Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 599: The Resurrected Stone Statue

Wang Xiaofeng raised his right hand and pointed it like a sword, holding it between his eyebrows.

The next moment, a pale white ripple invisible to the naked eye rose from the center of his eyebrows and spread to the entire cave like a water wave.

Ten seconds later, Wang Xiaofeng frowned and opened his eyes. This cave was in the same situation as the cave outside. Not to mention rats and poisonous snakes, even the most vital blue silver grass did not grow. It was like a restricted area of ​​life. .

The only thing that was a little out of place was the many bronze lampstands nailed to the nearby rock wall. They were obviously illuminated by luminous pearls, and there was no need for lampstands, but they were all made into the shape of a lamp slave, kneeling on his knees and holding a precious lamp in his hand.

For some reason, this kind of action reminded Wang Xiaofeng of the sacrificial scene on the mural. The characters and actions of the two couldn't be said to be similar, they were exactly the same.

A question suddenly came to Wang Xiaofeng's mind. Is this really the place where the Holy King was tested?

While Wang Xiaofeng was thinking, Dai Mubai had already squatted down and started groping back and forth on the corpse with a pair of tiger palms. Soon he found what he wanted in the lining of the armor.

He took out a piece of velvet, and inside lay a metal 'tiger'-shaped object. It was about 8 centimeters long, 3 centimeters high, and 5 centimeters thick, in the shape of a crouching tiger.

Dai Mubai gently picked up the tiger charm and put it in front of his eyes to look at it. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

The symbolic meaning of the Tiger Talisman is greater than its practical significance, but as long as they can get it, it will not be so easy for the old immortals in the clan to make things difficult for him.

Most of the purpose of this trip has been completed. According to the description in the ancient books, if you want to open the exit, you must pass the trial.

Dai Mubai walked up to the bronze base under the gaze of the two people, and then began to take out the sealed wooden barrels from the soul guide.

Zhu Zhuqing explained from the side: "The condition for starting the trial is blood sacrifice, but we don't have that condition, so we keep everything simple."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded with a strange expression.

Buckets after buckets of blood were splashed around the base by Dai Mubai. The dark red blood traveled along the patterns on the base and spread rapidly. When the blood covered the entire base, the eyes of the outermost alien beast took the lead. It lit up, from the outside to the inside, and finally lit up the eyes of the stone statue of the Holy King.

The red light blooming from the eyes of the Holy King and the strange beasts covered the cave illuminated by night pearls with a layer of soft red light.

The pungent smell of blood combined with the terrifying atmosphere made people's hair stand on end.

"They seem to be alive!"

As soon as Dai Mubai finished speaking, Wang Xiaofeng heard a deep and heavy rumbling sound coming from the bottom of the base. Immediately, the base, which was as tight as a city wall, slowly opened, revealing hundreds of air holes, and a very thick black mist emerged from the base. Spurting out of his pores, Dai Mubai covered his mouth and nose and quickly stepped aside.

This thick black mist gave people a very unpleasant feeling, and after its appearance, the temperature in the cave dropped rapidly, and the cold air floating in the air penetrated into the pores.

I saw more than a dozen stone statues of alien beasts actively absorbing the black mist. When the black mist was absorbed, the strange shapes of three of the stone statues were eye-catching.

Six-armed monkeys, three-tailed foxes, and a nine-tailed cat that was 70% similar to the Nether Civet. The inside of their bodies became tender red, no longer made of stone, but with wriggling flesh walls, with faintly visible blood vessels.

Thump, thump

The pulse representing life reverberated throughout the space. The three strange beasts seemed to have become conscious and stepped down from the pedestal one after another. The ape was strong and heavy, the cat was nimble, and the fox was nimble.

My previous guess was correct, these were no ordinary sculptures.

Dai Mubai cautiously retreated in front of Wang Xiaofeng and Zhu Zhuqing, with a serious look on his face: "How to fight? Just use the Netherworld White Tiger?"

Wang Xiaofeng said calmly: "Don't worry, let's see how difficult the trial is one-on-one."

The standards for passing the trial are not yet known, so it is not a wise move to rashly use a soul fusion skill that consumes a lot of money.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the gourd on his waist and chanted a mantra softly, and several streams of light fell on them, increasing their power.

At the same time, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing simultaneously possessed martial spirits.

This behavior seemed to trigger the switch of fighting, and suddenly, the entire cave shook violently.


There was no need to warn them aloud. The moment the three alien beasts disappeared, the three of them dodged in different directions at the same time.

From a distance of more than ten meters, the ape came with a flutter, punching up and down like a battle axe.

boom! !

It hit the ground like a cannonball, and the place where the three of them had originally stood was suddenly billowed by strong winds, with earth and rocks rising into the sky, and smoke and dust flying.

There was a flash of yellow light among the smoke and dust, and then, a swift white tiger light wave accurately hit the ape who got up from the pit, and the violent explosion and impact instantly submerged it.

But when the smoke dissipated, they saw it bowing and stepping forward, its six arms slanted in front of it, its diamond-like arms crossed and crossed, withstanding the terrifying power.

The wound on the arm caused by the white tiger's fierce light wave was healing rapidly.

These stone statues not only retain some fighting instincts, but also possess super reflexes, coordination, explosive power and recovery power.

The best thing to do with this type of enemy is to quickly deal more damage than they can handle in a short amount of time.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai no longer held back at all. Under the flying white silk stockings, his face suddenly turned red. The white tiger protective barrier was superimposed on the white tiger asura transformation, and the soul power around him suddenly became sharp and passionate.

The scarlet soul mixed with golden light trembled and howled like a demon. The sharp tiger claws were like a dragon, and they seemed to be burning under the piercing thorns. They penetrated several feet into the sky and pierced the ape's chest. Away between the eyebrows.

The ape stepped on the ground, and the bloody light shone all over his body, like a red sun rising. However, it did not block this claw, and its six arms as thick as a bucket stabbed Dai Mubai's head, chest, abdomen, and lower body like a spear.

"This beast is so smart that he actually resorted to exchanging injuries for injuries. If it were an ordinary soul master, exchanging injuries would never be able to replace it, but it obviously found the wrong person this time." 』

Dai Mubai grinned, a hint of madness flashing deep in his eyes.

The next moment, an earth-shattering collision occurred.

The entire cave was trembling, and gravel and dust fell rustlingly.

The ape's fist was powerful enough to crack mountains and crack rocks, but after being reduced by layers of defenses such as protective barriers, Shura transformations, black membranes, and ice dragon patterns, the final blow on Dai Mubai's body left only a few imperceptible fist marks. dent.


Dai Mubai's seemingly light palm fell, but the effect was like a heavy hammer hitting a drum. The ape's head exploded on the spot, and gelatin-like flesh foam splashed everywhere.

The huge headless body shook, then fell to the side, splashing layers of smoke and dust.

Dai Mubai patted the dust on his clothes and said, "Hmph, it's still ten thousand years too early to defeat me."

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