Chapter 277: The Extremely Evil Pirates Besiege the Two Generals!.

The candle spiders scattered in the follow-up will continue to chase after the enemy and carry out a second intensive bombardment.

On the pirate ship, seeing that even the red dog and the green pheasant were deflated on Gar Dino’s move, Rowan couldn’t help but give a thumbs up to Gar Dino.

Now Gal Dino has developed the combination of the Candle Fruit and the Explosive Fruit Devil Fruit, to the point of pure green.

The combination of two devil fruits, a proper war soldier kills! After a few moments, the movement of the explosion gradually subsided.

On the land of Punk Hassad, a thick explosion smoke filled the ground, making it difficult to see the scene. Phew, phew!

At this moment, two rapid breaking winds suddenly sounded.

The next moment, the figures of the red dog and the green pheasant rushed out from the thick explosion smoke, and their footsteps continued to rush towards the shore when they came.

Looking at the bodies of the two at this time, the skin on the surface of the body turned into a kind of scorched black that had been hit by the explosion head-on.

The already scarred body, after suffering the serial explosions of Gal Tino just now, the wounds were cracked again, constantly oozing blood, but the two did not have the heart to care about the bleeding wounds, spread their legs and rushed towards the shore.

Both of them knew very well that the move just now was just a “starter” for the extremely evil pirate group to attack. If they continue to stay here, they will be greeted by a sharper attack led by Rowan and a group of crew. The state of the two obviously could not support them to continue to fight with the entire members of the Extreme Evil Pirate Group.

“Want to run?”

“Can you run away?”

Seeing the red dog and the two turn around and run without saying a word, Rowan on the pirate ship, the corner of his mouth unconsciously set off a playful arc.



With Rowan’s order, all the members of the extremely evil pirate group immediately jumped off the pirate ship. Rowan and the crew each spread their speed and quickly chased after the two red dogs.


In the blink of an eye, in front of the red dog and the green pheasant fleeing, a strange humming sound suddenly came from the space.

In the next second, Weber, who is known for his speed, appeared in front of the two red dogs with the extreme speed of Quicksilver Time. Multiply!!

“Two generals, where do you want to go?”

At the same time, a subtle thunder suddenly sounded. What followed was Rowan’s mocking laughter.

Behind the two red dogs, Rowan also used the speed of the thunder fruit to catch up with the two.

The red dog and the green pheasant seemed to forget that Weber and Rowan’s speed made even the yellow ape with the shining fruit feel ashamed of himself. The two were dragging their tired and badly injured bodies again.

Wanting to escape from Rowan and others is undoubtedly a fool’s dream.


After Rowan, the rest of the crew of the Extremely Evil Pirates also followed.

Some of the crew members appeared directly through the ground, some flew in the air, and after catching up, they showed a trend of encirclement, blocking the directions in which the two red dogs could escape.

In an instant, the two red dogs who were surrounded quickly stopped and turned to look at Rowan, who was the most fearful. The two sides gradually looked at each other, and no one said a word.

The air was faintly filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. In the end, it was Rowan who broke the silence first.

“Your navy seems to have guessed that I have the ability to plunder the Devil Fruit?”

“In that case, you two should understand why I’m here.”

Rowan smiled and said to the red dog and the pheasant.

Hearing this, the faces of the red dog and the green pheasant suddenly became very ugly.

At the beginning of the top war, the Navy General Staff Officer Tsuru had already deduced that both Rowan and Blackbeard had the ability to plunder the Devil Fruit.

After the end of the war, this inference made the naval top brass even more convinced. Rowan’s words, how could the red dog and the green pheasant not understand what it meant.

Obviously, Rowan had been planning for a long time and wanted to take the opportunity to plunder the Devil Fruit of the two of them together! This kind of thing is absolutely hard to believe in the past.

But appearing on Rowan, the two of them not only did not have any doubts, but also became more vigilant.

“Rowan, do you think that while the two of us are consumed, you will be able to plunder our Devil Fruit?”

“I advise you, your extremely evil pirate group really wants to make a move with us here.”

“Even if you fight to the death, I will let you reduce your personnel by at least half!”

After hesitating for a few seconds, the red dog threatened Rowan.

“You want to reduce our extremely evil pirate group by half?”


However, after the threat of the red dog came out, Rowan raised his head and laughed. The continuous laughter made the red dog who said this sentence turn gloomy.

Then, Rowan suddenly put away his laughter and looked down at the red dog and the pheasant. In his eyes, an icy cold glow emerged.

“Just because you two are in this state?”

“Are you overestimating yourself too much, or are you underestimating our extremely evil pirate group?”

“Today we are not only going to get the Devil Fruit of the two of you.”

“Moreover, not a single person will be injured!”

Rowan said very carefully and overbearingly. Moisture!

When the words fell, Rowan immediately pulled out the autumn water around his waist.

As soon as his mind moved, Qiu Shui’s knife body was instantly wrapped with high-level flowing cherry domineering, as well as the thunder and lightning of the thunder fruit.



Seeing this, all the members of the Extremely Evil Pirate Group also instantly entered a combat state.

Webb transforms into Bryde’s leopard orc form, Wibull transforms into mammoth orc form, Cyrus transforms into golden rock giant, and more… In the blink of an eye, all members of the Extreme Evil Pirate Group had full Devil Fruit abilities.

Purr… Click…

On the other side, looking at the crew members of the extremely evil pirate group who used the ability of the devil fruit around them, the red dog and the green pheasant looked at each other, and also urged the ability of the magma fruit and the frozen fruit to the extreme.

For a time, the central clearing surrounded by all the members of the extremely evil pirate group turned into a territory of magma and ice.


The next moment, Rowan raised the autumn water in his hand and ordered everyone. Phew, uh, huh!

With Rowan’s order, all the staff immediately besieged the two red dogs from various directions.

“Sweet and sweet!”


The first to strike was the female emperor Han Cook, who carried out a long-range attack.

I saw that Hancock’s hands were compared to the shape of a love heart, and the sweet fruit ability was suddenly used. Under the condensation of energy, a heart-shaped light was released from the gap between Han Cook’s hands. The heart-shaped light released immediately spread to the two red dogs in the center at an extremely fast speed.

“Be careful!”

“Can’t be touched by her fruit ability!”

Seeing Hancock’s attack coming, the green pheasant reminded the red dog with a solemn face. In the first war at the top, the pheasant suffered a big loss of Hancock’s soaring seduction.

Even the green pheasant, which has always been stable in heart, can be affected by the seductive power, which shows the horror of its seductive power.


.. Phew, phew!

Hearing the reminder of the pheasant, although I didn’t know what the pheasant was afraid of, the red dog still scattered with the pheasant for the first time. Click!

However, the separation of the two was still half a beat slower.

The bodies of the two escaped Hancock’s sweet and sweet attack, but the feet that were finally moved away were still hit. Just as soon as the sweet and sweet heart-shaped light passed, the left foot of the red dog and the only remaining right foot of the green pheasant were petrified!

“What kind of seduction is this?!”

Seeing the left foot that was instantly petrified, a look of disbelief suddenly appeared on Chi Inu’s face.

Because Han Cook was once His Majesty Seven Wuhai, Akainu is still familiar with Han Cook’s Devil Fruit ability. The charm of the sweet fruit is enough to make most of the admirals lose their combat effectiveness.

But this kind of charm should not affect them as admirals. How could it be… In just a split second, they petrified their feet?!

“Her strength has long been not the level of the Seven Martial Seas back then!”


Seeing the red dog’s surprise, the green pheasant gritted his teeth and explained. Multiply!!


“You don’t have the time to chat in front of us!”

Before the two of them could exert their strength to restore the petrified feet to their original state with domineering, thunder and spatial trembling sounded at the same time. The figures of Rowan and Webb appeared in front of the red dog and the green pheasant in the next second.

“One Knife Flow Thunder Wheel!”


Speaking too late, Rowan, who appeared in front of the red dog, immediately slashed at the red dog’s abdomen. The knife cut out, the blade body bloomed brightly, and it was like drawing a beautiful wheel arc in the air.

With this slash, the domineering spirit of the flowing cherry on the blade body was perfectly combined with the thunder and lightning of the thunder fruit.

The two domineering forces immediately turned into a round-shaped lightning slash, viciously cutting towards the abdomen of the red dog.

“Bryde’s leopard fruit!”

“Quick Fruit!”



At the same time, Weber, who appeared in front of the green pheasant, also combined the abilities of the two demon fruits to the extreme.

Weber, who transformed into the form of a Bryde’s leopard orc, attacked with a fierce beast claw that could not be seen at all, and suddenly grabbed the chest of the green pheasant.

“Canine Red Lotus…”

“Ice cubes, two spears…”

But after all, they fought two generals with very rich combat experience and strong strength.

The moment they sensed the danger, the red dog and the green pheasant both raised their arms, quickly condensed their respective demon fruit abilities, and were about to meet the attack of Rowan and Weber.

However, as soon as the attack of the two took place, the power was completed, and the change happened again.

“Hundred flowers and gentian!”


Not far away, Robin saw the opportunity and shook the red dog with his hands crossed. Poof, poof!

In an instant, a flower arm with a sharp blade suddenly grew on the red dog’s body.

Hana’s arm immediately slashed at the body of the red dog, so that the hand that the red dog had just raised was shot down by the slash. Both the arms and the surface of the body were splashed with magma because of the blade on the surface of the flower arm.

Before the red dog could make a move to deal with Rowan’s attack, the move was forcibly stopped by Robin.

“Shadow Ghost!”

“Negative big!”

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