“What to do with the rest of these people.”

Nami frowned and came to Lin Lai’s side.

“Or kill them all.”

Solon looked at these people and spoke lightly, as a pirate hunter who had long been wandering in the sea, he was naturally not a soft-hearted person.

Although he disdained to do evil things, he would not say that he was beaten to the head and let these people go in a kind way.

Lin Lai nodded, and did not say anything, pity? There will be none, after all, these guys, which of them do not carry human lives on their hands, add up to an estimated ten times more than their own number.

Those who fell to the ground heard the conversation between the two, and immediately wanted to beg for mercy, but before they could speak, Lin Lai had already reached out and squeezed it.

In an instant, except for Ikalem, who was still alive with Vivi and his gang, this group of people who booby-trapped other passing ships for a living had all died.

Looking at the corpses of these people, Lin Lai thought about it, and then raised his foot and stomped on the ground.


Like the earth dragon turning over, the dirt flew over, and a large pit instantly appeared on the ground, and those corpses slipped down one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the earth fell again, burying the pothole, and in an instant it returned to its original state.


Lin Lai clapped his hands, his expression did not change in the slightest.


Ikalem looked at this scene, couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and his heart was even more afraid.

I don’t know if Her Royal Highness is right to cooperate with this terrifying guy.

Inadvertently, he suddenly remembered the information on the bounty list.

The sword demon forest comes, the means are despicable, cruel and unkind, sinister and cunning, ruthless, and extremely dangerous.

Sure enough, this introduction is not wrong at all.

Lin Lai didn’t notice the idea of this goods, otherwise, he would definitely let this goods see what it was really cruel.

After everything was settled, Lin Lai and the others returned to the house.

“Luffy, this guy, can still sleep with such a big movement outside.”

Usopp looked at Luffy who was sleeping heavily, a little speechless, so I was afraid that I didn’t know if my waist was quacked.

Lin Lai and the others were also used to it, so they directly ignored the goods and walked to a table and sat down.

“Nami, how long are we going to stay here?”

“About three days.”

Nami looked at the recording pointer in her hand, and then slowly spoke.

“It’s okay, it’s not long.”

Lin Lai nodded.

“Then rest first, and talk about other things tomorrow.”

Seeing this, the others also found a place nearby and began to rest.

At the door, Vivi and Ikalem, who just wanted to come in, looked at this scene, glanced at each other, and still retreated.

“Your Royal Highness, those guys don’t seem to be easy people to get along with, will you be luring wolves into the house by doing this, or let’s run directly while they are asleep.”

Ikalem was still a little worried, and did not forget to speak.

“Flee, where can we escape?”

Wei Wei asked rhetorically, saying that it was also ridiculous, thinking that she was a princess, but she was hiding like a rat crossing the street.

She sighed.

“I don’t have a choice at all now, and if this continues, Alabastan probably won’t last long.”

Instead of sitting and waiting to die, dying in slow torment, it is better to fight, at least try your best.


Ikalem opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed helplessly.

The air suddenly fell into silence.

“I hope my choice is right, Father.”

Vivi sat on the ground with her legs hugged, quietly looking up at the night sky, and behind her, Ikalem was still acting as a guard, standing quietly behind her.

After a night of silence, the sun soon rose.

“What a pleasant night.”

Luffy was the first to wake up, stretching his big loins and standing up.

Hearing his movements, the others also woke up.

“Yo, Luffy, looks like you slept well.”

“That’s of course, it’s just that I seem to have a dream, and there are some loud noises in the dream from time to time.”

Lin Lai was speechless, you didn’t hear the movement, you regarded this movement as a dream.

“Good morning, everyone, I brought you breakfast.”

At this time, Vivi walked in from outside, pushing a dining table in her hand.

At this time, she was not dressed for the first time when she saw it, but she draped her silky blue hair over her shoulders, dignified and generous.

Well, it looks like it smells like a princess of a country.

Luffy’s eyes lit up when he saw the food, and he immediately rushed over, grabbed the plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Aligado, you are such a good person.”

Luffy said vaguely while eating, and then suddenly reacted.

“Hey, why don’t you see those people.”

He was a little puzzled, obviously there were still many people coming yesterday, how come they didn’t see it for a day, they were gone.

Lin looked at Luffy, if he really explained the reason, it is estimated that this product will have to understand for a long time, he thought about it, and finally said it concisely.

“Oh, after you fell asleep last night, those people were clamoring to perform some roundhouse kick, and as a result, a 360-degree kick broke their bones, and now they collectively run to a nearby island for treatment.”

Wei Wei listened to Lin’s incongruous words, a little speechless, such a lie that can be easily debunked, a fool will believe it.

And then.

“Oh, that’s the case, no wonder the people who didn’t see them, it’s really pitiful.”

Luffy nodded, and in an instant he believed Lin Lai’s words, and continued to eat the dishes on the table.

“I really believe it.”

Vivi instantly became a spartan, two drops of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, I didn’t expect that such outrageous words would actually be believed.

The Solon people next to him all looked strange, not affected in the slightest, and ate breakfast calmly.

“By the way, Luffy, we still have to stay on this island for three days, and you can give me more seriousness when you simulate, otherwise I won’t give you food.”

“Ah, that’s too ruthless.”

Hearing Lin Lai’s words, Luffy instantly wailed, as a dry cook, not letting him eat, this is not his life.

“So I’ll be serious later.”

Lin Lai snatched a roasted leg in front of him angrily.

Luffy was not convinced, he had a good word, and he was unreasonable.

“Then it is clear that they killed me by strength, how can I be said that I am not serious, let a hungry person do this kind of thing, this is not bullying honest people.”

He rubbed his stomach, fortunately, he ate fast just now, he was already seven points full, and it was okay.

Thinking like this, he was already patting his stomach with a proud face.

“Yo Xi, Lin Lai, you can let the horse come, see I have to surprise you all this time.”

“Okay, since you’re so demanding.”

Looking at Luffy, who was bursting with self-confidence, Lin Lai did not discourage his enthusiasm and waved his hand directly.

‘Ding, the simulation begins. ‘

ps: I said that you have eaten the big melon recently, I ate it, it was delicious, and it’s a little late today, sorry

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