Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1245

Most of the space capabilities are produced by the materialization system, like Noble’s 4-dimensional apartment, which is the product of materialization.

However, the characteristics of Emitter also apply to the development of space capabilities.

By letting air out, and then creating a different dimension space, and then overlapping it in the real space, it can exist reasonably without conflict with the real space, that is, a telescopic space.

The abyss pit that suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly was the space ability of the telescopic type.

Luo can realize that Jin Hedong, a senior Mind Power person, can also realize it.

However, from the appearance to the disappearance of space, there is no trace of mental fluctuations from beginning to end.

This is what surprised them.

3 people looked silently at Iwadi, and no one spoke.

The black cat drilled out of the back of Luo’s hand, inspected the test tube liquid and pillars put into the space, and quietly collected a lot of floating stones.

“Still something.”

After confirming that it was unharmed, he was relaxed.

Those test-tube pillars or whatever, it ’s gone, it ’s nothing to do with him anyway, but those delicious [candies] ca n’t be gone.

Luo glanced at the black cat and took out the spare key of the 4-dimensional apartment, calmly said: “Go back first.”

Without saying so, he opened the entrance to the apartment.


He jumped into the black circle first.

Kim and Dong followed.

After a while, everyone returned to the 4-dimensional apartment.

Lao Bai’s healing ability is not over yet. According to his estimation, it should take 2 days and 2 nights to end the treatment.

Zambia assisted in the treatment of Early Stage, and after the white abilities were turned on, there was nothing wrong with Zambia.

Eyes at Luo They came back, Salin Machi, they immediately greeted them.

“What’s the harvest, have you found new ancient writings?” Saran asked with anticipation.

“Yes, they were all filmed.”

Luo took out her phone and handed it to Sarah.

“I’m going to translate.”

Sa Ling took the cell phone and acted wildly.

After she dropped a word, she took Bruna, her assistant, and went straight to the workbench.

Aside, Sheila looks at her hurried departure, smiling slightly.

She also wanted to see for a few moments, who knew that Saling would be so impatient.

“That’s our team of ancient writers who translate ancient texts.”

Luo originally wanted to take this opportunity to introduce the members of the team to Dong Fulishi to meet him face to face. As a result, Saling did not give him a chance at all.

Therefore, he can only introduce it orally.

Hearing Luo’s words, Dong Fuli Nodded.

An ancientist, an indispensable person for exploring the site.

“This is Sheila.”

Luo instead introduces side Sheila.

East Flix suddenly looked towards Sheila, and light appeared in his eyes.


Sweeping by the strong eyes of Dong Fuli Shila, Sheila’s upper body leaned back slightly, a little scared, and confused again, I don’t understand how Dong Fuli Shi would have this reaction.

Dong Fulisi realized that he lost self-control and quickly converged.

“Hila, call out little love.”

Luo saw lightly smiled. As an onlooker, he knew why Dong Fulisi lost self-control.

After hearing Luo’s words, Sheila didn’t ask much, and summoned Xiaoai directly.

Between the floating of the mind, the little love higher than Sheila showed her figure in the mind.

Dong Fuli’s curious eyes suddenly swept around Xiao Ai’s body.

This is … a beast with identification.

Xiaoai directly ignored Dong Fulisi’s gaze and hugged Sheila, squinting her face.

Luo looked towards the black cat, commanding: “Spit it out, be careful not to touch the ceiling.”

“it is good.”

The black cat was nodded, and then swallowed the test tube liquid, study, and pillars.

The pillars were high enough to pierce the ceiling of the room, so the black cat was careful to place the pillars on the ground and spit them out a little.

Luo picked up a test-tube fluid and said, “Identify this first, and put the column at the end.”

“Ah? Posts?”

Sheila had some embarrassing looks at the post on the ground, thinking that little love could swallow it?

Xiao Ai was shocked, 愣愣 looks at a post lying on the ground.

This length, this diameter …

Suddenly, she felt a thief’s gaze and suddenly looked at her, only to see the black cat whistling innocently.

Xiaoai glared at the black cat, slightly coldly snorted.

In this regard, the black cat just didn’t see it.

Luo looks at Sheila, saying: “It’s okay if you don’t appraise, don’t force it.”


Sheila was nodded and took the test tube from Luo.

As for the pillar, Xiao Ai has no bottom, let alone her.

“Little love, trouble you.”

Sheila passes the test tube to Xiao Ai’s mouth.


Xiaoai complied, opened his mouth to swallow the test tube, and then settled like an old monk. The ball above the tail suddenly lit red light.

At the same time, Sheila looked startled.

Just a moment ago, she was taken away by Xiaoai from a part of her potential energy.

“what happened?”

Luo noticed something strange about Sheila.

“I was sucked away by Potential about 30% of my potential energy.”

“What is this expansion?”

“The things being evaluated are complex and it may take some time to identify them.”


Luo squeezed his chin and thought of waiting here for Nob to eliminate the entrance, it was not anxious, just not knowing how long it would take to identify a test tube.

Of course, it is not necessary to identify all test tube liquids, only one can be identified.

Compared to the test tube liquid, Luo is more concerned about the bottom of the study, but he is not in a hurry, everything can be taken slowly.

“Hila, you’re going to work hard again this time.”

“a piece of cake.”

Sheila gave a big smile to Luo.

After handing the appraisal work to Sheila, Luo and Jin took Dong Fuli to the apartment, introduced their teammates one by one to Dong Fuli, and also told Dong Fuli without any reservations.

Regarding Luo’s initiative, Dong Fuli knows that Luo is so unreserved that it is for information sharing.

In this regard, East Ricoh does not resist.

However, like them, instead of sharing information, they are sharing what they have seen and heard.

After 3 people strolled, they came to the lounge area and sat on the sofa.

Bisznik and the others, who are idle now, are also here to make fun.

Dong Fulisi concentrated on listening to what this team has come all the way, but it appreciates this young team more.

“Didn’t expect Goo will be soft …”

After hearing about the gatekeepers, Dong Fulisi was surprised.

He is familiar with Goo, and he also knows Goo’s personality better. It is difficult to imagine that such a strong Goo will be subdued.

Luo glanced at the black cat subconsciously, and smiled awkwardly, ignoring the process of how to soften the goo.

“All in all, one of our next plans is to go to World Tree, but we have been there before, and it is very clear how difficult it is to get on the World Tree. Without the large appliances, it is estimated that even the minimum standard of 500 metres will not go up.”

“It’s true that the airspace there is full of dangerous creatures, but, as far as I know, even if there are large appliances, they may not be able to board the World Tree.”

Dong Fuli’s expression was calm.

“have you been there?”

Luo then asked the question that she wanted to know the most.

If East Ricoh has not been to World Tree, then he very much hopes that East Ricoh will be able to travel with the team, it is not clear whether East Ricoh has this intention.

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