Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 113

People who gallop on the sea all year round are those who can stand the loneliness.

The days of sailing passed by in a dull moment, and 5 days passed in a blink of an eye.

Along the way, calm and tranquil.

Luo remembered that the ship on which Young Gon had encountered storm and wind, and that the captain of the ship regarded storm and rain as one of the tests, making him think that Goddess would also deliberately encounter wind and rain.

However, the voyages of the past few days were calm, but it was a lot of thinking.

In my free time, I go fishing with a fishing rod. Once I catch a fish, I will share it with the crew in addition to feeding the food, and I will be familiar with the crew as soon as I go for two.

A holiday-like day, let Luo relax completely.

If you think about it, since he came to Hunter x Hunter World, he has not relaxed for a moment. He only wants to become stronger as soon as possible to get involved in this dangerous world, so everyday all assiduous cultivation.

“A bit lazy …”

Luo lay on the deck, looking at the seagulls playing with the white clouds, exuding lazily.

Baha’i is just like a fart. Where Luo is, he is there. What Luo does, he follows.

So he also lay beside Luo, he was relatively big and took up a lot of space.

If it weren’t for the crew and Luo were already familiar, the two would definitely be moved for reasons of “random occupation”.

“Luo, aren’t you fishing?”

After lying down for a while, Buha started to remember the sea fish.

Luo lazily said, “Are you not full yet?”

Praha felt his belly and said, “I’m not full.”

Luo flipped through Byakugan, thinking that if it were n’t for his daily all, he could catch a lot of seafood. With the fixed amount of meals provided by Goddess every day, he might starve to death.

“Go fishing yourself.”

Luo didn’t want to get accustomed to this guy, now he has become a meal to open his mouth.

“Ah?” Buha was desperate. He didn’t want to fish, but he couldn’t.

On the deck, the crew performed their duties, and most of the candidates who boarded the ship did not stay on the deck.

They are scattered in various Kakuzu, or blow the sea breeze, or look at the sea. Few people like Luo and Bu Hayu casually find a place to lie down.

No matter what these candidates are doing, they will occasionally glance at Luo.

When they boarded the ship that day, they all saw the ability shown by Luo.

In fact, they didn’t understand the boat racing, so they didn’t understand the difficulty of boat racing, but there were more than 300 people who were overwhelmed by the army for comparison. It’s not difficult to see the strength of Luo.

In addition to this group of candidates paying attention to Luo, there is another person who is always watching Luo, that is the old captain.

A boat of 300 people, the old captain only valued Luo.

Based on previous unfounded experience, he felt that Luo had a good chance of passing the Hunter test.

Eyes at at least half a day will reach the destination, the captain asked his men to help steer, want to contact Luo, mainly to give Luo a hint.

Under the eyes of the crew members, the old captain took a bottle of wine and came to Luo.

Before the people approached, the taste of the wine came.

Luo looked up slightly, looking at the pale-haired captain who came over.

The old captain had an Old Zhang face on his face, and sat beside Luo with his buttocks. The whole ship was his, and he didn’t need to be polite.

After sitting down, he took a bottle and filled his mouth with a big mouthful, then he turned his head and looked towards Luo lying on the deck, said solemnly: “Boy, you are very nice.”

Luo and Bu Hazhen quietly look at the old captain, and then turn around after a while, lazy look at the sky and white clouds.

The captain suddenly looked cold and embarrassed.

The peeping crew on the deck almost laughed.

“cough cough.”

The old captain coughed, concealing his embarrassment, and then continued, “You’re called Luo? The boat racing skills are good, how long have you practiced?”

Luo straightened his upper body and changed from lying to sitting. At this time, he did not ignore the old captain, thought about it, and said in an unconfirmed tone, “Should there be ten days?”

The old captain heard the words, eyes immediately opened for a while, the bottle was stuck on his mouth, his arms were stiff.

Luo didn’t notice the look of the old captain, and he turned his head and looked towards Baha 剌, and asked, “Baha 剌, how long have I stayed in the reef area?”

Bhajan said earnestly: “9 days.”

“Oh, that’s 9 days.” Luo nodded.

“cough cough …”

The old captain quickly put down the bottle, and was almost choked to death.

“You seem to be coughing a lot. Can you get chronic bronchitis?” Luo asked with concern when he saw the old captain kept coughing.

The voice of the candidate was notified that day by the old captain. If I remember correctly, I coughed 2 times before the notification, and now it is the same.

Only your chronic bronchitis!

The old captain’s face was slightly black, and he wiped the liquor from his beard. He went directly to the topic of teleportation and asked, “Did you train for 9 days?”

Luo wondered why the old captain asked this question, but still nodded.

I have that level in just 9 days …

The old captain’s eyelids jumped, and he raised the bottle subconsciously, trying to take a sip of wine to conceal the insecurity in his heart.

Although Luo hadn’t seen the captain a few times since boarding the ship, he knew that the old man was the captain of the Goddess.

He hesitated, and asked curiously, “Captain, is the sculpture on the bow of your dream lover?”

“cough cough.”

The captain of the old captain almost squirted again, and then coughed again.

“Luo, I think the captain may really have chronic bronchitis.” Buhachi said.

Luo glanced at him and asked, “Do you know what chronic bronchitis is?”

Prahab honest Kaidou: “I don’t know.”

“Well, my question is superfluous.” Luo rubbed his eyebrows, Kakuzu, and if chronic bronchitis is related to eating, he thinks that Bhajan will know it.

The old captain managed to calm down and coughed, glaring at the two little devils who had taken him off in front of him, angrily: “Can we still talk?”

Luo said innocently: “Isn’t it that you keep coughing all the time?”

The old captain’s face became darker, and said sternly, “Your boy can. The boat race is so good after 9 days.”

“Average.” Luo modestly said.

“Do you want to know the exact location of the first pass test?” The old captain said without hesitating.

Luo’s eyes changed slightly, Kakuzu’s mouth bent a slight smile, and said lazily, “I still want to know if the sculpture is your old dream lover.”

“After reaching Ina Bay, look for an Old Man called Yamato.” The old captain felt that he couldn’t say any more, tossed a word and picked up the wine bottle and left.

Luo looks at the captain’s back, gratefully: “Thank you for the hint, I will definitely visit the man named Yamato when I get to Neya Bay.”

Candidates on the deck were all seen towards where Luo moved, and they all heard what Luo said.

The old captain glanced at the candidates around him, his face twitched, and he went back to the captain’s room with a stern face.

Luo watched the old captain return to the captain’s room with a smile, then lay down again.

“The more people, the better …”

He looked up at the blue sky, thinking silently.

A day later, Goddess arrived at Neya Bay, a fan-shaped bay with rows of wooden houses on the water.

When disembarking, the old captain extended his heartfelt greetings to Luo: “Boy, don’t let me see you next year.”

Luo turned back towards the old captain with a big smile and said seriously: “That’s hard to say.”

As soon as all candidates disembarked, they acted immediately and wanted to find the person named Yamato.

At the door of Amato’s residence.

A man with a thick eyebrow and a square nose, nearly 30 years old, came to the door of the wood house and said to himself: “There seems to be a lot of candidates this year, so you can have fun, hehe.”

Speaking of this, the man narcissized slightly: “I just don’t know how long it will take them to find this place.”

Tone barely fell, and suddenly a noise came from behind.

The man looked at the sound and saw a large group of people moved towards here.

“That house is where Amato lives!”

The man was stunned, listening to the voice coming from the crowd.

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