Everyone in the Baroque studio held their breath, opened their jaws, and looked at the incomprehensible scene in front of them.

It is obviously Klockdar, who is naturally a Devil Fruit ability….

I was actually cut by a knife!!

“No wonder he’s so confident.”

“It turns out that there is a means of restraining the elementalization of nature…”

“It seems that the end of this battle has been decided.”

Robin, who also saw this scene in full view, was surprised, and he could already see that this battle was not suspenseful at all.

Even the elementalization of nature was restrained, and Klockdar, who had been suppressed in the ability of the Devil Fruit, had no chance of victory.


“Fortunately, if you push a little harder, I’m afraid you will have to cut him in half.”

Look at Rowan again.

The dashing flick of the blood stained on the knife body whispered to himself.

The body of the knife, I don’t know when it started, was wrapped with a layer of pitch-black metallic luster.

No one noticed that the moment before Rowan’s knife was about to hit Klockdar’s body.

Rowan quickly condensed and released an armed color domineering aura, wrapping around the blade.

It is also the armed color domineering on the entanglement that makes this attack really hurt Klockdar, who can be naturally elementalized!

It’s a pity that the armed color domineering condensed in an instant is not condensed enough after all, otherwise it is really possible to stab the careless Klockdar.

Rao is so, Rowan from the sudden advance to the domineering winding of the armed color, and then to the knife slash, the action is done in one go.

Instantly cut off Klockdar, who thought he was invincible in elementalization.


Look at Klockdar again.

There has long been no strong image at the beginning, gray face, and blood stains on the body.

After struggling to get up from the ground, he coughed heavily and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Apparently he suffered a lot of injuries.

The terrible thing is that at the knife edge, there is still part of the power of thunder and lightning, which will scorch and fester Klockdar’s flesh and blood with electricity.

“Boss! Are you okay! ”

At this time, everyone in the Baroque studio who came back to their senses quickly stepped forward and protected Klockdar in it.

If even Klockdar couldn’t deal with Rowan, they wouldn’t be able to compete together.


Seeing this, Klockdar stood up tremblingly, endured the pain of the wound on his chest, and looked at the knife in Rowan’s hand.

As if sensing something, he blurted out.

With Klockdar’s insight, he who had fought with Whitebeard once knew about the existence of domineering.

That was the only ability that could truly harm the elementalization of nature, apart from the Devil Fruit’s own weakness.

It’s just that Klockdar never expected that he would encounter an opponent who could skillfully use domineering in this Alabastan.

Thinking of this, Klockdar had already retreated.

Here’s what happened.

Compared to the Devil Fruit ability, Klockdar’s Sand Fruit cannot be compared to the fruit power displayed by Rowan.

Now even the elementalization of the natural system that thinks it is the most dominant will be restrained by Rowan’s domineering.

Moreover, Rowan’s defense and strength, and even speed, have reached a terrifying level.

Klockdar could feel that Rowan didn’t exert his full strength at all!

If he continues to fight like this, he will only have one way to die!

Thinking about it, Klockdar’s eyes narrowed slightly into a slit, and he had already thought of a plan to retreat.

“You’re all on board!”

“Hold him off, I need some time to prepare!”

Klockdar immediately gave an order to his men.


With an order from Klockdar.

Although they knew that they were not Rowan’s opponents, if they just delayed to buy time, everyone still felt that they could do it.

Hundreds of Baroque studio members protected Klockdar behind him.

For a while, various attacks greeted Rowan.

The overwhelming bullets, the Devil Fruit ability attacked, constantly attacking Rowan.

Klockdar, on the other hand, took a deep breath, half-squatted down, put his right hand on the sand, and used the ability to produce the sand fruit with all his strength.

“You guys, less of a fuss!”

“God’s sanction!”

Looked at.

Rowan raised the knife in his hand, and the blade once again condensed a majestic thunder power in a single thought.

The furious thunder and lightning were immediately released from the body of the knife and rushed straight into the sky.

Followed by.

Rowan swung his knife and slashed down.


The thunder and lightning that were released high in the sky suddenly turned into a thunder pillar and fell.

The attacks of both sides were not at all in a grade, just a thunderous blow.

The combined attack unleashed by everyone in the Baroque studio was destroyed by the falling thunder pillars.

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