Chapter 98 Shadow Fruit Ghost Fruit!!

“You saved the captain’s homeland and bought me.”

“Guiding your cultivation is not impossible to consider.”

Renly touched his beard and seriously considered it.

Just thinking.

Renly’s gaze suddenly noticed the little girl of the Lunarian tribe hiding in the corner. Immediately will guide Luo Wen’s cultivation domineering things, temporarily put down.

Seeing Renly looking at the little girl, Rowan did not hurry to ask if he was willing to guide the matter of cultivation domineering.

Airplanes! Suddenly. Renly’s eyes changed.

An invisible oppressive force slowly emanated towards the little girl.


Until this oppressive force acts on the body. The little girl cried out uncomfortably.

Immediately, he looked up at Renly. Whew!!

A magical scene happened.

Not the power of any devil fruit.

Nor is it obtained by heating it in any way.

A small flame seemed to spontaneously protect the little girl. Since the little girl’s body burned.

The mysterious flame emits an astonishing temperature that ignites the tables on the side. But the little girl was like a nobody.

It was as if that kind of flame was something she was born withstanding to control. Looked at.

Everyone present was surprised.

Reilly also put away that momentum.

“Can’t be wrong.”

“Hers is indeed a survivor of the Lunaria.”

Renly said with certainty.

“The Lunaria clan is born with the ability to produce flames.”

“This flame is also their most powerful means of attack.”

“I didn’t expect…”

“Will meet people from the Lunarian tribe here.”

Reilly sighed with emotion.

Obviously, something is known about the Lunaria.

Hearing that Renly personally confirmed that the little girl was from the Lunarian clan, Rowan felt that this auction was really profitable.

Two desired devil fruits. Hades Rayleigh.

And the little girl who survived the Lunaria clan.

Things that were rare in the past, he encountered at once. How could Rowan not know that the Lunaria clan was powerful. The Flame Ember of the Hundred Beast Pirates is from the Lunaria clan. With the powerful talent of this family.

Firmly at the top of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirates. Today’s little girl is still young.

But its mysterious background, the talent given by the Lunarian people. Definitely the future.

If you can recruit her as a crew member of the Extremely Evil Pirates, and match her with the double Devil Fruit ability.

It will definitely become a famous existence in the future!

“Little sister, what’s your name?”

Come to think of it.

Rowan stepped forward and crouched down in front of the little girl. He asked the little girl in a very soft tone.



There seems to be some wariness of Rowan. The little girl did not answer Rowan immediately.

“You don’t have to be nervous.”

“I sincerely want you to join.”

“As long as you want, the Extreme Evil Pirates are your home!”

“With me, no one can hurt you and bully you!”

Rowan didn’t care either, and continued to say to the little girl.


“Our captain has always been talkative!”

“With us, you don’t have to worry about being sold as a slave again.”

“No one dares to bully you!”


Robin also came up and said gently to the little girl. This remark.

It seems to have touched a certain string in the little girl’s heart. What happened in the past seems to be vividly remembered. Compare Rowan and Robin’s tenderness to her. The little girl threw herself into Robin’s arms at once. Cried.

Robin also let the little girl cry, just caressing the little girl’s unique white hair with his hand.

After a long time.

“I… My name is Mina. ”

The little girl also looked at Rowan with some crying and said. Hearsay.

Hearing that Mina was finally willing to speak, Rowan was finally relieved in his heart, but after saying the name, Mina was silent again.

There seems to be something that he wants to say, but he dares not say. Looked at.

Rowan stretched out his hand and rubbed Mina’s head fondly.

“It’s okay.”

“Here, no one will force you to do something you don’t like.”

“Wait for you, what do you want to say.”

“Tell me again.”

Rowan continued. Rowan’s words.

Undoubtedly made Mina’s eyes red again.

“Robin, take her to the shower first.”

“Change your clothes by the way.”

“Mina, you should be hungry, right?”

“Let Sister Robin take you to the shower and change clothes first, and then eat something.”

Rowan immediately said to Mina and Robin.


Mina finally said yes again. Subsequently.

Mina took Robin’s hand and walked out towards the outside of the box.

“I hate this old man!”

Walk to the door.

Mina seemed to have mustered up enough courage. Pointing at Reilly, he said.


In a word, it instantly made Renly’s face very embarrassed. Rowan burst out laughing.

This little nizi is so cute!

Apparently it was Renly’s tentative coercion just now that made Mina feel uncomfortable. Followed by.

Robin took Mina to change. After a long time.

Robin returned with Mina, who had been washed and dressed in a long dress. Mina’s hand was still eating a piece of bread.

Mina, who had washed her, had faded the dirt that had been dirty on her face. Instead.

It is a very delicate and terrifying face. Wear it with a long dress.

Full of cute little loli!

With Mina’s appearance, she will definitely be a big beauty with good looks when she grows up. Looking at Mina’s long dress, Rowan didn’t know why.

I suddenly remembered Perona, who I encountered that day.

I remembered the two Devil Fruits that were still collected in my hand, which fit very well. Shadow Fruit and Ghost Fruit!


Rowan looked at Renly on the side again. The corners of his mouth raised a smug arc. Rowan saw it.

Renly was seriously considering the matter of guiding him to cultivate domineering. But it seems to be almost something.

It almost impressed Rayleigh, feeling that Rowan was worthy of his personal guidance.

Rowan’s first reaction.

It’s his Double Devil Fruit ability!

This is definitely enough to prove that his potential is limitless, and it is worth letting Renly personally guide!


Since you want to recruit Mina to join.

The shadow fruit and ghost fruit just mentioned also seem to be very suitable for Mina

“Captain, I just talked to Mina.”

“She is also willing to stay in our Extreme Evil Pirates.”


Robin said to Rowan.

“That’s wonderful!”

Rowan nodded happily.

Confirming Mina’s willingness to join, Rowan came to Mina.

“Mina, have you heard of the Devil Fruit?”

Rowan asked Mina.


Mina nodded in agreement.

For the Devil Fruit, apparently also heard about…

“I happen to have two Devil Fruits that are very suitable for you here.”

“Becoming a Devil Fruit Capable allows you to have a certain ability to protect yourself.”

“And it will become even stronger in the future.”


Rowan went on to explain.

“I… May I? ”

It is known that the Devil Fruit can give people special abilities, but every Devil Fruit is very precious.

Rowan took out two at once.

Let Mina be a little timid and dare not take it.

“Of course.”

“Don’t forget, you’re already one of us.”

“My Extreme Evil Pirate Group is full of Devil Fruit abilities.”

Rowan nodded and said.

“I… I’m also going to become a Devil Fruit powerhouse!” ”

“I don’t want to be bullied anymore!”

Mina plucked up her courage and said loudly. Hearsay.

Rowan smiled gratifyingly. Immediately.

First give the shadow fruit to Mina.

“The taste is a little unpalatable, you just have to endure it a little.”

Rowan did not forget to remind him.


Mina nodded obediently. Then.

Without hesitation, he picked up the shadow fruit and took a bite directly.


“It’s really delicious!!”

After this mouthful, Mina’s little face was all together. However, Mina was also strong and endured it without spitting it out. Not a moment later.

Shadow Fruit eats.

Mina closed her eyes and felt it carefully. Suddenly open your eyes.


In an instant. Special power urging.

The shadow that was originally located under the feet suddenly rose. Condensed into a solid shadow.

It is the Shadow Fruit, the ability to manipulate the Shadow!

“What an amazing ability!”

Looked at.

Mina curiously controlled her shadow, her hands pressed together with Shadow’s hands.

Feel the touch of a shadow that has never been felt before.

“This seems to be Moria’s shadow fruit, right?”

“This guy didn’t just beat Moriah.”

“You were lucky enough to find the reborn Shadow Fruit?”

See this scene.

Renly, who had a lot of insight, recognized what Mina used.

It is undoubtedly the shadow fruit ability of Qiwu Sea Moonlight Moria. It’s just that Renly was a little surprised.

Moriah had just been killed by Rowan, not long ago.

Rowan was actually so lucky to find the reborn Shadow Fruit to Renly, who did not know at this time, Rowan’s ability to recycle the Devil Fruit.

“Okay, practice the use of the Shadow Fruit ability.”

“I’ll teach you personally later.”

“Mina, come here.”

The other side.

Rowan then said to Mina.

Hearing Rowan’s words, Mina somewhat unfamiliarly controlled the shadow to return to the ground.

came to Rowan.

“Next, I will remove the negative effects of the Devil Fruit for you.”

“Don’t be nervous.”

“It’s over soon.”


The voice fell. Rowan held out his palm.

The palm pressed against Mina’s forehead. Moment.

The azure energy light overflowed from Rowan’s palm. The flow spilled and wrapped Mina’s body.

Mina did not dare to move and allowed the special energy to act on her body. Side.

Reilly saw Rowan’s sudden move. I couldn’t help but be curious.


A moment later.

The azure energy glow dissipated.

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