“No, my roast.”

Luffy looked at the surrounding scene and couldn’t help but let out a wail, obviously there were so many things he hadn’t eaten.

“Lin Lai, let me go back, I want to eat another bite, just 100 million mouthfuls.”

Luffy shouted, but unfortunately the system was very ruthless and ignored his meaning.

‘Please choose 3 of the following talents for this simulation. ‘

‘Freedom Traveler (purple): You yearn for freedom, nothing can stop your dream of finding freedom, including women, your willpower is greatly improved (heh, women will only make me draw the knife slower. ‘

‘Gou Dao Zhongren (green): Ninety percent success rate, according to the worst-case scenario, I lower a little, 1 percent success rate, forget it, I’m still holding on. ‘

‘Mangfu (green): Well, the odds of success are only one layer, five layers higher, rounded to ten layers, OK, this wave is stable. ‘

‘Lady Luck is smiling (purple): It is said that people who love to laugh are not bad luck, especially when you are watched by Lady Luck. ‘

‘Ability (purple): At the beginning of the game you can choose a Devil Fruit ability you want to have, of course, it has to be something you’ve seen. ‘

‘ in Jay (white): So, you are very brave (Brother Jie don’t want it.) ‘

‘ Atmosphere Terminator (white): Any topic will end with your interference. ‘

‘Strong as an ox (blue): powerful, healthy, and, of course, strong in some way. ‘

‘Lonely for life (green): Although you don’t have money, don’t panic, because not only do you have no money, you don’t have a wife. ‘

‘ Foreign Language Master (white): Believe me, choose it, and from now on your foreign language will say goodbye to the monotonous words of butterfly, kumo, fake, and shett. ‘

“Oh, what’s changed.”

Luffy scratched his head, but he didn’t care, maintaining the original selection method and going to the highest quality choice.

‘ ding, talent free traveler, lady luck is smiling, ability person loaded, simulation begins. < p idx="18", Lin Lai had already set up a small bench in > room.

“Oooooh, here we go, the front row sells peanuts and melon seeds popcorn, a million copies, of course, if you buy it, I didn’t say it.”

“Who cares about you?”

Next to , only Solon was left to complain wordlessly, and just after Luffy entered the simulation, the others began the simulation in turn.

except for Solon and Lin Lai, who were standing in place once before, only Vivi remained.

As for Ikalem, he is standing outside at the moment acting as a guard.

next to Lin Lai, Vivi looked at the picture that suddenly appeared in the sky above and Luffy who suddenly disappeared.

“Mr. Lin Lai, this is?”

“Just call me Lin.”

Lin said, pointing to the pictures.

“It’s simple, you can think of them as if they’re in these pictures right now.”

Vivi complained in her heart: No, I don’t think it’s simple at all.

After all, it is such a fantasy that people can live again.

Lin Lai did not notice her changes, but watched Luffy’s simulation screen.

Well, in the simulation of several people he chose Luffy’s to watch.

‘one year old: you were born above the sea, you were abandoned, drifted with small planks onto a small island. ‘

‘Talent ability activate, you selected the Rubber Fruit ability, the ability has been successfully installed. ‘

‘Two-year-old: You’re lucky because every day there are always all kinds of accidents that cause you to be mistaken for your own child by the beasts on those small islands and feed you. ‘

‘Three years old: You can walk around, so you use your ability to catch a rabbit, and under the pitiful gaze of the rabbit, you slaughter it and eat the first roast meat from another world. ’


‘Sixteen years old: Your strength is rapidly becoming stronger, becoming a tyrant on the island, and the king of the island, unfortunately, there are only beasts on the island, and there are no beast-eared women. ‘

‘Seventeen: Dreaming of freedom, you decide to go to sea to see the outside world, so you decide to perform an unforgettable farewell ceremony to the animals of the island. ‘

Above the endless sea, the sea breeze is blowing slowly, and on the shore, Luffy is salivating at the barbecue next to the campfire.

Just now, he packed it up and grilled it so that the animals would not forget him.

Well, I believe they will have a hard time forgetting this scene, the kind that they will not forget when they die.

“Hiccup ~ Maka.”

an hour later, Luffy patted his round stomach and burped in satisfaction.

“Well, it’s full, it’s time to go.”

thinking so, he stepped on the small raft next to him and looked at the sea with great enthusiasm.

“Go, Lin Lai…”

he waved his hand, just wanted to say something, and then reacted, it turned out that he was still simulating the world.

“These guys, let me, the great captain, row the boat myself, and see how I teach you when I go back.”

Luffy muttered, then took the oar, shook out the phantom with both arms, and came directly to a large windmill.

For a moment, Luffy only felt that the scene around him was changing rapidly, and the sea breeze was whistling on his face.

then, after a morning.

“Huh~Phew~I’m so tired, no, take a break.”

Luffy gasped, stopped the movement in his hand, and raised his eyes to see where he was.

“Well, I’m not here for this place.”

looking at the extinguished bonfire on the shore and the skeleton next to it, Luffy fell into deep thought.

after thinking for two seconds, he suddenly clapped his hands.

“Oh, I see, it must have been Solon who infected me with his road idiot, no wonder I’ve been spinning in circles.”

as if he had found the answer, he happily threw the pot away.

but Luffy looked at the sea and continued to think.

“So what should I do now?”

On the other side, in the room, Solon listened to Luffy’s words, and his forehead was bruised.

“This bastard, actually dares to slander me, see that he is back, I will not unload him.”

he is very unconvinced, what road idiot, is he a road idiot? Just kidding, no one knows the way better than themselves.

“Lin Lai, am I a road idiot?”

Lin Lai looked at Solon strangely, good guy, why do you ask me, don’t you have a little AC number in your heart?

“You’re not.”

looked at Solon, Lin Lai still said this sentence against his conscience.

Well, this kid is pitiful enough, he began to deceive himself, it’s better not to expose him yourself.”

not to mention a few people outside, in the simulation, Luffy’s troubles did not last long, and they were solved.

ps: Yesterday I was lying in bed codewords, and I suddenly fell asleep with the code, forgive me, I really came back a little late from work.

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