If you want to accept the normal operation of the Baroque studio, you must also have the existence of this group of people.

Rowan relieved for a moment and motioned for Robin to get out of the way.

“You guys mess with Klockdal, you all fight for your lives.”

“What did you get?”

“Ask yourself, Klockdar, what did you give you?”

Rowan opened his mouth and said to everyone.

Hearing Rowan’s words, the faces of everyone in the Baroque studio became even more ugly.

As Rowan said.

Most of Klockdar’s selfishness, the treasure he harvested, went into his own hands.

There are only a small number of cadres and members at the bottom left for them.

Being able to eat enough is a problem.

Not to mention enjoyment.

The reason why everyone still mixed with Klockdar was because of Klockdar’s ferocity, and they did not dare to withdraw easily.

Second, it is Klockdar’s protection for them, after all, the Great Shipping Route is full of crises, and under the command of Qiwu Sea, there is still a certain sense of security.

It’s a pity that now this sense of security is gone, and in the face of danger, Klockdar abandoned them in an instant!

“Now Klockdar has fled badly injured.”

“You don’t have to work for him anymore.”

“Be my subordinate, I promise you.”

“You will definitely have a lot more than you do now!”

The words that Rowan continued to say undoubtedly aroused the hearts of many people.

In terms of strength, what Rowan showed was completely crushing Klockdar.

In the future, there is no need to worry about Klockdar’s retaliation.


Rowan’s promise to give them more rewards was not empty talk in the eyes of everyone in the Baroque studio.

Just the Ark Proverbs made of gold that Rowan appeared on was absolutely astronomical.

Even the ship is made of gold, will it still be bad money?

The answer is no.

Rowan is strong, has inestimable assets, and even promises to give them more and better treatment.

There seems to be no reason for refusal.

“You… Will it really give us better treatment as you promised? ”

At this time, Mr. 2 von Kray, a cadre who was a representative, asked Rowan again with certainty.

Rowan nodded solemnly.

“If you become my subordinates, you don’t get what I promised.”

“You can leave at any time, I won’t stop it.”

“Of course, how much you get will depend on your contribution.”

“Definitely much better than now!”

“Weber, bring a box of gold from the ship.”

In order to prevent the Baroque people from not believing in themselves, Rowan directly instructed Weber.

Webb nodded and came out of the cabin with a large box of gold.

Rowan opened the box directly.

Suddenly, the golden gold blinded everyone’s eyes!

“See? There is still a lot of such gold on my ship! As long as you work hard, treatment is not a problem. ”


“In that case…”

“I would like to join!”

Receiving an affirmative answer from Rowan, von Kray was the first to express his willingness to join.

Such a handsome and rich boss is not much more reliable than the sand crocodile?

“I would like to too!”

“And me!”


So, the rest of the Baroque studio members all agreed.

“Good.” Luo Feng nodded in satisfaction.

“In addition, since there are relatively few regular crew members on my ship, I plan to select a few cadres from among you to become my official crew.”

“The ones I chose are…”

“Nicole Robin.”

“Von Kray.”

“Gar Dino.”

“And Mikita.”

“The rest of them, maintain their original positions and continue to operate and manage the Baroque studio normally.”

One name after another came out of Rowan’s mouth.

The core crew selected was also thought of by Rowan in advance.

Needless to say, Robin has become a double devil fruit ability.

Then there’s von Clay who imitates the fruit, Gar Dino who imitates the wax fruit, and Michita who flutters the fruit.

These people are all relatively good in Rowan’s impression, and their demon fruit abilities will also be of great use in the future double fruit matching.

“Yes! Captain! ”

Hearing Rowan call out their names, Robin and the others stood up one after another, with happy smiles on their faces.

On the other hand, the cadres who were not selected were a pity one by one.

After all, this is the core crew, and there will be many more opportunities for treatment and growth in the future.

“The rest of the world will not be discouraged.”

“Assist me in running the Baroque studio well, I will not lose you guys.”

Hearing the sighs of the other cadres, Rowan assured with a smile.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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