Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 601: The oriole is behind

Chapter 606 The oriole is behind

After finishing dealing with the strange stone ape with six arms, Dai Mubai immediately looked in the direction of Zhu Zhuqing, but he didn't expect that the opponent would end the battle a little faster than him and had already withdrawn his martial spirit.

Dai Mubai took a few steps forward and looked up and down. When he saw that she was not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned his attention to the motionless person and animal in the corner.

"Looking at this situation, it should be a mental confrontation. It is difficult to determine when the winner will be determined."

Dai Mubai said: "I always feel bad here. I'll restore my soul power first, and I'll replace you later."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded coldly: "Okay."

Dai Mubai sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the surrounding weather aura to restore his soul power.

Restoring soul power is a simple and boring matter, which requires using mental power to capture external aura. Then it is compressed and transformed through the body to form the special energy of soul power.

He thought it was just a normal move, but he didn't expect that some kind of indescribable fluid was mixed in the spiritual energy. When he spread from his chest to his throat, he felt a sense of suffocation from the inside out, and the cold soul power penetrated into his bone marrow like a needle. , the cold touch seems to be able to penetrate the thickest clothes and reach deep into a person's soul.

Just when he was almost dragged into that cold world, Dai Mubai vaguely heard someone calling his name.


This is Zhuqing’s voice!

Dai Mubai was shocked. The power of the evil-eyed White Tiger Holy King hidden in his blood dispelled the cold that froze his soul. He opened his eyes, and he didn't know when the surroundings were shrouded in mist again.

Everything around him became blurry, as if covered by this thin layer of mist. In this mist, the air becomes moist and cool, and you can feel the cold and delicate touch of the mist with every breath you take.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure surrounding the soul ring was looming in the mist, as if he was confronting something.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath, and the almost stagnant soul power in his body began to circulate quickly again. He jumped up and walked to Zhu Zhuqing's side in a few steps, shoulder to shoulder with her.

In the dense fog, as heavy footsteps sounded, two blurry figures gradually became clear in the sight of the two people. They turned out to be a headless six-armed stone ape and a two-and-a-half stone cat.

At this time, they actually appeared again intact.

As they approached, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and a suffocating cold air filled the air.

Dai Mubai twisted his neck, his blond hair turned white again under the possession of the martial soul, and the floating soul ring light dispelled the approaching coldness.

"It's not enough to die once, are you ready to die a second time?"

Although the two stone beasts did not have organs like eyes, Dai Mubai could still feel that the other's attention was always on them.

But after waiting for a long time, the two stone beasts made no more moves and just stared at them blankly.

Although Dai Mubai was a little impatient, he didn't want to take the initiative to provoke these two strange stone beasts. After all, Prince Qing's tragically dead body was still lying there as a warning.

"Beating and not beating, it's like it's stuck halfway up and down. These two things won't be worn out for too long." Dai Mubai muttered softly.

"Maybe they are waiting for something." Zhu Zhuqing said: "From just now, the sound has become louder and louder."


Before Dai Mubai could ask, he heard a rhythmic vibration sound like a heartbeat coming from the two stone beasts.

The six-armed stone ape's chest and the stone cat's ribs simultaneously cracked a hole about 20 centimeters long, and the heartbeat came from there.

Something hit the ground and made a sound.

After the sound appeared, the two stone beasts suddenly retreated slowly, and Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing just watched as their figures were submerged in the thick fog again.

As the two beasts receded, the thick fog began to gradually disappear, and Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing saw where the stone beast had just stood, leaving two fruits behind.

It is a special red fruit, oval-shaped, about 5 cm in length and 3 cm in width. The surface has an obvious vein-like texture.

Even ordinary people can feel the amazing vitality from these two fruits.

Dai Mubai showed an expression of sudden realization, "It turns out that the 'fruit of life will be given to you after passing the trial' mentioned in the ancient books was given in this way."

"Since there are rewards only after passing the trial, then Brother Feng..."

But when Zhu Zhuqing looked at Wang Xiaofeng, his pupils dilated slightly, and Shi Hu's huge body turned into dust bit by bit under her surprised gaze.

The fruit of life that was originally lodged in the stone body only had a shriveled flesh core left.

As the spiritual power that resided in his consciousness returned to the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes, and there was a flash of unfinished meaning in his eyes.

In order to fully understand the entire illusion space, he crazily committed suicide in it. If the illusion had not continuously consumed energy during reconstruction and destruction, leading to disintegration, he could have continued to play and study.

"Xiao Feng, are you okay?"

Looking at Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing who looked concerned, Wang Xiaofeng felt a little dazed. The flow of time in the mental space was different from that in the real world. He stayed there for three full days, but only half an hour passed in reality.

"It's okay." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and bowed slightly to the pile of stone powder in front of him.

"Thanks for the advice."

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other. It didn't look like they were fine. No normal person would bend down and thank him for this. It couldn't be that he had mental problems caused by fighting the stone beast.

If it weren't for something wrong, Dai Mubai would have wanted to drag Wang Xiaofeng to have his brain examined by the senior doctors in the palace.

Wang Xiaofeng stretched his body vigorously, and his bones made a series of crackling sounds.

"I learned a lot of new knowledge this time, and it's not in vain. By the way, we worked so hard to pass the Holy King's trial, why don't we get something as a reward?"

"There are some things." Dai Mubai took out two fruits that looked like hearts: "These are the rewards for the trial."

Wang Xiaofeng studied it for a moment and handed it back to Dai Mubai: "It's a good treasure of heaven and earth. It contains boundless vitality and can be used as the main ingredient in many longevity-increasing prescriptions. I just don't know if it has any other special effects. "

Dai Mubai pushed it to him with his backhand: "I can't let you run away in vain. I have already obtained the tiger talisman. Just take these two fruits."

Zhu Zhuqing also persuaded: "Brother Feng, don't be polite to us. There are many heavenly materials and earthly treasures with this kind of effect in the royal family's treasury."

After the two people's persuasion, Wang Xiaofeng could only accept the two strange fruits with tears, put them in a special box and put them into the soul guide.

The thick fog dissipated, and the stone ape and the stone cat returned to the bronze base again. After Wang Xiaofeng and the others buried the bones of King Qing in place, the bronze gate that transported them appeared again in front of everyone.

"I think before I leave, I should take care of the last remaining things. It's not too late to leave." Wang Xiaofeng's left wrist moved slightly, and three black shadows shot out quietly and disappeared into the cold pool in the corner.

The calm pool began to surge, and a black shadow quietly emerged from the pool, like a pieced together body that was huge and twisted, as if it was telling fear, and there was a faint fishy smell in the air, making people shudder.

Four figures stood on the monster's head, looking down at the three people.

"Hey, it's okay to just take the fruit of life and leave obediently. Why bother forcing us to come out?" The old man said with his head lowered.

The face hidden under the hood was exposed, and a pair of eyes flashed with dangerous light.

"It's actually you!" Dai Mubai said with a frown.

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