Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 600 Fighting

The rumbling sound in the cave was accompanied by falling stone chips, which did not affect the duel between speeds at all.

In just a few seconds, Zhu Zhuqing fought against the stone-like cat beast dozens of times. Their melee skills were not weak at all. Their sharp claws constantly collided and offset each other, leaving a trail on the surrounding ground. Another trace.

Two figures that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye intertwined violently in mid-air.

The air was torn apart at this moment, and the impact of the energy-wrapped claws colliding with each other directly caused everything around them to be blown away.

The ground began to crack, and the deep cracks spread like spider webs until they stopped at the base under the alien beast.

Between the broken ground, a skilled black shadow flashed away. The soles of his feet lightly stepped on the pit, causing a burst of dust to scatter.

The black shadow flew past in mid-air, causing a slight roar.

Zhu Zhuqing seized this very short opportunity. The first and fourth soul rings on his body emitted a bright yellow and purple light. Four clones separated from his body, like black spears, stabbing at the same time from four different directions. A stone-like cat beast in mid-air.

Roar! !

Before it was even close, terrifying energy spurted out from the stone cat beast. The astonishing airflow was like a fully loaded crossbow arrow, shooting through the four Netherworld clones in the blink of an eye.

Without even a snap of a finger, the four clones exploded into pieces.


But at this moment, there was a very slight sound from the top of the cave. The next moment, it was like a full moon falling in the sky, and the beauty contained extremely cold murderous intent.

The third soul skill is Nether Slash.

The four directions were just feint attacks, and the final killing move was the Nether Slash from the real body at the top, which directly split the body of the stone cat beast into two.

But there was no joy on Zhu Zhuqing's face. The feeling of cutting the flesh was not right, and his blow did not actually hit the opponent.

Sure enough, the next moment, the two sections of the stone cat beast's body emitted blood-colored light and disappeared into nothing in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's reaction was also very fast. After realizing something was wrong, she left the place directly, but then a huge force came from her lower back and knocked her away.

Under this huge explosion of force, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have lost all his strength in an instant and crashed into the stone wall.

The earth shook, the mountains shook, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

The stone cat beast emerged from the darkness and walked elegantly towards Zhu Zhuqing, but its condition was not good.

The blood-colored gems on his eyes were dull, and the blood vessels that originally spread to the limbs of his body had almost shrunk back to his chest. Obviously, the fake clone was not without its cost.

The beating in the chest became more and more urgent, and the smoke and dust could not stop the stone cat beast from locking on Zhu Zhuqing. It was not a soul beast, and it did not rely on its eyes to detect enemies.

It bowed slightly, assuming a hunting posture.

But there are people faster than that.

At the moment when the stone cat beast jumped up, there seemed to be a black light flashing in the smoke and then extinguishing.

Zhu Zhuqing shot out of the sky like an arrow from a string.

The churning smoke and dust in the sky were like soldiers charging with the general, clinging tightly behind her, and the invisible and massless dust airflow seemed to be condensed in this blow.

The left leg bone of Chasing the Wind, a soul skill that moves forward at extreme speed, has the effect of increasing speed by 50% and reducing body weight by 50%.


The fifth soul skill: Netherworld Wind Piercer, the attack power is increased by 100%, the armor-breaking effect is increased by 100%, and nine attacks are condensed into one blow.

The white line flashed away.

Zhu Zhuqing disappeared and instantly came to the stone cat beast.

She clings to the ground, like a black shadow, and with the sound of clothes, she arrives in an instant!

The stone cat beast got up and flew towards it.

But, it moves too slowly.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was close to the ground, suddenly stood up and waved his right arm upwards from bottom to top.


The sound echoed like the sound of paper being scratched.

A silver line flashed from bottom to top.

The stone cat beast's body instantly split into two parts with a tearing sound. After the body rolled around, it fell to the ground with a snap.

After twitching for a moment, he stopped moving completely.

Zhu Zhuqing waved his hand gently, as if shaking off the non-existent blood drops on his sharp claws.

At the same time, on the other side.

Wang Xiaofeng and the three-tailed fox rushed out of the smoke and landed safely.

The three-tailed fox stared at Wang Xiaofeng with its two gem-like beads. The gem on its forehead glowed with an ominous red light. The wind roared in the cave, and the violent airflow carried dust and swept around.

Extremely powerful mental power filled the surroundings and enveloped Wang Xiaofeng heavily.

The assessment differs from person to person, Dai Mubai is for strength, Zhu Zhuqing is for sensitivity, and he is for spirit.

The strong wind blew up his robe, and Wang Xiaofeng wiped the dust off his face. A huge amount of spiritual power penetrated into his head, impacting the sea of ​​consciousness, trying to affect his consciousness and five senses.

For a soul king of the same level, it is considered huge, but to him, it is just an ant shaking a tree.

Looking at the blood line that almost covered the entire beast's head, Wang Xiaofeng pondered for a moment. He could sense that the other party was about to reach its limit.

As long as this stalemate lasts for about half a minute, the three-tailed fox's momentum will turn from prosperity to decline, and by then he will be able to easily win without him having to do anything.

This is a way to pass the level, but it's too boring.

He wanted to see how far this strange beast, which existed in ancient books and was now almost extinct, could use its spiritual power. It might be a method he had never seen before.

Three people go together there must be my teacher.

Thinking like this, Wang Xiaofeng took the initiative to drive his mental power to blend in.

With the world spinning, when Wang Xiaofeng came back to his senses, he had arrived in a strange place.

Dark clouds covered the moon, burning villages and cracked earth came into view.

In the distance, a group of dark figures were approaching. There were almost a hundred people in the crowd.

In his hand, he held a hatchet.

Wang Xiaofeng waved the knife in his hand and felt the power of his body. This body was no different from ordinary people, almost the same as before he awakened the martial spirit.

A piece of information came into his mind. The condition for winning was to hold on with this body for half an hour. If he couldn't win, he would repeat this reincarnation until the mental power carrying his consciousness was completely annihilated.

Under normal circumstances, the soul carries consciousness. When consciousness is annihilated, the soul will naturally dissipate, which is equivalent to death.

What is this, a holographic projection fantasy game?

Wang Xiaofeng smiled dumbly.

But yes, in the legend of monsters, most of the fox's abilities are related to illusion and charm.

However, being able to construct such a lifelike illusion without resorting to martial arts and relying only on mental power was exactly the skill he longed for.

The huge and secret spiritual power spread out as his thoughts moved, wrapping up the entire illusion.

kill! !

Hundreds of people roared with unknown meaning and rushed towards him with swords in their hands.

"Okay, before I empty out the three-tailed fox teacher, I also want to see my limits." Wang Xiaofeng casually cut off a piece of fabric from his clothes and tied his hands to the hatchet.

A flash of silver light flows upstream.

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