In the end, Solon still agreed, not because of anything, but because Chao Ju told him that it was the place where the corpse soul realm had the fastest improvement in strength, and it was also the best place.

But there were still three months left before the next enrollment of the True Yang Spiritual Art Academy, and there was no way, he could only wait for the time to come while cultivating.

It’s just that in addition to the cultivation of kendo, he also has a new cultivation project, that is, Dao Zen.

I learned from Chao Ju that shallow fighting, which can also be called a chopping knife, is just a chopping knife without a name.

All Grim Reaper will be handed out such a shallow beating at the beginning.

Then all you need to do is communicate with the shallow knife and inject the essence of your soul into the shallow fight, so as to turn this nameless slashing knife into a true one’s own slashing knife.

From another point of view, the chopping knife is also a part of your soul, born from your soul, liberated by knowing the true name of the slashing knife, and with each liberation, its own strength will be extremely powerful.

This realization surprised Solon, such a weapon, it is simply more powerful than the supreme fast knife.

Therefore, from the day after he separated from Chaoju, he would perform a knife meditation every day for an hour.


“Oh, still no response?”

After a while, Solon was still performing Dao Zen, and just when he was a little disappointed and about to end this cultivation, suddenly, a shallow light on his leg flashed, followed by a blur of consciousness.

Coming back to his senses again, Solon looked around and saw a strange world.

The soles of the feet are a moon, the overhead is a sun, and the earth in the middle is a furious wind and a chaos.

“Here, is this the Slashing Dao Space?”

Solon saw the terrible scene in front of him, and instead of being afraid, he was a little excited.

After working so hard for so long, is it finally about to usher in the first wave of harvest?

“Hey, anyone?”

Solon walked towards the front, and in the next second, the abnormality suddenly appeared, and three pairs of huge eyes instantly appeared in front of him staring at him faintly.

Being stared at by this eye, I don’t know why, Solon suddenly felt the pressure increase.

Just as he gritted his teeth and was ready to move on to the next step.


A sound like a broken mirror came, and the space just now was suddenly shattered, and what appeared in front of him again was a world of beautiful mountains and waters.

In front of him, there was a small river, and next to the small river, three figures were standing.

“Oh, finally in? It’s so nice to wait. The

smallest figure in the middle spoke, his tone full of pride.

The tallest figure on the left also spoke, his voice noble and serious, a female voice.

“Don’t be rude, this is our master.”

The figure on the right is neither big nor small, and his tone is cold.

“Remember, our names………………”


As if opening the heavens and the earth, a powerful spiritual pressure rose up into the sky, and Solon, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, the original shallow strike had turned into three gorgeous blades, suspended in midair.

After a few minutes, Solon retracted the violent spirit pressure, and then slowly observed these three slashing knives that were his own.

The three slashing knives are all full of luxurious appearances, but the rightmost knife has a sun engraved on it, the leftmost one depicts a bright moon, and the middle one is a symbol of a violent wind.

“This is my slashing knife.”

Solon spoke excitedly, reached out and grabbed the three blades, and then hung them around his waist.

“It’s comfortable, sure enough, it’s better for me to have a three-knife flow.”

He muttered, not realizing at all how rare the three-state slashing knife was.

You know, in the entire corpse soul world, only two people have known multi-state slashing knives.

And these two people are the captains of the thirteenth team of the guardian court who are famous in the corpse soul world, one is the captain of the eighth team, Kyoraku Harusui, and the other is the captain of the thirteenth team, Ukitake Juro.

But both of them are just two slashing knives, and one person has three slashing knives, which is simply unheard of.

But these Solons don’t know, and even if they do, they don’t care.

Anyway, I’m just a Sim, if I’m not convinced, I have the ability to hit me along the network cable.

Solon thought happily, it just so happened that the enrollment of the True Yang Spiritual Academy was about to begin, and there was also time in time.

“Wow, Solon, he seems to have acquired something amazing.”

There was a hint of envy in Usopp’s eyes, when can he get a good thing?

“It’s good.”

Looking at the slashing knife on Solon’s waist, Lin Lai agreed with Usopp’s words, is this the open player, terrifying.

The first half of his life is inactive, the second half of his life is open and rising, you tell me, this is not the protagonist What this is.

This wave, this wave, is called me and my great sword crew. (Dog head jpg.

“Cut, it’s nothing remarkable.”

Sanji had a different opinion on this, after all, the two of them seemed to be born to be indiscriminate, and neither looked at anyone well.

Even if Solon is awesome, it is estimated that Sanji will shout at him: “Eat my black feet.”

Solon didn’t know what was happening in reality, because he was currently undergoing an entrance test from the Zhenyang Spiritual Academy.

“Well, there are a lot of people.”

Solon looked at the somewhat long line and sighed in his heart.

He didn’t see a few people along the way, and thought that no one came to sign up.

However, although there are many people, the registration process is very simple.

The Grim Reaper in charge of admissions placed a crystal ball on the table and reached out to the handle that wanted to enter the academy.

If you have the qualification to become the Grim Reaper, the crystal ball will light up white, on the contrary, people without qualifications will not have any reaction.

Therefore, after a while, only the last few people remained.

“Next, Rukia.”

“Hey, here it is.”

It was a girl with an energetic head and an onion-headed, and Solon just glanced at the other and ignored it.

“Well, it’s good, medium spiritual pressure qualification, line up in the back, and take you back later.”

The onion-headed girl was obviously very happy, and answered excitedly and walked to the line to stand up.

“Next, Asanai Koji.”

It seems that the teenager with the onion head walked out, received a high evaluation, and then, like the girl, entered the team with an excited face.

Next, there are only two people left, named Hinamori Momo and one named Kira Izuru.

Both of them received a high level of qualification, and in the end, only Solon was left to undergo the qualification test.

“Next, Roronoa, Solon.”

Hearing his name, Solon hurriedly stepped forward.

“Hey, it’s the person recommended by Vice Captain Chaoju.”

The man was obviously a little surprised, but he didn’t say anything more, open the back door or something.

After all, this entrance test is no joke, but the attitude is much better than before.

Solon didn’t care, so he put his hand directly on the crystal ball and began to test.

The next moment, Solon only felt the spiritual power in his body flowing along the crystal ball.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely brilliant white light bloomed on the crystal ball.

“Excellent-level qualification!”

The Grim Reaper glanced at Solon in shock, excellent qualifications, guys with this level of qualifications, but most of them have become vice captain level Grim Reaper.

Thinking about it, his face couldn’t help but be surprised, such a character, if there is no accident, he will definitely do a lot in the future.

As the person in charge of his admission, he will definitely get a little reward.

And this scene of his change in expression was also seen by other people who passed the test, and they were also full of curiosity about Solon.

So when Solon entered the team, they all cast their searching eyes at him.

ps: emmm, forgot to send it

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