Gag Tino in the sky looked at his masterpiece with great satisfaction.

Breathing became a little rapid.

Gal Tino came up with a combination of his dual Devil Fruit abilities.

It caused great damage and also consumed his body quite a lot.

With this kind of move, he can’t use it many times now.

Look again at the Rowan people on the Ark Proverbs.

They were all deeply shocked by the power of Gal Tino’s moves.

“Gar Tino… When did you have this kind of strength? ”

“What a powerful explosion!”

“This is the result of the development and combination of wax fruit and explosive fruit!”

Everyone was amazed.

Finally, they all subconsciously looked at Rowan.

Everyone knows.

Gal Tino was able to have that kind of strength.

It is completely derived from the double devil fruit ability physique given by Rowan.

Otherwise, relying only on a single wax wax fruit or explosive fruit will definitely not be able to do this!

The same.

Rowan’s heart was also shocked.

Although the process of the move and the image at the beginning are a bit funny.

But obviously referring to what he told Gartino at the beginning, about the idea of C4 Galuro, the power that burst out is also incomparably close to Deidara’s C4 Galuro!

Gal Tino is indeed moving in the direction Rowan’s plan.

This trick combines wax fruit and explosive fruit with a living C4 Carolus effect!

And because it is a candle produced by itself, there is no need to prepare a large amount of clay and eat it in advance like Deidara in the fire shadow.

The future can be expected, the absolute future can be expected!


Right at this moment.

A figure quickly flew out from the collapsed ruins.

His sharp eyes instantly locked on Gal Tino on Xiaojin’s back.


The next moment.

Killing intent flashed in the eyes of the people who came.

The suspended body, a famous knife inserted upside down in the right foot, swept out at Gar Dino in the air.

The famous sword under his feet immediately released a giant sword qi that was enough to cut through the sea surface for hundreds of kilometers.

With a very fast speed, the slash flew towards Gal Tino, who was defenseless and still breathing slowly.

I don’t know.

The sneak attack of the incoming person has long been in Rowan’s domineering perception.


Sensing the sudden attack of the incoming person, Rowan exerted strength with both feet, and green tendons burst out from his feet.

Small thunder mangs, constantly condensing and emerging, fluttered on Rowan’s feet.



Rowan stepped on the hull of the boat with both feet, and his figure instantly turned into a galloping thunder light, rushing straight towards Gal Tino and Xiaojin in the air.

The speed of the instantaneous explosion was so fast that in the eyes of everyone, only a flash of thunder flashed.

Rowan, whose figure disappeared, appeared on Xiao Jin’s back.

Blocked in front of Gar Tino.

“One Knife Flow Ratchet!”


This was followed by a lightning-fast slash.

It was just striking the giant sword qi that struck!


The blade body filled with furious thunder and lightning, and the giant sword qi that struck with one blow.

Boom with a bang.

The giant sword qi was strongly slashed by Rowan’s sword.


It was also until this time.

Gar Dino and Xiao Jin reacted, and one person and one eagle just walked in the ghost gate.

If it weren’t for Rowan’s timely shot, one person and one eagle would probably end up seriously injured.

“Golden Lion Shiki.”

“I can’t imagine that it is also this kind of sneak attack.”

A sword slashed the sword qi, and Rowan immediately looked at the figure flying out of the building.

The tone was very disdainful.

Hear Rowan’s words.

Gal Dino and a few people on the Ark Proverbs noticed the presence of the figure.

Who else could be besides the Golden Lion Shiji who could unleash this extremely high-intensity sword qi slash?


“What a sharp-toothed brat!”

“Name it!”

The other side.

A flash of surprise flashed on Shi Ji’s face for Rowan to be able to easily slash his sword qi.


Shi Ji used the ability to produce the Fluttering Fruit to make his body fly to a height parallel to Xiao Jin.

Looking at Rowan in front of him, he laughed with a unique laugh.

“Extremely evil pirates, Rowan.”

Rowan did not hide it and reported his name.


“I remember.”

“Is that the pirate newcomer who recently defeated the Nanabukai and let the navy offer a reward?”

It seems that there is a special attention to the movements of the navy, so Shiji has heard about Rowan.

“It seems that he defeated the Qi Wuhai.”

“Make you think confidently that you can challenge me.”

Shiki looked directly at Rowan with cold eyes.

“Defeating a Qiwu Hai is really nothing to be proud of.”

“But defeating a legendary sea thief is different.”

Rowan didn’t care about Shiki’s sneer, but said with a smile.

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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