Chapter 268 – Grabbing Territory and Treasure, Disgusting Blackbeard by the way!.

Three days later.

Somewhere in the New World, high in the sky.

A pirate ship that magically floats above the clouds.

When you look closer, you can find that what is hanging high on this pirate ship is the flag of the New Four Emperors Pirate Group’s extremely evil pirate group. At this time, on the deck of the pirate ship, Rowan, the captain of the extremely evil pirate group, and the crew gathered here.


Suddenly, a rapid sound of breaking wind sounded, and a silhouette suddenly flew quickly towards the pirate ship. After a while, this silhouette landed on the deck of the pirate ship.


The caller immediately shouted to Rowan and nodded.

“Mikita, coming back so soon?”

Seeing this, Rowan smiled and said.

The person who came was none other than Miqita, who was responsible for transporting the occupied islands back to the waters of the territory of the Extremely Evil Pirates.


“At present, all the snatched territory has been safely returned to the territory.”

Mikita replied.


Hearing this, Rowan praised Mikita’s efficiency.

“Now nearly half of the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates has been occupied by us.”

“Today’s goal is a little different, the island we are going to is not the original territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“Some of you should have heard of this island, which is known as the “paradise of pirates”. ”

Rowan then said to the crowd.

“Hive Island?”

The first time he heard the name of this unfamiliar island, Weber, who had been staying on the empty island before joining the pirate group, asked with a puzzled look.

“Hive Island…”

“The birthplace of the pirate game, the people who come and go in it are pirates who have entered the new world.”

“It is said that the number of pirates inside is so large that even the navy does not dare to approach easily.”

Robin, who has always been knowledgeable, quickly explained.

Not only that, but it is also the former base camp of the “Rocks Pirates” that once dominated the sea. ”

“The reason why it is so famous, in addition to being located in the center of the new world, is because countless pirate powerhouses have been born there.”

“KAIDO, BIGMOM, WHITEBEARD… They have also lived in it. ”

Rowan nodded and added to the crowd.

Later, Rowan continued to briefly tell everyone about the Rocks Pirates and the glory of Beehive Island. The Rocks Pirates back then can be said to be in full bloom.

There are countless strong people in the pirate group, and even the current four emperors BIGMOM, Kaido, and Whitebeard were once members of the Rocks Pirate Group.

It even includes some of the later legendary pirates, golden lions, Captain John, Wang Zhi and many more. Back then, if it weren’t for the Warring States, Karp and the young Roger teamed up to design Lokes.

I am afraid that the rule of the Rocks Pirates will continue for a long time.

It’s a pity that now that Rocks has been dead for many years, the Rocks Pirates have long since fallen apart. The current Hive Island has long since ceased to be prosperous.

However, because of the strength of the Rocks Pirates, Beehive Island has been occupied by a large number of pirates until now. There are also two reasons why Rowan chose to do something to Beehive Island.

First, according to Rowan’s memory of the original work, Hive Island will become the base camp of the Blackbeard Pirates in the future. Blackbeard will also start with Hive Island and recruit powerful pirates to join and strengthen themselves.

Since he knew this in advance, this Hive Island, Rowan didn’t mind destroying it.

Second, there are many pirates in Hive Island, and correspondingly, the treasures of Bailey are also very large. For this situation, Rowan has plans to have a murderous crossing.

“Captain, it’s enough for me to go alone!”

“Don’t bother Captain, you personally intervene!”

After listening to Rowan’s explanation, Weibull said seriously.

Weibull’s talent is already good, coupled with the familiar use of these days, the ability of the shock fruit can be used with slashing.

As soon as he heard that there was a fight that could be fought, and there were still pirates inside, there was no need to leave any hands, and Weibull was excited and immediately asked for battle.

“Don’t worry, let’s go together.”

“If you can’t make a move, I’ll try to let you solve it.”

Hearing this, Rowan said to Weibull with a smile.

“Yes, Captain!”

With Rowan’s consent, Weibull grinned and agreed.

“Let’s go, let’s also take a look at the former base camp of the once most powerful Rocks Pirates.”

Finally, at Rowan’s instruction, the pirate ship began to slowly land towards its destination, Beehive Island, not far below.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the New World is an island near the Red Earth. This island has always been the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who had just finished their funeral for Whitebeard, were preparing to rest on the island after returning to the New World. Unexpectedly, when everyone from the Whitebeard Pirates came to the island, they saw the looted island.

Inside the island, as far as the eye can see, the smoke of war rises everywhere. The island’s inhabitants were also brutally murdered.

“Here… What the hell is going on? ”

Looking at the war-torn island, Marko, the captain of the first team, said with a shocked expression.

“Captain Marko!”

“You’re finally back…”

At this moment, a pirate squad affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirate Group rushed from the front at a fast pace.

One of the pirates at the head, after seeing Marko and the others appear, immediately burst into tears with excitement.


“What the hell is going on here? What’s going on with you? ”

Seeing the impressed pirates’ subordinates running towards them, all with serious injuries on their bodies, Marko hurriedly asked

“Ever since the news of Whitebeard’s death… All the pirates of the New World have begun to frantically invade and seize our territory…”

“Among them, the most frequent is the extremely evil pirate group, one of the new four emperors!”

Seeing that Marko really didn’t seem to know the current situation, the pirate’s subordinates carefully explained the ins and outs of things to Marko and the others.

Just as Rowan thought, after Whitebeard’s death, the news quickly spread throughout the sea.

In the past, those pirates’ strength may have been afraid of Whitebeard’s murderous name and did not dare to make any invading moves.

But as soon as Whitebeard died, these pirate forces took advantage of the fact that the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group had not yet returned, and carried out large-scale burning and looting of the territory of the Whitebeard Pirate Group…

Among them, it is the extremely evil pirate group that occupies the most territory.

Although the rich territory has been taken by the extremely evil pirate group, the rest of the pirate forces do not dare to compete with the extremely evil pirate group. But some of the poorer, extremely vicious pirate groups of islands that can’t be seen by the pirates are not so lucky.

Often a small island will face the invasion of multiple pirate groups again and again.

Anyone who resists on the island will be mercilessly killed, and everything of value on the island will be robbed. Just like Marko, the island they are on now has already suffered two invasions from other pirate groups.

And because of Whitebeard’s death in battle, there was a leaderless situation within the Whitebeard Pirates, and there was no way to organize a good defense.

In just a few days, the territories of the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World have been invaded to varying degrees.

“It’s the Extremely Evil Pirates again…”

“There are other pirate groups! Dare to invade our territory like this!! ”

After listening to the explanation of his subordinates, Marko clenched his fists angrily.

Just after calming down, Marko suddenly felt powerless.

The extremely evil pirate group wants to rob their territory, and with the current white-bearded pirate group, it is impossible to resist at all. As for the other pirate group forces, now there are contradictions within the white-bearded pirate group.

In the absence of a new “leader” stepping forward, it is a question of whether internal stability can be maintained. Because the spiritual pillar of Whitebeard fell, the Whitebeard Pirates were also in danger of being completely disbanded.

“In any case, we can’t let those places that once wanted to belong to us suffer more harm.”

“Don’t worry about the Extreme Evil Pirate Group for the time being, they are not something we can handle.”

“Each captain leads his team and immediately goes to the island that has not yet been invaded to defend!”

“We must not let the territory that Daddy worked so hard to fight down be completely lost!”

After thinking for a long time, Marko explained to the rest of the captains. 4.8 This is already the best emergency response that Marko can think of for the time being.

As for what the Whitebeard Pirates will develop into after that, Marko has no control over it.

“Just do as you say.”

Hearing Marko’s proposal, the captains, you look at me and I look at you, nodding in agreement and replying.


The gaze returned to Rowan’s side.


Under the control of Mikita, the pirate ship slowly descends from a high altitude.

The sound of the wind blowing when the pirate ship landed immediately attracted the attention of a famous pirate in the port of Beehive Island.

“Pirate ship?”

“How can pirate ships fly in the sky?”

“Wait… Is that… That’s the pirate ship of the extremely evil pirate group!! ”

In the midst of the noise, someone finally recognized the pirate ship that fell from the sky, and came to the extremely evil pirate group.

“How did the people from the Extreme Evil Pirate Group come to Beehive Island?”

“Could it be that you are ready to do something to Beehive Island as well?”

“Recently, I heard that the Extremely Evil Pirates are in the New World, wantonly grabbing the territory!”


For a time, various speculations came out, and the pirates in the port of Beehive Island kept retreating in the direction of the town in horror.

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