Chapter 278 – The Terror of All Members’ Double Fruit!.

Not only the red dog side, but also the green pheasant’s side also suffered a sudden attack. On the scene, only Mina on the side was heard drinking softly.

Mina’s raised right hand, palm aimed at the pheasant’s body, and held it hard.


The next moment, shadows and ghosts suddenly floated out from under the ground like ghosts.

The shadow ghosts that were not materialized and were not affected by the ability of the frozen fruit of the green pheasant suddenly passed through the body of the green pheasant one after another, and after the shadow ghosts passed through the body of the green pheasant one after another, the green pheasant’s brows instantly furrowed.

Because the green pheasant found that the negativity in his body was bursting into his heart.

In the face of this sudden change, the green pheasant clenched its teeth and desperately resisted the influence of negative emotions. But because of the distraction, the raised hand also fell down weakly.

The pheasant’s well-charged attack was also defused by Mina.

This series of changes, complicated to say, actually only occurs between electric flint.

The two who were affected could not make a good counterattack at all, and were hit head-on by Rowan and Webb’s attacks. Boom!!


Two huge explosions suddenly sounded.

On Rowan’s side, a powerful knife slashed at the abdomen of the red dog, and the outbreak of thunder instantly blew up the flesh and blood in the red dog’s abdomen.

Not only that, the thunder wheel released by the blade body continued to act on the red dog’s body. Continuous impact and cutting, constantly breaking the flesh and blood of the red dog’s abdomen.

Receiving the power of this slash, the red dog’s body also flew out upside down. On the other side, the situation of the green pheasant is no better than that of the red dog.

Influenced by Mina’s negative shadow ghost, the pheasant is simply unable to defend well. Weber’s beast claw was fast to the extreme, and he grabbed the pheasant’s chest fiercely.

Rip and pull!

I only heard a tearing sound, and the flesh and blood of the green pheasant’s chest were directly cut through several blood marks that were deep in the bone by Weber’s beast claws. On the way the body was knocked out, the wound on the chest splashed blood on the ground.

Phew, phew!

This is not over, when the red dog and the green pheasant were both shot out, the figures of von Kray and Kalifa chased after the faster von Kray at the same time, and instantly rushed to the middle position of the red dog and the green pheasant, posing in the starting style of the shemale boxing technique.

Buzz, buzz!!

Seeing this, the red dog and the green pheasant forcibly endured the severe pain of their physical injuries and released a powerful armed color domineering aura to wrap around their bodies. At the same time, his feet slammed on the ground hard, rubbing the ground in an attempt to stabilize his figure.

“Slippery fruit!”

“Bubble fruit!”

“Soapy Yogo Cloud Otsuba!”


As soon as the red dog and the green pheasant landed, their backward figures had not completely stopped.

Kalifa, who also followed closely, instantly turned herself smooth and frictionless, and slid to the side of the two at high speed. Immediately afterwards, Kalifa put both hands, and a large amount of foam was released.

In the blink of an eye, the ground under the feet of the red dog and the green pheasant also became extremely smooth and lost friction.

Affected by the zero friction on the smooth ground, the red dog and the green pheasant who encountered this situation for the first time suddenly stumbled a little, and they could not stabilize their bodies normally on the ground where Kalifa changed.

The figures of the two red dogs, stepping on the ground all the way uncontrollably glided, just right, they came to the sides of von Kray.

“Shemale Fist Method, Gorgeous Memory Wind!”


In an instant, von Kray, who had already set up a fight, immediately punched continuously at an amazing speed. The fist offensive like a sudden rain actually set off a fist tornado in place. Bang, bang, bang…

Surrounded by a fist tornado, a powerful fist continued to fall on the bodies of the red dog and the green pheasant, making the wounds on the bodies of the two and the amount of bleeding even more amazing.

What’s more, von Kray’s set of fist techniques combines the strengths of a hundred schools and also uses the ability of memory fruits. Each punch that hits the body of the red dog and the pheasant causes a temporary confusion in the memory of the brain.

The red dog and the green pheasant can only be forced to withstand the continuous attacks of von Kray.

“It’s my turn!”


As soon as von Kray’s punch stopped, Kyros’s voice also sounded. Then, the ground continued to shake violently.

Cyrus transformed into a golden rock giant and rushed behind the red dog and the pheasant. Bang!!

Without warning, Cyrus controlled the golden rock giant, put his hands together, like a mosquito, and slapped the red dog and the two in the middle of his palm with a huge palm.

Phew, phew!

After the blow, the golden rock giant flicked his palm, and the red dog and the green pheasant were both thrown into the air.

“Ahem… Ahem…”

The red dog and the green pheasant who were thrown into the air finally had a short respite under the continuous recruitment of all the members of the extremely evil pirate group. Both of them coughed heavily a few times, and a mouthful of terrifying blood coughed out from the two people.

“Can’t stop and give them a chance to continue attacking!”

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, the red dog quickly reminded the green pheasant. If this continues, they really may die here!

Absolutely not, let the crew of the extremely evil pirate group continue to attack like this!

“Ice cube cone mouth!”

“Meteor Volcano!”


The red dog’s voice fell, and the two did not know where the strength came from, and once again urged their respective demon fruit abilities.

In an instant, a huge ice bird, countless magma giant fists, carrying energy fluctuations of destruction, crashed down towards the crew of the extremely evil pirate group on the ground.

“The captain just said, you don’t want to let all the seniors suffer a little injury!!”

“Protective barrier!”


Seeing the powerful offensive of the two red dogs desperately fighting back and landing down, Bartolomeo’s figure suddenly appeared on the shoulders of the three golden rocks.

As Bartolomeo’s shouts came out, a transparent protective barrier unfolded and appeared in the sky. Bang, bang, bang!

The red dog and the green pheasant counterattacked, and the attack all fell on the protective barrier.

What shocked the two even more was that it was such an inconspicuous protective barrier that actually withstood all the attacks of the two of them!

“Let you also taste the taste of being attacked by your own moves!”

“Rebound fruit!!”

After resisting the attacks of red dogs and pheasants with a protective barrier, Bartolomeo shouted again. The surface of the protective barrier suddenly lit up with a special energy light.


The next moment, the powerful attacks that the red dog and the green pheasant had just released towards the ground actually magically bounced back at this time!


In the end, the attack that bounced back completely exploded in midair, and with the attack of the red dog and the green pheasant themselves, the rebound severely damaged the two…

Successively suffered powerful attacks, even if the two were natural Devil Fruit ability, they were even more seriously injured when the extremely evil pirate group basically mastered the domineering power.

Even, there is confusion.

“Finally it’s our turn!”

At the same time, watch for the timing of the fall of the red dog and the pheasant.

Weibull and Rebecca, who had not made a move, rushed towards the pheasant and the red dog respectively.


Weibull’s side, in a blink of an eye, rushed to the front of the green pheasant.

Urged by his thoughts, the power of the Shock Fruit quickly condensed on the knife that was a weapon in his hand. Immediately afterwards, the power of the mammoth orc form that Weibull transformed into also burst out.


The knife that exerted his power to the extreme slashed heavily at the green pheasant.

Feeling the deadly threat brought by this knife, the green pheasant almost used all the remaining physical strength. With all his strength, a thick wall of ice was frozen in front of him to block Weibull’s slash.

But the green pheasant did not know that even in his heyday, he might not be able to take the knife that combined the Weibull Mammoth Fruit and the Shock Fruit without injury.

What’s more, it is now this state of scarred and extremely lacking physical strength. Bang!


The knife that Weibull slashed seemed to shake even the entire Punk Hassad. The moment the blade touched the ice wall, the terrifying slashing force and the shock force combined with each other and erupted.

Only one of the faces on the collision, the green pheasant condensed the frozen ice wall with all his strength, and it was smashed by Weibull’s sword. Then, Cong Yun, who continued to split forward, directly cut a knife mark with an extremely deep wound in front of the green pheasant’s body. Blood fell like a heavy rain.

The horror of the power of this knife, if it weren’t for the ice wall just now blocking and sharing a part of the power, I am afraid it would be enough to directly cut the green pheasant in half!

Rao was so, the green pheasants were cut into a near-death state on the spot, flying all the way out for thousands of meters, and finally fell to the ground to stop. On the other side, Rebecca is also attacking the red dog that fell from the air.

“Burn 0.1 burn fruit!”


Rebecca, who rushed to the close side of the red dog, raised the longsword in her hand.

Urged by his thoughts, the body of the long sword burned with flames, turning into a flame blade.


Looking at Rebecca who was close in front of him, it was actually the ability to use the flame, and the red dog who had slightly awakened was overjoyed. Compared to Weibull’s extreme power, the attack of the flame is not so great a threat for the red dog.

Akainu immediately realized that this was a great opportunity!

But how long to wait for the red dog to be happy, the changes in the body of the long sword in Rebecca’s hand made the red dog widen his eyes.

“Hot hot fruit!”


After using the ability to burn the fruit, Rebecca used another hot fruit ability.

Under the action of the hot fruit, the long sword held by Rebecca kept making a snorting sound on the sword.

The red dog clearly sensed that the flame attached to the long sword actually soared in temperature at this time. In the end, the temperature raised by the flame exceeded the magma of the red dog magma fruit!

Even, it is even higher than the temperature of magma!

“Yandi Sword!”

After doing this, Rebecca’s sword-holding hands suddenly exerted force, and a sword slashed at the red dog in front of her.

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