Grasping Evil

Chapter 1055: rainstorm!

Time is the 28th day of the end of the fantasy test, and the end of the fantasy test, there are 27 hours.

At the moment, on the surface of the earth, in the center of the square of the Great Guangming Temple, dozens of muscular martial arts, slowly moving out a stone ruler of more than ten feet high.

The sundial is the timekeeping thing commonly used by the Dabei people. When the sundial is put in place, there will be a special monk who will time the day.

As early as nine hours ago, the entrance to the Fire Soul Tower was opened, and the monks who had walked out of the Fire Tower had been sent back to the square, and the maps of the various tribes were handed over to the Daguangming Temple.

Because the results of the magic test are linked to the number of lights on the map, the results of the magic test are quite a bit troublesome. The illuminated map areas are often irregular shapes. In this way, it is necessary to accurately measure the area on the map by a specific means before calculating the accurate scores of each tribe.

During the statistical process, the tribal test results of each tribe will not be announced.

The first tribe that returned from the Fire Soul Tower was the Valley Department. It returned before eight hours. Only seven people returned from the Fire Tower. After the magical map was submitted, seven people came to the vicinity of the Sun. Meditate on the knees, waiting for the end of the fantasy test.

After the Valley Department, 18 tribes returned, and the vast majority lost only a few people. There were only 11 people left. After each handed in the map, they waited in front of the sundial. .

The Magical Sea Department and the Sea Witch Department returned to the ground at the same time. Only the number of the two tribes was the least damaged, which once caused the audience to sigh.

"I don't think that the fantasy test is so dangerous. The tribes that are currently returning have lost a lot of people..."

"It’s still a great witch in the sea witch department. Under her leadership, the sea witch department did not lose a few people at all. It was the magic sea department that teamed up with it, and it did not lose many people. It is obvious that the fantasy test teammates are Very important thing."

"The other tribes in which Xianzun is sitting should be similar to the sea witch department, and there is not much damage."

"But it's a bit strange..."

"Where is it strange?"

"You haven't been a bone for a thousand years, you haven't seen the previous trials of the magical illusion, but you don't know. On the 28th day, there are often more than 70% of the tribes who choose to leave the Fire Tower in advance, and about 10% of the tribes. Will continue to stay in the Fire Tower, and then return on the 29th and 30th. The remaining two-in-one tribes will be covered in the Fire Tower and will never be able to return to the ground. This session is different, so far The number of tribes returning to the ground seems to be a bit less... one hundred and eight tribes, currently only returning nineteen..."

“Maybe most tribes still add grades to the Fire Tower...”

"And so far, only the Wuyan adult, a Xianzun strongman, has returned, and the other few sages seem to have not returned yet..."

"I don't know when the Stone Man of the Stone People Department returned, and what results have been achieved. I can put a heavy note on the stone people. I want to come under the leadership of Shidang, and the achievements of the Stone People Department can definitely be stabilized. The top three."

"Oh, I also made a big note, but below the Chifeng Department, I am very confident about the strength of the Red Tibetans. I want to know that the Red Tibetans are teaming up with the Killing House. It!"

"I don't know **** the 100th floor and the repairs. Who can live and come, and nearly a month has passed. Both of them must have been born and died in the Fire Tower."

"That's so amazing that the test results are so amazing that most of them will return to him..."

"Xiandi, a good brother, everything can not only look at the surface, maybe killing a hundred floors to come back alive, positive killing and assessment results, but two concepts. The dumb brother but under the heavy note, the killing of the hundred floors to survive, you can get Help the dumb brother to pray together, that is to kill the hundred floors to win!"

Those uninformed residents of Liulicheng, some stayed here to talk and laugh, while others ran to look at it and then left.

It is impossible for everyone to stay here, waiting for the release of the magic test results. The magical test lasts for too long. For the entire month, most residents of Liulicheng still have to work, eat, and sleep.

Always waiting here, only the real self-cultivator, for these people, a month's time, just a small meditation, does not feel how long.

On the high platform, the meditation of the masters of the buddha, the meditation of the narcissist, mostly talked with ease. Only when a tribe returns from the Fire Tower, these strongmen will look at the direction of the sun in the center of the square.

Compared with the final leader of the fantasy test, these masters of the Buddha are more concerned about it, but instead fight the dispute between Bailou and Ningfan.

Whether it is a witch or a red book, it is the stone man of the stone department. Compared with these two people, they are somewhat bleak. There must be a life-and-death match between the two. If you can come back, you can only be one of them. Of course, it is possible that the two will die together and cannot return.

On the seat of Lou Tuo, some disciples will ask him questions from time to time.

"Master, do you say that the brothers on the 100th floor can take the life of the repair?"

"Master, is the brother of the 100th floor coming back soon?"

"Master...the hundred brothers, he..."

"Master respect..."

"Master respect..."

Lou Tuo's face was calm and closed, and his disciples did not know that the killing of the 100th floor was dead, but he knew.

A little bit of feeling of suffering.

Killing Bailou actually lost his hand, and was killed by Ning Fan... At the moment, Ning Fan’s child was still in the fire tower, and Lou Tuofu frowned slightly.

But that's it...

Oh, Ning Fan’s child can win, it’s also a good thing, isn’t it...

He succeeded in removing the 100-story building by the hand of Ning Fan’s child... This is not another harvest!

Lou Tuodi turned a deaf ear to the questions of the disciples, refused to answer, but was always silent, and sometimes his mouth was full of unpredictable smiles.

There are countless strong people here, no one knows, Lou Tuo Di is laughing, only the Buddha Cried Emperor also squinted at the inscrutable, and the heart secretly stunned Lou Tuo.

"Insidious old things... I really didn't think that it seems that killing people by knife is the real purpose of this old guy! Before I was killed in the killing of the 100th floor, this old thing clearly showed the color of anger, but it was unexpected, just Camouflage! This laugh is actually true! That half is only a fierce fire, is it because this old thing is deliberately lost to me in order to make a play... I am afraid that from the first time I found the trouble of external repair, this old thing is premeditated. Ok, today's business... Unfortunately, unfortunately, if the killing of the hundred floors is not removed... it is better..."

It seems to be a glimpse of the Buddha's crying emperor, Lou Tuo Di turned back, and smiled in the direction of the Buddha's crying emperor, and voiced.

"Oh, until the end of the second round of the tomb, the building will give half of the fierce fire to the Taoist friends, but there is one point, the building must remind the friends, my half is only fierce, but it is not good to tame, the drawbacks are quite Big?..."

"The Taoist friends have been more worried. The old man is quite confident in surrendering the fire spirit, and he is not afraid of the drawbacks. Just did not expect that the Taoist friend first lost the murderer, then died, and killed the plan for the repair. It’s the second time, the mood is still so good, hey! Good-hearted, the old man used to be a little stunned!” The eyes under the mask of the Buddha’s Weeping, slightly gloomy, echoed back.

"Oh, Loumou never dared to sneak a friend. You have gathered a large group of people, and you have to gather a large team, and you want to do everything in the Fire Tower. When the building counted a hundred flowers, it did not do things. Absolutely, after all, the calculations only want to prove certain things. The Taoist friends are good, actually smashed the world, secretly shot, almost put the flowers in the dead, and pushed things all over the building, making the building and flowers The peak is not tolerable... Hehe, on the heart of the machine, Loumou asked himself a lot less than the friends." Lou Tuodi smiled, the smile was too glaring, stabbed the Buddha crying anger in the fire, a few desires, but it was a slight smile I was patient.

The Buddha Cried Emperor looked even more gloomy, and apparently did not expect that Lou Tuodi actually knew a lot about his many actions! This old thing was pretending to be a supernatural master who didn’t understand the Red Tibetan Master... It’s really like it! Actually, even he secretly bought the Red Tibet and knew it! Oh, sure enough! The smile at the moment is the true face of this old thing. All the words and deeds before are disguise! It is the hatred of the child of Ning Fan, and it is also likely to be disguised! All this is actually just a strategy for killing people with this old thing!

"You seem to be very proud! I am proud of your success in killing people by knife. I have removed the reincarnation of the emperor who stayed with you! I am afraid that your calculations are actually in the expectation of the emperor, and ultimately it is still impossible to escape. At this moment, I am proud of it. It’s just that the bamboo baskets are playing in the air!”

"Oh, Loumou is not interested in it, and the Taoist friend can't be proud of it. This witchishness is coming back alive, but the people of the Taoist friends have not returned, and most of them died in the Fire Tower because they lost their hands. Friends are rewarding a lot of ancient Buddhas and fruits in Hongzang. Oh, those fruits are the ones that want to eat a complete one. They have to pay a huge price, but they don’t know so many ancient Buddhists. Who is in the hands of today, or, has been eaten by the hands of Baihua Emperor... The bamboo basket is a murderous, and it’s true... It’s you! It’s just a defeat!”


The Buddha Cried Emperor snorted, and a murderous murder suddenly swept toward the direction of Lou Tuo.

Lou Tuo Di is not to be outdone, long-sleeved a wave, suddenly will smash the murderous smash of the Buddha Cried Emperor, just look at the momentum, actually not weak, soaking the Emperor half!

The sky was smashed because of the confrontation between the two great emperors, and it was torn from it, and there was a thunder!

It is the emperor's anger that belongs to the Dabei people.

"Your foundation is clearly destroyed. It should belong to the weak of the six robbers. You can actually catch my momentum! This is hidden, it is really deep! It is not known to the sky. It is not your roots." False is not a success!"

"Oh, one of the people in the building is not damaged, and the weak ones belonging to the six robbers are not fake, but take on your weak momentum, why should you be too strong? You, very strong!"

"court death!"

"If you have the ability, you will kill the old man! Don't be vocal!"

The entire Guangming Temple was shocked by the sudden confrontation between the two emperors.

The Baihua Emperor was overweight and only released a few supernatural powers. He blocked the two great emperors and used the rest of the waves. It was considered to protect the people around him and did not intervene.

The bones of the emperor had the ability to intervene, but did not shoot, but the eyes were round and waited to watch, shocked by the fact that Lou Tuo and Bud the Emperor did not separate.

You must know that the Buddha Cried Emperor is recognized as the second master of the Five Emperors of Zhongzhou, and Lou Tuo... should be only the fourth, far less than the Buddha cry!

But now, it is a fight evenly! Everyone underestimated the hidden strength of Lou Tuo Di!

Only Tiandu’s eyes flashed slightly, and when he raised his hand, he suddenly gave birth to a violent wind. He interrupted the two people’s fighting methods and silenced them. “To fight! After the second round is over, you are looking for a place to play! Don’t forget that here is Where can you not let the two of you scatter wild!"

Here is the Great Guangming Temple! It is the dojo of the Buddha of Light!

With this in mind, the Buddha Cried Emperor finally had a hint of jealousy, and snorted and closed his hand.

Lou Tuodi also took the hand, but after the hand was finished, spit out a blue fire group, and took the green fire to half and gave it to the weeping.

Then he glanced at the direction of a dark cloud in midair and smiled incomprehensibly. "There seems to be a good show, but unfortunately, Loumou does not intend to read it."

Actually took the disciples directly away!

Full of surprises!

Why did Lou Tuodi leave with a smile, and why did he say such words, did he not care about the killing of the 100th floor and the external repair of Ning Fan?

Or is it that he is too confident in the killing of the Bailou, and he does not bother to wait until the end of the fantasy test?

No one knows, Lou Tuo Di is thinking about something, he left the scene like this. Only a large number of audiences have been left to guess, and they have been left to the Buddha Cry Emperor.

Buddha Cried Emperor looked gloomy at the half of the green fire group in his hand. In the fire group, there was a shadow of half a blue flamingo.

This is his half-baked fire spirit with Lou Tuo, who clearly won the Loutuo, but the Buddha Cried Emperor is not happy.

"It turns out that... It’s no wonder that he is willing to lose this to me. He used to pretend to be reluctant and reluctant! It’s so realistic, it’s really a treacherous person! Hey!”

After a cold cry, the Buddha Cried Emperor still collected the half of the fire. All the disciples asked him what happened, but they were crying coldly by the bad mood of the Buddha, and they shocked everyone to vomit blood. If they were chilling, they would not ask again.

No one knows what happened to the dispute between Fodi and Lou Tuo, and actually tore his face and moved his hand.

"This old thing is gone..."

During the funeral month, she gave a slight breath. After all, she was the culprits who destroyed the foundation of Lou Tuo. As long as Lou Tuo was present, she was somewhat stressed.

The existence of Lou Tuo Di is a small boulder in her heart. This huge stone has been put down, but there is still a big boulder that has not been put down.

That little thief, why haven’t come back yet, it’s not going to die in the hands of the killing hundredth floor...

No, how is it possible? If a small thief dies, she will also be banned because of the royal family’s robbery.

But why didn't you come back, and sure enough, what happened in the Fire Tower?

I never admit that I was worried about Ning Fan’s funeral month, but I couldn’t help but frown.

The same worry, there is Ouyang warm, this trip to the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary, if not accompanied by Ning Fan, she is categorically afraid to enter the inner area.

She has seen the scenery of the Dabei people, and has seen many alchemy techniques unique to the Dabei people. Even because of this trip, she has already touched the bottleneck of the nine-turn Jindan! It only takes time to accumulate, and she can reach the alchemy realm of Jiudan Jindan one day!

Fu Jun helped her so much, but it also caused a lot of trouble all the way. If the husband had something in the Dabei people, even if it was not because of her, she would guilty and blame herself...

Wu Lao Ba is not worried about Ning Fan, but took out a family, ran to one after another gambling, and put a variety of notes related to Ning Fan.

[Ning Fan magic test first] one lost five!

[Ning Fan Li, the first test scores of the first test] one lost five!

[Ning Fan successfully killed the killing of the hundred floors] one lost two!

[Ning Fan magic test scores over 50,000 points] one lost five!

[Ning Fan magic test scores over 100,000 points] one lost ten!

[Ning Fan magic test scores over one million points] one lost one hundred!

He has a 12-point confidence in his master, and even a million points of this ridiculous bet, he decisively chose to bet.

Will earn, will definitely earn! The master is always supernatural, and the master is always unbeatable! The loyal Wu Xiao Ba, absolutely believe in the ability of the master!

I don't know how many people who have noticed the behavior of Wu Lao Ba's "indiscriminate bet" and lamented it.

When some insiders pointed out the identity of Wu Lao Ba, the rest of the people seemed to understand the original intention of Wu Lao Ba, and later became acquainted.

"This is a loyal servant... Even if it is a gambling game that must lose money, as long as it is related to his master, he will be ironed on the owner's side without any hesitation. If there is a servant, why should he ask for it?"

"Fifty thousand points are also escorted, and one million points are also escorted... It must be known that there have been countless previous illusions, and only two of the winners scored more than half a million points, and millions of points have never been seen before. Note, it is impossible to win."

"This lady, you don't understand, this servant, he is not trying to win money, he is going to give the owner a support."

"No, this big brother, you don't understand it. He must have deeply trusted his master. That kind of trust has nothing to lose or win. It is a kind of feeling, a kind of persistence, a kind of... although thousands of people I only believe in you... Although the old man of Uganda is ugly in appearance, the soul is extremely clean and sacred. The slaves have some heartbeat for him. Also, people are not ladies, people are still Huanghuada. Prostitute, giggling." A middle-aged woman who claimed to be a prostitute of yellow flowers, throwing a big wink at the back of Wu Lao Ba, and licking her nose, licking her mouth and revealing her teeth.

I don't know if there is a black man who has a peach blossom, but there is no such thing as a cold, and I think that I don't seem to be doing anything wrong with the anger. It should not be a precursor to the revenge of the comet, and I will gamble with my heart.

With the departure of Lou Tuo Di, a storm subsided, the Great Guangming Temple once again restored the harmony, singing and dancing.

No one felt that there was anything wrong with this kind of calm. Only the high-sounding banner of the support of the high-profile, frowning, some inexplicably looking into the sky and empty clouds.

What is the atmosphere of this mountain rain...

These dark clouds that hang over the city of Liuli are going to rain again...

The black cloud is in the center, it seems... there is something hidden... what is it...

Freshly, I don’t know. The position of the black cloud that he saw, and the position of the dark cloud that he saw when he left the building, is exactly one place!

He went to see it over and over again, but he couldn’t see what was wrong with the dark cloud. He just didn’t have it. He thought that the dark cloud was a little scary...

Suddenly there were countless exclamations, which spread from all directions.

Freshly in the direction of everyone cheering, I was seeing Ning Fan’s white clothes stained with blood and appeared in the eyes of everyone!

And Ning Fan appeared side by side in the square, there is a girl in the Tsing Yi with a blindfold, looks like a member of the Magic Sea Department, but I do not know why I am next to Ning Fan, a pair of glue-like paint...

Fresh eyes are bright!

Not only him, Ouyang warm, funeral month and other people, at the same time have a happy color, because Ning Fan's peace is back!

Ning Fan is back!

In other words, his confrontation with the killing of the hundred floors, the death is ... kill the hundred floor!

"Haha, I am gambling to win!"

"The **** guessed wrong! My twelve gold!"

"It would be this son to win!"

"As I expected... I really won him."

"I don't know how the final test scores of this son have been achieved..."

"This repair seems to be very serious..."

The discussion is full!

However, these arguments clearly did not interfere with Ning Fan's heart. He only nodded to the Ouyang warm and funeral women on the high platform. When he reported the peace, he went to pay the map statistics.

After that, he and the Emperor, together, meditate around the sun, as the previous contestants are generally no.

"You actually wore a blindfold, was it prepared before... You will also care about beauty. Indeed, it’s not good to see your eyes open."

Ning Fan stunned the Tu Huang with a speechless voice. At this moment, the Tuo Emperor dressed in Tsing Yi, wearing an emerald-colored eye mask, clearly lost one eye, actually did not have any sense of guilt, violation, but quite a bit of a girl's playful cute...

Less eyes can also add points to the face value, Ning Fan only served the Tu Huang alone.

"Good-looking? Wrong and wrong, this eye mask is not for the sake of good looks. You have not returned the left eye to me yet. With this blindfold, others can't see through the bans used in my empty eyes." Separation, this is a kind of unconventional magical magical power, and has a lot to do with the flame ancestor in the history of the Dabei people. If you are found here, it will be somewhat troublesome. But I am very glad that you said that I am good-looking, so true. Look good, or else I will wear it in the future, don't worry about the left eye." The Emperor turned his hand and took out a bronze mirror, which was very narcissistic, and then some of them abandoned the bronze mirror.

Really beautiful? I don't think so... Sure enough, the taste of this kid is a little different. Hey, taste the quirky kid... she likes it!

"Speaking, when did you return the left eye to me? Have you not engraved the past I want?"

"Well, your past experience is too big. There are too many things to engrave. It takes a lot of time... I will burn your left eye to the picture I saw and return it to you."

"Then I will wait, wear this ugly blindfold, etc... By the way, be careful, there are people on the cloud, from the holy mountain."

"Well, I also noticed that it should be the previous cast of Shimen, the person who wants to stop me from leaving the Fire Tower!" Ning Fan's eyes fainted.

From beginning to end, he did not look up to see some strange clouds, but it does not mean that he does not know there is a Xiandi level existence!

Is it an enemy!

Or... the obstructive behavior before, just a temptation...

If the enemy and the enemy are unclear, it is temporarily impossible to move. Let’s end this place and win the second round of the tomb. With the magic test scores he won... there is no suspense! Nanhai spring water, steady to the hand! When the time comes to Baihua Emperor, the rest will bring to the ancient emperor, bring to the emperor...

Then look for the nine raccoon rituals and the innate remedies...

"It's a pity that the time box you gave is temporarily unavailable... The power of the ban on the treasure box remains. The power of the ban is too strong. It is the third step of the strong. It is impossible to contain it. It will take a few months for it to be exhausted, at least for a few months before it can be used again. So, if the sacred mountain emperor hiding in the cloud is really an enemy, it is a little tricky, so there will be less self-protection means..." Ning Fan frowned.

"Don't be afraid, that person is just a seven-robbery emperor, not my opponent! As long as I leave the Fire Tower, my repairs can be fully played. Today, I will hold you, but I will only be a miscellaneous. The robbery of the emperor, it is the sacred mountain emperor to do it, I also protect you nothing, a butterfly phosphor powder will not let you touch it!"


The Tu Huang and Ning Fan Qi Qi face the face.

A butterfly powder does not let you touch it...

What do you mean...

The Tu Huang himself could not understand why he would say such a sentence. It’s like just saying it, just like the past, I used to say that...

Ning Fan’s heart has turned up the waves of the sky, as if there is something, slamming his heart in death.

Like this sentence... he heard it many times many years ago...

It seems that there is something very close, but I can’t think of it, I can’t touch it, I can’t go back...

"Do you know that I am... butterfly?" Ning Fan took a deep breath and calmed down the swaying heart and asked.

"You are a butterfly? What do you mean?" The only big-eyed figure of the Tu Huang was round and stunned, indicating that it was confusing.

"Nothing, just think that what you said is a bit strange." Ning Fan did not explain more, with a word.

"Yeah, since I started dreaming in the real world, I often talk nonsense. Sometimes I suddenly have a sad feeling that I can’t say, inexplicably die like death, inexplicably cry, inexplicably miss a little who doesn’t know who it is. Guy... In fact, many things, I have already been mentally prepared. My existence is probably a illusion of someone, I am not true, I am illusory, not just me, this big humble, many people exist, It’s just illusion, like Baihua Emperor, and like... these are the things I want to confirm on this trip, but not all. I want to find the reason for tears, I want to find... the source of sadness... find the little guy... always feel I seem to be waiting for it, waiting for a long time, not a lifetime, but a life... I want to know who he is... Waiting for you to return the left eye to me, I may be able to find the answer from the memory of the past, or... can't... ”

The murder of the Emperor is a sigh. With her character, she will sigh like this. It is really hard to imagine.

This sigh, I don’t know why I let Ning Fan have some familiarity, some strangeness, some touches, and some embarrassment.

He asked himself so far, but he only had a little affection for the Emperor. The feelings were far from the level of love and admiration. But at this moment, he did not know why, and he had a desire to embrace the Emperor. Feelings, want to smooth the wrinkles between her eyebrows, can not tell, the road is unknown, such as the strings in the heart, cut in the heart, and like thousands of nets, sprinkle into the river, to fish that reflected in the water Month, but in the end, only get a void...

"Your heart is chaotic. When you go to Huangquan, you are not confused, and the beasts are chasing and killing. You are not confused. The Mengbai bear appears. You are not confused. The Holy Mountain is on the side, you are still not confused. At this moment, I was upset. Interesting, I really want to know what the reason is, so that you have such a hard-hearted heart, and have a heart-wrenching." The sorrow of the Emperor’s heart suddenly swept away, and asked Ning Fan very interesting.

Because you sighed, you are upset...

It’s a hell!

This kind of shameless rhetoric, Ning Fan asked himself can not tell, and he is convinced that everything in the world can not understand, there are reasons. There must be a reason for the eccentric feeling that the Emperor brought to him. For this reason, he actually has the desire to ask for the bottom...

Well, wait a moment, then take a good look at it... that feeling, it can't be an illusion, it's more likely to be a hole in the wind. This big humble, giving him the feeling, always like a fog, very bad, very, true, fake, like fake, like...

Serve Dan, heal, adjust interest...

The crisis has not yet been fully resolved. The enemy is on the side and the hostility is unclear. Ning Fan must adjust the state to the best to cope with all the situations that may arise.

Although the Emperor is willing to protect him, Ning Fan is more willing to believe in his own strength. He does not distrust the Emperor, but his character. As a result of his approach, he is one of the strengths of propping up a sky. He has long been used to doing this kind of behavior.

Three more hours passed, and time finally reached the 29th. In these three hours, there were only five tribes, leaving the Fire Tower after Ning Fan.

On the 29th, only three tribes left the Fire Tower and returned.

On the 30th, no tribe returned. According to the report, there is no contestant in the Fire Tower, and the square is full!

In total, only 28 tribes returned from the Fire Tower!

When I went to 108, I only had 28 when I came back! There are 80 tribes all over the army in the fire tower!

And it’s not just that the killing of the hundred floors has not come back, the stone is good, the red Tibetan is worth it, and it is not returned! Those who are more famous among the broken thoughts, there is no return!

what happened?

Of course, it is a good thing for Ning Fan!

Before the red Tibetan stone, when the two did not know how, they gathered thousands of monks to besiege the witches and wanted to deal with him. Sorry, those people were killed by him...

Ning Fan does not know how many of the eighteen tribal teams that have been annihilated by the whole army are his handwriting, but the vast majority of them are doing it. This is certainly true.

This matter, he knows, the Tu Huang knows that Wu Yan and others also know, but others do not know!

As a result, the voice of the entire Guangming Temple is getting louder and louder, and it is more and more noisy. It is the master of the Buddhist monks on the high platform, and many of them have lost their hearts.

The magical test of such a huge death rate is definitely the first time! The Xianzun classmates have actually fallen into a few people!

Although the magic test encourages competition for maps and encourages killings, the tribes don’t look down and see, they will not be too hot, and they will leave some room. Unless it is the kind of tribes with great sorrows and deaths, they will kill each other and fight together. More dead people are killed by the illusion of fire tower. In theory, this should be the case.

However, this time the magical test, the death of the killing of the 100th floor will be considered, actually still dead stone, red Tibetan two major immortals, even more than 80 tribal teams...

Not normal!

Countless guesses come out!

No amount of light casts on the Wuyan, and it casts some of the more powerful smashing peaks in the room, but in the end... all eyes are on Ning Fan!

Others are capable of causing such a large-scale killing, and it is impossible to be stupid enough to do such a thing. After all, the people who died in the Tower of Fire are all elites of all tribes, and there are many of them that are favored by the five emperors of Zhongzhou!

And these people seem to have the inability to kill the 80 teams including Stone! It is the sorrow of the witch, which seems to be impossible!

There may be madness to kill the ten parties, only two considerations!

The madman kills the hundred floors! Or is it... the rumor that the Loutuo dare to offend the boldness of the external repair!

No number of light gathered in Ning Fan, and there are countless concealed strong minds, scattered from the Guangming Temple, locked in Ning Fan!

Among these gods, there are Xianzun and Xianwang, both of whom are the strongest of the tribes on the Great Plains. Those who have not returned, many of them are their children!

If it is confirmed that these blood debts are done by Ning Fan, they will never let Ning Fan go afterwards!

Locked by the strong in hiding in the dark, Ning Fan has no change in expression. People kill him, kill and kill, those people want to deal with him, he fights back, what is wrong! If he is not strong enough, then he will die, and he will be guilty and blame!

will not!

If someone asks him if he is the murderer at the moment, he does not bother to deny it. Unfortunately, no one asks.

The five emperors of Zhongzhou did not speak, how can other people dare to interfere with the normal operation of the second round of the Lingling!

The battle to win the mausoleum is a sacred thing. It is said that it is the Emperor of the Holy Mountain, and you cannot interfere with it at will, otherwise it will be severely punished. For this reason, although Ning Fan said that he was jealous of the emperor who was hiding behind the dark clouds, he did not think that this place would risk the crime of breaking the rules of the cemetery. At this time, he would shoot himself.

As for the tribes that even the Emperor did not have, it is known that Ning Fan is the culprit, and which tribe is there to dare to go to Ning Fan at Daguangming Temple?

The occasion is wrong! The time is wrong!

But it does not mean that this matter will not be pursued. Waiting for this matter, when Ning Fan leaves the Great Guangming Temple and leaves the Liuli City, they have the opportunity to torture the Ning Fan!

Blood debts... Most of them are bloody!

"Your trouble is really much... but rest assured, I will protect you!" Tu Huang patted his chest, confident and full of voice.

"If you are willing to help, I am really at ease. Just... Lou Tuodi is not here, is he leaving early?"

Ning Fan has no sense of locking in countless gods, and what he cares about is the vacancy of the floor of the Lou Tuo.

The Lou Tuo, who wants to kill him, is not there?

Is there 10% confidence in one's own children? Good news at home waiting to kill the 100th floor?

However, when Ning Fan sneaked into the secret to collect intelligence, he saw a very confusing message from the hearts of some female audiences.

Lou Tuodi was not long before he walked out of the Fire Tower, and before he left, he did not agree with the Buddha Cried Emperor...

In the end, I gave it to the Buddha Cry, half of the innate fire, and even smiled and left...



"Is this the old man on the floor knowing the death of the 100th floor? But it can't explain why he laughs...unless the death of the killing of the 100th floor is in line with his expectations, but there is something incomprehensible. What the old man wants to kill is me. I want to see the scene. Naturally, killing the hundred floors will kill me..."

Then why did he smile and leave?

Could it be that the whole road was exposed to killing the enemy, and the incident was made known to the world, all... are just a blind man?

The real purpose of Lou Tuo Di is not his own, but... let the killing of the hundred floors die in their own hands?

"Is there such a possibility?" Ning Fan’s guess in his heart is naturally impossible to prove.

Originally, he thought that the biggest trouble to face after leaving the Fire Tower was Lou Tuo Di, but now it seems that it is not...

The situation is somewhat confusing, making him difficult to understand.

The final results of the statistics are completed.

The Magical Sea Department of the Knife Man won the third place, and tried four cents, and the magical test was 633,060.

The sea witch department of Wuyan won the second place, and tried to make a thousand and five hundred percent. The magical test was 797,702.

The Tamu Department represented by Ning Fan is the first to be deserved! Trying for 471,100 percent, the magical test is 159,800 thousand... Well, the fraction can be ignored!

The total score actually exceeded two million!

The first of the second round is naturally Ning Fan!

When the Emperor announced the rankings and achievements of Ningfan on the same day, the vast majority of the audiences were shocked by the chin. Only those gamblers who were all kinds of benevolence were mad!

Made, made a fortune!

Those who are mad at the madness also naturally include the old man. If he says that he is the most bet, he is definitely him. He only earns gold and silver today. He is confident enough to buy the second half of the city!

Gold and silver... yes... the gambling gambling is the mortal gold and silver. Ning Fan only glanced at the elated and embarrassed Wu Lao Ba, and guessed the cause and effect, and suddenly felt speechless.

This product is actually happy to win gold and silver...

Gold and silver are useless things in the eyes of monks. The big humble people like it, and U Lao Ba actually likes it...

Was it really infected by the Dabei people...

Or, it is the gold and silver of the Dabei people, which is different from the gold and silver of the ordinary people. And this is different. Even the eyes of his second world are not seen through, but only the old man sees through?

This possibility does not seem to be high... but if this is the case, Wu Lao Ba can find a basis for the enthusiasm of gold and silver here.

Ning Fan’s eyes flashed, and he seemed to have a plan to smile in the direction of Wu Lao Ba.

Suddenly, Wu Lao was in a cold, and carefully packed the storage bags filled with gold and silver here, looking in the direction of Ningfan.

Seeing that Ning Fan did not look at himself, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

No, it should not...

The comet has never seen [Tiandaojin] and [Tiandao Yin]. It should not be seen that the place is rich in gold and silver. It contains very few elements of gold and silver.

It’s his heart!

If you are to refine the gold and silver you won... oh... you should be able to harvest dozens of days of gold and silver... oh...

I don’t know if it’s enough to make a piece of cloth [Yuhua Tongtian Array], um, the array of small points should be enough, and the rest, go buy the good things of [Tongtianjiao]...

and many more!

If you are screaming at the stars and making a fortune, isn't it the same as yourself? Isn't it... no change?

At this moment, Wu Lao Ba originally wanted to muffle his heart and hesitated.

If Ning Fan did not save him in the Nan Yao Temple, he would not have such hesitation, but now, there is...

That is his master, and he died to save his master... He is not a thing, it is a mixed ball, but...

The scene of Nan Yao Temple is constantly being replayed in the black and old minds, and it is lingering. The old man screamed at his brain, but couldn’t stop the kind of memory. He was better like seeing the comet that was blood-stained at the moment. Under the serious injury, his life was screaming... The damage suffered by the comet was a bit heavy, he, Don't worry... Hey, he will actually be soft.

Look at the comet's body injury, nothing more, this point of heaven and gold, or take it to buy some supplements for the comet to make up, hey, who wants him to be the next one of the loyalty of the world! Hey, Wu Xiao Ba, Wu Xiao Ba, you always have a soft heart, your heart is too soft, and you are alone in tears until dawn...

Wu Xiaoba, who made the same decision, touched the storage bag with some nostalgia and made a tearful posture that looked up at the sky in 30 degrees.

The ceremony of the end of the magical test was carried out step by step. The top three were all covered by the Ning Fan team, which instantly became the biggest talk of this place, and also created a great history of magic test.

There are not many tribes left in this big game. Those tribes whose total scores are only tens of thousands of points and thousands of points have actually won the top 30 rankings!

Ning Fan and others refreshed the top scores of the top three, while the latter tribes refreshed the lowest score of the top 30...

Who will let the remaining tribes have only twenty-eight, so if they survive, they will be on the list... At least these tribes who are fortunate enough to be on the list, for the behavior of the eighty tribal teams in Ningfan’s Guangguang, are still enjoying themselves. of.

The award ceremony finally started!

Ning Fan was the first place. Naturally, he was the first to receive the award. He slowly walked up to the high platform and walked to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor Tiandi smiled and handed the golden storage bag in his hand. It is the first reward for the magic test.

"With your achievements, there will definitely be a reward for the Holy Father later. If you try more than 700,000 points, you will have a reward. You are going to this step by strength. The old man knows, but the Wuyan little girl is lucky. It is clearly that you have absorbed your light and shared your achievements, so that the score is over 700,000 points, so that she can also receive the ancestor reward. Speaking, even if the score is shared by the team Your magical test scores have been far more than a million. You, sure enough, have entered the sixth floor, have you found any strange space... Don't misunderstand, the old man just asks casually, you answer and don't answer, both over you."

Ask me casually? I believe you are strange...

Ning Fan will not be stupid enough to share his trip to Huang Quan with Tian Dudi. He only answered the phrase ‘No strange place found,’ and he received the reward.

But just as he took the golden storage bag, there was a sense of chilling hair, and he left the storage bag in his hand.

Almost at the same time, a dazzling to indescribable thunder, turned into a shackle, smashed out of the storage bag, and smashed the storage bag!

This momentary, almost instantly, it took away all the light between the heavens and the earth, only to see this thunder!

This slamming strike reveals the momentum of the seven-royed Emperor's full force, but it is strange to see that there is no lethality, go straight to Ning Fan Dantian!

Ning Fan opened the body care golden light in the first time, but the cockroach actually crossed the body golden light directly, and crossed the Ning Fan body obstruction, ignoring the defense, and directly entered Ning Fan Dantian!

It is not an attack, so it cannot be defended by normal means!

Lei Guang was twisted and hit on the Ning Fan Yuanshen, and the criminal rings on Ning Fan Dantian were smashed one by one!


Ning Fan’s attention has always been placed on the mysterious fairy emperor in the dark clouds. I have never thought that the prize storage bag will be a trap, and there is such a strange lightning strike!

He did not expect that the Emperor of Heaven did not expect that everyone in this place did not expect it!

This is obviously not the original intention of Emperor Tiandi. The Emperor of Heaven has a plot for Ning Fan, how can he make any attack on Ning Fan!

This is not an attack that Tiandu Emperor can make, but... the only secret that can be understood by the sound of the holy mountain Lei Yin!


The secret of all defenses can be shuttled!

"Bold! If you send a sacred mountain emperor, how can you send a sacred priest to the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the ruins of the tombs?

Emperor Tiandi was shocked and angry, and with a big hand, he suddenly swayed the wind and blew the dark clouds in the sky!

Under the dark clouds, a middle-aged man with a cold face, a silver robe, reveals an unimaginable thunder.

"If you are a thunder, you must give the old man an explanation. Otherwise, the old man must go to the holy mountain and ask the Guangming Buddha for justice!"

Tian Du Di cold drink, asked the silver robe man.

However, what is the use of questioning... Ning Fan’s criminal ring was actually shattered by the secret of Lei Yin’s pulse, and the criminal ring was broken, no matter what... Ning Fan could no longer stay in the Dabei!

Waiting for Ning Fan, will be the pursuit of the Emperor! Maybe he can also release water, but what about other Xiandi!

Dabei has no place to stand on the ground!

Ning Fan is also angry inside, cold to the extreme!

In the face of troubles, he is reluctant to break the criminal ring. In the face of the Mengbaixiong, he is reluctant to break the criminal ring. It is nothing more than scrutinizing the Dabei rule and restraining.

Not afraid, just... want to bear the burden of humiliation, find the nine raccoon rituals, repair the wounds for the ancient emperor, and rescue the old man who is full of wind and candle, will owe the ancient emperor's kindness and repay a little.

But now, someone is destroying his big things here!

He will be a criminal ring that is not willing to be ruined by death... He will be a criminal ring that will not be ruined by the oppression of the Greatest Emperor...


And at the moment of the destruction of the criminal ring, millions of murders, from all over the state, came from all directions, apparently sensing the fact that Ning Fan’s criminal ring was destroyed!

Hunting... It’s coming soon!

All the plans... are ruined!

"What is the sound of the holy mountain Lei Yin? Ning Mou does not remember that there is a hatred with your Lei Yin. Why do you want to stop me from doing things! Why destroy my criminal ring and frame it in me! Give me a... explain!"

Ning Fan, who was repaired outside the district, was also screaming at the silver robes of the Emperor in the clouds!

"Construction? Isn't it that you are daring and arrogant, and you unravel the penalty ring. Explain? Why should this seat explain to you, huh, if you can survive this pursuit, if you have one day, you will have the ability to The sleeves of this seat, come back to this seat to explain it. Look, the person who killed you is coming..."

The silver robes of the emperor are contemptuous and overlooking Ning Fan.

The strong in the field, the original drama has been shocked, but immediately, there is a soul sound, from the distant holy mountain, for all the great people, regardless of the level of high and low, all conveyed an order!

Killing Ning Fan!

At all costs, kill Ning Fan!

The soul sound, can not be resisted by anyone, has the supreme majesty, so that the fairy Buddhas on the high platform, successively sacrificed magic weapons, surrounded by Ning Fan!

The moment before, Ning Fan was still the first round of the second round of the tomb.

But at this moment, he became a sinner in the criminal ring of private destruction!

No one will go to Guan Ningfan to ruin the criminal ring, whether it is voluntary, or whether it is ruined by the criminal ring.

Numerous swords pointed to Ning Fan, countless murders... locked Ning Fan!

This is a situation that Tiandu Emperor could not cover. He unwillingly bit his teeth and then shook his head... Hey! It seems that with his own strength, he can't keep Ning Fan, even if he does not exercise the duties of the five emperors of Zhongzhou, killing and killing Ning Fan, his future... only death!

Nothing, that big thing is important, his life... It’s also important, I can only be sorry for Ningfan’s child!

"My Nanhai spring water!" Ning Fan endured anger and asked Tiandi.

The construction of the facts has become a reality, the pursuit of the future is coming, but there is still something unsolved, he wants the South China Sea spring water, that is what he should have won... that is, he and the Baihuadi trading chips!

Tiandu’s eyes were cold and ruthless, and he could not see the diligence of the past, and even dismissed the question of answering Ning Fan.

The answer is the Baihua Emperor!

"Sorry, the South China Sea spring water is impossible for you. This palace does not need your Nanhai spring water. With your previous agreement, it will be void from this moment! This palace can not dare to take the world's big deal and do any trade with you." I can't tell you the whereabouts of that thing. You still have to let it go, otherwise the palace doesn't mind working on these two women!"

Baihua Emperor smiled indifferently, and waved his magical powers to imprison the moon and Ouyang.

She decided to abandon the agreement with Ning Fan!

If there is any transaction with the sinner who slandered the criminal ring, he will be guilty of sinners! She did not dare to inform Ning Fan of the whereabouts of the thing, even if she abandoned the agreement, she did not dare!

When the disaster comes to the fore, the Baihua Emperor will certainly not stand with Ning Fan, the South China Sea springs, anyway, the name of the witch is enough to get.

As for Ning Fan... She must not only destroy the contract, but also must join the team that pursues Ning Fan.

Otherwise, but you have to be tired of yourself...

Betrayal of an external repair... What's the matter!

"Sorry, the repair is that you have not protected the penalty ring. If you blame, blame yourself!"

The Buddha Cried Emperor also changed the past and sighed, killing the machine and locking Ning Fan, and the first attack on Ning Fan!

Ning Fan’s mouth has a sneer.



It’s ridiculous that he died of life and death, but he was ruined by the criminal ring, but it was so easily trapped!

It is his care!

The result of the great intention is to be attacked by the big and strong people!


Ning Fan is a golden light in the vertical, avoiding the attack of the Buddha Cry Emperor. Now that he has recovered and repaired, the power of the Central State’s ban is no longer a problem for him. Under the limit speed, he directly avoids the Buddha. A blow to the Emperor!

Only one flash, avoiding the attack of the Buddha Cried Emperor, and bullying towards the Baihua Emperor, the right hand raised, the counter-hai sword suddenly appeared in the hand, the heavy sword mang forced the Baihua Emperor to feel amazed, pulled away I dare not take the heavy injury to the heavy sword!

Ouyang warm and the second daughter of the funeral, who had been imprisoned by the Baihua Emperor, immediately gained freedom and was protected by Ning Fan.

"You and I can have hatred!"

Ning Fan sighed like a savage wind, and asked the singer of the silver robes in the sky, only relying on the strong suffocation, it shocked a lot of phoenixes, the vomiting blood was retrogressed, and the people who were idle, even suffered from sturdy Can't do it, this is what a terrible killing, that is, the respect of the five emperors of Zhongzhou, all of which are slightly discolored by this suffocation!

But the suffocating sigh of the sky was understated by the silver robes, and the palms were extinguished.

"There is no hatred, but I collect money and dissipate people. According to the person, you have a means to get it. It is also difficult for the Emperor to kill. There are many ways to escape. I want to attack you, it looks like It’s not easy, if you are not careful, you will run away, but if you destroy your criminal ring and make you a worldly enemy in the Dabei, how can I not kill you at this moment, the whole humiliation will kill You, how can you!"

"You know, I have never meant to fight with Dabei!"

"But now if you don't fight, you are dead, and you want to kill you, thousands of people, look, you do things for the Baihua Emperor, but she doesn't say a word for you at all, even moving to you at the moment. It’s killing the heart. Heaven seems to have met with you once at night, and the relationship is very shallow, but unfortunately, he is not with you. There is no companion by your side, what about the two women... I don’t Think of two cumbersome things that can help you, or your servant will be a little bit more powerful, but useless! No one can save you, die!"


The silver robe fairy emperor suddenly stopped the voice, and his body shape disappeared and disappeared without a shadow.

At the moment when he disappeared, Emperor Tiandi, Emperor Bianling, Baihua Emperor, and Buddha Cry Emperor, all of them swayed and disappeared.

In the next moment, the figure of the five emperors shrouded Ningfan's five major directions, surrounded by Ning Fan, Ouyang warm, and no dead corners of the funeral, and the five emperors joined forces to make the heavens and the earth instantly lose color, and the vision of the emperor's anger was shrouded. Lived over the entire city of Liuli!

At this moment, the Tu Emperor cold eyebrows, raised his soft fingers, this finger reveals an unprecedented murder, seems to be pressed against the Five Emperors!

If she is there, she will not allow anyone to hurt Ning Fan. This is her commitment to Ning Fan, and she will never destroy it!

But immediately, the raised finger, but with a slight surprise, put down.

Because no, no need to shoot her!

Even though the five emperors were extremely strong, the Ning Fan at the moment also angered. If he was angry, it would be the power of the five emperors, and what fear!

Without the suppression of the criminal ring, Ning Fan is the tiger who has taken off the rope, and it is the dragon that entered the water!

He wants to resolve all things peacefully, but if there is no way to go, then only... Revolt!

He can't kill the Xiandi class, but when the Emperor wants to hurt him, it is also a dream!

At the moment when the Five Emperors attacked, Ning Fan suddenly shed a lot of golden flames, and the five emperors could not get close, and immediately, Jin Yan became a giant of the golden flame, and Ning Fan and others were covered in it. The five emperors attacked and strengthened, and they could not break the armor defense of the Jinyan Giant!

Exalted by the Emperor of the Emperor, it can only be left under the armor of the Goldeneye giant, leaving shallow scratches...

"What is this supernatural power, actually..."

The five emperors joined forces and returned without success, which made the silver robe emperor full of shock, and the shock was not finished. Then he saw the giant carrying the wrath of the sky, holding the shield on the left, topping in front, violently hitting the silver robe Come over!

The power of a collision, directly hit the silver robe, the emperor vomited blood and retired, and looked terrified!

What is the degree of defense!

What is the degree of collision!

How can it... appear on a cultivar! The information given to him by the dark people is totally wrong!

One hit and slammed the silver robe, Emperor Ning, but did not hit again, just carrying a blow to the power, asked coldly to everyone.

"I only ask the last time, today's business, really can't be good!"

"Can't be good! Your criminal ring has been destroyed, you must die!" Yinpao Xiandi yelled, because Ning Fan was hurt a trace, and ignited the real fire.

"That's good! If you can't be good, don't be good! The criminal ring is destroyed. It is indeed blaming me for not being strict. I only gave you the opportunity to sneak into the sin, and to cultivate the truth, not to be mean and not mean, since you The method is successful, Ning will have to recognize it. I am chasing me, I don’t want to wait for it, after all, the position is different! I have the rules of the humbleness that I want to protect, and I also have what I want to guard. Since they are killing each other, they don’t even blame Ning for being ruthless! Ning, who is not involved in this matter, also calls you a friend, but those who want to take my life, those who want to kill me. Existence, I will never be merciful! I will wait for the price of blood!"

The giant gold giant sucked and inhaled the old man in the crowd into the abdomen of the giant, and then the giant jumped out directly toward the city of Liuli.

With the protection of the **** shield, Ning Fan is not afraid of the five immortals, but the breath of the rising light of the Great Guangming Temple has made Ning Fan feel a sense of horror.

Here is the dojo of the Guangming Buddha!

The giant statue of the Buddha of Light, at the moment when his criminal ring was destroyed, he had awakened, and a half-step sacred atmosphere was coming down from the giant image!

Bright Buddha is coming!

That is the existence of today's destroyer shield and can't defend!

This place should not be left for a long time, and must be left before the dawn of the Buddha!

Ning Fan wanted to take the Tu Huang together and rely on the Tu Huang to protect him, but this thought was just born and he was annihilated.

The Tu-King is stronger, but it is just like the difference between the Buddha and the Buddha. And from the breath, it seems to be weaker on the front line.

The Tujia is a great and low-ranking person, and he has a strong sense of belonging to the Dabei people... He cannot take the Tuhuang into this matter!

If the Emperor is only a stranger, Ning Fan will not be willing to control the Tu Huang, and will directly involve the Tu Huang into this drowning. He practiced the road and had a cold and bloodless side.

But... the grace of the Emperor, and the strange feeling that the Emperor sent him to him, still lingering in his heart, making him unable to care, pushing the Emperor to the opposite of the Dabei.

This can't escape the pursuit... still don't get involved in her...

Let her be spurned by all my compatriots... he can't do this!

It is a pity that Ning Fan has the heart to let the Emperor Slayer stay out of the way, but the Tu Huang does not intend to stay out of it! Ning Fan's body of the **** of the gods has not yet flown out of the glazed city too far. The Tuo Emperor has a somewhat playful voice, but it has already sounded on the shoulders of the giants of Ning Fan.

"This kind of good thing, you actually want to leave me..."

The giant is flying in a squatting posture, and the Tu Huang, at this moment, sits on the shoulders of the giants of the gods, his feet are swaying with his legs, his fingers are tidying up the wind, and the eye mask can't cover the gentleness in her eyes. The corner of the mouth is hooked with a curving arc.

"Little butterfly, I won't leave you behind..."

"Sorry, I said something that I didn't even understand. I don't know what the butterfly is. Next, you don't want to take it. I will calm it down. I am very angry. Immortal, actually dare to count my people, ruin his criminal ring, what is the power of the entire Dabei people to chase him, it is really boring calculation. Late, it is late! This time is against the promise It's fine! It's all over the sky, the ground is over, I won't let it anymore! Nobody wants to stop me from killing! Nobody thinks... hurt my little butterfly!" (To be continued.)

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