Chapter 267: The Strongest of the New Four Emperors!.

“After the end of the war, the news of Whitebeard’s death should soon spread throughout the sea.”

“At that time, the territory occupied by the Whitebeard Pirate Group in the past will definitely be targeted by pirate forces from all sides.”

“What we have to do next is to grab Whitebeard’s original territory as quickly as possible!”

After Weibull returned, Rowan then told everyone about his plan.

At the top of the war, the explosive news that Whitebeard died in battle is believed to not be long before it spreads throughout the sea. In the past, because of the strength of Whitebeard, other pirate groups did not dare to easily attack their territory.

But once they hear the news of Whitebeard’s death, those pirate forces who once had ideas will definitely not miss this great opportunity, and by then, there will be large and small pirate groups attacking the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and wantonly robbing everything.

Since he has participated in this step, it is naturally impossible for Rowan to give up these fat to his mouth to other pirate groups. Rowan’s goal is to take over the most core territory of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Moreover, the stolen territory was transported to the territory of the extremely evil pirate group with Mikita’s fluttering fruit ability. If the plan is successfully completed, the territory of the Extreme Evil Pirate Group will expand to an unimaginable extent!

Plus the gold of the Golden City owned by Rowan, the gold of the empty island…

The developed sea area can definitely surpass the sea area of all countries that BIGMOM has operated for many years!

And just right, the matter of grabbing the territory can be handed over to Weibull, so that Weibull can quickly adapt to the ability to become familiar with the Shock Fruit through battle.

Later, after announcing the plan, Rowan continued to explain some more detailed arrangements to everyone. Until the evening of the same day, after the combat meeting.

Rowan personally came to the console of the pirate ship, and with the ability of the thunder fruit, he controlled the pirate ship to accelerate its return to the new world.

The pirate ship of the extremely evil pirate group has a specially built power system in order to fly at high speed with Rowan’s thunder fruit ability.

The pirate ship, powered by the thunder fruit lightning, finally returned to the New World in less than half a day and came to the sky above two of the adjacent territorial islands of the Whitebeard Pirates.


Early the next morning, all the members of the Extreme Evil Pirate Group, who had rested for the night, gathered on the deck of the pirate ship again.

“According to the intelligence from Kaku, the two islands below us are one of the territories of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“Both islands have rare veins.”

“The ore produced by the vein is very suitable for the manufacture of various weapons and equipment.”

“Our first goal is to take these two islands first!”

Standing at the bow of the deck, Rowan looked condescendingly at the two islands in the sea below and explained to the crew.

“Kalifa stayed, and the rest divided into two groups.”

“With Weibull and Webb leading the team respectively, I want you to expel the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates on the island in the shortest possible time.”

“Remember, it’s okay to fight, but try not to hurt the local population.”

“I want an island with labor, not a dead island.”

Rowan immediately opened his mouth and ordered everyone.

“When all the pirates are expelled from the island, it can be announced to the inhabitants of the island that our extremely evil pirate group will take over the island.”

“Those who are recalcitrant can be dealt with according to the situation.”

“The rest of the residents, let them live as usual, and I will arrange it in more detail later.”

“Do you understand?”

Rowan then said to the crowd.

“Got it!”

The crew members said yes in unison.

“Then let’s act!”

With Rowan’s order, the crew consciously divided into two groups, and landed towards the two islands under the transport of Michita’s Fluttering Fruit ability and the Candle Big Bird made by Gal Tino Candle Fruit ability.

Bang, bang, bang!

The crew of the extremely evil pirate group divided into two groups, shortly after entering the island, there was a sound of fierce fighting on the island, obviously, the crew of the extremely evil pirate group who suddenly broke in had already fought with the rebellious pirates.

However, most of these pirates who remain on the island have limited strength, and the matter is more than enough for the crew to handle. Meanwhile, pirates on board.

“Captain, this is the newspaper sent by the news bird this morning.”

Carifa handed Rowan a new newspaper released today.

Knowing that there must be news reports about them, Kalifa stayed here, and Rowan took the newspaper and quickly checked it.

Sure enough, the headlines in the newspapers were reports of the war at the top of the Navy’s headquarters in Marin Fando.

Although at that time, when it was decided to execute Ace early, the Warring States had already ordered his subordinates to turn off the video phone worm’s worldwide live broadcast, but it was a very important event for the entire world pattern, how could the reporter miss it.

Among them were some journalists who ventured to Marin Fandor, filming the scene at the end of the war.

On the headlines of this newspaper, in addition to the whitebeard who died in battle, another more conspicuous photo is the picture of Rowan fighting Sengoku and Karp at the same time.

The reporter who took the photo, combined with the scene at that time, described with a slight exaggeration the process of Rowan fighting the highest combat power of the two navies alone.

In general, in addition to announcing the death of the top war and Whitebeard to the world, more space is used to marvel at the strength of Rowan and the extremely evil pirate group.

In the final chapter, Rowan also saw a report that he wanted to see. The pattern of the five emperors of the new world has been broken again, and the new pattern of the four emperors has begun!

With the death of Whitebeard in battle, there was one less of the original five emperors on the sea.

The extremely evil pirate group Rowan, the hundred beast pirate group Kaido, the BIGMOM pirate group BIGMOM, the red-haired pirate group Shanks, and known as the “New Four Emperors”.

Since he won the title of “Five Emperors”, Rowan has always felt that this title is too awkward. Now the pattern of the five emperors has finally been restored as before, and the title of the new four emperors has been born.

And Rowan, who led the crew to make a big fuss on top, was also named the strongest of the new four emperors.

This can also be understood, after all, BIGMOM, one of the new four emperors, is already Rowan’s defeated subordinate in the first place.

Secondly, although he has not really fought with all his strength, Kaido also chose to take the initiative to retreat in the fight with Rowan. As for the last Shanks, it has been tepid, and even ranked after Kaido.

Naturally, Rowan was named the first of the new four emperors.

“The captain seems to be very satisfied with their report?”

Looking at the smile that gradually appeared on Rowan’s face, Kalifa asked curiously. Hearing this, Rowan smiled.

“The head of the Four Emperors… It’s not enough. ”

“What does the captain mean…?”

“If you want to bring down the world government, it is not enough to have the strength to defeat the four emperors.”

“The captain is saying that with the strength of our extremely evil pirate group, it is not enough to start a full-scale war with the world government?”

The two asked and answered, and had a quick conversation.

In the end, Kalifa couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

If even the pirate group at the head of the Four Emperors can’t take down the world government, what kind of force must be able to do it?

“Is the captain a little overestimating the world government?”

“For now, even the marshal and captain should be sure of victory.”

Kalifa said again.

In Kalifa’s opinion, Rowan may have overestimated the world government.

“Don’t underestimate your opponent, especially our target is the most powerful force in the world, the world government.”

Rowan explained with a smile and a shake of his head.

“As far as I know, the World Government has been established since 800 years ago.”

“How can they not have any hidden power if they can maintain their long-term rule for hundreds of years?”


“You know, the navy is just the power of the world government on the outside world.”

Rowan then said to Kalifa.

It is impossible for the world government to rule for hundreds of years without any example of a powerful force trying to bring it down. Yet the world government has survived to this day, ruling the entire world.

It is conceivable that the world government must also have some power to control the world.

So from the beginning, Rowan did not underestimate the world government, but gave it a very high evaluation.

If not, Rowan would have taken the extremely evil pirate group and directly killed Mary Joya, the base camp of the world government.

The reason why he has not taken action against the world government is that Rowan faintly feels that all the members of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group, including his own strength, need to be improved.

Otherwise, Rowan would not have risked taking the crew to war against the world government.

At least, Rowan won’t do that until the true power of world government is fully understood. After listening to Rowan’s words, Kalifa nodded as if she understood something.

“But don’t think about it, if we can really be easily erased, the world government will already do it.”

“I believe that the day when we and the world government will go to war once and for all will not be too far away.”

Saying that, a light of anticipation flashed in Rowan’s eyes. It was late afternoon of the same day.

After several hours of “cleaning” the pirates in the two target islands, they have been completely expelled. The inhabitants of the island also accepted that the island had become the territory of the extremely evil pirates.

Immediately afterwards, Rowan personally drove the control pirate ship to continue to the territory of the next Whitebeard Pirate Group.

As for the two islands that were snatched and occupied, they were carried back into the territorial waters by Michita with the ability of fluttering fruits. And with the beginning of the big move of the extremely evil pirate group to return to the new world, the entire new world seemed to be shrouded in a jade suppressed atmosphere.

Some pirate forces, who originally learned that Whitebeard died in battle and were about to move, also slowed down their plans to seize territory, for fear of encountering the extremely evil pirate group and suffering disaster.

It was in this situation that the extremely evil pirate group was even more unscrupulous in the new world, snatching the original territory of the whitebeard pirate group.

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