Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1244

If Luo found [Spine Fluid] in the building of the ancient labyrinth city, then he could barely accept it, because the ancient urban labyrinth gives a high-tech sense of sight.

But Luo was found in the spine fluid inside a column that could be Totem, but that ’s it. The bones and caskets around the ground are often violated as often as they are. Nothing to do.

Luo was pinching his test tube, and his head was a little messy.

The sudden fraud of the identification function made him even more confused.

“Even if you suddenly lie to the corpse, the result of the identification is more detailed.”

Luo uttered in his heart that the white smoke font identification function was unreliable.

Since coming to the dark continent, this appraisal function is like being in an old age, from time to time, something pops up, and every time the popped up thing is terrifying tersely.

The spinal fluid removed was a total of twelve sticks, each with a different color.

Luo, Jin, and Dong each took one of them and held it in their hands to check, while the black cat and the tortoise watched quietly.

Of the three, only Luo knew what the test tube fluid was, and Jin Hedong had no clue.

Luo naturally impossibly told them the results of the identification. As long as the test tube liquid was brought back for Sheila’s identification, she could let others know what the test tube liquid does.


Luo looked up, silently looked at the various minions reliefs on the column body, and could glimpse a little something.

Survival and evolution are the eternal theme of the dark continent.

The little man hidden in the heart.

Above the pillar, it seems to be the sharp claw of the fangs.

These all are the products of evolution … just to survive.

Luo glanced slightly, glanced over the wreckage on the ground, and immediately fell on the coffin.

The treasures found are slightly different from imagination.

However, a lot of Energy was absorbed from the column, which is not a bad trip.

Next, as long as you return the silver book and test tube to Sheila for identification, you should be able to get more detailed information.

The test tube liquid that can play an evolutionary role is a treasure worth looking forward to, but Luo is more concerned about the study with an unknown role.

Is the hourglass picture on the last page of the book a reference to time?

Luo is curious.

“Collect these test tubes first, and wait for going back to the 4D apartment to allow Sheila’s ability to be evaluated.” Luo said calmly.


Golden nodded, cautiously picked up all the test tube liquids on the ground, and then greeted the black cat over.

“Identification? Means Mind Power?”

Dong Fuli’s face was curious.

“Yes, Sheila’s embodied beast can identify objects beyond the scope of cognition.”

“Great ability.”

Dong Fulisi can’t help but sigh.

A team, logistics medical needless to say, owning a vital space Mind Power person can even push the team to a very high level.

What didn’t expect is that even those responsible for appraisal have …

Dong Fuli’s face remained impassive, and his heart once again surprised the details of Luo’s team.

Luo laughed, suggesting to continue the carpet search and see if there is anything missing.

Others had no comments, acted immediately, and continued searching.

After half an hour, nothing was gained.

From this point of view, what can be called a baby here is only test tube liquid and silver and white studying …

Since there are no other babies, there is no motivation to continue.

Luo looked up at the dark top, and immediately looked towards the black cat, instructed: “Black cat, go back to the light algae.”

“Oh oh.”

The black cat spoke a few words and ran to the place where the light algae was.

Watching the black cat to collect the light algae, Luo glanced again at the wreckage and coffin on the ground around, thinking for a moment, felt that it was not necessary to understand the bones deeply, so he left without samples.

But this pillar …

Luo turned around and looked towards the nearby pillar, her eyes shimmering.

Although the mind on the post had been absorbed by him, it still had the value of identification.

In a few moments, the black cat will take the light algae into space.

Without the light of the light algae, in the darkness, there are only a few sources of light from Luo’s body, and pumice clusters emitting shimmer.

Even black cats and tadpoles each carry light algae, and when necessary, they can make the light algae brighter by instilling thoughts.

“Come here, put up the post too.” Luo pointed to the post.

“So big, you let me swallow it?”

The black cat walked up to the pillar, and silver eyes opened.

“Swallow it quickly, don’t waste time.”

“No human nature …”

The black cat muttered in a whisper, and immediately became huge, opened its rubber-like mouth, and swallowed the huge pillar full of reliefs slowly like a snake swallowing it.

After a while, the whole post went into the black cat’s belly.

After swallowing the post, the black cat changed back to its original shape, feeling a little distressed for the mental energy just consumed.

“Well, let’s leave here.”

Luo unleashes the field iris, includes them, and prepares to float them back to the ground.

At this moment, I fluttered my wings, flew up, and looked down at Luo, saying, “Don’t waste your energy, I will take you up.”

Luo heard the words stunned for a moment, and put away the field, looking at the rafters floating in the air, it was an unexpected rush of initiative.

Kim they can’t help but looked towards 啾啾.

I saw that at the bottom of the body, the two Kakuzu points, which were like tiger teeth, slowly came out of several ropes, drew in front of Luo, and automatically rolled out a foot buckle.

“Step on it, I will take you up.” He said.

“Okay, trouble you.”

Luo laughed, stepping on the foot with one foot, freeing one hand to catch the rope, to stabilize the figure.

When Kim and Dong saw this, they also stepped on a ring of buckles.

As for the black cat, it returned to the back of Luo’s hand, saving a little weight.

There were 3 people hanging on the rope. For the cricket, it seemed like there was no weight. It floated straight up and the Speed ​​was quite fast.

Youyu can take them up in this way, it can really save a lot of stamina and mental energy.

After all, it was easy to fall, and it was very difficult to go up.

It took almost an hour to fall, and now, Speed ​​is not fast when it falls, it should take some time to get up.

In the darkness, the light mass quickly climbed up.

After 2 hours, the crowd rushed out of the abyss and returned to the ground.

Luo jumped down, landed on the edge of the big pit, and looked down, looking dark and deep.

The split second that left Dakeng shows how much their trip was not in a fantasy.

Jin and Dong successively jumped off the rope and stood on the edge of the big pit.

Suddenly, the dark abyss in their eyes was faintly shaking.

When alert, Dakeng disappeared instantly and restored the original rocky ground.


Luo’s eyes moved, and he saw something in the split second that disappeared in Dakeng.

“It turned out to be … telescopic space, but how could there be no mental fluctuations?”

The moment the abyss pit disappeared, the space was like a stretched Telescope pushed by the split second.

Then it just disappeared.

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