Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 114

Neiya Bay is a fan-shaped bay. Local residents use a plant called Fargesia as the main material to build a home with a large area on the water surface of the bay.

After entering the bay, wooden bamboo houses can be seen hanging above the water, forming a large residential area.

However, there are aquatic buildings in the not just bay, and a piece of buildings on the land surrounding the shore, and the house in Yamato is on land.

Candidates from different places have come to Nea Bay one after another. I don’t know where the leaks came from. At present, candidates in Nea Bay know that Yamato is the person who guides the accurate test location.

As a result, the candidates gathered in Nea Bay seemed to make an appointment at the same time, and moved towards the residence of Amato.

The square-nose man who first came to the door of Amarto’s residence gave way decisively, and then walked away from the house, for fear of being stepped on by his group of candidates.

“What is this about?”

Like hiding from the plague god, the Fangbi man stepped back and looked blankly at the hundreds of candidates crowded outside the house.

The noisy voice became the only theme of Neiya Bay. The crowds of candidates were like canned sardines, and the bamboo house pressing on Yamato was a cricket.

When the local residents saw this scene, they cast doubts and amazements.

The group of candidates was like the hungry wolf who saw the meat.

“These people are crazy.”

The number of times the Fangbi man participated in the hunter test is 20 or so, but this is the first time that he has encountered this situation.

“Do I have to stock more?”

He looked at the crowded candidates, and subconsciously touched the swollen yellow shoulder bag, his face showing hesitation.

Not only did this candidate who looked a lot like an old churros scream, Yamato, one of the guides who enjoyed tea time in the house, was also dumbfounded.

“Don’t squeeze, Lao Tzu’s door is about to be squeezed by you!”

When Yamato rushed from the inner room to the door, not only the door, but the entire bamboo wall and even the half of the bamboo house collapsed under his desperate gaze.

The crowd crowded together suddenly made a loud noise, and as the bamboo house collapsed, the crowd also fell down like Donomi Bone Token.

Seeing this scene, the man with a square nose pats his chest, thinking that if he sees something bad, he retreats in time, or he bears the brunt of it, maybe he will be crushed to death.

Guiding man, Amato struggled to climb out of the wreckage of the bamboo house, and looked at his bamboo house scattered into ruins, his face full of pain.

Most of the noisy vocals are asking Yamato for the exact test location.

As a result, Yamato knew that these guys were all candidates who came to take the test.

Hundreds of candidates who looked at everything in disorder, he yelled angrily: “All the way down the Yamalo River to the end, it is the test site, now, I’ll roll it out!”

The hysterical roar rang through the bay, and the candidates on the floor were quiet.

After half a ring, the candidates came as if the birds and beasts were scattered. They came suddenly and quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they left Yamato alone on the bamboo house ruins.

“This group of bastard!”

Amato sighed in the midst of his prime.

Not far from the collapsed bamboo house, Luo and Bu Haju watched the candidates in a hurry, going and hurrying.

“Is it all the way down the Yamalo channel …”

Luo touch the chin, looked towards the side, Baha 剌 y said, “Shall we walk, or get a ship?”

Bhajan thought for a moment and said, “There is no fishing rod, so let’s walk!”

“… “

Luo pats forehead, quite speechless.

He also tends to walk, so he will encounter many creatures. After all, rivers are the source of life, humans live near the water, and animals in the forest often move near the source of water.

Close to the water is usually a visual representation of the food chain.

After deciding to walk, Luo was in no hurry to move, he wanted to walk around the buildings in Neya Bay.

It is close to the Yamalo Forest, and the species is extremely rich, so maybe you can find more unique products.

“Hey, are you two also candidates?”

At this moment, a man carrying a bulging shoulder bag came over and greeted Luo and Bu Hayu.

Luo and Bu Ha heard the sound of looking towards the man who came to say hello.

This man has a thick eyebrow, a square nose, and a young age. He wears a simple body and a bulging yellow shoulder bag around his waist. He is enthusiastic.

looks at this man’s appearance, referring to the original memory of Luo’s eyelids flickering, is this guy a legendary Tonpa? A candidate who has taken more than 30 hunter quizzes.

No, according to the current time, not more than 30 times, there should be only 20 times.

After recognizing the identity of the man with a square nose, Luo suddenly looked towards Tonpa’s bulging shoulder bag with great interest.

Inside … shouldn’t it be a canned drink infused with powerful laxatives, if it is true, then the Tonpa guy is really good, a routine can be used for many years.

This man with a square nose and thick eyebrows is indeed Tonpa.

After the candidates who had just gathered were dispersed, Luo and Bu Hayi, who were different from the local residents’ costumes, immediately emphasized the sense of existence and made Tonpa notice the two of them at once.

Although the official hunter test has not yet begun, it does not prevent Tonpa from starting his hunt, and Luo and Budha are naturally regarded as prey, and can be used as meat shields at any time.

He just came over to say hello, but when he saw the black hair boy with a scar on his right eyebrow suddenly looked towards his shoulder bag, his eyes revealed something weird.

If it wasn’t for his good memory, it would be sure that Luo and Buha are new faces. Otherwise, after Luo makes this move, he would think that Luo is an old bird and knows his routine, otherwise why would immediately look towards the shoulder bag, and his eyes still look That’s weird.

“Yes,” Luo said, looking back in time.

Tonpa suppressed the doubts in her heart, and did not rashly extend the hand, said gently with a smile: “Know, my name is Tonpa, I have participated in many hunter tests, and I am an old bird.”

“Just call me Luo.” Luo held out his fist and raised his thumb, pointing to the side Buha, saying, “His name is Buha.”

Tonpa had an approachable smile on his face, and said earnestly, “I’ve been here a few times in the jungle of Yamalo, and I’m still familiar with it, and I can recognize many natural traps.”

Instead of anxious to put forward suggestions to accompany colleagues, first highlight their own value and pave the way for later suggestions.

He answered in a timely manner and asked, “What is a natural trap?”

“It’s like spider stroking crabs disguised as a bamboo forest, snails lurking under the sand, dart tongue frogs shrinking in shallow waters of the river, and there are also many, these all are natural traps in the jungle of Yamalo, and you are not familiar with this place People rush in, they could easily die! “

Tonpa compares with slightly exaggerated body posture, as if to intuitively show the horror of these natural traps.

Luo smiled softly, almost guessing what Tonpa planned.

At this time, he saw Bu Hazhen’s bright eyes and asked eagerly, “Can these be eaten?”


Tonpa’s dancing arms suddenly froze.

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