Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 597: Mirage (Part 1)

Remember in a second【】

This is the name again, Angresas.

Glory Lab?

The number of laboratory ruins like this 800 years ago is actually not small.

Ray Rosensen said: "Who is Uncle Sass, and what secrets does this laboratory have?"

"You don't know Uncle Sass!?"

The puppet is incredible.

Rello took it for granted: "The times outside have changed."

"Has Gran also been destroyed?"

The puppet asked in surprise.

"It can be said, but it's not just that. It's not just Gran. All the countries in the Principality, including the distant Aurora Central Empire, have become history. The concept of the state is disappearing, and it has been transformed into an academy of sciences. In the past millennium, the academic world has experienced two golden explosions of knowledge, and the number of advanced scholars has risen sharply. On top of the third-level extraordinary scholars, four-level pioneers comparable to the gods have been born, and even higher touches have been touched. Biological level..."

After stunned, the corpse muttered: "Then..."

"You answer my question first."

Rello said in a deep voice.

After a brief silence, the corpse puppet fell into memories, a faint look of remembrance.

"He is a well-known university prince in the Grand Duchy, looks gentle and elegant, and has good aristocratic virtue etiquette, but he is one of the culprits who followed the Holy See of the Holy See to destroy the Principality of Rossi, a hypocrite!"

Lei Luo whispered and ridiculed: "So, you came to retaliate and lost to him? He was sealed here again? I'm curious, the cracking test bench is just an illusion, why don't you take out your life box , Escape from here?"

"Because you know nothing about the dreadfulness of Angri Sass! You know nothing about this glorious laboratory!"

Eyebrows frivolous, Lei Luo said: "How to say? Is it because of those weird things that do not know life and death?

Between the words, Lei Luo Yuguang glanced at some strange things, appeared behind him, trying to get closer.

"Humph, to death!"

The terrifying high-temperature radiation spreads, the transpiring and distorted air, and within a few tens of meters, it instantly becomes a furnace hell, like a burning sun core, and the glare of Relo in the form of a fireman glances away. Everything has disappeared.

"Hehe, hehehehe."

The mummy grinned.

"You really don't know anything about here... Angresas is a powerful scholar chasing the fantasy world. Legend has it that he can open a powerful scholar of another dimension world. This laboratory is not entirely in our World, but in the corpse of an ancient creature named "Phantom", whose corpse looks like a giant shell, a creature that walks between reality and illusion, you touch its eyes Now that we have completely separated from the real world and have been exiled to the world of illusion, we can never return to reality, we will always be exiled in illusion!"


For this mysterious ancient creature, Raylo certainly heard of it.

Indeed, as he said, this is an extremely strange ancient creature.

But the so-called different dimension fantasy world...

After listening to Raylow, he couldn't help tempting: "So, have we been exiled to an absurd world parallel to reality?"

"Yes, are you desperate?"

The corpse puppet seemed to want to appreciate Lei Luo's shock and despair.


Renello couldn't help laughing.

He carried the burnt corpse like a kitten, and walked to the underground passage when he came, but found a layer of mist rising from the passage.

"that's it?"

Lei Luo strode forward.

A magical scene appeared, no matter how Raylo broke in and how many times he walked in, he would eventually return to the underground laboratory.

"It's useless! Unless you have mastered the abilities like Angresas, no matter how strong you are, you can never return to the real world even if you leave the phantom."

Rello raised an eyebrow.

After returning to the laboratory, he no longer tried hard, but looked up at the melting ceiling at the top of the laboratory.

"So what!"

Reaching out the index finger of his right hand, Raylo's index finger suddenly gathered a singularity black ball, and with a bang, he shot towards the ceiling.

He intended to use absolute power to penetrate the underground space from here.

boom! ! !

Deafening explosion.

Lei Luo looked up, staring at himself and destroying the underground sand layer of more than ten meters in depth. The soft sand was melted into a glassy body due to high temperature. He flew upward and proudly said: "Senior, do you think , This world is a box?"

The different dimension world is the original materialist worldview of academia.

It was a time when the temple was ruled by faith. After the ignorant noble scholars discovered the power of knowledge, as they continued to grow, they became closer to the edge of the law and began to believe that God is not omnipotent. Although they are powerful, It is only powerful in this world.

According to the phenomenon of the wind wall, according to the invading heretic evil gods, they guessed that there must be other parallel worlds of different dimensions.

They reckoned that the laws of the order of life in these worlds should be very different from those of the star curtain.

Compared to ignorant people, I believe that the world was created by the bright creator. People come to this world only for self-salvation ignorance. Although the original materialistic scientific worldview has

^0^One second to remember【】

Certain progress, but it is not the truth of the world, they are still bound by the lies of the Creator weaving by the Holy See.

Until the emergence of "Heliocentric".

"What means?"

The corpse questioned cautiously.

"Nothing, I just want to tell the seniors that with your academic knowledge lagging behind, and your worldview thinking. For more than a thousand years, the academic world has undergone tremendous changes, and some scholars have long got rid of the lies of the creator and recognized the "Heliocentric" "Truth. Our world is actually a huge spherical object, the sun is the center of the universe, it is a huge fireball, spreading its endless light and heat, this world is just a negligible celestial body orbiting the sun , The tiny dust in the universe."

"What are you talking about!"

After the consternation, the puppet changed to sneer.

He looked at Lei Luo's gaze, as if looking at a whimsical You said that the star screen world is a huge spherical object? Then I ask you, since this world is a sphere, why don't we fall! How do you prove it to me? you"

Shaking his head and looking at the corpse pride in questioning, Lei Luo seemed to see the ignorant people in front of the fire rack in the bright cathedral of Aurora 800 years ago.

"Senior, your basic knowledge theory is too far behind, you just need to know that the light creator you think is omnipotent has fallen, and the truth of "Heliocentric" will guide me to go out from here, this is the best Proof."

In the words of Lei Luo, he already had some pride as a modern scholar, and he had a lot of ridicule and confidence.

"You just said... the creator has fallen!!!!!!"

As if I got news that the sky is falling.

The corpse princess looked at Lei Luo like a monster, and seemed to want to see a trace of lies from his face, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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