Half a month ago.

Rowan gave a special explanation to everyone.

Alone with Xiaojin and Weber, he went to that area, using it as a place to train and familiarize himself with the ability of the double demon fruit.

“Oh my God!”


“What is that!”

Look in the direction where the sound is coming from.

The residents of the empty island were surprised one by one.

As far as the eye could see, in the northern Rowan and their training grounds, one after another huge thunder descended one after another.

In the ravages of endless thunder, it seemed that a huge beast shadow filled with thunder light slowly emerged.

Every move of the beast shadow was like treating the thunder and lightning that shook the heavens and the earth as a toy.

Even from a long distance, everyone can feel it.

That terrifying aura that far exceeded the original Anilu Thunder God’s posture!

“It’s Lord Rowan!”

“That must be Lord Rowan’s power!”

The four great priests were pretty sure.

At the same time, they secretly rejoiced.

Rowan, who has this power, has no intention of occupying the empty island.

Otherwise, even if all of them combined, it is estimated that they will not be able to resist the blow of this lightning beast shadow in front of them.

The vision between heaven and earth soon dissipated.

As the thunder and lightning dispersed, the faint beast shadow also disappeared.

And a long time after that.

Every few days, the empty island is shaken by endless thunder.

The beast shadow that seemed to be bathed in thunder also became more and more condensed as time passed.

It lasted longer and longer.

Until one day half a year later.

The four great priests came to Cloud Island in the training ground on time and brought a large amount of food to Rowan and Weber.

“Here… What exactly happened? ”

This was the first time that the four great priests had entered Cloud Island, and in the past, they had left with food on the edge of Cloud Island.

It was only after the immersion that the priests found out.

The entire depths of Cloud Island are already full of holes.

Everywhere you can see incomparably huge beast seals, as well as the amazing traces that were split after the wild thunder fell.

It’s hard to imagine what happened here before that.


At this moment, the earth trembled violently.

The familiar huge beast shadow appeared in front of the priest again.

Unlike this, this time, the body of the beast shadow did not linger with the power of thunder and lightning.

But it still gave the priest a great sense of oppression.


“Remember, speed is your absolute advantage.”

“If you don’t shoot, you will be able to solve the battle with the momentum of thunder.”

Rowan in his form suddenly spoke.


The next moment.

The figure of a leopard beast appeared at such a fast speed that the four great priests did not notice its appearance at all, as if it had been there from the beginning.

“I see.”

Weber, who turned into the form of a Bryde’s leopard, promised Rowan.

After half a year of precipitation.

At this time, Weber’s body had become very powerful.

Not only the physical strength of the Bryde’s leopard fruit has increased, but the combination of the Bryde’s leopard fruit and the fast fruit has also been developed to a certain extent.

There is also domineering.

Weber’s foundation is already good, and under the careful guidance of Rowan in half a year, he has initially learned to arm the color domineering and see the color domineering.

Especially domineering.

It seems to be derived from the intuition of the beast of the animal lineage, and the blessing of the rapid fruit on the reflex nerve.

Wei Bai showed an amazing talent in the cultivation of seeing and hearing the domineering, and the use and improvement of the color was obviously better than the armed color.

According to Rowan’s estimate, the current Weber already has a strength comparable to an ordinary vice admiral.

If the double fruit ability is fully opened, it is not impossible to make a move with the elite vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

Compared with half a year ago, the strength is simply a qualitative leap!

As for Rowan.

The strength of the body, that is, strength and defense, has once again increased by a large margin.

The combination of the Beamon Fruit and the Thunder Fruit became more and more proficient.

To what extent the specific strength has been improved, Rowan has no bottom in his heart.

It can only be said that it is very strong!

Very strong!

The perfect combination of the double fruit ability is a rule-breaking and undefinable force.

“Luo… Lord Rowan! ”

“We’re here to bring you food!”

When Rowan and Webb stopped training and exchanged, one of the four great priests shouted at the top of his voice.

Hearing this, Rowan and Webb looked at the location where the priest was.



The light shines.

The figures of the Beamon Beast and the Bryde’s Leopard both disappeared, replaced by the human forms of Rowan and Weber.

“It’s you!”

“Exactly, my stomach has long been hungry and panicked!”

Immediately afterwards, Rowan and Webb flashed and came to the front of the four great priests.

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