Chapter 99 Renly’s shock, infinite possibilities!!

Rowan withdrew his palm.

The negative effects of the Devil Fruit have been removed.

“This is the second ghost fruit.”

“Eat it too.”

Followed by.

Rowan also gave the Ghost Fruit to Mina.


“You boy, don’t know the curse of the Devil Fruit?!”

See this scene.

Renly was instantly not calm. Hurriedly stopped Rowan.

“A person can only eat one devil fruit.”

“Once the second one is eaten, the body will not be able to withstand the power of the curse of the two Devil Fruits.”

“Finally, the body exploded!”

“Don’t you know about this?”

Renly looked at Rowan with a surprised look.

Obviously, it is incomprehensible why Rowan does not even know this. Once Mina eats the second devil fruit.

In Renly’s view, I am afraid that he will explode and die on the spot. This is no different from suicide at all!

Rowan turned his head.

In Renly’s eyes, he only saw Rowan’s confident smile.

“Of course I know.”

“Now that I know you’re still…”

“I believe Captain Rowan’s words!”



He didn’t wait for Rowan to continue. Nor does it give Reilly time to react.

Mina took the ghost fruit that Rowan handed her. Without hesitation, he took a large bite and ate it.


Then I saw Mina eating the ghost fruit as well. Renly’s face suddenly changed.

To stop it, it is obviously too late. Time passes by a second. In the blink of an eye.

Mina swallowed the ghost fruit completely.

But what made Renly gradually have a look of shock on his face.

The scene that Renly expected Mina to die due to the clash of the cursed power of the two Devil Fruits did not happen.

Mina, who had eaten the ghost fruit as well, stood there like a nobody.

Looked at.

Reilly looked at Rowan again.

A supercognitive, terrifying thought came to mind.

“Mina, you can try your double devil fruit ability.”

Rowan suddenly spoke to Mina.


Hear Rowan’s words.

Renly’s eyes widened.

His heart was full of disbelief, but he still followed Rowan and looked at Mina together.

“I suddenly thought of a good way to show it!”

A wicked smile appeared on Mina’s face.


Mina took a few steps forward.

Came to Rayleigh’s shadow illuminated by the light. Looking at Mina’s position, Renly suddenly felt bad.

“Shadow Fruit Shadow Cut!”

“And also…”

“Ghost Fruit, Ghost Doppelganger!”

The next moment.

Mina found a pair of scissors, and actually used the ability moves of the Shadow Fruit and the Ghost Fruit at the same time!

Click! Airplanes!! Followed by. Under the attention of everyone.

Mina directly cut out Renly’s shadow. The shadow that was cut suddenly turned into a solid rise. A pure black, faceless Rayleigh appeared!

Rumble! It’s not over yet.

The clipped shadow Rayleigh actually burst out. The same powerful aura as Rayleigh!

Feeling the breath that Shadow Rayleigh burst out, even Rowan was a little surprised.

“It’s actually possible to combine the abilities of the Shadow Fruit and the Ghost Fruit to this extent!”

Rowan’s pupils constricted slightly.

Apparently understood the move Mina used.

It is a combination of the move shadow cut of the shadow fruit and the ghost doppelganger of the ghost fruit’s move!

Ghost Shadow!

That is, it retains the characteristics of the shadow, and has the memory inheritance of the ghost doppelganger.

There is no real entity, but it has the same memory and part of the strength as the body!

This ability is absolutely against the sky!

The first time Mina ate the Double Devil Fruit, she showed a unique powerful talent!

“Let you bully me just now!”

“Ghost Shadow, teach me a lesson!”

With an order from Mina.

The ghost shadow Renly took the initiative to attack Renly with a fist. It’s an incredible and funny scene.

Let Reilly not come to his senses until the last moment.

He could only be forced to raise his hand and take the ghost shadow Renly’s fist with his palm. Bang!!

In an instant.

A dull fist bombardment sounded suddenly.

The power of the ghost shadow burst out was actually a loss that caught Renly, who was caught off guard, and suffered a loss!

Reilly was hit with a punch in the palm of his hand.

The powerful force made De Reilly’s body couldn’t help but retreat. As a last resort.

Reilly instantly exerted his right foot and stepped on the ground.

With even more powerful force, the ground was shattered one after another. This undoubtedly shows the strength of the power possessed by the ghost shadow!

“That’s not right…”

“There’s still something wrong!”

It stabilizes the body behind the rays. It didn’t relax there. The face became even more ugly.

Because Renly felt that the moment his palm and the ghost shadow’s fist touched.

A special force invaded.

is constantly amplifying the negativity in his heart! Airplanes!

Looked at.

In order to resist this negative force, Renly actually wrapped his palms with armed color domineering!

This scene.

Even Rowan on the side was dumbfounded!

Who would have thought that a little girl who had just eaten the Devil Fruit. It can actually force Reilly to use domineering!

“I see, it seems that the ghost shadow also has the effect of a negative ghost!”

Carefully seeing that Renly was defending against negative forces, Rowan suddenly realized.

But the more so.

Rowan felt more and more from the bottom of his heart the horror that Mina would grow up with. And.

Rowan remembered that the ghosts created by the ghost fruit also had the ability to self-detonate enemies and Mina, which was equivalent to defeating themselves first, even if they won.

At critical moments, Mina can also manipulate the ghost shadow to self-detonate. It’s simply an unsolvable ability match!

Bang! Right at this moment.

It seems that because his own strength is not enough to control, this Rayleigh’s ghost shadow in front of him.

After a moment of force. It exploded with a bang.

Turning into an ordinary shadow again, he returned to Renly’s feet.

Renly didn’t have a big deal, but Mina was a little tired and panting.

“Enough, Mina.”

“Don’t overuse the Double Devil Fruit ability.”

“It’s putting too much load on your body.”

Seeing that Mina still wanted to continue, Rowan immediately persuaded.

Through Mina’s performance, Rowan also saw it.

With Mina’s current physical strength, she can’t manipulate too many ghost shadows. And.

The more powerful the opponent, the greater the load of manipulating its shadow. However, these can be compensated for after the physical strength is improved.

In the future, Mina really grew up completely and collected enough shadows of top powerhouses to create ghost shadows.

In the ranks of the top powerhouses, she definitely has a place! You can definitely become a well-deserved ‘Ghost Queen’! Not only that.

Mina also has the mysterious flame power of the Lunarian clan, if she can attach to the ghost shadow, it will not be enough to fight in minutes!

The talent of the Lunaria family can also make Mina grow rapidly!

The talent shown by Mina eating the double devil fruit alone is far superior to the rest of the crew!

“Rowan, what the hell is going on?”


“She can eat two Devil Fruits and use two Devil Fruit abilities?!”

Only after the return of the shadow did Renly recover from the shock. Immediately asked Rowan.

Everything you just saw.

It’s beyond Rayleigh’s comprehension!

“It’s not a secret.”


“This is one of my abilities.”

“I was able to remove the negative effects of the Devil Fruit for the crew.”

“Let the crew have the physique of double devil fruits!”

What Rowan wanted was Renly’s approval.

After Reilly raised questions, Rowan did not hide it and told Reilly the truth.

Get this answer.

Renly couldn’t calm down in his heart. Looking at Rowan in front of him.

I don’t know what words to use to describe it. Able to endow people with the physique of double devil fruits… Removes the negative effects of the Devil Fruit…

This is simply unheard of! If you don’t see it with your own eyes.

Renly would never believe such a thing. It was also at this time.

Reilly from Rowan’s body. I see endless possibilities. Even…

There is hope that they can do something that none of their Roger Pirates could do back then!

“Senior Renly, I should be qualified to let you guide me in this way.”

“Of course, I won’t let you help for nothing.”

“As a reward, I can give you a bottle of purple tequila that is a specialty of the Land of Flowers.”

“That’s something that money can’t buy!”

First, it showed the potential to shock Reilly.

Then he gave it to him and promised to give it to Renly, who already liked to drink. A bottle of purple tequila from the Land of Flowers!

It can be said that Rowan racked his brains to want Renly to teach him domineering advanced cultivation, you know.

Purple tequila is extremely precious, and the raw material is taken from the heart of the purple agave tree unique to the country of flowers, which is unique in the world.

The annual yield is extremely low, but the taste is incomparably mellow, which is excellent!

It has been a special wine for Draco for many years, and even Rayleigh has only drunk it once.

The unique taste that accompanies the wine is still retrospective. Renly couldn’t help but feel a little gluttonous.


“Purple tequila is only for Draco.”

“And where did you get it?”

Reilly questioned calmly.

“I remember the naval cantonment area of the Chambord Islands.”

“There are Draco living inside, right?”

“Since there are Draco, purple tequila must also have it.”

Rowan said with a smile.

The implications.

He doesn’t have purple tequila in his hand, but he can go to the naval garrison area and go to Draco to get a bottle back!

“I thought…”

“That’s where the Draco live in the Chambord Islands.”

“Even I am not sure that I will not disturb the Navy.”

“Stole the purple tequila.”

Not to mention you!

Renly gave Rowan a blank look at him.

Once it alarmed the Navy, it was not the size of one or two hundred people. At that time, there will be countless navies, surrounded by heavy circles. Renly didn’t want to turn the world upside down for a bottle of wine.

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