The enrollment of Zhenyang Spirit Academy soon ended, and Solon’s group was also led towards the Quiet Spirit Court.

“Something is wrong, something is very wrong.”

Lin Lai felt that some scenes seemed to be a little strange beyond description, but he couldn’t say where it was strange.

“What’s wrong?”

Nami was a little puzzled, what was wrong, it was very right.

Usopp looked at Solon, then suddenly reacted and clapped his hands.

“Yes, how come Solon didn’t get lost this time.”

“Yes, yes, this is it.”

Lin Lai finally reacted to what he felt was wrong, it turned out that Solon, who had walked so long alone, did not get lost.

“This wave is enough for Solon to blow for a year.”

Lin Lai is very heartbroken, is Solon, who will not get lost, still called Solon?

Several people choreographed Solon on the sea.


“It won’t be Lin Lai’s group of guys nagging me.”

Good fellow, should it be said that it is worthy of the intuition of a swordsman, that is, accurate.


Just as Solon was muttering, the man leading the way in front had stopped.

Solon looked up and saw a huge building in front of him.

“Is this the True Yang Spiritual Academy? It seems to be pretty good. ”

When I think back to the Taoist hall I remembered when I was a child, it was much more magnificent.

“I’ll arrange the class today, and then I’ll take you to the dormitory.”

After all, it is only the first day of registration, and it is impossible to start studying immediately.

Soon, the class was already divided, and unsurprisingly, Solon, who was extremely talented, was placed in the first class.

Then, after arranging the class, they were taken to familiarize themselves with the dormitory.

Time passed quickly, and at night, Solon lay on his dormitory bed.

He rested his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling, expectantly.

“Tomorrow, you should be able to learn the moves of the God of Death.”

He had heard that the history of the Quiet Spirit Court was thousands of years old.

And the main combat skills of the Grim Reaper are divided into slashing ghosts.

Slashing is swordsmanship, fists are white fights, walking is instantaneous steps, and ghosts are ghost paths.

The other Solon was not very interested, but he was obsessed with kendo.

Thousands of years of history, and what is taught here is the experience that has been summed up over the years.

Even if this is just a school, and you can’t completely learn the essence of swordsmanship for so many years, it can definitely inspire you greatly.

With this thought in mind, Solon fell into a deep sleep.

Soon, the time for the next day had arrived, and very early, Solon had already got up, hung three chopping knives from his waist, and began to move towards yesterday’s classroom.

However, after a long time, Solon looked at the mark under his feet expressionlessly.

Here, hasn’t it just passed, what’s going on, is someone deliberately targeting themselves?

Solon’s eyes froze, and he was ready to shout and ask who was doing the ghost.

As for whether there will be other accidents other than someone making a ghost, Solon only said lightly, impossible, absolutely impossible.

He is not a fool, except for someone to prank, it is difficult to be that he will get lost.

“Hey, Sauron-san, why are you here.”

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

Solon turned his head to look, only to find that it was an acquaintance, the red-haired man who had signed up in front of him yesterday, Asanai Koji.

“Oh, nothing, just a visit to the school.”


Asanai Koji looked at the green-haired man in front of him a little strangely, and muttered in his heart.

“Are geniuses really all quirky?”

He could see clearly that Solon had already circled around here several times, but he hadn’t bothered.

Seeing that the class time was approaching, he decided to come forward and remind Solon.

“Solon-san, then I’ll leave first, class time is almost up, you can also hurry up.”

Asanai Ryoji said, and he was already walking towards the distance, and he could come over to remind him because of his own personality.

As for staying and waiting for classes together, I can’t do it at all, because everyone is not familiar with it yet.

Solon nodded, looking at the back of Koji leaving, his eyes suddenly lit up.

If memory serves, this person seems to be in the same class as himself.

Thinking like this, he had already followed Koji and walked towards his classroom.

This time there were no more accidents, and soon he came to his own classroom.

“If I’m not mistaken, that classroom doesn’t seem to be very far from the dormitory.”

On the Meili, the corners of Nami’s mouth twitched, a little unbelievable, what kind of road idiocy this is.

As for what Solon said about visiting the school, they didn’t believe it at all.

Others don’t know, can they still not know, Solon is obviously lost.

Linlai Usopp and Sanji both nodded in agreement, and Sanji and Usopp thought that when Solon returned, they could taunt him fiercely about it.

As for Lin Lai, he was satisfied, sure enough, he was not a road idiot, what a big sword hao. (A certain Kenba said it was very good.)

Solon’s simulation continued, and as soon as he walked into the classroom, the teacher muttered for a while, and then someone handed out a book.

The above records are all kinds of common sense knowledge of the Corpse Soul World and the Quiet Spirit Court, after all, this year, you need to have a diploma when you come out to mix, and how can you get ahead without some knowledge.

Solon was not interested, so the first lesson was spent in a daze.

Soon came the second session, kendo lesson, Solon instantly became energetic and full of anticipation.

“I am your kendo teacher, Makoto Ito, from today I will teach you how to use swordsmanship correctly, now I will pick up the wooden sword on the shelf and start learning from me.”

Solon listened to this teacher’s words, frowning a little, just wooden sword’s words, it seemed to be similar to his own cultivation when he was a child.

Thinking of this, he raised his right hand.

“Report, is it possible to do a higher level of kendo learning?”

Makoto Ito frowned, a little displeased.

Just now, he noticed this guy with three knives hanging from his waist, but he was very disdainful in his heart.

Three knives? It’s not like that, if you want to attract special attention.

Could it be that you are still a three-sword swordsman? Looking at the gorgeous patterns on the surface of the three knives, he had already concluded that Solon was a gentleman.

“Yes, but first you have to fight me in a sword fight, if you can defeat me, then you can skip my teaching and have your sword art taught by a more advanced teacher.”

Makoto Ito was ready to give Solon a little color to look at, and deliberately said these words to make it difficult for him to ride the tiger and embarrass him.

However, to everyone’s surprise, Solon nodded and agreed.

“Then teacher, is there a competition here, and can only use one weapon?”

As his words fell, the audience was in an uproar, this guy named Solon is crazy.

In the crowd, from time to time, there were whispered conversations and eyes watching the play, of course, preparing to see Solon being hanged, and they were not optimistic about Solon.

You must know that this is a teacher of the Zhenyang Spiritual Academy, a real god of death.


Makoto Ito gritted his teeth and his face was gloomy.

“Then here it is, and there is no limit to the number of weapons, how much you can use, even real swords or wooden swords can be used, even the three ornaments around your waist.”

Solon was not irritated by Makoto Ito’s words, but only spoke lightly.

“Then you don’t have to, I’m afraid of hurting you.”

With this said, he had already picked up three wooden swords and walked to the center.

The students present all gave way to the surroundings, leaving enough space for the two men.

PS: Well, it’s a little late, excuse me, I just got off work and I coded, the first chapter, and one more chapter.

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