According to the current timeline, Luffy has not yet gone to sea to Justice Island.

In the absence of threats.

Spandam hid the Devil Fruit secretly.

“That’s pretty much it.”

Collect the two Devil Fruits.

Rowan nodded in satisfaction and withdrew the foot that had stepped on Spandam’s face.

Followed by.

Rowan thought quickly in his mind.

“You should have a phone bug for contacting the top of the world government, right?”

Rowan then asked Spandam.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“This one is!”

Hearing Rowan’s question, Spandam quickly replied.


He also took out a phone worm from his arms that was specially used to contact the top level of the world government.

Seeing this, Rowan nodded in satisfaction.

“You yourself find a way to explain it to someone from the world government.”

“I want this CP9.”

Rowan immediately made his intentions clear.

Hear Rowan’s words again.

Don’t say that Spandham froze.

Even the surrounding CP9 members showed surprise.

Rowan spared a big circle, actually wanted CP9 to join him!


“You don’t think about it!”

“We will not leave to betray the world government!”

“That’s right, even if… Die! ”

Coming back to his senses, CP9 everyone said to Rowan.

Because he was born in CP9, which is directly under the world government, everyone knows it.

How terrible would be the end of betraying the world government.

Even a few of them already have a good skill.

Even if they were dissatisfied with their chief, Spandam.

None of them thought of betraying the world government.

In their eyes, the world government is like a tree that cannot be shaken.

Anyone who tries to challenge it will be buried.

Not to mention betrayal.

“Shut up!”

“When will it be your turn to speak!”

But before Rowan could speak.

Spandam, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly scolded the CP9 crowd.

It is very different from the determination shown by the CP9 crowd.

In Spandam’s opinion.

It is very worthwhile to exchange CP9 people for his life!

Spandam has always just used the CP9 crowd as a tool that can be used well.


Spandham’s reprimand really quieted the CP9 crowd.

It is their bad luck to have such a commander on the stall.

The faces of everyone gradually became ugly.

It seems that there is a premonition that what will happen next is irreparable.

“Rowan… Is it that as long as I give you CP9, you will let me go? ”

Spandam then confirmed to Rowan.

Rowan nodded.

“You have to keep your promise!”

“I did think of a good way!”

With that, Spandham gave an evil smile.

Immediately picked up the phone worm and dialed it.


, Purr….

As the voice of the phone worm rang, CP9 everyone’s hearts went up to their throats.

Several people glanced at each other, seemingly ready to make a move.

Phew, phew!

Right at this moment.

Weber and Gar Dino, who had been watching the battle from the rear, rushed over.

Came to Rowan’s side, and also put on a stern posture.

See this scene.

CP9’s crowd came to an abrupt end.

One Rowan is enough for their headache.

Now there are two more crew members of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group, which undoubtedly makes them dare not act rashly.


Under the stalemate on both sides.

The phone worm in Spandam’s hand answered.

Spandam’s next words instantly made the CP9 crowd fall into the abyss.


“Sir, it’s me!”


“I have unfortunate news for you!”

“The full staff of CP9… Not obeying my orders and blatantly betraying the world government! ”

“I request that they be erased from CP9!”


It’s all over!

When CP9 finished listening to Spandam’s conversation.

The expressions on their faces changed from shock to despair.

After a thousand calculations, CP9 did not expect anything.

In order to survive, Spandam actually directly charged them with the crime of ‘betraying the world government’!

And demand that the world government erase their identity !!

Looking back, just now, they were dedicated to protecting Spandam.

It has undoubtedly become very ridiculous.

“That’s right! Very sure! ”

“They have left their posts without permission and disappeared!”


Spandham continues to explain to the top of the world government, repeatedly affirming the betrayal of the CP9 people.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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