Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 219

The Hunters Association ’s 2 Earthly Branches are 2 hunters whose strength has been recognized by the Netero President. Each member has its own Title. Most of the members who admire the Netero President will change their personality, appearance, and even Mind Power according to the Title.

Zi, ugly, yin, 巳, chen, 巳, wu, wei, shen, 酉, xin, hai, this is the Title of the Ten 2 Earthly Branches, and the twelve hours corresponds to the Twelve Zodiac.

Geer is a tadpole in the twelve Earthly Branches, corresponding to a snake. After many years, her image is very close to the snake, and Mind Power can turn the arm into a snake, stretched and bent at will, which looks like the ability of the Enhancer.

Whether it is the appearance of many years later or Mind Power, it is most likely that it was a change made autonomously after becoming the 2th Earthly Branch. Now that she has just become the 2th Earthly Branch, not to mention Mind Power, her current look is very different from many years later.

After nearly an hour of heavy rain, there was still no sign of stopping, but it was getting heavier.

Between Heaven and Earth is dark, and the only source of light is the high frequency of lightning.

Luo looks at Ge, who walked out of the rock, and the hooded raincoat couldn’t hide the long and slender figure. He had beautiful eyes, fine eyebrows, and vertical pupils in his eyes.

After seeing Ge Er’s appearance clearly, Luo confirmed his identity. Bi Siji asked him to do things just to find trouble for this woman. To be precise, it was a fight with this woman.

Luo has forgotten the name of the Shiji Earthly Branch. If he looks at the image, he can still recognize it, but he doesn’t recognize Geer, because his image is different from that of more than ten years later.

“you know me?”

Ge’s body’s gas was entangled stably, and she stared at Luo indifferently, asking the doubts in her heart.

“I don’t know.” Luo shook the head.

Ge Er glanced at the toad’s corpse, and was too lazy to explore the reason. Indifferently said: “You asked me just now if I want toad, I can answer you, I want to order this toad.”

As soon as the words fell, she seemed to glance around unintentionally.

In the distance, Bisji leaned back against the rock, secretly thought that was close.

Although it was not discovered, Ge Er seems to have guessed that this matter has something to do with her. After all, she was next to Luo at that time, and it was too obvious for Luo to introduce Ge Er.

“Once a hunter looks at his prey, he will try to get it.”

Bi Siji’s eyes narrowed a little, no matter what, as long as the doom toad is at Luo, Ge’s will definitely go to grab it, because Luo will not use the doom toad to trade.

On the court, Luo looks at Ge Er, said with a slight smile: “You want it, but I won’t give it to you.”

“Offer a price,” Ge Er said.

Things that can be solved with money will not be easy.

Luo just chuckled and didn’t speak.

His battle is not as exaggerated as Uvogin, and he basically does not take the initiative to pick things up, but he knows that Bisji wants this woman who is not weak to be his own sparring target.

In this regard, Luo himself also wanted to play against masters other than Bisji, because with his current ability, Bisji was too far out of reach and could not be a reference object to gauge his current position.

Since Bi Siji pointed out the existence of Ge’er, Luo naturally respected him rather than obey him. If the situation allowed, he really wanted to find some confidence from Ge’er.

Seeing Luo not talking, Ge Er reached out with two index fingers and said, “I’ll make a price two stories higher than the market price.”

“I’m not short of money, or else, you come to grab a look?” Luo looks at Ge Er, seriously.

After hearing Luo’s words, Ge Er was silent for a moment, then calmly nodded, and said, “I see.

Before the words fell, she suddenly rushed towards Luo.

The transaction failed to negotiate, and Luo expressed that he only wanted to grab it. How could Geer be polite?

During the gallop, Ge Er double-handed, 4 fine mangs radiated from his fingers, pierced many raindrops along the way, and came towards Luo’s face door and chest.

The 4 fine awns are 4 fine needles. The needles are coated with the paralyzing toxins and are entangled with air, so that the heavy rain cannot wash away the toxins on the needles.

When the fine needle flew, the sound of breaking air was originally inaudible, and in such a thunderstorm night, it was really impossible to prevent.

However, the needle is full of thoughts, which is the same as the firefly Insect in the night. Under the teaching of Bisji, Luo has long developed the habit of always gathering his eyes in battle. Here comes the field.

The fine needle came to Luo about one meter in front of him, and the Speed ​​immediately changed from extremely fast to slow, but it continued to approach more than half a meter, and then hovered completely. If the formidable power is doubled, the field may stop. Can’t stop it.

“Sure enough.”

Luo turned the fine needle and sent it back.

In the face of the four fine needles sent back by Luo, Ge Er double-handed volleyed, and it was during the thunderstorm night that he pinched the fine needle with his hand.

“If I don’t attach the mind to the needle, the needle will not have formidable power and the toxins will be washed away. However, if the mind is attached, because of the alertness of the person and the distance is not shortened, there is basically no possibility of hitting. “

When Ge Er’s thoughts turned, she turned over the palm. I didn’t know where the fine needle was hidden. She broke through the waves of water and pulled the distance between the two sides to within 100 meters.

Seeing Ge Er coming straight, Luo didn’t move back in the slightest. At this moment, he suddenly squatted down, pressing his right hand on the rocky ground full of rain.

The long-range attack with air attached to the needle is usually Emitter’s combat style, but the action of rushing straight forward is like the Enhancer’s combat style.

“If Allah brings it, there will be more choices, but it doesn’t matter. There are too many conditions that can be used now.”

Luo slightly smiled, the air emanating from the palm of the hand, submerged into the rocky ground, is the area invading the rocky ground.


Ge Er’s face was slightly condensed, and she immediately noticed Luo’s actions, but lacked positive contact and could not tell what Luo wanted to do. She could only be more alert.

Reduced distance to within 4 ten meters …

Suddenly Luo got up and raised his hands. He actually collected the falling rain water, condensed on the palm to form a water balloon, and then turned the gas into a thin film, forming the water balloon into a branch.

From collecting water polo to shaping, it was completed in less than a second, showing the rather delicate Mind Power control.

In the dark, Bi Siji saw this scene and immediately sighed. Luo’s delicate control power always allowed her to see a lot of flashes.


Seeing the shaped water polo, Ge Er had some speculation. The next second, her gaze was condensed, and she saw dozens of water arrows shot over, each of which was entangled with air.


Ge Er slowed down the Speed ​​a little, his movements were very robust, and he avoided left and right flashes. Under the condition of limited sight, he easily avoided the water arrow group. Then, the distance was less than 30 metres.

At this moment, she suddenly raised her hand, holding 8 fine needles between her fingers, but when she was about to start, the ground suddenly collapsed.

“It was then!”

Ge Er flashed his thoughts, thinking of Luo’s behavior of pressing his hand to the ground just now.

Before his feet sank, Ge’er’s feet suddenly exerted strength, stepping on the broken rock, and jumping forward with the force, jumping off the collapsed area. When he landed, Luo came close.

Ge Er seemed to have expected that when Luo came in front of her, she shot lightningly, and double-handed moved towards Luo with a poisonous needle patted it.

Just then, her waist seemed to be hit by an air cannon, pushing her body to the side.

At this time, it was her ability to dissipate the ground, and when Xin Li was born to attack, she couldn’t stabilize her body without any precaution, and her needle-stroke movement was also chaotic.

Luo has created this opportunity and will naturally seize it.

He raised his hand and punched on Ge Er’s flat stomach, and the latter flew out, but at the moment he flew out, he shot the fine needle in his fingertips.

“If it was the previous strength …”

Luo’s face didn’t change color, and she looked up towards the fine needles that came in, and stopped them in front of her eyes.

“hōng lóng lóng !”

lightning illuminates Heaven and Earth.

Ge Er couldn’t hide his shock, and fell on the ground outside several dozen meters.

The formidable power of the thin needle that hastily shot was really insufficient, but this boy is not only good at fighting, but also has a strange ability!

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