Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 141 - Missions

It was early in the morning while the sun has yet to rise. The Captain entered the quarters then woke up his men.

"Rise and shine everybody! Go to the barracks now! We have coffee already served there," The Captain said to them. Spanking some butts on the process.

It was then, they scurried towards the barracks after the Captain shouted at them. Joan just woken up and then hurried towards the barracks.

They entered the meeting place and they were handed a cup of coffee. They were still shivering after just waking up.

They blew the hot coffee and then warmed themselves up. It was then, their Captain arrived and then they made small greetings to him.

They were assembled to plan for their next mission. He laid the map on the table with some old parchment of paper rolled for easily putting it in the container. Up north from their current location, he pointed where the Riverside Stronghold was located.

"Our scouts made a report. According to them, a stronghold has a water source and there was a well that can be drinkable if cleansed. When it will be conquered, we can have access to northern territories. The advantage is that the road is very accessible and the travel from here to the Riverside stronghold is just hours. It is near from here and with constant supply, we can make it a strong foothold on that parts," The Captain said to them.

"There are only a few gargoyle guards that are located on the stronghold. They are the gargoyles that are living in small tribes around the Riverside Stronghold. Their main force is weakened so we have a chance to liberate the place. There are only two gargoyles in each post and the inner buildings are empty. There is only one problem. Getting in is an easy task, but when they will alarm their tribe, then things will get awry from that moment," The Captain briefly explained.

"Then it will be a tough battle from then on," He added.

It was a foggy morning and the sun has yet to rise. They travelled towards the north where their mission was located. The way was breezy and foggy, still, they paved the road towards their destination. No torches were carried and just pure eyesight. The Rangers and Rogues didn't have a problem but others barely cope up and adjusted their eyesight. Travelling far, they panted and rested for a while.

Sneaking, they slowly saw the first streaks of lights from afar. A Stronghold was seen by the River and they started the operation. It was the signal to commence the operation. Rangers and Rogues climbed the walls then dropped ropes on them. Climbing one by one, they all arrived on the top. Joan assisted in eliminating the gargoyle guards on the towers and posts. Joan dashed and slashed some gargoyles on the way. They were in a sleepy state as they didn't sleep for the night. Upon the top of buildings of the stronghold, gargoyles were on standby. Watching at the top, they saw that the place was foggy. Making it an advantage to their operation.

There was a tower that has two gargoyles and has a bell beside them. It was a tower that sees overall the other towers. Joan climbed the roof and used [After image]. While still being on invisibility, he threw daggers at the enemies. The blades landed on their backs and heads. Making them limp on the process. Bodies slammed on the floor.

Joan was in a hurry, it would only be a small mishap and the enemies will be alerted. Making Joan release his Shadow clones in different directions. His shadow clones went climbing the towers and killed enemies without making a sound.

They entered the buildings and cleared the enemies inside. The Rogues were in a bind too. They attacked the gargoyles silently and the last tower was left. It was then, the enemies on the said tower has blown the horn. Making them put in great turmoil.

"They are alerted! Hurry and regroup!" The Captain shouted.

It was then, the place became darkened by their numbers. They made round formation and then they flooded the area. Right at their eyes, the gargoyles emerged from the walls and went coming towards them.

"Brace of impact!" The Captain shouted.

They lifted their shields and then they were battered left and right with their claws. Joan was on the top of the tower and the Rangers sniped from the top. They saw enemies far more numerous than before. No wonder the past raid was a failure.

They attacked the ones who were entering their formations. Others were grabbed and pulled from the formation and they were left shouting on the process. Joan sniped the ones who attempted to separate them from their comrades and so they fell from the sky. Others tried to stand up and then regrouped again.

Joan and the other Rangers sniped until they run out of ammo. They fired more arrows until one gargoyle noticed someone was firing at them. They watched the towers and so they attacked the other Rangers. Joan felt alerted, their covers were blown in just a few moments. The others ran to escape the enemies who flooded towards their posts. Joan conjured a greatsword and then faced them head-on.

He slashed left and right but the enemies were too many. Making him regret it halfway. He was surrounded in all directions. Making him gulp his saliva on the process. He was clawed on his back and then dashed towards the lesser enemies. Making a runaway from their overcrowded numbers.

He went running on the rooftops as fast as he could. As Joan was dashing, he was still met with several ones of them. He slashed them left and right without a mishap and then made their numbers slightly decreased. It was then, he was assisted with arrows that came from the other side of the towers. Arrows landed on the gargoyles and then shut down some gargoyles on the way. Making him feel joyous at their assists.

Joan continued his travel on the rooftops and decimated enemies on the way.

Joan did a round of running on the roofs several times and then entered one of the towers. Shutting the tower door at the moment he entered. Panting while his face was sweaty, he slammed his butt on the floor then rested there.

The banging on the door continued but it subsided after a few seconds. Putting the door with what he can see currently. Cabinets were what he can make it covered apparently. The tower only has a cabinet on the floor. Joan then climbed the tower and watched the walls of the tower. It was bloody but the blood was dry. Continuing until the top of the tower, he walked slowly as his foothold might break if he was careless. Slowly, he climbed the tower and then saw from afar, the numerous enemies flying in the sky. From that vantage point, Joan can see that enemies were going to and fro from their base towards the stronghold. Others were patrolling, looking for others who were not in the formation. Joan then hides after he saw many Rangers were grabbed by the gargoyles and were dropped towards the ground. Others were hanged on the walls from afar to serve as a warning on them. Joan can only pity them, they served the kingdom for many years and now their bodies were hanged on the walls.

The formation was still not shuddering in any moments and it was the safest place for now. In Joan's hiding place, it would be soon be discovered or he will be left by his comrades sooner or later. Dying on hunger in this place would be a possibility if he will be left behind. He also thought that Escaping from this place full of gargoyles was also exemplary in itself. It would be hard to pull off when you were discovered by the enemies.

An hour of brutal battle and the enemy numbers were culled. Many retreated on the process while the formation stood firm. They all made it alive and then they watched the enemies retreat. It was then, they all shouted in victory over the enemies. They successfully conquered the Stronghold and made it their new base of operations.

They left some men, Joan included in the stronghold and then they all went back to the Lukarian stronghold. They cleaned the place and settled there for a while until they wait for the reinforcements to come.

Their nights were not also peaceful as enemies went to disturb their sleep. Many gargoyles were also walking on the roofs of their sleeping quarters and it made them have spooky nightmares. On that night, several guards disappeared on a whim. Making their morning plunged into chaos. Several gargoyles were still active at night and it hinders their sleep. They can't sleep at all in that place.

Morning arrived and the reinforcement came with supplies in them. Many adventurers were now present. Some were fresh, some were familiar faces. Others were old friends.. They now talked about their experiences at that moment and their complexions changed after that.

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