“Here’s your chance!”

“The boss is a Devil Fruit ability of the natural department!”

“Any physical attack caused by a knife and gun is invalid!”


“Let him be so arrogant, and he will feel better immediately!”


The crowd in the Baroque studio spoke up.

The words directly made Klockdar feel that he could do it.

Oh, yes!

He is a Devil Fruit Ability!

Even if his knife is sharp and his slash is strong, even if it cuts his body in half?

He can be elementalized, and he doesn’t have to be afraid of Rowan’s knife at all!

Even if it was wrapped around that powerful electric current, it would destroy his body even more.

After the attack, he can also be ‘resurrected with full blood’!

Come to think of it.

Klockdahl has some confidence.

In front of the natural Devil Fruit ability, any physical attack is invalid!!

“I have to say that your strength is indeed very strong.”

“It’s a pity that there is a gully between us that absolutely cannot be crossed!”

“In the face of my Sand Fruit ability, all attacks are futile!”

Klockdar came up confidently and sneered to Rowan.


Hearing this, Rowan did not refute it.

It’s just that the curve of the corner of the mouth is more obvious.


The next moment.

In addition to the thunder and lightning lingering on the knife body, Rowan’s feet also lit up with dazzling thunder light, and under the increase of thunder fruit lightning, the speed was greatly improved.


Rowan squatted down slightly, and his body put on a starting posture of drawing a knife and chopping.

The calm eyes locked on Klockdar.

What a damn look!!

Seeing that Rowan looked calmly again, it seemed that everything was under his control.

Klockdalton was upset.

The right hand hangs down, and the arm turns into a sand blade again, and a large amount of sand constantly flows into the ground.

“Give me death!”

“Desert Great Sword!”



The sand blades that continued to extend out under the ground spread to where Rowan was.

A sharp knife-like sand blade suddenly rose from behind Rowan.

At an extremely fast speed, it cut towards Rowan’s waist!

The Desert Great Sword, which is an enhanced version of the Desert Sword in the Klockdar Sand Fruit Ability move, sneaks from the ground according to a special route, and then swoops at the target at an unexpected speed.

This trick, in the original work, even the general Chi Dog suffered a loss!


What Klockdar didn’t know was that the sneak attack moves he laid out had long been fully perceived by Rowan’s domineering sighting.

“One slash flow, instant thunder slash!”


Seeing that the sharp sand blade was about to touch Rowan’s body.

In an instant.

Rowan’s feet suddenly exerted force and stepped hard against the sand.

The figure instantly burst out with the extreme speed of the thunder fruit, turned into a galloping thunder light, and rushed straight towards Klockdar.

It was this explosive speed that just dodged the attack of the sand blade, allowing the sand blade attack to pounce.

“What a speed!”

In Klockdar’s eyes, he could only see Rowan’s figure disappear in an instant.

A flash of thunder light, at an unimaginable speed, kept approaching his location.

Klockdar is still like this, let alone others.

No one could see Rowan’s movements at all.

The speed of the thunder fruit is vividly displayed at this moment!


Looking at Klockdar again, realizing the approaching danger, he didn’t have time to think about it, and quickly urged with all his strength, gradually elementalizing his body.

But Klockdar’s body was only half-elementalized, and the galloping thunder light made by Luo Wenwen had already arrived in front of Klockdar’s body.

A lightning-fast slash slashed at Klockdar’s body with precision.


“I actually rushed in front of the boss in an instant!”


“It really didn’t work!”

“I just said that the boss’s natural Devil Fruit ability is invincible…”


When Rowan’s figure appeared in everyone’s sight, the knife in his hand had been completely cut off, and his body maintained a posture of swinging the knife diagonally downward.

Seeing this, everyone in the Baroque studio was still laughing at Rowan’s incompetence.

The next second.

Klockdar’s body suddenly stiffened.

An incredulous look suddenly appeared on his face.

An astonishing knife shot exploded from Klockdar’s chest in an instant.

The blood splattered from the knife edge stained a piece of sand under his feet.

Receiving the slashing force of this knife, Klockdar’s body also flew out upside down.

Fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Be quiet.

The scene suddenly became exceptionally quiet.

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