Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 598: Mirage (middle)


On the other side, Raylo is also in trouble

"this is"

Lei Luo flew to the ceiling with his fourth-level singularity.

An incredible scene appeared.

At the end of the sand, a magical layer appeared

It looks like flowing water, showing a translucent shape, gently touching, and it seems like a stick of glue, the more outward resistance, the greater the resistance, even if Rello activates the spiritual power to the limit, what he perceives is only an infinite void. However, from this translucent blur, both eyes can vaguely see some absurd and strange things.

Dim in nothingness, but not nothing.

In the gaze of Lei Luo and the corpse puppet, a floating strange mane, like the helpless drifting hit by the torrent, quickly passed by not far away.


Its form is constantly changing with drifting

First, a long metal wire protruded from the body, and then the body looked like a twisted metal part. In just a few seconds, the shape of a fleshy cell animal changed into a metal mechanical object covered with strange thorns. And still constantly changing shape, quickly disappearing into the depths of illusion.

The other direction.

It was a creature that looked like a giant tadpole, with a black tail swaying.

But when it approaches the direction of this space barrier, the number of tadpole tails is also increasing. In a short time, it has become a weird sphere creature with dense tentacles, and it has disappeared in the vision of the two with the unreal flow. .

A piece of paper monster, half of the body is burning.

The flame formed the devil's twisted grimace, and roared silently, and its volume was constantly expanding, almost surging from the ultra-close distance of more than ten meters in front of the space barrier of Lei Luo and the corpse, at this time its volume was also Then it swelled to the limit and became a behemoth that was more than 100 meters, and made a gesture of trying to struggle in from here, but failed, and went away with the torrent.

Immediately after

In the dark, lifted up the black tide of destruction

It is like the deadliest end energy in the world, the end of matter and energy.

The tide rushed over, everything was annihilated, and the originally dim chaos turned dark.

After a long time, the illusion gradually returned from darkness to turbidity, and far away into the sky, there were all kinds of absurd and nonsensical creatures.

So absurd, so real

Even Lei Luo was shocked by the scene before him.

All kinds of ridiculous creatures and phenomena are frequently intertwined, which has far exceeded the recognition of Lei Luo's scholars. He can't explain how these things exist and how to survive.


If it is not possible for Raylo to clearly perceive between the celestial bodies, there is still a subtle gravitational influence, and there is still a strong gravitational channel between himself and the real body of the star, and the power of the projection that is continuously obtained, confirming that he is still in the star screen world Even myself, I have to start wondering whether I really came to another world, full of absurd fantasy worlds.

"Hehe, hehehehehehe, did you see it"

The corpse's eyes were blurred and seemed to be moved. After the impact of the worldview described by Lei Luo, he finally recovered his cognitive confidence.

He pointed to the absurdities in the illusions.

"This is the world of the environment, there is no reason, no rules, what can happen in the world, in the real world, you may be very powerful, far stronger than me, but here, like me, you can only live here Even if they steal their lives carefully, otherwise those absurd creatures may be weak worms at the last moment, and they can become the omnipotent creator at the next moment, or the whole illusory world will be destroyed and a new era will be born."

The corpse horrified and let out a roar: "This is the power that Anglizas holds"

Rello was silent.

But it was only a brief silence.

Even if the so-called seeing is believing, it is still far from destroying Rello's heliocentric worldview.

This is the foundation of Lei Luo's cognition of the world, and the source of Lei Luo's academic strength. When he raised his head again, his eyes were determined.

"So fifth-level singularity"

If the power of the fourth-level creatures is derived from the horror energy transformed by the power of the law, it is that the efficiency far exceeds the biological energy in the individual organism, and the higher conversion power energy that surpasses the natural energy gathered by the lower organisms, but it is a The process of continuous decay.

The power of fifth-level creatures is to fundamentally affect the operation of the world, and will not degenerate from the law into the appearance of energy.

For example, the ecological environment of each large-scale eye is completely different.

For another example, the invasion of the land of darkness, the invasion of underground creatures, and even the crusade expedition, before the true **** came, often the essence of the law first spilled over to change the local ecological environment.

It is precisely because the law of the fifth-level creatures does not decay, so the size of the wind eye supported by the power of the true **** is hundreds, thousands of times that of the secondary gods, gods, demigods, and ancient creatures supporting the wind eye. , Or even tens of thousands of times

This is a noble force enough to change the ecological environment

It is also the change of the power of the law that excludes the power of Alpha, and then the power of these true gods is the center, supporting one eye after another, sheltering the survival of relying on the power of this law, belief in this law Powerful creature.

Level 5 academics, the same

This is also the only Level 5 academic that Lei Luo masters, or the one that touches the edge of Level 5.

Although this academic has not yet matured and the structure has not yet reached perfect stability, it is just a glimpse of the threshold of the Thai Dou realm, but some changes have occurred in the real body of the star.

Raylow speculates that if the power of radiation wants to reach the same level, only the power of radiation fission can be converted to the power of higher radiation fusion, so that the power of higher laws can be used.


Although the only fifth-level academic that Lei Luo masters is not mature, the academic structure has not yet reached perfect stability, but compared with the fourth-level singularity, it absorbs all the energy of the material along the trajectory to its own collapse limit and explodes in energy form. With a complete change.

Black singularity, this will be a high-strength collapsed gravitational magnetic field body that will never be satisfied

It greedily engulfs everything covered by its strong gravitational range, decomposes the basic physical structure of all the engulfed material, collapses it into the most essential basic particles, and completely destroys the space between the particle core of the basic particles and the surrounding body to form An ultra-high-quality body with dense material beyond imagination.

"what is this"

The corpse screamed hysterically.

Even though Rello has been trying his best to control the gravitational strength of the fifth-level singularity, after its formation, the horrible suction force seems to allow every inch of the skin of the corpse to withstand dozens of times of vacuum suction force. Pores, the body fluids in the body, even the internal organs are twisted into the finest fluid paste, sucked out from the pores

In this way, it is not difficult to understand the horror of the zombie.

It can even clearly perceive that even the soul consciousness in its own life box is being destroyed into the basic particle state by this terrifying gravity, and all the knowledge memory will return to the original, sucked out from the gap of the life box.

The sand in all directions is affected by high-strength gravitational gravitation, as if it were a sand sink, and the influx continues, but the volume of the black sphere at Relo’s fingertips remains unchanged.

It’s like a black hole, greedily eating everything

call out.

This time, after the black ball touched this strange space-time barrier, it made a wave, then silently submerged into it, and watched it go further and further away.

The illusion that was flowing quietly is no longer calm, and the torrent is centered on a twisted ripple appears, and it **** all the strange creatures that should be passing by in all directions. In the past.

Rello stared closely at the singularity black ball.

The corpse puppet recovered.

His look at Lei Luo had completely changed, like he was looking at a monster, full of fear of the unknown.

This academic category is far beyond his understanding and imagination, which is simply not the power that anthropologists in his time could see.


Suddenly, Lei Luo seemed to find a scene, murmured with surprise.

The zombie looked along Lei Luo's eyes, and saw that the mysterious black ball continued to ripple, which had already expanded to this place, and waves appeared on the space barrier, and the barrier became extremely unstable.

He broke the barrier of space with brute force

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