Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 602 The past is like smoke

Chapter 607 The past is like smoke

'Five hundred years ago'

Star Luo Empire, Hades Village.

The land here is barren and rocky, and sparse vegetation covers the earth, making it feel desolate and desolate.

Despite the harsh environment, the people living here are not discouraged. They collect rainwater for irrigation and reuse waste items.

Although life is difficult, people still have hope. They believe that one day, this land will become fertile and their lives will become better.

The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves and shines on the old walls of the school, forming mottled light and shadow.

"In the distant ancient times, powerful soul beasts divided the sky, the earth and the ocean. There were big demons intruding in the sea, evil monsters entrenched in the mountains, and weak humans were just food on the lips of the soul beasts.

Just when people were in dire straits, Mingzun appeared. He drove away evil beasts, gathered hungry refugees, used his divine power to open up space, and protected the floating world.

Unfortunately, Ming Zun died while competing with the White Tiger Holy King for the opportunity to become a god.

In order to commemorate Ming Zun, later generations hold the Dragon Soaring Festival on March 5th every year to worship gods and ancestors and pray for blessings and ward off evil spirits. This is also the origin of our Ming God Village."

On the simple podium in the school, an old gentleman in his seventies tried to raise his voice as much as possible, trying to tell a more interesting story, but his monotonous voice read content that was obviously older than the textbook in his hand, even if it was The most obedient child still couldn't help but dozed off.

The attention of the children below is obviously no longer in class. Some have their heads lowered and are playing with their pens, and some are secretly whispering to the classmates next to them to plan activities after class.

Apart from listening to lectures, there are people who do anything. They have long been tired of hearing the stories of their ancestors after they have been told them countless times.

The sound of the iron bowl outside the house made the children under the podium become energetic instantly. When the old man saw this, he couldn't help but sigh and waved his hand to let them finish school on time.

The children cheered, grabbed their schoolbags, and rushed out of the school like arrows.

A young man ran up the road and shouted: "Old man, it's not good."

The old gentleman said calmly: "What's the matter?"

The young man was out of breath, but he still tried his best to speak clearly: "There was a black cloud in the sky just now, and there was a shower, but the rain was black, and the fields were just planted. The seedlings were all gone after being hit by the rain, and everyone is in a hurry, so go and have a look."

The old gentleman's cloudy eyes suddenly shone with light: "You said the rain is black?"

The young man nodded quickly: "Yes, it's black, and it feels cold to the touch."

"Wait for me here first." The old gentleman showed agility that was inappropriate for his age and returned to the school in a few steps. A few minutes later, he walked out with a cloth bag and a letter.

"Now take the money and letter to the post station in the town to send an urgent express, and write down a note with the shipping address. I'll go to the village first to check."

"I know." The young man knew something big was going on, so he didn't ask any questions, picked up the money and the letter and ran out.

Xingluo City, Imperial Palace, Taiming Hall.

There were more than a dozen guards and maids standing in the hundreds of square meters of the hall, but they did not dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing the emperor who was sitting on the throne. In the empty and magnificent hall, there was only the occasional sound of paper flipping. The sound of the pen and the sound of the pen tip writing.

Outside the main hall, there was suddenly a burst of urgent footsteps.

The soldiers standing guard outside the main hall were looking at their noses and hearts. In the palace, there was only one person who dared to be so arrogant and disregard the rules.

"Dewen, where are you?" Noisy voices came from outside the hall.

Emperor Xingluo was not angry when his thoughts were interrupted. Instead, he happily threw the memorial aside and said, "He is at work."

A middle-aged man swaggered in from outside the palace. The emperor smiled when he saw this and said: "Old Dou, yesterday you made an excuse to run away before finishing the chess game. I thought you wouldn't come to see me in the near future."

The middle-aged man known as Lao Dou said in a confused but strong voice: "Young chess player, please turn to the page. I came to see you today because of something urgent."

"Oh?" The emperor noticed that he was holding several ancient books and a letter in his hand.

"Do you still remember the Juo clan in Shangougou? They are the tribe with the black snake as their totem."

"Oh, when you said that, I remembered it." Emperor Xingluo clapped his hands and suddenly realized.

"They are the descendants of those blasphemers who killed their totem gods, but were afraid of being retaliated by the gods' ghosts, so they finally came to seek the blessing of the Holy King.

In order to embrace the Holy King's lap, all the totem statues in the ancestral land were replaced by the Holy King and his retinue. "

"What's wrong with them?" the emperor asked curiously.

The middle-aged man felt that it was too tiring to talk with his head raised, so he walked up the steps and grabbed Emperor Xingluo's seat. Ancient books and letters were placed on the table: "Their festival that takes place every few decades is about to begin. They hope that the empire can Please provide some manpower to help.”

"Let me tell you, they are quite smart. They killed the totem beast that knew about them and used its body as fertilizer. Every few decades, they can steadily harvest a batch of thousand-year-old treasures." There is an unspeakable irony in it.

Emperor Xingluo said: "You must never say this in front of others."

The middle-aged man said angrily: "I'm not stupid. Who would provoke those short-lived ghosts when they have nothing to do?"

Emperor Xingluo said calmly: "Since you have become a titled Douluo with the help of heresy, the Juo family must have been prepared for the loss of longevity, but if you are exposed to that kind of energy for a long time, your mind may have been distorted."

The middle-aged man felt something was wrong: "You are not prepared to give in."

Emperor Xingluo nodded and said, "Yes, I want Chenglu to go out alone and see the world. Otherwise, he will always have his nose in the sky, thinking that he can defeat all the invincible opponents in the world with his martial soul fusion skills."

The middle-aged man was shocked: "If you let a soul king go to the territory of a titled Douluo to practice, aren't you afraid of accidents?"

Emperor Xingluo raised his eyebrows: "My eldest nephew is going out to practice. Don't you, uncle, express your gratitude?"

The middle-aged man smiled back: "Oh, you big tabby cat, so you are waiting for me here."

The annual Dragon Soaring Ceremony is just a fake ceremony, and the real ceremony is only held every few decades.

Only when the yin energy in the mountains is full and begins to affect the surrounding environment, is it the time for the real festival to begin.

The memorial ceremony held in the village is to express grief and respect for the deceased and hope that the deceased can rest in peace, but at the same time, the ceremony held in the middle of the mountain is to satisfy personal selfishness and interests.

The huge bronze door was filled with thick mist. Amidst the sound of reciting sacrificial texts, the yin energy was gradually absorbed by the big trees beside it.

"The door to the trial has been opened. Just reach out and touch the door to enter."

Looking at the dull young man and the middle-aged man whose soul power was as bottomless as an abyss, the old gentleman lowered his eyes, concealing his eagerness that was about to overflow.

"As long as the descendants of the gods open the main passage, I can use the martial spirit to enter the ancestral land through other passages.

This kid is so stupid that he will definitely think that the fruit of life ripened by the weapon beast absorbing the yin energy is the reward of the trial. After they leave, I can take away all the fruit of life under the pedestal.

With the fruit of life, I will definitely be able to regain my youth and get rid of this old body. "

The old gentleman never expected that half an hour later, due to a strange combination of circumstances, the dull boy he had judged in his heart would accidentally touch the mechanism that controlled the emission of yin energy, causing all the beasts to wake up at the same time.

In order to prevent this boy with an unusual identity from dying in his ancestral land and attracting an encirclement and suppression by the soul masters, he was forced to take action to cut off the boy's queen, and used his martial spirit to force the unlucky child who had not completed the trial to leave.

The weapon beast is an immortal existence in an environment with sufficient yin energy. The ancestors who wanted to create the weapon beast never thought that one day they would use it against their own descendants.

At this point, the title inheritance of the Juo family was cut off.

In order to thank him for saving his son, Emperor Xingluo was named King of the opposite sex after his death, with the title: King Qing.

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