Seeing with his own eyes that Lu Qi couldn’t even release the move, he was blown away.

CP9 people no longer know what to use to describe their mood at this moment.

Not only the physical defense is the same as that of monsters.

It’s so fast that they can’t keep up.

Even the slashing force is deadly.

Now I see that Rowan can even release lightning.

CP9 people obviously can’t afford to fight Rowan.

In this case, you can’t fight and hide.

How else to continue fighting Rowan?


Luqi, who was hit by the previous floor, suffered the destruction of lightning and lightning, and finally gradually weakened.

After the thunder power of the 30 million volt thunderbird gradually dissipated.

Luki fell on the floor of the room on the previous floor.

The entire body had already been scorched and festered by lightning.

Up and down the body, not a single part of the body can be seen intact.

After falling heavily, Lu Qi could no longer stand up, and his breath plummeted.

Dying, he was already facing serious injuries and dying.


“Even Luki is no match for him.”

“We… Hurry up and retreat! ”

Looked at.

Carifa sensibly motioned to Spandam.

Stay again.

No matter who they are, or face Rowan together.

There is no doubt that it will only be a dead end.

The ‘illusion’ that I felt like I could beat Rowan at the beginning has long since disappeared.

“What do we ?!!”

“It’s me!”

“You all stay and stop him for me first!”

“After I evacuate safely, you will find a way to keep up!”


Spandam woke up.

Immediately pushed Kalifa away impatiently, and said sternly.

As soon as these words came out.

Instantly made the faces of CP9 people change greatly.

There are those who hate, those who hate, and those who are helpless.

Various complex expressions.

Kalifa, who was pushed away, also clenched her teeth and clenched her hands subconsciously.

They did everything they could to protect… It’s actually this kind of person….


“You still want to disobey my orders?”

“I don’t care what happens to you, I must keep me safe!”

“This is the first condition for your existence!”

“Even if you want to die, you must obey!”

“You should know to disobey my orders…”

“The end of disobeying the orders of the world government.”

Even though he was unresponsive, Spandam noticed the change in everyone’s expressions.

Instead, he continued to reprimand the CP9 crowd.

Especially when it was heard that Spandam moved out of the backer world government.

CP9 everyone silently lowered their heads.

As Spandam said.

Since they have chosen to join CP9, there is no way back.

Obeying orders is the only option they can make.

Even if they want to die for such a trash as Spandham.

Say it.

Spandam quickly fled for his life, pushing open another door behind him, and was about to leave here first.


But just when Spandam thought he could escape.

An ear-piercing thunder suddenly sounded.

The moment the thunder is heard.

CP9 everyone immediately realized that it was not good and quickly raised their heads.

In his eyes, it was Rowan whose feet were filled with thunder.

It’s already a flash.

appeared in front of Spandam.


“You… Don’t come here! ”

“What are you guys still doing?”

“Hurry up and give it to me, kill him!!”

“Kill him!”

Suddenly, Rowan, blocked Spandam’s way.

The speed of the increase in the thunder fruit really startled Spandam.

Spandam fell directly to the ground and retreated with his hands and feet.

He did not forget to command the CP9 crowd with an arrogant attitude.

Where there is a threat to life, the appearance of mercy should be begged.

“I advise you not to move.”

“You should understand the gap between me and you.”

But after Spandam’s words were finished.

Luo Wen’s ancient gaze swept at everyone in CP9 and raised a warning.

This remark.

Combined with Rowan’s faint murderous aura.

It really made everyone in CP9 stiffen in place for a while.

He did not obey Spandam’s orders and stepped forward to stop Rowan.

Looked at.

Rowan smiled with satisfaction.

The knife approached Spandam step by step.

Soon, he caught up with Spandam, who had been crawling backwards.

“Don’t come over… Don’t come over…”

As Rowan came to him, Spandam was completely panicked.

Spandam is truly feeling the shrouded in death!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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