Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 221

Poisonous warfare, which can obtain great results at a low price, is a method that many people like to use.

Poisoned blades, arrows, and even the fine needles used by Geer, as long as they pierce the skin, are the winners.

The poison used by Geer is not lethal, but the powerful paralyzing effect can immediately end the battle.

She is a poison hunter, knows how to detoxify, and is a master of poison, but planted in Luo’s hands.

“How did he do it?”

After Ge’er injected the antidote, the expression was slightly gloomy. Anyone who encountered this situation would not feel comfortable.

When Luo reminded her to use an antidote, there was no doubt her fiasco.

This can be considered Ge Er bad luck, Luo’s white smoke font is too unreasonable, and also the hand of God to restrain toxins. The combination of the two is exactly Ge Er’s nemesis, plus the weather at this time, Luo can use things too much.

However, Luo obviously brought Ge’er into his rhythm, and neither knew each other’s abilities, but Luo took advantage of his superior battle investigation ability.

“It takes 5 minutes to inject the antidote to completely clean up the toxins. Just wait 5 minutes for you.” Through the rain curtain, Luo calmly looks at Ge Er.

After hearing Luo’s words, Ge’s body’s gas field changed, her face seemed to be darkened, and a sharp and angry emotion passed from her gas field.

“Are you looking down on me?”

The voice didn’t fall, Ge Er’s body’s thoughts stirred up, he walked on the water, and rushed to Luo’s face in an instant.

Excellent toxicity, plus a special antidote, you don’t have to wait that 5 minutes.

The thought field carries the strong emotion of the Master, and the wind and rain falling on Ge’s body are all shaken by the invisible Strength.

She double-handed entwined with bright rays of light, like the same lightning that cut through the night, hit Luo’s cheek and belly.

At this time, Luo didn’t use the environment and didn’t choose to step back. He directly stretched out the double-handed and held the hands that Ge Er struck.

Just after 20 punches, he not only found out Ge Er’s hole card, but also determined that he could harden Ge Er’s fist.

After holding Ge Er’s hand, Luo used his ability to begin to break up the mind on Ge Er’s fist.

“Shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!”

The rays of light above Ge Er’s fist turned into pieces and escaped.


Ge Er’s expression changed hurriedly, and she lifted her feet to Luo’s lower body. She was not Bi Siji. How could she be polite in this case?

Luo smiled. He was too familiar with this scene. During the training battle with Bisji, there were at least ten similar situations. The difference is that Bisji does not hit his lower body, but the abdomen.

In this case, Luo has more than 5 ways to deal with it, and the most suitable one right now …

Luo’s legs suddenly moved inward, pinching Ge Er’s kicked calf, and then slamming sideways, destructing Ge Er’s body balance, making her fall to the side.

When the calf was gripped by Luo’s extremely fast response, Ge Er thought that it was badly secretive, and squeezed out the toxin with the maximum output power. However, Luo’s field can just isolate the toxin.

Ge Er’s offensive failed, and his body fell to the ground, splashing water.

Luo presses on Ge Er’s body, seizing her movements, and then uses the ability to keep cutting off Ge Er’s body.

He did not choose to remove Ge Er’s double-handed, nor did he withdraw his hand and knock an elbow on Ge Er’s chest at the moment he fell, because he and Ge Er had no resentment.

The starting point is clear from the very beginning, that is, play against Ge Er, and then try your current level.

However, Luo was disappointed that it wasn’t that Ge Er was too weak, but that his ability to restrain Ge Er was too easy to win.

“Get out!”

At this time, Ge Er fly into a rage out of humiliation, while loudly shouted, the gas within within the body burst out, and the following grams will push Luo, who was pressed on her body, to retreat.

Luo leaned back, reluctantly stabilized her body, and quit several steps before stopping. She was surprised at the strength that Ge Er burst out in this split second.

After the shock retreated Luo, Ge Er carp held up, while holding his feet, he shot a poisonous needle towards Luo outside the several meters between his hands.

Luo used the field to block it in time, but the distance was too close, and the formidable power of the poison needle was even worse, approaching until it was only one finger away from the face to stop.

At this time, the next poisonous needle shot by Ge Er came, hitting the tail section of the poisonous needle stopped by Luo, pushing the previous poisonous needle, and directly broke through the defense of the field.

very terrifying accuracy! “

Fine needle rear end, it is extremely difficult to think about it.

Luo’s eyes changed slightly, and his head fluttered, avoiding the poisonous needle.

Ge Er took the opportunity to get closer again, fiercely with a toxic punch, Luo distracted to avoid the needle, and suddenly took a punch on the abdomen.

The Strength produced by the fist pushed him more than ten meters before stopping, but not at all was injured, because he gathered the abdomen with the flow of Qi to form a defense, blocking Ge Er this fist.

Ge Er’s boxing power is no stronger than that of Si Ji or An Tong Mu. Her mind is mainly toxic. If she meets a previous opponent, she will fight it out and send the toxin into the inside of the opponent.

However, Luo was like a hedgehog with nowhere to talk. After several contacts, he failed to send in the toxin.

Seeing Luo was unharmed, Geer gritted his teeth, and it was difficult to hide his anger, and he continued to pursue.


However, Luo suddenly sighed, and the fighting intent that had been soaring was half gone. She greeted the rushing Geer, fighting with him for more than a dozen rounds, pinpointing an opportunity, restraining her again, and then began to cut Her energy.

After several rounds, Ge’s despair.

This is so unfair. No matter what she does, there is no way to poison Luo. Can this still be fun?

Eyes at consumed most of her energy, and Luo didn’t seem to hurt her. Despite being angry, Ge Er ended the battle decisively.

“No more, I don’t want toads!”

Ge Er withdrew his hand and stepped back, pulling the distance apart before shouting angrily at Luo.

There was only a little bit of momentum left before, and it was full of exhaustion.

Anyway, she is also a member of the twelve Earthly Branches approved by the Netero President, and she is still young. She wants to do something as soon as possible. How could she have thought that she would encounter such a demon such a bad luck and defeat her thoughts.

From the moment of surrender, she vowed secretly in her heart that she would rather face a strong enemy than fight Luo.

Seeing Ge Er’s surrender, Luo scratched his cheek and said, “I don’t want to fight anymore, that toad is useless, I’ll give it to you.”

“You …!” Ge Er’s anger suddenly nowhere to vent.

In the dark, Bi Siji covered her forehead and felt speechless. She also saw that it was difficult to find a qualified sparring. As a result, Luo seemed to be Ge’s nemesis, and the effect of sparring could not be shown.

She shook the head, deliberately exhaling, and then came out from behind the rock.

Almost at the same time, Luo and Geer both looked towards Bisji.

Luo wasn’t actually surprised, but Ge’s face changed instantly and it was ugly.

At the same time, a lot of people moved towards here, thinking that they were attracted by the sound of Luo breaking rocks.

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