Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 142 - Night Hunt

The night came and the mood was celebratory. Others enjoyed the mood while Joan was silent on the side. There was booze but it was only drunk by the drunkards. Their ration was mashed potatoes and boiled meat added with spices. The guard posts were now more numerous as they replenished their numbers.

Joan was sitting by the fire and the Captain approached him. Having a cup of booze in his left and one too in his right. He gave one to Joan then sits beside him.

"Can I?"

"Yeah, sure," Joan replied to him.

"I watched you ran towards the flocking enemies on the stronghold. And I am impressed with that. You've got skills, don't you?" Joan was asked.

"Ah, just enough skills to survive," He replied.

"It was still impressive, I remembered far more than my fingers can count who are brave enough like you. But they are only a few who survived that. Sometimes, their bravery doesn't match their skills. Ending up in their demise," The Captain said to him.

"Well, I survived and that's that," Joan said then sipped.

"You know that I was an adventurer like you in my younger days. But not so young like you. Maybe in my twenties but not surpassing in my thirties. I brought down maddened bulls in the plains with just my fist. It was my glory days. You know the rest of the story, I became popular and so earned a scholarship in the Academy. I then studied Paladin class in the academy after that and ended up being a Captain. I am then assigned here as an overseer to the adventurers. You must pick your fate well child. Ahem, you are Joan right?" He asked.

"Yes, I am indeed Joan," He replied.

"I haven't seen steel badged so young like you. That's an extreme honour to be one. Back in the past, the adventurers were only hired for menial tasks like picking up herbs, killing specific monsters. But then, the King found a more appropriate mission for us and that is to reclaim the Dark lands. Such lands housed monsters and horrors not yet discovered. Others are still not listed on the archives of monsters. Making it a mysterious place and a gruesome one at that. It was once a human territory, but all changed after the seeds of evil were planted here and there. You can thank the Demon lords for that," He said.

"Yeah," Joan replied.

"This drink is delicious. Can you tell me the fruit used?" Joan asked.

"Peach," The Captain replied.

"Ah, so that explains it. This place is vast, you can jog around the place," Joan said to him.

"Yeah, we will repair some buildings as they have seen better days. But the sleeping quarters are first rehabilitated. You can rest well tonight," The Captain said to him. Drinking another sip.

"Well, not until we hunted some gargoyles who are causing a nightmare to others. We can't sleep at all in the first night," Joan said to him.

"Well, they sure have the energy to disrupt our sleep then it will be a problem. We must form a team to silence them once and for all," He said to Joan.

"Count me in," Joan replied to him.

"Sure," He said then tapped his shoulders.

"Well, we will call this a night. It is nice talking with you, Joan," He said.

"Bye," Joan replied.

The place then died out their waves of laughter chuckles as they went to rest. The sleeping quarters were full of wasted drunkards. Others were on the floor. With only lamps to light the place, they felt more sleepy if they will stare at it. Joan then went to his bed and slept. All his consciousness was inside his dreams and was having fun while inside it. Still, his dreams were cut short.

He was woken up by one of the first persons who slept in the sleeping quarters.

"Hey kid, they are here. Much more than the last time," He said while pointing to the roof.

Scratch! Screech! Squeak!

The two heard it and decided to take up arms.

"Wake up the others if you want their help," Joan said to him.

"Affirmative," He responded.

He soon wake up the others who were not drunk at that time and they all grabbed their weapons. Others grabbed their bows as it will be a ranged battle. Enemies were going to be closing in to kill them though. Having chosen the weapon, they went outside.

Joan was already there, in his left hand was a bow and a quiver of arrows was on his back. Drawing the bow and tucking an arrow, he fired at the sky. It was then, moments later, a silhouette crashed on the ground.


Joan climbed the walls of the sleeping quarters and leapt towards the roof. Others tried to do so but they didn't make it like him. Others went to the walls and saw the numerous enemies flying up above them. Enemies numbered a hundred were seen.

Circling on a gargoyle that has a glowing red ball on his hands. He threw it to Joan and Joan evaded it nonchalantly. It was then Joan knew that it was a ranged spell that withers the ones it touches. Making Joan bit his lower lips.

[Rapid fire]

Joan used his Ranger skill and they were propelled in great speed and succession. The enemies were one by one shut down but they were aggravated at seeing their comrades were killed. They landed on the roof and encircled Joan.

'This sure will be interesting,'

"Come!" Joan said to them.

They darted towards him clawed him. Joan evaded in hair's breathe kicked them towards the other adventurers. Making them jolt at the moment an enemy was propelled towards them.


It crashed on the walls and they soon poke it if it was still alive or not. The enemy jolted and so they killed it immediately. Stabbing it with a knife to death.

Joan then changed his weapon to an axe. Dual-wielding an axe then slashed them left and right. Using [Dual wielder] and [Rapid slash] of the Ranger made them butchered by his axe. He only used skills that were not so catchy or his cover will be blown.

Their leader was just watching but then, he went to join in the fun. He duelled Joan and the other gargoyles were being attacked by the other adventurers. Arrows were sent flying towards them and there were spells mixed with them. Throwing axes were also thrown by Chaos Knights while making a distraction. Making to deal with them at the moment.

"Don't let anyone alive! Don't let them escape!"

"Kill them all! All our restless nights have to put an end!" They shouted.

Joan duelled the peculiar gargoyle that has spells. In Joan's view, it was an elite. Imagining a Hobgoblin elite in the past was terrifying that four shadow clones were only able to wound it. Not even killing it on the spot. Maybe it would not be the same now but the enemy was a gargoyle. A creature of darkness that has strength and speed. Can fly too when needed.

It was at that moment, Joan prepared for the worst. He held his axe tighter than before and then dashed towards his enemy.


Joan shouted. He slashed the gargoyle with a left and right but it evaded. It slashed with its claws and Joan blocked it with his axe.


Joan barely made it without a scratch. A slit on his cheeks was made as the speed surpasses his stats. Luckily, he healed himself and his face was as good as new.

'Dang it! Elites are too strong!'

Joan can only inwardly curse. His enemy was not something to be trifled with. Joan then went all out. Dashing like a pouncing cheetah, he crouched while moving towards his enemy. It flew upwards to evade him but Joan was fast enough to meet him mid-air.


He appeared on its back as its flapping was slower than Joan. Joan made it towards him and kicked it downwards. The enemy flinched but he grabbed Joan on his feet. Joan felt like panicking as he was spun by his enemy and so he threw his axe. The axe landed on the back of his enemy as it was busy rotating him. Joan was then thrown to the roof of one of the buildings and he coughed hard after his back landed on the roof.


Joan then healed himself and conjured another axe on his hands. The enemy flapped its wings while in the air and pulled his axe from his back. Agitated, he darted towards Joan's direction.


The enemy wailed and conjured red balls on his hands. Throwing it to Joan who went rotating after he evaded them. Joan threw two of his axe on him and then conjured another one. Dashing forth towards him.


Joan shouted at him. Dashing forth while hurling the dirt on the roof.

Bang! Bing! Bang! Bing!

The metallic sound reverberated in the surrounding area and all the ones who were asleep has woken up.. The other adventurers have taken up arms and joined the battle.

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