Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 220

Operating system? Emitter? Transmuter?

During the short rounds, Ge Errao experienced a lot of battles and was clueless for a while.

She stood up with a carp, and immediately took off her raincoat, revealing a black casual suit.

Luo’s punch not at all hurt Ge’er. It’s not that Luo’s Speed ​​is too slow, but that Ge’s grasp of the flow is not weak, and he mobilized gas to defend in time, but it was also related to Luo’s staying.

This is a rare sparring target before finding An Tongmu. If it ends too soon, may it not waste a good opportunity.

Ge Er didn’t know that Luo had left his hand, thinking that the formidable power of that punch was Luo’s short-term extreme damage, and it was not difficult to resist.

On the top of the mountain, two people are several dozen meters apart, looking at each other.

Ge Er’s expression was slightly dignified, but Luo’s eyes were somewhat playful.

“The needle is very thin, not long, and its lethality is almost zero. It is very likely that it was fed with poison.”

Luo raised his hand and twisted the hovering needle on his fingertips. As he expected, the white smoke font gave the answer. The needle was fed with a powerful paralytic toxin. If it broke the skin, it would take effect after ten seconds.

The first time was 4 needles. Luo fought back, but was easily caught by Ge Er. Although there were 8 needles this time, Luo did not plan to A Tooth For A Tooth.

He held all the fine needles in his hands, put them behind his back, fired his abilities, pulled out the toxins, and crushed the needles.

Leaving aside Mind Power’s skills, Ge Er’s offense relies on poison needles, and this poison needle is not a product of instantiation. The quantity must be limited. Destroying all the inventory can reduce Ge Er’s threat by at least half.

looks at Ge Er took off the raincoat that was in trouble, but stopped still, Luo was not impatient, he could isolate the cold rainwater from the outside, but Ge Er could not, if the time is prolonged, it will affect the body to some extent.

What Luo wants is to extend the time of this battle and make full use of Ge’s sparring value.

“Are you punishing?” Luo suddenly teased.

There was a flash of anger in Ge Er’s eyes, suddenly moved, avoiding the pit created by Luo, double-handed quickly swiped to the body, and a few poisonous needles were quietly caught between his fingertips.

Her speed is not slow, and she has not attacked directly. Maintaining a distance of about 30 meters, she seems to be waiting for an opportunity.

“Hōng lóng lóng …!”

At the moment lightning passed, Heaven and Earth darkened, Ge Er rushed forward, and rushed to 3 meters in front of Luo before the next lightning came on.

At such a close distance, instead of throwing away the poisonous needle, she swept the hall and swept the ground water towards Luo.


A lot of water splashed on Luo’s face like a spray.

Luo frowned slightly. If he stopped the water in the field, his sight would be blocked. Even if the water splashed over, his sight would also be blocked.

He kicked his heels and injected his mind into the ground within 2 meters of the circle to create a trap. He then took the opportunity to retreat, trying to pull away the distance and avoid the water spray that obstructed his vision.

“嗤 Chī!”

In the split second when he backed up, six fine needles later caught up and shot out at him.

Luo had long been mentally prepared, stopped the fine needle in time, then wrapped his mind, and shot the side of Shuihua 2 positively.

He thought that Ge Er would cover the fine needle with water spray, and then he would suddenly attack from the left and right sides, but when he retreated, he had vacated the rocky ground near the original place. As long as Ge Er dare to come, the trap and the fine needle of counterattack would be enough for her Drink a pot.

However, Ge Er did not choose to attack from the left and right sides, so the fine needles reflected by Luo fell through.

Ge’er chose the above.

Earlier in the trap, her choices became naturally prudent. The water splashes made Luo’s vision blocked and she could not see Luo’s small movements. To be conservative, after she shot the fine needles, she got up in the air. To avoid the trap.

This decision was actually unexpectedly unexpected by Luo.

Luo looked up towards Geer, flicks to shoot with the finger, a thought ball shot towards Geer, which fell obliquely.

“Chī! ”

Ge Er also shot a thin needle with a finger, and at such a short distance, he stabbed the ball with precision, stabbed it to Crush, and flew to Luo’s eyes unabatedly.

Luo leaned sideways, avoiding the fine needles. Instead of stopping the fine needles with the field, he formed a resistance, which made Ge Er’s stagnation time longer, and he couldn’t fall quickly.

“Resistance? This is Strength just hitting my waist.”

Geer complexion slightly changed. This inexplicable resistance slowed down the Speed ​​she dropped and weakened a little momentum.

Luo backed away, pulled away, and began to gather rain.

After Ge Er fell to the ground, he flexed his knees and exerted force, and kicked a large splash of water under his feet, rushing to Luo like a cheetah.

Although she often uses long-range attacks with poison needles, her department is Enhancer, not Emitter.

“Why are you so close?”

Luo wondered in Luo’s mind, and at the same time he drew the rain of wind around him, forming a stream of water arrows, trying to reduce Ge Er’s Speed.

“Blocked vision is relative.”

Ge Er coldly smiled, waved threw away 8 fine needles, penetrated the water arrow, and went towards Luo.

At the same time, she squatted suddenly, making a run-ready posture.

The next moment, she lowered her upper body, and came out of the string like a swordfish dive on the sea, and that action was like holding and killing in a football game!

A large number of water arrows flew over her head, and her dashing figure drawn 2 splashes of water toward the behind, and immediately came to Luo’s body.

Luo had just stopped tightening the poisonous needle at this time, and before turning the needle back to fight back, Ge Er had bullied himself and raised a double-handed.

Ka-cha !

Suddenly, a rock stood on the ground in front of Luo’s feet, and stood in front of Ge Er. When Ge Er couldn’t see it, he put away the 8 poisonous needles.

Ge Er’s face was cold and unaware of Luo’s movements. Double-handed was photographed on the rock, and the rock was smashed into gravel. The force generated pushed the gravel to Luo, which was close at hand.

However, the moment Luo controlled the erection of the rock, he had already avoided the right side in advance, so as to avoid the rubble group, and then he did not open the distance again because it was too late.

Ge Er quickly adjusted her posture, stepped on one foot, came to Luo, and immediately punched out a series of punches. Each punch was wrapped in mental power, and its formidable power was not weak.

The distance shortened, and Luo calmly fisted against Ge’er. There was a muffled sound in the air, and the raindrops were shattered into a mist of water.

In just 5 seconds, Luo and Ge’e made nearly 20 punches, and the last punch that got together was banged together, and both of them pulled out more than ten meters backward.

“Ten seconds, do you know what this time means?” Ge Er looked towards several dozen meters away from Luo, and a pair of winnings looked like he was holding it.

Luo is laughed, Kaidou: “The black Sasori venom of the Biro Desert requires only one milligram to cause paralysis in ten seconds. This venom is not fatal, but the paralysis is very strong, and it can last at least 24 hours. What is more troublesome is the method of detoxification, which is quite complicated. “

Listening to what Luo said, Ge Er expression sank.

Luo didn’t seem to see Ge’s expression, paused, and continued: “This is the toxin you feed on the needle. You have been attacking with poisonous needles to create false impressions, right? I did didn’t expect your real means. It’s … a poisonous hand. “

“Have you investigated me? No, what’s your relationship with Bisji?”

Ge Er was startled, she didn’t believe that Luo just got 20 messages with just 1 punches with her, and Luo shouldn’t be so calm at this time if he knew the truth.

Because the poisoning time is ten seconds.

“It’s been eight seconds.”

Instead of answering Ge’s question, Luo reminded the elapsed time.

Ge Er’s brow tightened suddenly, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

When Luo extend the hand, a thin needle emerged from the fingers, and then differentially said: “The black Sasori Venom is a bit trickier. There will be no signs in the ten seconds before the poison, until the whole body is paralyzed. It will take a moment for the poisoned person to realize that he is in the middle. “

“Using this venom requires cautiously, since you use this poison, the body should have an antidote. Take it out.”

After hearing Luo’s last sentence, Ge’er finally knew where the anxiety originated. When the thought arose, she quickly drew a small piece of antidote from the inner layer of her clothes.

Hit it.

This was the idea she had when she took out the antidote.

The body is paralyzed in this brief moment. It should have been a venomous effect that would allow her to stiffen into wood immediately and fall to the ground. Around seconds.

Ge Er’s face became unsightly, and under Luo’s calm gaze, he pierced the antidote directly into his arm and injected it into blood vessels.

Injected styles work faster than oral.

Goose all day long, who ever thought he would be pecked today.

She didn’t know how she was poisoned, but Luo was safe.

She couldn’t accept this result!

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