Spandam kept shouting.

But Rowan couldn’t hear him.

Without stopping, he approached Spandam all the way.

Until Spandam, forced to the corner position.

There is no longer a return.

“Abominable… Damn it!! ”

“Then… Let you die! ”

“Ivory Assault!”


At this moment, something suddenly happened.

Spandam, who was still shouting, suddenly stopped.

A fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Jerked up and drew the sword at his waist.

A special sword, Van Goodfried, because he ‘ate’ the elephant fruit, was driven by Spandam.

Halfway through the sword, it suddenly turned into the appearance of an elephant.

Enter a special half-beast form – the elephant sword.


Spandam grabbed the elephant sword, seemingly catching a gap in Rowan’s despise on him.

A sword stabbed fiercely at Rowan’s abdomen.

It’s just where does Spandham know.

With Rowan’s reaction speed, even if he was not prepared in advance.

Spandam’s sneak attack was as slow as a turtle crawling in his eyes.

Those who want to sneak up on them are undoubtedly foolish.


Spandam also seems to have forgotten.

Rowan’s physical defense, even Luoqi’s attack is enough to resist hard, not to mention this ordinary sword assault.


I saw the moment when the elephant sword saw that it was about to stab Rowan’s abdomen.

Rowan swung his knife quickly.

A crisp metallic crash sounded.

With a sword, he directly picked apart the attacking elephant sword.

The powerful force also made Spandam take off his hand like a sword.

The elephant sword that was supposed to stab Rowan’s body finally flew out in response.

It was inserted upside down on the side wall.

Spandam was instantly dumbfounded.

Rowan took the opportunity to put the knife in his hand against Spandam’s neck.

The sharp blades all cut through some of the flesh and blood on Spandam’s neck, and a drop of blood oozed out.

Until then.

CP9 people want to come to the rescue again, it is obviously too late.

“Luo… Rowan! ”

“You can’t kill me…”

“If you kill me, you are really declaring war with the world government!”

“Or else…”

“If you let me go, we shouldn’t have seen each other!”

Rowan put a knife on his neck, and Spandam recognized it for a second.

Immediately, he humbly begged Rowan for mercy.

“You don’t seem to have figured out your situation yet.”

The way Spandam was heard was still in that threatening tone.

Rowan sneered and shook his head.


The next moment.

Suddenly he stretched out a foot and stepped on Spandam’s face.

The powerful force instantly made Spandam’s entire face dented by stepping on.

His head slammed into the wall behind him.

For a while, blood flowed.

All teeth were kicked off by this kick, and several were kicked off.

“Don’t… Stop kicking…”

“Whatever you want me to do, I promise you!”

“Spared… Spare me! ”

Spandam, who finally distinguished the main and secondary, immediately said to Rowan tremblingly.

“As long as you spare my life, I can promise you anything!!”

Spandam then understood.

Rowan didn’t care what offended the world government at all.

The threat of moving out of the world government, which was very practical in the past, fell on Rowan and did not work at all.

Spandam’s arrogant attitude disappeared.

All that remains is the humble plea for mercy that is only promised.

“That’s right!”

“I still have two Devil Fruits here!!”

“Originally, these two devil fruits were explained above, and they were going to give CP9 a few of them to eat.”

“All for you! These are all for you!! ”

Seems to remember something.

Spandam hurriedly took out two devil fruits with different shapes and patterns from his arms.

Placed on the ground.

“Two Devil Fruits?!”

I didn’t expect Spandam to hide to this extent.

Rowan was a little surprised.

Crouch down and take the two devil fruits in your hands.


CP9’s faces were even more ugly.

Looking at Spandam’s eyes, they were full of disgust!

This is obviously the devil fruit that the world government has given them to eat!

But as a result, Spandam was still hiding!

In the eyes of several CP9 people, if they can obtain the power of the Devil Fruit in advance.

Maybe this will not be the case today!

Everything is caused by Spendham’s selfishness!

“That’s right.”

“It was supposed to be eaten by Kaku and Kalifa.”

“Fauna, cattle fruit, giraffe form.”

“And Superman’s bubble fruit!”

Hold the two devil fruits in your hands and examine them carefully.

After comparing the Devil Fruit Guide, Rowan also recognized the two Devil Fruits.

It is the two devil fruits that should have been given to Kaku and Kalifa in the original book!

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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