“Simply put, it is to let you have the physique of a double devil fruit.”

Rowan’s next words were like a bombshell, completely exploded in the hearts of the three.

This completely subverts their perception!

As we all know, after eating a demon fruit, the body will receive the ‘curse’ of the devil, become unable to swim, and have the weakness of the sea.

And once the second devil fruit is eaten, the power of this curse will conflict with each other in the body, and the body will finally be unable to withstand it.

Ended up with an explosive body and died.

Rowan now said that he could make people have the physique of a double devil fruit, which was too strange.

Seeing that several people were full of doubts, Rowan looked at Robin with a look in his eyes.

“That’s right!”

“Captain Rowan can give you the physique to eat the second devil fruit.”

“Of course, first of all, you have to really join in.”

“And I, just under the ability of Captain Rowan.”

“Became a double devil fruit powerhouse.”

Say it.

Robin grabbed the air with both hands.

On the sand, arms grew in an instant.


And after that.

Robin used the ability to slash fruits, and the surface of the arm raised from the ground suddenly turned into a sharp blade.

“It’s Mr.1’s ability to chop fruits!”

“It’s true!”

“What she said is true!”

“Captain… It can really give people double devil fruit abilities! ”

For a while, I saw Robin’s flower fruit and chopping fruit ability used out.

The three of them couldn’t help but exclaim.

Who would have thought that Rowan really had this incredible ability, which could give people the ability to have a double devil fruit!

This… It’s just against the sky!

“We promise to be absolutely loyal to Captain Rowan!”

“In the future, Captain Rowan said to go east, I will definitely not go west!”

“Captain Rowan, if you have any orders, you can order them at will!”


The three who came back to their senses rushed to express their inner thoughts to Rowan.

What is the concept of Double Devil Fruit ability?

That’s an irresistible temptation!

The few people present were all Devil Fruit Abilities, and a single one made them easily sit in the position of cadres and become a powerful existence with no difference.

Now that there is a chance to have a second Devil Fruit, it is definitely not the effect of one plus one equals two, but it is much greater than two!

The conditions promised by Rowan are already generous, and now there is still a chance to become a double devil fruit ability.

Of course, the three of Feng Kelei are willing to follow Rowan wholeheartedly!

Hearing the answers of the three, Rowan smiled heartily.

This is typical of giving a slap and giving a sweet date with the backhand.

Showed absolute strength, first let the people of the Baroque studio submit.

Then it was to prescribe enough temptation conditions to make several people follow him sincerely.

It really grasped everyone’s minds in place.

Of course, the double devil fruit belonging to Rowan was not revealed.

After all, that’s Rowan’s own hole card.

Moreover, there were only a few people present who knew that Rowan could give the crew the ability to double the Devil Fruit and reclaim the Devil Fruit.

This also ensures that the matter will not leak to the world government and invite danger in advance.

“Next, it’s the next Dual Fruit Ability.”

Hearing Rowan’s words, the three of them held their breath, expecting Rowan’s next candidate for the Double Fruit ability, which was them.

Rowan’s gaze finally stopped on Mr.3 Gar Dino.

“What I still have in my hands now is the explosive fruit that I just recovered.”

“Those with dual-fruit abilities, it is best to match two devil fruits that can fit each other.”

“Just like Robin’s flower-fruit and chopped fruit, you have seen it.”

“Gal Tino’s wax fruit is very suitable for the explosive fruit.”

Rowan went on to explain.

Gal Tino’s wax fruit can make candles and form any shape you want to build.

If you eat the explosive fruit again, you can create a steady stream of explosive candles that carry out powerful explosions.

The reason why he had this idea was that Rowan still referred to the ‘Hokage’ in his previous life, Deidara, who knew the organization.

Wax wax fruit plus explosive fruit, isn’t this a living detonating clay ?!

Moreover, candles will be more malleable, release more quantities, and can be produced from their own manufacturing.

The upper limit of future development is definitely much stronger than Deidara!

“Gal Dino, come here.”

After explaining to everyone, Rowan waved at Gar Tino.

Looked at.

Gal Tino hurriedly came to Rowan’s face excitedly.


Rowan Xuan put his right palm on Gar Tino’s forehead.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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