind the door will be like, so you must be in good physical and mental condition.

Although dry, hard and salty military dry food can provide a lot of calories, it is not delicious.

Dai Mubai took a few sips of water, swallowed it reluctantly, looked at the rock-hard meatloaf in his hand, and could only find some random topics to distract himself.

"Xiao Feng, tell me what is written on it."

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng looking at him, Dai Mubai pointed to the pattern on the bronze door and said, "Didn't you study with the old professors of ancient characters for more than half a month? Are there any ancient characters you recognize on it?"

"The place chosen by God."

"What?" Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment.

"Except for the extra strange patterns that I can't understand, the literal translation of those words means the place chosen by the gods."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "The language used on the bronze door is the Aipule language, which was created by the Kingdom of Oles 7,900 years ago. The last country that used the Aipule language was annexed by the Star Luo Empire more than 3,100 years ago. At present, No one in the mainstream language family uses it anymore.”

Dai Mubai shook his head, feeling the knowledge pass through his head. "I thought that when the professors praised you as a language genius that only happens once in a century, they were just being polite, but now it seems that I was naive."

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged. He really had no talent for languages.

But soul masters are much stronger than ordinary people.

He can accelerate learning in the conscious space. In addition, he has strong mental strength, erudition and memorization. He can stay focused for a long time and multi-task.

With support from many aspects, he showed his talent as if he had a photographic memory.

"But then again." Wang Xiaofeng easily chewed up the hard meatloaf and swallowed: "How are we going to open this door?"

“It’s not time to turn on yet”

Before he finished speaking, a thick mist suddenly appeared around him, and even the relief on the door lit up with golden light, as if it was coming to life.

Wang Xiaofeng tried to dispel the fog, but upon contact, he discovered that it was not real fog, but an extremely concentrated energy.

“Hopefully, after all these years, this door is still functioning properly.”

Dai Mubai put away the unfinished meatloaf, walked nervously to the bronze door, and put his hand on the door. The golden mist enveloped him, and when the mist dispersed, his figure had disappeared.

Zhu Zhuqing explained: "This mist is actually a screening mechanism. Those who meet the requirements can enter the trial field through the portal. Mubai has already taken the first step. Brother Feng, you can come next."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, but he was not in a hurry to enter. Instead, he calmly took out a special container to collect some golden mist, and then put his hand on the huge door.

Ice, cool.

It was a touch between metal and stone, and then a coldness that almost froze the soul.

It seemed like it was just a moment of trance. When he came to his senses, he had already arrived in a tunnel.

The bronze door in front of him has disappeared, replaced by thick rock formations.

Wang Xiaofeng touched the rock wall and punched out.

A sound like the earth was shattering echoed through the tunnels, and strong vibrations caused the rocks above to continuously fall down. The rising dust was separated by a thin layer of water curtain.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up a piece of gravel and crushed it.

It's not an illusion, it's a real rock.

It seems to be a one-way transmission channel. If you want to go back, you can only pass some test.

Wang Xiaofeng looked around and found no figure of Dai Mubai. There was a tunnel behind him.

The corridor is winding and deep, and the gently flowing clouds and mist inside are like cigarette smoke. Even if Wang Xiaofeng uses the soul skill to increase his power, he cannot clearly see what is going on in the depths.

If you are an ordinary soul master, there is not much you can do about the fog formed by this energy. This thing not only isolates mental power and soul power, but also suppresses the perception of the five senses. Apart from holding an oil lamp and groping forward in the fog, there is nothing else. Method.

But Wang Xiaofeng was different. He took off the big gourd from his waist and held it up. A strong suction force appeared out of thin air. Whether it was energy mist or other invisible things, everything was sucked into the gourd.

Ten minutes later, the last trace of mist was sucked into the gourd, and the entire passage was shrouded in deep darkness again. Only an oil lamp in Wang Xiaofeng's hand could provide a little light.

Without the cover of the fog, the true appearance of the passage was completely revealed to Wang Xiaofeng's eyes.

This is a passage five meters wide and about three meters high. It is no longer surrounded by rocks, but is made of dark stone bricks. The top of the head is built into a round arch, and the left and right walls are full of weird and bright murals.

The murals depict scenes of ancient humans wearing furs fighting with wild beasts, but most of them are scenes of wild beasts attacking humans, which is very bloody.

The environment of this passage is very closed, with no air circulation. The color of the mural is as new and has not peeled off at all. Wang Xiaofeng carefully made the rubbings.

The murals here are so completely preserved that perhaps some clues to the truth buried in the long river of history can be found in these murals.

Not surprisingly, when these murals come out, the archaeological world of the Star Luo Empire will be shaken.

While making rubbings and moving forward, the scene on the mural slowly changed.

A strange snake with one eye on its head gradually became the protagonist of the mural. It protects humans against beasts and natural disasters.

The last scene of the second mural is a strange snake hovering on a black mountain peak. Humans slaughter the beasts and perform strange dances as sacrifices to the strange snakes on the mountain.

According to the situation depicted on the mural, this strange snake eventually became a patron saint of mankind.

The mural ended here, and Wang Xiaofeng put away the rubbing paper without finishing it.

If he still has time after passing the trial, he must explore this space. This place obviously has many secrets.

As Zhu Zhuqing's figure was shrouded in mist, the underground space fell into silence again.

Until the moon began to shift and the beam of light shone on the laurel tree, its branches and leaves actually consciously and actively swallowed the energy mist that diffused from the bronze door.

As the fog decreased, the golden light on the bronze door gradually disappeared, returning to its normal appearance.

"This ten-thousand-year-old ghost tree, even if its consciousness has been wiped out and enslaved for so many years, will still instinctively absorb resentment. It is really diligent."

Three men and one woman walked out of the shadows and came to Guishu.

They all wore the same black and red standard robes and seemed to be members of the same organization.

The youngest man among the four looked up at the bronze door wrapped in branches, and said calmly: "According to our previous agreement, I will help you open the sealed door, and you will help me find the relics of my ancestors, right? .”

"Don't be afraid. If you join the sect, you will be one of your own."

The man holding a bloody sword in his arms said coldly: "I won't silence you if you lose your value."

The woman bit her plump lips, "Although I don't want to rush you, I can't wait to get a new pet."

The monster behind her stood upright and let out an unexplained hiss. This ugly monster was actually pieced together from the remains of poisonous insects that Wang Xiaofeng and the others had killed. Blood-red energy could be vaguely seen in the remaining seams. circulation.

The young man was startled by the monster, "I, I will open the door now."

"Bella, don't scare the newcomers." The last old man among the four, holding the bat statue, suddenly said.


The monster hissed at the middle-aged man.

Bella clapped her hands and comforted her pet a little, "You are just a substitute. You have not sat on the seat yet, so you are not qualified to call me by my name directly."

A flash of red light flashed in the old man's eyes, "It will be a matter of time."

"A pointless quarrel."

The man holding the sword suddenly raised his head and saw the two huge bronze doors slowly opening, revealing a blurry scene behind the doors.

The young man struggled to hold up the Bronze Gate Martial Spirit in his hand, sweating profusely, "Hurry in, I won't be able to hold on for long."

Bella chuckled and said, "Little handsome boy, let's go in first."

With an exclamation, Bella pulled the young man into the door, followed closely by the man holding the sword, and finally the old man.

The bronze door slowly closed again.

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