Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 598 Ruins

Chapter 603 Ruins

The murals on both sides of the corridor stopped abruptly, but it was obviously still some distance away from the exit.

The three-meter-wide corridor has countless twists and turns. There are no traps or corpses. There are no exciting and exciting plots described in story books. There is only the eternal darkness and the flickering light of the oil lamp in your hand.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Wang Xiaofeng encountered no danger until he felt a wisp of breeze blowing by.


Wang Xiaofeng silently quickened his pace, turned a corner, and saw a bright light in front of him. His field of vision suddenly opened up, and a spectacular scene came into view.

This is a huge space that is almost hollowed out of the mountain. It is full of strange-style buildings. They are arranged in an orderly manner and the streets are divided in an orderly manner. It is like a small city.

A huge crystal disk with a diameter of about sixty meters is embedded on the top of the tall cave. The light it gathers brings light to this underground city.

There are layers of corridors built on both sides of the stone wall, spiraling upwards to the top of the cave. Every ten meters in the corridor, there is a hole with a diameter of two meters, which should be a ventilation system.

I just didn't hear the sound of the exhaust fan rotating. It may be because it has been abandoned for too long. The ventilation system here has long stopped working, or there may be holes in the ventilation method.

His current location was on one of the corridors, with soft light falling from in front of him.

Wang Xiaofeng stretched out his hand to feel the warm light.

"The light source of this is not the fluorescence emitted by the crystal, but the real sunlight. Before entering the secret realm, the time is about 11:27 at night. Unless we are transported to an area thousands of kilometers away, then this so-called secret realm, perhaps It’s really a unique space with complete rules.』

"Hey, Xiaofeng!"

The shout from the bottom brought Wang Xiaofeng back to reality from his meditation.

Dai Mubai waved to him at the bottom of the cave, and Wang Xiaofeng used Shunpo in the air to easily land on the ground to join him.

Dai Mubai looked Wang Xiaofeng up and down and found that he was neatly dressed and showed no signs of fighting. He was obviously relieved: "You haven't come out for so long, we thought you were in danger."

"I found something interesting."

Wang Xiaofeng briefly described the mural he found in the passage.

Dai Mubai said that he did not find the so-called mural, but they both encountered the same fog.

Wang Xiaofeng wrote down their corridor location.

Dai Mubai said: "We have been waiting for you for a long time. Zhuqing went to explore the surrounding situation first."

After waiting on the spot for a few minutes, Zhu Zhuqing appeared quietly at the side.

Dai Mubai asked: "How is it?"

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head: "I didn't find the statue of the Holy King described in the ancient books. It may be in the deepest part. There are many humanoid stone figurines in the city."

"Human-shaped stone figurines?" Wang Xiaofeng felt a hint of interest in his heart.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly." The three of them walked towards the city.

The buildings as far as the eye can see are all brick and wood structures, with walls made of adobe bricks, wood beams and roofs, and black tiles.

However, under the ravages of time, the beams rotted and the roofs were in tatters. Only the adobe walls were still standing, but only the ruins were left, with almost none intact.

There are several large water pools on the edge. Next to the water pools are rows of waterwheels and several water houses. The water houses will divert part of the clean water into artificially dug rivers to provide residents with daily water, but they are now too rotten to work.

The humanoid stone figurines Zhu Zhuqing mentioned are not difficult to find. No, it should be said that there are so many of them that they can be seen everywhere.

Whether it is empty streets or houses that have been turned into ruins, you can see them.

There are stone figurines talking with others, stone figurines carrying children, and stone figurines selling vegetables and bargaining. The various stone figurines simply imprint the daily life of ordinary people in stone figurines.

In particular, these stones are as lifelike as real people, which makes people feel creepy when looking at them.

"The craftsmen who built the stone figurines are really amazing."

Wang Xiaofeng touched the stone figurines. No matter how he checked, the material of the stone figurines was indeed ordinary stone. It is not something that ordinary people can do to complete such a huge amount of work while ensuring quality.

The three of them searched around and almost turned over the cave. Except for ruins and stone figurines, they did not find the so-called White Tiger statue, nor did they find any other way out.

"What's going on? Is there an error in the ancient book?" Dai Mubai was puzzled.

Wang Xiaofeng raised his fingers and pressed his forehead, and invisible ripples of mental and soul power spread.

Under Dai Mubai's expectant gaze, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes and shook his head and said, "There are no secret passages underground or on the rock wall next to it."

Zhu Zhuqing said calmly: "Now we can only look back up and check those corridors."

"No, apart from those corridors, there is another place we have not explored." Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the large pool under the rock wall and said.

The water in the pool is clear but bottomless, like a blue-black full moon embedded in the cave.

Zhu Zhuqing quickly followed Wang Xiaofeng's train of thought, "Brother Feng, are you talking about the bottom of the pool?"

"Then what are you waiting for!" Dai Mubai took off his clothes, put the soul guide away, and plunged into the pool.

Even though they haven't practiced swimming for a long time, the master's devilish training has made swimming almost instinctive.

The foam was surging, and the calm water was rippled. Dai Mubai moved a little. After getting used to the underwater movements, he swung his body like an agile fish and rushed to the bottom of the pool.

With nothing to do, Wang Xiaofeng asked Zhu Zhuqing for news about the Zhou family.

"Prince Zhou?" Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, "Sorry, my life has been very boring since I was a child. Most of it was cultivation. What I know is no different from what you heard from the market."


"I once listened to the elderly servants chatting. It seems that a big event happened in the Zhou family more than 20 years ago, and it caused a lot of trouble."

Zhu Zhuqing said seriously: "Do you need me to help you investigate?"

"No need, you and Mubai have just returned home not long ago, and your foundation is shallow. You will know it as soon as you investigate each other." Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin, and at least he had a direction for his investigation.

At this time, Dai Mubai's figure reappeared in the water pool and said, "Xiao Feng's guess is indeed correct. There is a passage under the water that connects to another water pool, and there is also a cave outside the other water pool."

Wang Xiaofeng calmed down and said, "That should be the purpose of our trip."

With that said, he also jumped into the pool with a splash.

The water in the pool was cold, with many dust-like microorganisms floating in it. After going five meters deep, the light was completely lost.

The three of them swayed their waists lightly, controlled the current, and went straight down, reaching the bottom of the pool in about two or three minutes.

Under Dai Mubai's guidance, the three of them got into a dark corridor, which twisted upwards and ended in a few minutes.


Dai Mubai jumped out of the pool and looked cautiously.

Wang Xiaofeng got out from behind him, leaned on the edge of the pool, and jumped out of the pool. Zhu Zhuqing followed closely and landed on the edge of the pool.

With a snap of his fingers, the moisture on the three of them dispersed into mist with a "chichi" sound, and their wet bodies suddenly became dry.

Dai Mubai touched his clothes and sighed: "It's such a convenient ability."

Wang Xiaofeng said: "Similar effects can also be achieved using soul power."

Dai Mubai quickly shook his head: "Forget it, a weapon soul master can still do it after ten or eight years of training. A battle soul master like me cannot do such delicate operations."

Wang Xiaofeng looked around.

The black dome is filled with countless pearls, shining with brilliant light, reflecting the grotto brightly.

The grotto is not big and can be seen as far as the eye can see. In the center are more than a dozen heavy, square bronze bases, with ferocious and weird stone beasts standing on the bases.

Six-armed monkey, three-tailed fox, nine-headed beast with human face

At the center of these strange beasts is the stone statue of the White Tiger Saint King with evil eyes, looking up to the sky and roaring.

"In the legend, the Holy King conquered the sky and the earth. These strange beasts seem to be the powerful enemies defeated by the Holy King in myths and legends." Dai Mubai counted, "There are seventeen statues, but five are missing."

"Look there!" Zhu Zhuqing said suddenly.

The smoke flowed lightly, as if someone was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Wang Xiaofeng used a gourd to disperse the fog.

After the fog dissipated, a person was revealed.

The man was covered in military armor, with a fat and tall body, a lion's nose and a wide mouth, and a beard like a halberd on his face. He had various wounds on his body, but the fatal wound was the wound on his chest that almost tore his body in half.

Dai Mubai exclaimed: "Prince Qing?!"

"Is he Prince Qing?" Wang Xiaofeng wondered. There were many stone fragments in front of the body. These should be part of the five missing statues.

Judging from the traces around them, Wang Xiaofeng speculated that King Qing must have triggered some mechanism that caused the five statues to resurrect and beat them to death.

No other corpses were found around him, so the son of King Qing recorded in ancient books may have been fabricated by later generations.

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