
Hearing this, the other cadres cheered up a little more, and they all said yes.

“Secondly, there is the transformation of the Baroque studio.”

“I want the Baroque studio to be the ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ of our pirate group.”

“Transformed into an intelligence organization, scattered throughout the Great Shipping Route, providing us with vital intelligence.”

Rowan continued.

Baroque studios are more than the people you see now.

In addition to the cadres and others with the highest combat power, there are about 200 hundreds of millions of elders and about 1,800 million elders of the bottom members.

2,000 low-level members is enough to initially form an intelligence network.

And the proliferation of intelligence networks, starting from Alabastan, continues to penetrate into the great shipping route.


“It’s naturally good that Baroque studios can be transformed into intelligence organizations.”

“I just want to build a large enough intelligence network.”

“There is a need for sufficient numbers and huge financial support…”

At this time, Robin opened his mouth and said to Rowan.

Robin, who has been wandering in the underground world and is very familiar with intelligence organizations, has the most say.

A well-formed intelligence network, only 2,000 people is certainly not enough.

Of course, in terms of numbers, they can all be enrolled, and the low-level intelligence officers and ordinary people can serve as officers.

The problem is funding.

After all, the members at the bottom cannot always have access, and they also need daily living expenses, which is definitely a huge amount of money.

Don’t look at the Baroque studio to the current scale, the actual funds it has are not as much as imagined.

“You can rest assured of this.”

“Little Kim!”

Rowan suddenly shouted.


With Rowan’s order.

The golden eagle Xiaojin flew in from outside.

On the mouth, on the feet of the carved claw, each grasped a huge box.

The box is lowered to the ground and opened.

What it contains is gold from the empty island of Shandora!

Not Bailey, which is made into currency, but more valuable, pure gold!!

Three large boxes of gold, which is completely enough for the early development of Baroque Studio!

Seeing this, everyone realized that Rowan had definitely been planning for a long time.

Even the start-up capital has been calculated.

With such a captain, they also have more confidence.

“Do as I tell you.”

“The matter of contacting the members at the bottom will be left to you.”

“Detailed, let’s make arrangements in the rain.”

Seeing that everyone agreed, Rowan nodded in satisfaction.

Then, suddenly I remembered something.

Rowan took three steps and two steps to the ground, dying Mr.5.

“Robin, you take the others back to the rain first.”

“Vonkeray, Michita, Galtino, you three stay.”

Rowan commanded Robin again.


Knowing what Rowan was going to do next, Robin agreed, and took everyone from the Baroque studio into the rain to wait.

After a long time.

Robin just returned.

The only ones left in place were Rowan, Weber, and Robin.

As well as Von Kray, Michita, Galtino three.

The reason why Rowan left them alone was naturally to completely subdue the hearts of the three.

“Forbidden Demon Black Coffin!”

Looking at Mr.5 who was only hanging in one breath with an indifferent face, Rowan would not feel a little sorry for this kind of loyalty to Klockdar’s existence.

A soft drink in the heart.

A huge black coffin appeared in front of the eyes of several people.

Followed by.

Rowan carried Mr.5 into the black coffin and took out a prepared fruit from his arms.

It was expected in advance that there would be no less Devil Fruit recovered this time, and Rowan also prepared plenty of fruit.


As Mr.5 and the fruit were placed into the forbidden black coffin, a deep and mysterious black light suddenly lit up.

Not a moment later.

Mr.5’s last strength was drained and he died on the spot.

A brand new explosive fruit appeared in the forbidden black coffin.

After doing this, Rowan summoned the forbidden black coffin to disappear and took the brand new explosive fruit in his hand.

“Recycle the Devil Fruit!”

This scene instantly made Feng Kelei and the three of them drop their jaws.

Completely unseen, unheard of!

Several people had never heard that the Devil Fruit could be recycled like this!

“It’s just one of my abilities.”

“As you can see, I have the ability to recycle the Devil Fruit.”

What Rowan wanted was this surprise of several people.

Immediately, he said even more bluntly.

“Not only that, but I was also able to remove the negative effects of the Devil Fruit for the crew I selected.”

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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