Seeing that the actual effect and theory are in line, even more than expected.

Take time.

It can be used in perfect combination.

The speed of the explosion is definitely the first person under the yellow ape shining fruit!

Even surpassing it is not empty talk!

Rowan nodded with satisfaction.


At the end of the test, it was Weber’s unskilled brakes.

Crashing headlong into the wall, I hit a dizzy end.

At this point, Rowan also came to a conclusion.

Double fruit with a high fit.

It is indeed a perfect complement to each other.

But using two Devil Fruit abilities at the same time is also extremely physically draining.

Just look at Weber.

Only ran for a while.

Already tired panting.

It seems necessary to stay on the empty island for some time.

It makes Webb more proficient in using the two Devil Fruit abilities.


Rowan himself has just gained the Thunder Fruit ability.

It also takes time to master the combination of the Beamon Fruit and the Thunder Fruit.

That evening.

The empty island hosted an unprecedented feast.

It is learned that Anilu has died.

The news that the empty island has regained its freedom.

Let the aborigines of the empty island express their sincerest thanks to Rowan.

A specially held feast to entertain Rowan, the “God Killer” and “Great Benefactor”.

Rowan also accepted this.

The next period of time.

He also had to stay on the empty island to cultivate and familiarize himself with the Double Devil Fruit.

It is inevitable to trouble the aborigines of the empty island.

This night.

Singing and dancing on the empty island.

A joyous atmosphere.

Three rounds of wine.

Rowan returned to his resting place.

Think about what you plan for next.

In the next period of time, they will stay on the empty island to cultivate and improve their strength.

The problem with pirate ships is solved.

The problem of funding is also filled by Shandora’s gold, so don’t worry.

After the end of cultivation, it is time to consider the issue of the continued development of the pirate group.

The first is to recruit more crew.

There can be no rush in this matter.

You have to be loyal enough to recruit them.

The right person can only be searched for.

The second is the hunting of the devil fruit.

Since you want to recruit a new crew, you must have a new devil fruit in hand.

The three Devil Fruits in Rowan’s hand had all been used.

It’s time to consider a new Devil Fruit Hunt.

Come to think of it.


The name of an organization flashed through Rowan’s mind.

Baroque Studio.

That was the force established by the ‘Sand Crocodile’ Klockdar of the Seven Wu Sea.

Among them, there are many Devil Fruit abilities.

And one.

Rowan desperately wanted to recruit her to the pirates.

Son of the Devil, Nicole Robin!

In today’s world, the only one has survived.

Be able to interpret the existence of historical texts!

And according to the current timeline, Robin is still hiding his identity in the Baroque studio.


If you can recruit Robin into the pirate group.

There is no doubt that there will be a decisive impetus for the discovery of the pirate group.

“Sand crocodile…”

“I remember that you seem to have set your sights on the ancient weapon of Hades.”

“I’d like to see it.”

“The so-called Seven Wuhai.”

“What is the strength!”


In the following period, the empty island can not be described as lively.

After learning that Rowan needed to prepare more gold, the Empty Island natives acted completely spontaneously.

A large number of indigenous people entered Shandora and transported the gold treasure to the Ark Proverbs.

Actually, this is understandable.

Gold is not attractive to the indigenous people of the empty islands.

After all, they live on empty islands all year round, live on self-sufficiency, and have never traded with foreign countries.

The gold left by Shandorah was of little value to them.

Now that Rowan has liberated the empty island, the inhabitants are willing to give the gold to Rowan.

Time came half a month after the liberation of the empty island.

Basically, the gold that can be transported away has been loaded on the Ark Proverbs.

Only a small portion of the inhabitants of the empty island were left for other uses.

Angel Island, lovely street.

This is where the indigenous people of the empty island live.

In the center of the street, the residents are listening to the command of the priests, preparing to form a defense force belonging to the empty island under the leadership of the priests.

In this way, the safety of the empty island is better guaranteed.

As for the four great priests, after the liberation of the empty island, they still retained their names, but they were no longer the oppressive relationship of the past, but a friendly relationship.


Just when everyone was deliberating enthusiastically.

Suddenly, a thunderclap resounded throughout the empty island.

Everyone looked in the direction where the thunder came from.

That was in the north of the empty island, the uninhabited Cloud Island area.

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