
Hearing Rowan’s agreement, Gal Tino, who finally had the opportunity to show the results of his research, quickly agreed.

Jumped off the Ark Proverbs.



A clear cry sounded.

The golden eagle Xiaojin fiercely flew out with a huge wing.

Between the vibration of the wings, the strong wind set off made the pirates in front retreat one after another.

The formation is in chaos.


Jin swooped down and first caught Gar Tino who jumped out from behind.

Immediately, the wings flapped again, and flew above the many pirates and buildings.

“Xiaojin ‘senior’, it’s almost the same here!”

High in the air.

Gal Tino patted Xiao Jin’s back and said very politely.

Xiao Jintong’s humanity is known to the entire crew of the extremely evil pirate group.

Especially in the later training, under Rowan’s instruction, there was Gal Tino who cooperated with Xiaojin many times.

In order to please Xiao Jin, Gal Tino directly called Xiao Jin by his predecessors.

This unique title has indeed been recognized by Xiaojin.

Otherwise, Xiao Jin would not have been able to let anyone other than Rowan ride behind it.


At the gesture of Gar Tino.

Xiao Jin stopped his body and levitated high in the air.

Gal Tino on the back of the little gold immediately began to operate.

“Wax wax fruit!”


With the light voice of Gar Tino came out.

Gar Tino stood up.

One hand in two.

A large number of liquid candles were continuously released from his hands.

Followed by.

Under the control of Gal Dino, the liquid candle condensed into a human figure in the air.

The liquid candle also quickly solidifies into a solid state.


After seeing the appearance of the huge candle figure clearly, the Rowan people on the Ark Proverbs all slipped three black lines down their foreheads.

The appearance of this huge candle figure is exactly the same as Rowan’s.

Even more comical.

The right hand of the candle figure is also compared to a ‘yes’ gesture.

“This Gal Tino, when he goes back, he will definitely be taught a good lesson!”

Rowan said secretly.

The gaze returned to Gal Tino.

“First of all, the great image of the captain.”

“And then there is…”

“Exploding Fruit ability!”



A brilliant light flashed in Gar Dino’s eyes.

After all, it is the first time that the results of painstaking research have been shown, and the explosive fruit ability has also been urged to the extreme.

The ability of the exploding fruit was immediately under the control of Gal Tino and applied to the giant candle Rowan figure.

“Let’s go!”

“Let these guys who don’t know the height of the sky.”

“Feel despair!”

Do this.

Gar Tino cuts off the connection with the candle figure.

The huge candle figure began to accelerate and fall to the ground.

This series of operations is complicated to say.

In fact, it only happened in a short period of time.

Wait for Shiji’s many pirate subordinates to stabilize from the strong wind blowing by Xiaojin.

They were greeted by the fall of a giant candle figure.

“What is that!”

“Get out of the way!”

The pirates exclaimed one after another.

Where can it be taken care to launch an attack on Rowan’s side, a large number of pirates either flee into the base camp building, or quickly disperse and flee the same place.

But they didn’t know that the power of Gal Tino’s move was not under the fall of the wax figure at all.


The next moment.

The wax figure fell on the top of the building, and the powerful impact force, the top of the building was constantly shattered, and countless cracks spread.

It’s about to collapse the building.


Right at this moment.

Gal Tino in the air clasped his hands in the air.

The huge wax figure of Rowan, the surface lit up with dazzling light.

The ability to explode fruit exploded without reservation at this moment.


An earth-shattering explosion suddenly sounded.

After the wax figure Rowan completely exploded.

A huge humanoid explosion cloud rose in place.

The impact power that spread out instantly set off countless pirates.

Bang, bang

, bang….

The building, which was already full of cracks smashed by wax figures, could withstand such a large-scale explosion.

An explosion sounded.

A large area of buildings, at a speed visible to the naked eye, collapsed and shattered.

Wait for the movement of the explosion to gradually subside.

As far as the eye can see, it is devastated.

None of it is intact anymore.

Especially those who fled inside the building, or scattered pirates.

Either the body was strangled by the impact of the explosion, or it was buried alive in the ruins by the collapse of the building.


Suddenly, a shocking crater after the explosion appeared.

“Whew… Phew…”

The other side.

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