Grasping Evil

Chapter 1122: Like a waterfall, the ancient gods robbed

Ning Fan has no time to pay attention to those prisoners.

As for the spoils...

Most of the aliens do not use magic weapons, and the aliens rarely wear storage bags, and most of the family members are hidden in their respective river bottoms. As a result, although there are many kills in this battle, there are not many such kills.

Take the Longma 16 Prince, Ning Fan did not seize the innate magic, but swallowed the other's innate dragon fire

Take Afflo, Ning Fan has not had time to search her body, her golden bow, seems to be hidden in Dantian, may be a good magic weapon...

Take the Yuandan Emperor, Ning Fan, in addition to earning a large-scale medicinal medicine, also obtained the storage bag of Yuan Dandi.

As a member of the Dongtian monk, Yuan Dandi retains the habit of the Dongtian monk, wearing a storage bag for travel, and cheaper than Ning Fan.

The strength of Yuan Dandi, Ning Fan does not look up.

But the storage bag of Yuan Dandi was unexpectedly rich!

[Emperor's broken gas needle]: The ancient treasure of the ancient heaven, the congenital product, half damaged state, power can not be more than one. This thing is the treasure that Yuan Dandi used to attack Ning Fan. According to this treasure, Yuan Dan is only its second master. Its first master is the former master of the ancient heaven.

[Feng Jianjian]: Half-damage destroys the world's first magic weapon, and Wei Neng has more than one. This treasure claimed to have been the sword of the great emperor of the demon sorcerer.

[Dark Star]: The hidden weapon is a congenital magic weapon, half damaged, and the power can be more than one. This treasure claimed to have been the hidden weapon of the dark ancestor Dark Yuanchen, because of some reasons, was given to the Yuan Dan Emperor by the Dark.

[古妖龙骨]: This bone claims to be one of the residual bones of the ancestral candle, the spirituality has been lost, no use...

[Cangwu Jingxue]: This blood is claimed to be the blood of the ancient demon, and the spirituality has been lost...

[Taiwan Dan Devil Dan God Fragment]: Even if this thing is not used to communicate with all things, Ning Fan also knows that this thing was the thing that Sen Luo gave to Yuan Dan Emperor.

[Ancient devil's tentacles]: It looks like an ancient demon named insects. The tentacles left behind after death seem to be filthy, and the spirituality has been lost...

[Floating for the Immortal Dan]: A very nine-turn Jindan, can let the monks get the happiness of the fluttering for a short time, forget all the troubles...

With the convenience of all things, Ning Fan can directly chat with the dead and get a lot of information.

Let Ning Fan’s accident be that a seven-robbery emperor in Yuandandi District was so rich in such a rich collection. Although many magic weapons are half-damaged, not killing the repair material is a waste of the fascination, but... these messy things, the origins are too wide, right?

Seeing that the half-damage ruined the magic sword, Ning Fan remembered the fact that Sen Luo borrowed the list of the devil from Yuan Dan. These two things are all the treasures of the konjac, and the relationship between Yuan Dandi and Fenghuan does not seem to be shallow...

The Emperor's broken gas remnant treasure is in the hands of Yuan Dandi, and there is a gift from the dark yuan in the storage bag... Ning Fan thinks about the battle between the dark and the celestial body, this Yuandan emperor, and indeed the dark The relationship is shallow...

As for the messy things, let Ning Fan open his eyes, but also let Ning Fan quite speechless.

Yuan Dandi collects things, and it seems that he only looks at the size of the things. As long as there is a head, whether it is useful or not, it seems to be a collector.

It is a pity that these collections have been returned to Ningfan since today.

Of course, the collection of Yuan Dandi is not all rubbish, of course, there are good things.

[Starting gas] two! This is what Yuan Dan Emperor spent a lot of years trying to collect, and he has been reluctant to use it. Now it is cheaper than Ning Fan.

Ning Fan secretly pondered, and now he does not need to take the starting gas as a card, but it can directly devour the beginning of the gas, improve the repair. Refining and chemical infinite Dan is only the ordinary cultivation method of the ancient monks, and the beginning is a few kinds of treasures that can greatly enhance the repair of the ancient monks...

[Tiandi Peach Branch] One hundred, [Tiandi Peach Blossom] thirty-three pieces, [Tiandi Peach Fruit] eight, [Tiandi Peach Tree] one!

Peach branch is good, peach blossom is good, peach fruit is also good. In fact, it is the product of the growth process of the heaven and earth peach trees. If you swallow refining, you can greatly enhance the spirit of the monk medicine, and you can also use it to refine it to Mufa.

Tiandi Peach Tree is the most precious thing. It is the **** tree that is the same as the Qibao Miaoshu. After many years of rituals of the Yuandan Emperor, although it is illegal, it has the power of the inferior magic weapon!

This tree, like the Qibao Miaoshu, has great potential. As long as it is properly cultivated, it is not a weak weapon to protect the body as a saint!

Ning Fan did not hesitate to plant the Tiandi Peach Tree directly into the Shennong Baicao Garden, and lived next to the Qibao Miaoshu.

[cursed gourd] one!

This thing is the treasure that Yuan Dandi used to lure Ning Fan, and he took down the Yuan Dan Emperor. This treasure naturally returned to Ning Fan.

"I don't know if this treasure will be a **** gourd..." Ning Fan urged the blood in the body to perceive the gourd. After the interest rate, the color of disappointment was revealed.

It’s a pity that this treasure is not a **** gourd.

This is the expected result. How can the blood hoist be so good? Because she was psychologically prepared, Ning Fan, although disappointed, only sighed for a moment and returned to normal.

Although this treasure is not a **** gourd, it is also a rare inferior magic weapon, with a powerful curse force; if you are good at singularity equipment equipped with this gourd, can make the power of martial arts double...

In the mind of Ning Fan, suddenly the ugly face of Wu Lao Ba emerged.

The black luck of the old man, the curse effect is already very strong, if this treasure is given to the old eight, so that the power of the old man is doubled... well, this thing is useful, so it is not suitable for use as a burning material. .

Slightly sorted out the spoils, Ning Fan looked at the Weihe River, and some worried.

His battle boat was smashed by the alien strong.

The magnetic force of the boundary river is very strong, it is the **** of the Emperor, and it is impossible to spread too far here. If there is no war boat, it is as strong as the emperor, and it is difficult to walk in the boundary river.

"Fortunately, I am a little more refined, but now it is enough to use the Sobo compass to locate the place of the boundary river. With the search for the compass, I can barely walk on the boundary river even if I lose the battle boat..."

"Those who are strong in different races have been repulsed by me. In a short period of time, they should not make a comeback and find their own way. Most of them will try to restrain my flooded bottle, and then revenge. After a while, I don't have to worry about the chasing of the aliens, but if those aliens come again in the same day, they must be cuddling... and then want to win by the flooded bottle, fearing it is... hard!"

Ning Fan is sinking himself, and suddenly his eyes are changing!

Suddenly there is a female test of the yin test, from the depths of his knowledge of the sea, strange to the finger!

"Little thief, you care about it! I was not ignorant of my invasion of the sea, hahaha! Megatron East Heaven's chaos, but this!"

Ning Fan slightly felt the knowledge of the sea, and suddenly his eyes sank.

At this moment, his heavenly spirit knows the sea, there is actually a black woman about the size of the dust!

When did this dusty woman invade him? He didn't even feel it at all! This is an incredible thing, to know that his perception is not much weaker than the quasi-holy. This dusty woman can invade into his sea of ​​knowledge, and can also invade into the weaker quasi-sacred sea of ​​knowledge... a woman who is so powerful, he has never heard of this woman!

"Who are you! Why invade my knowledge of the sea!"

Ning Fan is not surprised.

Although this smuggling woman has a strong sneak ability, it seems to be very low. After all, it is also a gray ash. Where can it be?

If the ordinary Emperor was invaded by the woman, most of them had to be in a hurry. After all, it was as strong as the emperor, and the sea was also a fragile place.

Can be different.

His **** knows the sea and has already made a barrel of iron. It is an attack that directly bears the twelfth magic weapon, and the sea is not necessarily injured. A ash **** in the district, even if it blows into his knowledge of the sea, what is the point? I can't hurt him to know the sea half!

"Who are you asking me? Giggle, listen well, my name is Yin Ji, which is the unique dust fairy between heaven and earth. Because of the agreement with Yuan Dandi, I am willing to disciple the disciples for their drive! You are too hateful. I dared to count on Yuan Dan’s predecessors and take him to him! I’m acquainted with the speed of the Yuan Dan seniors, and I will spare you a life! Otherwise, hey, this girl will destroy your knowledge of the sea and teach you to know the sea and collapse. And died!" The dust woman threatened.

This woman is a native of Yuan Dan? Ning Fan heard a little words.

I can't think of the strength of Yuan Dan's old man. Under his hand, there is a good seedling. It is impossible for God to invade his knowledge of the sea. In the end of the law, he is afraid that he can't find a second one. It is the quasi-hos, the ancient overhaul, and I still want to do this. After all, perceiving one has always been the strength of Ning Fan. If he keeps his vigilance, the quasi-san can not sneak close.

"You are threatening me. You know, I don't like the threat of others." Ning Fan is indifferent, although this woman is strange, but if it is an enemy, he will not be merciful.

"Hey! Less nonsense, you only said, put the Yuandan predecessors, if you don't let go, I can really do it!" Seeing Ning Fan is not moving, the woman is angry.

"You want to do it, then you can try it."

"Hey! This is what you forced me. My grandmother didn't want to kill. If you insist on finding death, your grandmother will send you a ride... Taigu Yin Nian!"

The dusty woman condenses a yin into a fine needle and slams it into the sea.

She is not high, but this thorn is quite worthwhile, unless it is the kind of emperor who has mastered the sea, otherwise it is as strong as the emperor, she must be stabbed and hurt.

It’s a pity that this thorn can’t stand the glory of the sea.

"No, it's impossible! You are just a celestial celestial being, how can you know how strong the sea will be to such a degree, you..." The woman's face changed dramatically.

Mo said that it is the emperor of the ancient times, that is, among the emperors, there are several people, the sea hardness can be compared with Ning Fan!

This person is simply a monster!

"You stabbed it too, now it's my turn..."

Ning Fanyi reminded the world Zixia, swept in the sea of ​​knowledge, easily stunned the dusty woman, swept out the sea and smashed it down.

Looking at the black woman in the palm of her hand, Ning Fan had to sigh the magic of creation. Thanks to his amazing eyesight and waiting for the monks, he was afraid that he could not see the existence of these magnitudes, but he was very clear.

This is a very glamorous woman, though... only dusty.

This woman is very small, but it is not through the magic to narrow the body, but born so!

If Ning Fan’s eyes are not mistaken, this woman is dusty; the type of dust is the ash left after the failure of alchemy...

This woman can sneak into the sea of ​​Ning Fan, and she can only rank first in the whole East Heaven!

Of course, the strength is a bit low. Even if you invade Ningfan to know the sea, you will not be able to hurt Ning Fan. But... If the woman invades the other emperor to know the sea, even if it is not enough to kill the emperor, I am afraid that it will make the emperor feel the sea...

If this woman is used well, it is not the same as a big killer.

Ning Fan Shentong reminded me to wake up this dusty woman, indifferent,

"The collection of Yuandan's old children belongs to me. You, naturally, belong to me. Is Yinji? From today, you are the servant of my Ningfan. Of course, Ningmou is never strong, if you insist on not Drop, Ning will respect you loyalty, but it will also send you a death."

The woman in black is caught in an unprecedented struggle.

She had an agreement with Yuan Dandi to loyalty to Yuan Dandi, and asked the other party to do something for her.

However, after so many years, Yuan Dandi seems to never put her request in the heart, which makes her extremely disappointed, but never willing to take the initiative to abandon the agreement.

She is a very committed person, but now that she is in trouble, she will inevitably have some resentment against Yuan Dan.

If Yuan Dandi completes the agreement and helps her improve her cultivation, she will be able to pierce Ning Fan's knowledge of the sea today and kill Ning Fan. It will not be taken by Ning Fan, and Wolverine will die.

Drop, or not?

People who do not care, if it is worthy of the people, she is willing to die, but, Yuan Dandi really deserves her to die...

"Yuandan's predecessor promised me one thing, but he did not fulfill the agreement. If you promise me something, I... I am willing to drop you..."

"What?" Ning Fan really wants to recover this strange woman, so there is no anger for the act of raising the condition.

"You, you..." The woman seemed a little ashamed to open her teeth, biting her teeth, holding on to the red face and saying what she was thinking, "I want you to find someone for me!"

Find someone?

"What person are you looking for?"

"I don't know who he is, I don't know what he looks like, I don't even know if he is a man or a woman. However, I remember the taste of his tears, unique, bitter, bitter, ten thousand times more bitter than Canaan's bitter sea. ...He once made me a bit of tears, and I learned the spirit from a scented ash. I, I must repay him!"

In order to repay? So looking for people? Ning Fan smiled slightly, this woman has this kind of heart, he is quite like it.

In turn, there are some headaches.

This dusty woman repeatedly said that she was looking for someone, but unfortunately, even the person she was looking for was a man or a woman.

She has not seen the person she wants to find.

I only remember the taste of the tears of the person, and the person was bitten by a tear and turned into a human figure.

Only this information, how to find people? Ning Fan sighed slightly, although he really wanted to recover this dusty woman, but he really could not find the person he was looking for.

"Sorry, the information you gave was too little, just the taste of tears... I am afraid I can't find the person you are looking for."

"Yes...what is it...I can't find are so much better than Yuandan's predecessors, and you don't have the confidence to find it. Yuandan's predecessor insisted that he could find this person for me. He really just lied to me, wants Let me work for him in vain..." The dusty woman was greatly disappointed. She almost forgot how many years she had been looking for that person. It was a long journey. She really wants to find someone who points her up and say thank you.

The man whose tears are more bitter than Canaan’s bitter sea, where is it now, or, has long been annihilated in the long years...

"You will consider again, whether you want to change a request and surrender to me. I will give you time to consider."

In other words, Ning Fan puts the woman into the sea and intends to raise the fish. This woman is raised in the sea.

"You have trusted me so much, willing to let me live in your sea of ​​knowledge?" The dusty woman was suddenly moved to nothing.

When the Yuan Dan Emperor sold his life, the other party could never let himself enter the sea. But her cultivation, it is necessary to live with others to know the sea...

Ning Fan smiled and did not answer.

This is trust, but it is not the dust woman but the strength of her own. He is confident that this woman will enter the sea, and the other party can't hurt him to know the sea half-point, and he can't peek at him.

Of course, this matter will not be explained to the dusty woman.

He was happy to let the dusty woman misunderstand his trust, and thus gradually gave birth to allegiance.

If you can really make this woman return to the heart, and accept this woman, in the future, it will be on the right side. Ning Fan can also rely on this woman to slightly hurt the quasi-sacred sea. It’s a crucial time to come here, absolutely magical...

After solving the small episode of Yin Ji, Ning Fan did not stay here for a long time, but spurred the search for the compass, set the place of the day, ignoring the magnetic obstacles, all the way back to Lingyun.

How can the speed of the battle boat compare with the speed of Ning Fan? When I went sailing for a few hours, I only spent a scent of incense when I returned.

Seeing that Ning Fan did not use the battle boat, he was able to move freely in the boundary river. All the guards who stayed in Lingyunguan were shocked.

Of course, the more shocking thing is still behind: Yuan Dan, who is looking for treasure with Ning Fan, was killed by Ning Fan!

This life, Ning Fan, did not plan to report, but he was missing a fairy emperor. How can someone else ask but ask him not to explain it first, and avoid misunderstanding.

Ning Fan announced the beginning and end of the Emperor Yuan Dan, and reported it to Taiyuan Ferry.

In order to prove that he was forced to do so, he only took the hand of Yuan Dan, and Ning Fan listed a large number of jade videos and returned them to Taiyuandu. Under the conviction of the evidence, everyone knows that Ning Fan is out of self-defense and has killed Yuan Dan. Naturally, no one will blame Ning Fan for this. Others will only be angry that Yuan Dandi betrayed the covenant, colluded with the aliens, and betrayed Dongtian.

The current enemy, who wants to have traitors on their own?

The disciples of Yuan Dandi were all taken down. According to the investigation, these people also participated in the Yuandan rebellion. This incident made the Emperor and other people intolerable. Under the anger of the people, these people were executed by the angry Dongtian monks. .

When Ning Fan re-enacted the deeds of two alien emperors, the whole boundary river was shaken, and Ning Fan’s reputation was even louder!

This is because Ning Fan did not disclose the two alien emperors who were captured, and there was a nine-royed emperor. If the world knows that Ning Fan has even returned one of the nine emperors, he is afraid to directly doubt life.

As the saying goes, it’s too late, and Ning Fan doesn’t want to be too sensational. And he is not a fair showdown to win Afflé, relying on the trick.

There is nothing to boast about.

After handling the trivial matters, Ning Fan informed Ling Yunguan that he was going to retreat. If anyone else has nothing to do, don't bother him.

On the first day of retreat, Ning Fan interrogated Yuan Dandi, and recalled his soul. No one knows that after Ning Fan opened the mouth of Yuan Dandi, he knew what was going on.

On the second day of the retreat, the dusty woman Yin Ji gave a reply. She was willing to return to Shun Ningfan. The condition was changed. That is to call Ning Fan, but she is not willing to be slaved by Ning Fan.

Ning Fan does not have the ability to plant a slave for a dust-sized woman... The slave ban is too complicated, and the ban on the Yin Ji is not the same as painting a picture of the Wanli Mountain River.

Microscopic to that extent, it is that Ning Fan can't control the mana, and the ban on such nuances.

Fortunately, Ning Fan’s thief can observe the hearts of the people. He knows that Yin Ji is a woman who promises to be a daughter. If she promises to return to her, she will not repent. It is a remorse. Ning Fan also has the confidence to subdue this woman. There is nothing to worry about.

When this woman really returned to Shun Ningfan, it meant that she had nothing to do with the former master Yuan Dan.

Therefore, when Ning Fan decided to kill Yuan Dan, the Yin Ji did not bear it, but did not plead for Yuan Dandi. She believes in Buddhism, while Dharma pays attention to the causal cycle. Yuan Dandi is self-defeating, she naturally understands.

The body of Yuan Dandi is not infinitely Dan, nor is it beneficial to improve the cultivation of the drug, which makes Ning Fan quite disappointed.

The body of Yuan Dandi is an immortal medicine called [Xian Nian Dan]. After searching for the memory of Yuandan Emperor, Ning Fan learned that Yuandan Emperor was the Xiannian Dan of the refining system of the South Medicine Shengsheng. After many years of the death of the South Medicine, the immortality of the immortality was changed into a demon, and Fang Yuanyuan Dandi is this person.

Xian Niandan is only a nine-turn Jindan, but with the practice of Yuandan Emperor, the cultivation is constantly improving, and the grade of this medicinal drug is no longer comparable.

It has already advanced to nine turns of the emperor, and it is still the kind of stepping into the ten-level Zudan level of the emperor!

Strong medicine, it is Ning Fan also want to move!

After Ning Fan killed the spirit of Yuan Dan, he sacrificed it and finally turned it into a body. With the development of the drug in the body, Ning Fan’s meditation began to skyrocket!

Then, once again, I got the chance to hit the four worlds!

There are four realms in the practice of the monks of the ancient monks, one that is taller and lower than the one, and is called the "Ming Waterfall"!

Once again, the impact of the waterfall, Ning Fan inevitably, remembered the Tu Huang.

He remembered that he had eaten the ancient Buddha and fruit together with the Emperor, and he remembered the scene of the impact on the waterfall.

[Unfortunately, as the waterfall is for you, it is still too early... don't be discouraged, there are still opportunities in the future, you can slowly break through. With my qualifications, when I broke through the waterfall like that, I also failed more than a hundred times. If you succeed in one fell swoop, I will have no face to live. 】

The Tu Huangyan is still in the ear, and Ning Fan looks at it and turns to calm down, sweeping away distracting thoughts and concentrate on breaking through.

It is a very dangerous thing to go away at all times. Ning Fan does not dare to have any negligence.

For the first time in the year, the impact of the waterfall, Ning Fan ended in failure.

Today is the second time, this time, Ning Fan has absolute confidence, he will succeed, because he directly swallowed a large-scale Xian Nian Dan who was cultivated by the Seven Robbers!

Will succeed!

This time, it will succeed!

Qingling, you look, this time, I will succeed!

Yin Ji, who is in Ning Fan’s knowledge of Hai Wangyang, witnessed the whole process of breaking and reorganizing Ning Fan.

She saw that Ning Fan’s gods grew stronger and gradually became a waterfall torrent!

She saw that the meditation of Ning Fan was soaring and violent. In just half a day, the gods were strengthened to ten times more than before!


Ning Fan shouted, and the vast gods read the pressure, spread from the retreat, and dispersed toward the entire Lingyun Pass.

That waits for the gods to press the pressure, it is not like the Xianzun can have, has been more strengthened than the majority of the king!

The great potency of Xian Niandan made Ning Fan break through the waterfall grandmother, and the gods soared ten times, but this is not the end!

The power of Xian Niandan was only less than half of the effort. The remaining potency continued to increase the meditation of Ning Fan, which made Ning Fan’s meditation to break through the emptiness of the waterfall and gradually stabilized. A little bit of the next realm of the four minds!

In the past four thousand dynasties, the first realm is to read like a waterfall, and the second realm is like a stream.

Ning Fan’s thoughts are getting stronger and stronger. Gradually, he began to go beyond the category of Xian Wang and reached the height of the ordinary six robbers!

He began to look at the power of the gods and shocked the stream, but this time, it failed.

One failure, two failures... After several failures, Ning Fan gave up the matter. He knew that at this moment, his own thoughts were not prepared, unless there were one or two large Xian Nian Dan, otherwise he would succeed in breaking through the stream. God read...

"It’s a pity that Xiannian Dan, like the delicious Yuan Dandi, is afraid that he can’t find a second one...”

Ning Fan regrets.

I feel that I am more than twenty times stronger than before, and Ning Fan is satisfied with a smile.

In the past, when he was still weak, he was able to take advantage of the rain, and he felt that there was not too much sanctification. Now that God is soaring, his perception has increased greatly, and he is afraid to be more sensitive than some first-order quasi-holys.

Under the great increase of his thoughts, although his cultivation has not increased, there have been many improvements in combat strength, mana loss, and supernatural details.

After swallowing the body of Yuan Dan, Ning Fan then refining the two beginnings of Yuan Dan.

Ning Fan's body is extremely strong, it is the direct refining and gas, no difficulty, refining speed is even more amazing.

The two began to go down, Ning Fan's ancient gods repaired, madly increased hundreds of robbery mana, reached the threshold of thousands of robberies, and led Ning Fan to break through the ancient times, the first time robbery.

If the robbery is successful, it can be accomplished by the ancient gods!

Perhaps because Ning Fan has repaired the gods, it is just a robbery. His amount of robbery is even more terrifying than other people's five robberies!

When the red clouds appeared in Lingyunguan, when the road was enough to hurt the five robbers, the thick red thunder was blown from the sky, and the check was alarmed.

The direction of the robbery, locked in the retreat of Ning Fan, no doubt, Ning Fan's repair is a breakthrough!

As everyone knows, Ning Fan’s rise in Dongtian is extremely fast. From a first-time monk to a new immortal, it doesn’t take long.

How long has it passed, and Ning Fan has to become a singer, how can it not be surprising, and the speed of cultivation is too scary. Those new Jin Xianzun who have not been able to touch the bottleneck for millions of years, really should find a piece of tofu to die!

What is even more intimidating is the power of robbery on this day. Is this a robbery? How can Weien be so horrible, hundreds of thousands of days of robbery attack and down, each attack can hurt the five robbery kings, saying that it is impossible to destroy the land.

These powerful annihilation is enough to kill all the ancient sages, but for Ning Fan, it is just a tickling attack.

Ning Fan directly opened the ancient body of the ancients, and vacated the sky, breaking the sky and robbing the clouds, and never used it until and after, and spent a lot of robbery.

At this point, the breakthrough is over!

The ancient demon is cultivated and the new fairy is honored.

The ancient demon is cultivated, and the new fairy is respected.

The robbery of blood is repaired, the blood is Samsung.

The ancient gods are repaired... the first annihilation of the ages!

"At the bottom of this river, there are countless 800 million yin woods, which can refine a large number of infinite dan. If you can get these sinister woods, I can still become stronger. If the aliens really restrain my water bottle, With my current cultivation, I was besieged by a dozen emperors, and there is no chance of winning..."

Ning Fan looked at the waters and made a decision.

Now that she is soaring, the magnetic force of the boundary river still interferes with him, but it is not as serious as it used to be.

Perhaps, it is time to take a trip to the bottom of the river, anyway, hiding in the water, after all, is also dangerous, it is better to do the opposite...

Of course, if you really sneak into the bottom of the river, some necessary camouflage is still needed. Ning Fan will never be stupid to the identity of the East Heaven monk, and greatly sneak into the underwater world.

"I will have something to go out, and I will stay in the customs. If there is a foreign emperor to attack, immediately notify me, I will come back in a very short time!"

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