At this point, it disappeared out of thin air.

In its place, the water is still rippling.

“On top!”

“That desert island has flown over the clouds!”


Robin and the others noticed anomalies in the clouds at high altitude.

There, dense clouds were knocked through a hole.

The bottom of a huge island, still clearly visible in the clouds, gradually rises.

“Continue to rise in height!”


Looked at.

Realizing that the island was floating upwards, Rowan unleashed an even denser thunderbolt that accelerated the ascent of the Ark Proverbs.

The next moment.

The Ark Proverbs broke out of the clouds and came higher above them.

The eyes of the Robin Five suddenly widened.

I saw that higher above the clouds, there were islands of different sizes suspended.

The islands are separated by a distance, surrounded by an island in the center.

This spectacular picture.

Even in the pirate world, it is very rare.

And the island, which had just been controlled and floating, also joined the arrangement of many islands and became part of it.

“The island in the middle should be the base camp of the golden lion, floating island!”

Followed by.

Rowan began to control the Ark Proverbs, passing through the gaps between the islands and reaching the floating island in the center.

After coming to the floating island area.

You can already roughly see that in the center of the island, a huge building rises.

Rowan then took control of the Ark Proverbs and came to the front of the huge building.


The Ark Proverbs descended.

The movement that came out instantly alarmed the attention of a large number of pirates in the building.

“What’s the situation?!”

“Wait… What is that? ”

“A ship made of gold!”

“Look, someone has appeared!”

A large number of pirates rushing out of the building immediately noticed the edge of the Ark Proverbs.

Rowan and others who gradually came out.

Many pirates were surprised to guess the origin of Rowan and the others.

Although the Navy has issued a bounty order for Rowan.

But the photo on the bounty order was originally a secretly taken of the approximate side face.

Coupled with the fact that the Extremely Evil Pirates Group has not been established for a long time, it is normal for the pirates not to recognize Rowan and the others.

“Golden lion!”

“I know you’re inside.”

“Get out!”


Rowan, who was standing by the guardrail, took a deep breath.

Shouted loudly towards the Golden Lion Base Camp building.

A loud shout instantly made the pirate subordinates who crowded at the door and the golden lion change their faces one after another.

“It’s the enemy!”

“They are enemies!!”



Many pirates took out various guns and aimed at Rowan and several people on the Ark Proverbs.

The golden lion Shiji wants to regain domination of the sea, but he has a detailed plan.

On the one hand, there is the dangling collection of the island, the development and manufacture of IQ plant poisons.

On the other hand, it secretly unites large and small pirate groups, as well as the major forces of the underground world.

It has received a large amount of financial support and a large number of manpower.

At present, these pirates who appear are recruited from all over the world, or actively admired.

Everyone never expected that someone would be able to break into here.

And they directly shouted at their boss, the golden lion!

“You actually dare to provoke Boss Shiji!”

“I think let’s kill them directly!”

“Snatch this priceless golden ship!”

The pirates shouted one by one.

Rowan and his group were not put in the eyes at all.

They are following the legendary sea thief, the golden lion Shiji!

That’s from One Piece Gore · D. Roger, dare to face the existence of rigidity!

It’s not a random pirate group that can be easily provoked!

“Captain, they seem to be going to do it.”

“Do you want us to go down and fix them?”

Aimed at countless muzzles.

The eyes of several people from the extremely evil pirate group froze slightly.

An invisible murderous aura emerged.

Gal Tino, who was next to Rowan, immediately took the initiative to ask Rowan.

“It seems that the golden lion didn’t put us in his eyes either.”

“I want my subordinates to deal with us.”

Robin answered.

After Rowan’s voice came out.

Shiji, the golden lion hiding inside the base camp building, did not respond at all.

Robin also saw what Shiki meant.

This is not putting them in the eyes at all, and even disdaining to show up!

“In that case, then give him a big gift.”

“Gar Dino.”

“You go with Xiaojin.”

“There is no need to show mercy, the pirates who appear here are all damn people.”

The corners of Rowan’s mouth raised slightly.

Confessed to Gar Tino and the Golden Eagle Xiaojin.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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