Lucie’s angry snort instantly stopped what Bruno wanted to say.

Despite knowing that Rowan is strong.

But Luqi, with his dignity!

Again and again he was humiliated and ridiculed by Rowan, and now he is beheaded.

If at this time, CP9 everyone will work together.

Even if he defeated Rowan.

This will always be Luqi’s ‘inner demon’.

Luki is to defeat Rowan with his own strength!

Otherwise, he is not worthy of the title of CP9’s strongest!

“Bruno… Forget it. ”

“Lu Qi can’t listen to you now.”

Carifa quickly grabbed Bruno and whispered.

Even if they are both CP9, the relationship between several people is not like normal companions.

For Luki, they have nothing but awe.

And Luqi’s character has always been very persistent in doing things, obeying his ‘dark justice’.

In the past, Lu Qi has killed 500 of his own soldiers on missions.

The reason is simply because: these soldiers were caught so simply, leading to a crisis in the country, and it is not a pity to die.

If at this time CP9 is mixed in.

If the battle is not won and the battle is over, Luki will even do something to them who intervened!

Under many concerns.

CP9 everyone closed their mouths one after another.

There was no intention of supporting Lu Qi anymore.


“You should be the most difficult opponent I’ve faced in all these years.”

“To show recognition of your strength.”

“I will use all my strongest hole card moves!”

“Use this trick to end your life, enough for you to be proud!”

Lu Qi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Xiang Rowan said word by word.


The voice fell.

Lu Qi squatted down slightly.

The whole person originally languished with momentum.

The next second a rapid burst rises.

An even more ferocious aura erupted from inside Lu Qi’s body.


In the midst of a high momentum.

Luckey no longer had any reservations.

The power that the body can urge is condensed.

Without exception, converged on the position of the hands!



With the cohesion of all the forces poured.

Lu Qi’s hands turned into two fists, as if a transparent force rose up.


The flood of power.

Even the space showed some signs of deformation.

It can be seen that the power contained in this next punch is so strong!

“Pick me up one last trick!”

“Six Styles of Mystery!”

“The largest round of the Six Kings Spear!!”


A roar came out.

Luki stepped on the ground with both feet.

The whole person rushed straight towards Rowan.

When the body is close to Rowan at a certain distance.

The clenched fists of both hands were once again compared to opposing postures.

Where the fist goes.

Aim at Rowan on the front.

Get close and release all the cohesive power!

“The power of cohesion has indeed increased.”

“Just speed… Too slow. ”


Facing the menacing Luqi.

Rowan still looked relaxed and indifferent.

Not slowly.

The tip of the saber in his hand was pointed at the oncoming Lu Qi.


On the knife body.

The furious thunder and lightning flashed and beat continuously.

“30 million volts Thunderbird!”


In an instant.

The violent thunder and lightning that filled it was instantly released from the sword.

A furious surge of thunder and lightning.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant thunderbird.

The Thunderbird exuded terrifying destructive fluctuations, and rushed towards Luqi with an unavoidable extreme speed.

You know, the 30 million volts of Thunderbird cast by Rowan is several times stronger than that cast by Anilu, because Rowan’s move is cut out with a knife, combined with his own sword qi, and the terrifying power of Bimon’s fruit, the combination of the three, the power is naturally much stronger than Anilu’s 30 million volts!

Luki hadn’t even used his proud final hole card move.

I was bitten by a thunderbird.

Thunder blooms.


Lu Qi’s screams of pain suddenly came out.

The terrifying impact contained in the Thunderbird made him unable to parry at all!

What’s more disgusting is that the high-voltage thunder and lightning released by the thunderbird are constantly stimulating and destroying his body.

For a while, Lu Qi’s entire body was paralyzed, and the strength of resistance became weaker and weaker.

So I saw the thunderbird biting Luqi’s body deadly, when the thunder and lightning completely engulfed Luqi’s figure.

Rush up.

Directly knocked the ceiling of the room and went to the next floor of the room.


Next second.

The furious thunder and lightning completely erupted and released.

Illuminate the whole room under the lightning light.

Lu Qi, who was wrapped in thunder light, was frantically shocked at an extremely high frequency.

Just a face-to-face kung fu, as strong as Lu Qi’s body.

They were all split and the flesh was broken, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

A 30 million volt lightning slash is completely enough for Lu Qi to drink a pot.


“Can he still release thunder and lightning?!”

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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