Grasping Evil

Chapter 1056: Go and stay!

small butterfly…

small butterfly…

small butterfly…

The words of the Emperor’s word with these 26 words, she did not know why she would be gibberish at this moment, I do not know what the three characters of the butterfly represent. She only knows that she is very angry at the moment, she has not been so angry since she was born!

If the anger of Ning Fan is one for the ruin of Yin Pao Xiandi, then she is ten, is one hundred!

When Ning Fan acts, he often considers the worst result. Therefore, although he was angered today, he was very angry, but he quickly accepted this fact and considered the next countermeasures.

But the Emperor is not!

Her personality is the most short-sighted. In her eyes, Ning Fan does her work for her, it is her person! Those who have moved her will have to pay the price of blood!

It’s just that today’s short-term mood is so high... It seems to be a little over, and so much that so much that her moment of killing is almost the first time in her life, and the violent to the extent of losing control!

Lose control and lose control!

How about the emperor of the sacred mountain? How about the four miscellaneous emperors in Zhongzhou! How about the pursuit of the power of the people of Dabei!

This time, it is the Guangming Buddha who personally shot, that is, two of the top five Supreme shots, and she will not allow anyone to hurt Ning Fan one minute!

If you want to move her, you can't!

The Tu Emperor slowly stood up from the shoulders of the Giants, and turned around. The only right-handed man, revealing the coldness of the ages, looked coldly at the pursuers in the distance.

Then, gently jumped, jumped off the shoulders of the Destroyed Giant, took the wind, stepped on the clouds, and walked toward the rear step by step. The sky above her head, because of her anger, and there was a thunder. The thunder, like the roar of the ancient giants, is deafening; that thunder, like the wrath of ancient gods, through everything.

Step by step, the Emperor’s eyes are getting colder and colder, like the cold ice of the ages.

Step by step, her momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and her beautiful body brings a heavy sense of oppression to the world.

Every time the momentum increases, the injury in her body will increase by one point!

But she doesn't care!

"Why does she mention the word butterfly in her words!"

"She is going to fight five emperors with her own strength! Her injury..."

Ning Fan frowned, and the giant of the gods would be removed and stopped in the air.

If the Tuo Emperor is in a state of no injury, Ning Fan will not be worried about the half-step quasi-sacred repairs against the five six robbers and seven robbers. However, we must know that the injury of the Tuo at the moment is absolutely not light. When entering Huangquan, Ning Fan almost died in the illusion. It was the great cost of the Emperor to save him. In fact, the wounded by the Tuhuang was serious. Already at the edge of the realm of falling!

If ordinary people suffer from such injuries, the first important thing is to close the wounds and heal them.

But the Tu Huang, but he was seriously injured, he also wanted to help him...

To repair the serious injury on the verge of falling, to fight against the five emperors that will be chased! And soon after, this place is likely to have a bright Buddha chase! Is it a serious injury to the body?

"Don't stop here! Go away! Go far away, leave the humble! At most there are 20 interest, the light Buddha can come to the glass city to catch up, I am seriously injured at this moment, can not stop the light Buddha for too long! But what, block These pieces are not too difficult!"

It is the voice of the Tuo's head and does not return, urging Ning Fan to leave!

go away…

So I am so embarrassed, leave the big humble...

Indeed, once the criminal ring is smashed, it will lead to the endless pursuit of the entire Dabei. Only when they leave the Dabei and leave the Sanctuary of the Ditan, this kind of pursuit will stop because the Dabei people It is not going to leave the Sanctuary of the Tandan, and even rarely travel to the outer area of ​​the Sanctuary of the Ditan...

However, he has not achieved many goals for his trip, but how can he be willing to leave!

Ning Fan’s **** of destruction is squatting in the air, motionless, hesitating, unwilling.

Obviously consciously abide by the regulations of the Dabei people, the criminal ring will be sneaked and destroyed. Obviously, there is no meaning to succumb to the humiliation, but it still attracts the full pursuit of the Dabei.

All the way hard, all the way to pay, but the result is that the South China Sea spring water did not reach, the congenital replenishing spirit medicine did not find complete, the funeral month needed to win the body also did not find, Baihua Emperor is abandoning the agreement with him, refused to The whereabouts of the Jiu Bai Sacrifice tells...

This trip to the Sanctuary of the Far Dan is really awkward and nothing can be done!

Especially in the second round of the battle of the Mausoleum, it was clear that the first second was all smooth, but the last second was defeated. The sneak attack ruined the criminal ring, making the whole plan unsuccessful, and even forced him to turn against the entire Dabei...

He and the silver robes of the Lei Yin should be innocent and innocent, why should the other party be careful to destroy his criminal ring! Is it behind the silver robes of the emperor, who is secretly pushing this matter...

There is also the Tu Huang... The Tu Huang suffered such a serious injury, let her stay here to help themselves break, really does not matter.

"I am gone, what do you do? My criminal ring is inexplicably destroyed. I am inexplicably a sinner. You help a sinner, standing on the opposite side of the Dabei, really don't matter?"

"Reassured, the five supreme do not ask the world, the strongest in this world is only the emperor, the two Buddhas, the sin of this criminal ring, at most can only lead to the light Buddha shot, with the old thief alone, can not help This girl is divided!"

"But your injury...and your left eye..."

"Oh, no end! Going away, this girl suddenly annoyed you, I don't want to see you again!"

The tone of the Tu Huang seems to be very intolerant. Under the big hand, there is a violent wind in the surrounding, and the giants of the gods will be destroyed.

After sending away Ning Fan, the Tu Huang showed a gentle smile that he did not notice.

The kid refused to escape because he cares about her injury... Oh, funny boy, she really likes it.

Unfortunately, this silk is gentle and will soon be replaced by the next cold.

Because those who chase Ning Fan are approaching!

In front of us, there are five chasing squads composed of five emperors and more than twenty sages. Only these people can ignore the power of Zhongzhou’s ban, flying all the way to kill Ning Fan, and only these people, all the way Killed hundreds of miles away from the city of Liuli!

For these people, the Emperor is naturally unable to show any gentle, only tyrannical killing!

This killing is so amazing that the original self-confident chasers, suddenly shocked, have stopped in the air, dare not move on, and separated from the Tu Huang!

No one is not surprised!

On the top of this delicate woman's head, there is a ray of daring, and the wonders of the emperor's anger are only possible when the emperor is angry and angry!

Who is this woman! This rising atmosphere... strong! It is actually a fairy emperor!

Weird, weird, this woman seems to be a member of the Magic Sea Department, before the fire soul tower with Ning Fan...

The identity of this fantasy sea is definitely a fake, but who is the true identity? Is there a fairy **** in the Dabei?

"You are going slowly and wait until the old man first asks about the origin of the woman, and then it is not too late!"

In the face of the seven robes of the emperor of the silver robes, in the face of the imperial power of the emperor, there are some chills that can’t help themselves, and they can’t see the specific emperor’s cultivation. Under the dark horror, naturally, they dare not rush to do it. Explore the details of the Tu Huang. After taking a deep breath, I barely calmed my mind, and I slowly asked.

"Don't ask the monk who is a monk, is it a sacred repair of the holy mountain, or is it from the three flames, and why is it blocked on the route of chasing the sinners! I am not with the sinner! You It can be known that this sub-personalized criminal ring, blatantly disobeys my family's commandments, and sin is a dead! Although the Taoist friend is a fairy emperor, it is not enough to cover this child, and it is hard to intervene in this matter, so I will not blame me for waiting for the Taoist friend. You're welcome!"

The silver robes of the Emperor of the Emperor said that it was not humble and arrogant, and that the voice was just thrown, but his voice just fell, and suddenly his eyes were round and pale, and then a scream was made.

However, it was the Tujia who was outside Baizhang. When he spoke, the petite body shook a little, as if it had moved, and it seemed to have never moved, but it was in this very short moment, in the hands of the Emperor, Half a **** arm!

The arm is clearly torn from the silver robes and the emperor!

A heart pain came from the break of the right shoulder, which made the Yinpao Emperor suffer from pain, and his face was white, and there was fear...

He is a seven-roofed emperor!

His body has been trained by the thunder of the thunder, and it is a powerful body in the seven robbers!

Actually, this little woman who was dripping in front of her eyes tore off an arm!

And the woman's speed is so incredible, he actually did not see the process of arm tearing!

What is this woman doing? It can never be a common fairy! It’s eight robberies, it’s it really a nine-royed emperor!

The thick atmosphere of terror has risen from this place in an instant. Not only is the silver robe fairy emperor facing the Tsinghua, but one chasing the strong and looking at the smaller body of the Tuo, the same forehead has a cold sweat!

"I am Lei Yin, a pulse of four ancestors, Lei Cang, you fold my arm, it is a common enemy with my Lei Yin! You are a big courage, who are you, who are you! Holy Mountain, Three flames are worth mentioning, among the famous emperors, there is no such person! You are actually coming from the outside world..."

"Don't guess again, telling you is no problem, I am from the **** Wuzhong underground!"

"What, actually is the **** master! No, go! It is the legendary madman!"

"Born my little butterfly, I still want to go, I miss it!"

A scream, uploaded from the sky.

The wind blew the giants of the gods, flying out of countless distances, flying out of Zhongzhou, flying over one grassland, flying all the way to the border of the Dabei grassland, flying to the outer area of ​​the Sanctuary.

It was a Tuo-style supernatural power, and sent away Ning Fan. This distance is that he is full of force under the power of the ban, and it takes a lot of time, but it directly crosses under the magical power of the Emperor!

This is the strength of half-step quasi-sacred!

The Emperor has the ability to raise his hand and send away the giants of the gods. He also has the ability to raise his hands and break the powerful defense of the gods. Ning Fan’s defense is not good at the time of the Emperor’s death.

From the breath, the light Buddha seems to be stronger than the Tuo Emperor... So, to defend the most powerful defense of the shield, it is not necessary to block the magical Buddha’s magical power...

Ning Fan’s heart sank.

Just by destroying the shield, it is really impossible to protect yourself in the face of the bright Buddha.

Was the Tu Huang considered that he was far from the opponent of the Guangming Buddha, and forced him away?

Ning Fan’s injury is also not light at this moment, and it is impossible to maintain the giants of the gods for a long time. This place has already moved away from Zhongzhou, and has been away from the pursuit. He has solved the defense of the Giants and has landed on the ground with Ouyang Wen and others.

Ning Fan, Ouyang warm and so on, at this moment are all ugly, obviously no one expected that things will suddenly develop to this step.

"Fu Jun, what do you do now... We have to go to the space node outside the sanctuary, leave it..." Ouyang warmed and sighed and asked.

She understands that there are many major things to do in Ning Fan, and she is unwilling to leave, but it is obviously not a wise move to stay in the humble.

At this time, there is still a killing of the Emperor, but next time, next time...

"Go to the space node first..."

Ning Fan sighed slightly, of course he did not want to leave, he was faced with countless pursuits, and he did not have any fear.

But he can't help but consider the safety of Ouyang Wen and others. Or, he can go to the peripheral space node and send Ouyang Wen and others out, and then he will stay in the Dabei alone to continue his mission...

"Fei Jun wants to go to the space node first, and send warm children, funeral sister, and Mr. Wu to the outside world. Isn’t the husband not going to leave, want to stay with the Dabei people and continue to stay here?" Ouyang warm asked.

"Sure enough, nothing is too warm, good, I am so planning. Now I am being chased by the entire Dabei, this will be implicated in you, I have confidence and those who are the top-level chasers Second, but there is no confidence in the pursuit of those emperors to protect you..."

"I'm sorry, it's too warm and too weak, it can only become the burden of the husband." Ouyang warmly bite the lip.

"No, this matter does not blame you. It is me who is weak. If I have a prince, I will not be counted and ruined. If I have a sacred emperor, then I won't ask, I can go straight to this place... forget it, things have already happened, and it doesn't make sense to say that. I don't know if there is any special means for the humiliators to track down the criminals who smuggled the criminal ring. If there is, then even if they escape, Isometric, still not safe. Or go to the space node earlier, let me send you out..."

"Warmer does not go!"

"This palace does not go!"

"Little eight does not go!"

Ning Fan suddenly had a bit of difference, and he was obsessed with the moon and the old man.

Ouyang Wen does not want to leave, but wants to risk, stay with him to help, this mind, he certainly understands.

However, even the funeral month, Wu Lao Ba are not willing to leave, and some let Ning Fan accident...

According to Ning Fan's understanding, the funeral month is the most greedy and fearful of death, and Wu Lao Ba is also a deadly friend. At this moment, I am obviously in a dilemma. According to the personality of these two people, it is a wise move to leave the Sanctuary in the early days. How can I stay away from me?

Is it because these two people have slaves he planted? After all, if the slave is dead, the master will die, and the servant will die...

No, it looks like this is not the case...

Ning Fan is extremely surprised to discover that at this moment, the funeral month is also good, and the old man is all over the face, and his face actually reveals the anger that can’t be hidden!

Not a disguise, but a true anger from the heart!

Is it angry that he is being counted? With the character of these two people, is there such a possibility? Ning Fan expressed doubt.

However, the suspicion of suspicion, at this moment of the funeral month, the old eight, really hate the silver robe Xiandi, in the fight for Ning Fan!

"I don't want to go! This can't be justified. I have a seven-royed emperor in the district. I dare to count my master. Hey! Leiyin is so great. When I was a full-fledged man, I also beaten thunder. The sound of one pulse is the highest one of the eight robes of the emperor! What kind of **** Leiyin secret technique, I teach you a way, custody can restrain each other's sound attack!" Funeral said indignantly.

"The mother is right! Master, we can't just leave, it's not in line with the style of Xiaoba! The loss can't be done! The master is being bullied, let the little eight get back to the master! What **** The sacred mountain emperor, seeing me black and eight black transport out, I am sure that there is no return to the Leiyin pulse!" Wu Lao eight gas has to bite his teeth, he did it more simply, actually directly smashed the criminal ring, After repairing all the recovery, the whole body suddenly had black enthusiasm, it was his blackness that was arrogant because of anger!

"Small thief, help me find the flesh, I will help you to level the thunder!"

"Master, I need to lay an ancient altar, I want to cast a spell, I want to curse the sound of Lei Yin! As long as you give me the material, I must let Lei Yin pay the price!"

"Little thief! I still have a way, need warm sister to help one or two, we first find a place to settle down, as a base, to revenge to Lei Yin..."

"The main son! Xiaoba still has a plan, need to warm the mother to make some small strength, and let the thunder sound a bit of trouble..."

These two people are really sincere and will make suggestions for Ning Fan!

Ning Fan was originally angered by the calculation of Lei Yin's pulse, and replaced by a smile.

In my heart, I don’t know why, there is a warmth...

First, the Tu Huang, and then Ouyang warm, funeral month, Wu Lao Ba... People said that suffering is difficult to see the truth, at this time he is in trouble, even the next moment may be chased by the Dabei people, but someone is really concerned about him .

Ouyang warm is expected, but the Emperor, the funeral month, and the old man are unexpected...

Interestingly, since you don't want to leave me away, we will face the whole Dabei's pursuit together, what's the point!

A big humble family in the district, the soldiers will block the water to cover the earth!

Ning Fan has never been the main loser, and this time he actually suffered a loss, naturally he has to regain his retracement ten times!

Of course, the first thing to solve is how to avoid tracking...

Wu Lao Ba Yi’s anger ruined the criminal ring, but it was a pleasure to ruin, but this ruin seems to have produced some kind of induction, which makes the direction of Zhongzhou in the far distance, causing a causal sense for Wu Lao Ba...

This cause and effect, Wu Lao Ba can not see, but Ning Fan is a five-finger wave, grabbed this silky cause and effect from heaven and earth, and has it.


The people of the Holy Mountain are relying on causality to track down the people who have privately tortured the criminal ring.

If the cause and effect are broken, the other party... can still find it all the way!


Ning Fan hit a few streams of light at the fingertips and glimpsed into the air. No one knows what he is jealous, but at this moment, the sacred mountain has lost the sense of tracking Ning Fan!

And the feelings that Wu Lao Ba had just destroyed the criminal ring disappeared...

Then, after a roll of Ning Fan's sleeves, I saw the golden light flashing in the vertical. He and Ouyang Wen and others have disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, where Ning Fan left, suddenly got a flash of space, and walked out of a daddy full of white scum.

The old donkey carries a blood-stained sack on his back. The blood is still very new. There seems to be something in the sack. When he struggles, he wants to break free, but he can't escape.

"Don't struggle, Ji Qingling, with your seriously injured body, can't escape my "making pocket", if it is full, there are still five points. If you don't cover the sinner and escape, and confuse him, I will never It may take so long to catch up with this place. The causal sensor has been broken, this son has either left the San Dan Sanctuary, or it is the magical power to break the cause and effect... Well, it should not be the latter, that is, I can’t do this. He should be the same."

"Sinners have fled, and there should always be individuals who bear the evil consequences of today. Eleven immortals are fallen, five immortals are fallen, and Tiandudao friends are seriously injured. They are repaired as falling into the realm of immortals, bones, flowers, and weeping. The three Taoist corpses are ruined, only the Yuanshen fled, and the Leiyin veins are four ancestors and the gods are gone. You see that you have done a good job. I know that you have the supreme sanctuary of the cow ghost, and also the cause and effect of the ten bees. But this time the guilt is too big, I can't easily let you go. The death sin can be extinguished, the living sin can't escape, I will gather a certain amount of thunder, and refine a [original stripping whip], and punish you for killing the road. Don't blame the old man's heart, this is what you deserve, and you should take it for you..."

If there is a strong mountain here, you will recognize that this old scum is a strongest sacred mountain... Bright Buddha!

It’s not a half-step sacred rehearsal in the rumor, but a half-step quasi-sacred, sometimes second-order quasi-sacred atmosphere! The second-order quasi-sacred atmosphere does not seem to belong to the old man, but the power it contains can be used by the old man.

The old man scatters his thoughts and searches carefully around the outer sanctuary of the sacred sacred area. He finally decided that Ning Fan had left, slightly silent, and his body was swaying and left.

A few days later, a terrible news spread to all the grasslands of Dabei at an alarming rate, and even the three flames of the mainland spread the matter!

The strongest of the Dabei legends, the master behind the **** martial arts, killed the emperor in the glazed city a few days ago, killing is very heavy, but also escaped by the sinners, and finally captured by the holy mountain light Buddha!

It is necessary to stipulate that all the Dabei tribes must sacrifice enough Thunder within ten years to make up a certain amount for the Guangming Buddha to refine the torture apparatus and punish the **** masters.

Among the countless murderous continents, an inconspicuous six-level murderous territory on the mainland, in a desolate city, there was such an intelligence at this moment.

Within the wine cellar in the city, several tables were dressed in black flames, and at the moment they talked about the matter while drinking.

There are very few such cities in the mainland, and only some of the most important areas of the mainland will be stationed by the Three Flames. The vast majority of the mainland is a state of desolate and uninhabited smoke.

Among the wine cellars, sitting next to the window, sitting on an old man wearing black armor, dressed up like the other three flames monks, while drinking alcohol, while listening to the discussion of the three flames monks, mung bean eyes from time to time A turn.

"Ji Qingling, the master of **** Wu... It should be the powerful emperor who broke off the comet on that day. Trouble, this is troublesome, the woman has a relationship with the comet at first sight, and most of them are many of the comets. One of the heads, otherwise how can you leave the comet to leave? If the comet knows that his **** was taken away by the light Buddha in order to save him, he will definitely go crazy, and he will not run out in anger. Mountain bar...but the light Buddha is really amazing. If it wasn’t for the **** master to save, the one that was taken away should be the comet. Oh, this bad news, do you want to report it to the healing star?”

The old man licked his old face and showed a bit of tangled color.

If you look closely, you will find that this old man dressed as a three-sword sergeant and secretly inquiring about the news is not an old man, but who is it.

After escaping from Zhongzhou, this old man went to the absolute forbidden place of the Dabei people... the mainland! (To be continued.)

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