Grasping Evil

Chapter 1123: 琅琊天勾玉!

Ning Fan did not directly sneak into the bottom of the boundary river in the face of Ling Yunguan, but flew far away from Lingyunguan before he plunged into the boundary river. ???

The behavior of sneak into the bottom of the river is too horrifying. In the eyes of the East Heaven monk, it is tantamount to finding a dead end. Ning Fan does not want to shake the mind of Lingyunguan.

Ning Fan knows that the bottom of the boundary river is extremely dangerous, but what about it... Didn't he take a monk named Aphrodite? Actually, I got a lot of information from the other side of the river, so I was quite confident to come and go under the boundary river.

There are already seven dragon horses in his hands, because the other party does not understand the sea and cannot search for memories.

Afro is an alien, and he does not know the sea. However, through the use of thieves and charms, Ning Fan has inquired a lot of information from Aphrod's heart.

This makes Ning Fan quite an accident: for ordinary female aliens, thief can't work; but for Aphello, a half-step quasi-sacred, thief can be used instead. Why?

During the closing of Lingyun, Ning Fan had a total of three questions about Affro. Of course, Aphrod, who was taken away, did not know that it was torture. Ning Fan did not go to the sentence, and the second did not use strong, but she often asked her questions and made her lose her vigilance.

Aphrod is not afraid of killing her, she also has a different kind of true spirit, and is a higher spirit than the dragon and horse aliens, and it is hard to kill. Her tone is very strict. No matter what question Ning Fan asks, she is silent and only glares at Ning Fan. Occasionally, she is only threatening to let her go, otherwise she will be retaliated by the monks.

Aphrod does not know that Ning Fan has thief, so I don't know, even if she doesn't talk, as long as the mind is moving, a lot of intelligence will be explored by Ning Fan.

If Aphrod is in a normal state, as a half-step into the existence of quasi-holy, Ning Fan is unable to spy on the woman's heart by stealing.

However, this woman was sealed by the charm of the magic at this moment, Ning Fan can calmly spy on this woman's heart, and gained a lot of information related to aliens.

Without this information, Ning Fan would be bolder and would not sneak into the bottom of the river. This sneak action is not an impulsive move, but a result of his deliberation. Seemingly bold, in fact, full of confidence.


When Ning Fan jumped into the river, the force of a circle of seals swayed from the water and spread far and far. It was the seal of the Purple Emperor's cloth in the boundary river.

After the cleansing and annihilation of Ning Fan, now the water surface of the 11th road, the aliens are almost gone; but the bottom of the water is still the Longtan Tiger Cave, where aliens can swim around.

A lot of aliens nearby, I feel that this water is fluctuating. If there is a good thing, I will come over and see if it is the Dongtian monk who sneaked into the bottom of the river.

A few slashed fish that were cut into the first time, the first to swim over, a little look at it, it is not a Dongtian monk, but a squid.

The squid is naturally changed from Ning Fan.

The reason why it can be changed to squid is also thanks to the fish that he swallowed the aisle in the past, and he has produced a trace of the Yi people's demon blood.

After obtaining the information of Afro, Ning Fan purchased some props through the trading line of the ancient country. After a little disguise, he deceived the demon of the Yi people into a foreign atmosphere.

This is a very bold act!

Other Dongtian monks sneak into the bottom of the river, and they are not careful, hiding their body shape; Ning Fan is doing the opposite, and Guangming Zhengda disguised as an alien, openly acting at the bottom of the river!

"Luana? Seymour Seymour, Kakarru Tiye."

Several Henggong big fish said the language of the aquarium and asked about the identity of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan learned some basic aquarium dialogues from Aphrod's memory. At this moment, listening to the words of a few big fish, you will not be as good as other East Heaven monks. This sentence is translated, it is like this.

"Who is it? What kind of monk are you?"

Because it is not a formal study of the aqua language, Ning Fan will not say much, but the basic dialogue is still barely manageable. Knowing that more words will be lost, Ning Fan only responds with a very simple aqua language.

"The villain is a monk of the Tianchong fish family."

"Heavenly fish family?" Several of the big male fish glimpsed, and then looked disdainful.

The Tiancao fish family is not a strong family in the eleventh waterway. There is no one in the family. There are only a few ancient celestial beings sitting in the town. The strength is weak and poor, even worse than some of the strong ethnic groups.

This family is weak, and the performance of Ning Fan’s performance is not strong. It’s only about to be broken. After all, his blood is very thin, and he can’t pretend to be a strong aquarium.

In this way, these several big male fish are too lazy to talk nonsense with Ning Fan. After a few cross-examinations, they will turn around and go straight.

They only need to confirm that the water intake is not a Dongtian monk, and there is no plan to talk with the weak small bushes.

Seeing the first batch of aliens, Ning Fan’s confidence rose, urging the giant scorpion to swim deeper into the bottom of the water. Along the way, occasionally encountering other aliens to come to cross-examine, Ning Fan is more leisurely, all of them are disguised as the identity of the heavenly fish, and pass away.

It is strange to blame the number of aliens is too large, it is the aliens of Xianzun and Xianwang, and not everyone knows, let alone the first step of a broken fish.

As a result, Ning Fan was able to move freely under the water and act freely.

Nowadays, he is soaring. Although the magnetic force at the bottom of the water is stronger than the water surface, Ning Fan is not completely unable to open his mind, and can still perceive the range of thousands of feet. Although it is not too far away, it will not touch the direction at the bottom of the water.

He also secretly included the search treasure compass in the mouth of the fish, and positioned it with the search for the compass. As a result, the identification of the direction of the river bottom is almost as familiar as the real alien.

There is no doubt about Zhou’s body and mind, so that others can see their identity!

The purpose of Ning Fan’s sneak into the bottom of the river is very clear, that is, to steal as much as possible the insidious wood storage of the aliens, take it back to alchemy, and improve the cultivation.

However, according to Afflolo's intelligence, although the gloomy wood at the bottom of the river is large, it is all possessed by the Lord, and is controlled by the major aquariums.

The Tiancun fish family is one of the ethnic groups that control the Yinmu wood deposit. However, because this family is weak, the number of dark wood in the hands cannot be compared with those of the big family.

Of course, there is still a lot more than the East Heaven forces.

The aliens did not take Dan to practice, they directly built the ethnic group on the gloomy wood deposit. The aliens above the ancient times will directly extract the aura of the dark wood, refining and practicing.

According to the information given by Afro and the positioning of the search for the compass, Ning Fan roughly determined the underwater orientation of the Tianchong fish family and swam towards that direction.

Ning Fan’s blood was repaired, but it was only broken, so he could not swim too fast in front of other aliens. Fortunately, the aquarium swims at the bottom of the river, not relying on its own shackles, but can take the water to move forward, with a large degree of addition.

After taking the water, Ning Fandu was not slow. In just a few days, he swam to the ethnic group of the Tian Cong fish.

At the entrance, it is a magnificent coral giant city. The colorful coral Baoguang shines brightly on the dark river bottom, just like white. The bottom of the water is clear and dark, and the city will never have a night.

On the gate of the city, three ancient characters were written in alien scripts.

Ning Fan naturally does not recognize these words, but he has been inspected from Aflo. The name of this city is [Jou Yucheng].

Tiancun fish is a different kind of people. Everyone cultivates a strange power called Gongyu. This magical power is almost a symbol of the sky. It is a pity that Ning Fan is just a fake fish. Naturally, it will not.

But he is not afraid of being identified by the Tianchong fish family.

This time, when he came to the Tian Cong fish family, Ning Fan played the identity of the first time to return to the Tian Cong fish family.

Interracial reproduction is extremely random, the water surface is good, the bottom of the water is good, and there are scattered eggs everywhere. These eggs can hatch a large number of infancy in the early life. Of course, not all the infertile people can live and grow up, and most of them will die and be eaten by other interracial aliens. Those who can come out of the natural selection of the survival of the fittest must be elites. When they grow up, they will follow the call of the deepest blood, return to their homes and accept the arrangement and guidance of their strong.

When Ning Fan came to Gou Yucheng, he was immediately greeted by the big fish in the city, and the fact that he had not cultivated the jade.

As a result, these big fish in the city will naturally regard Ning Fan as a small fish that recognizes the ancestors and return to the ancestor. Without doubting their identity, they still have to ask questions one by one.

"Hey, little devil, where are you from?" The language used in the cross-examination is naturally an alien language.

"Water surface." Ning Fan replied with an unskilled alien discourse.

Seeing Ning Fan's interracial language is not proficient, and several patrols of the city have suddenly scorned.

Aliens with higher qualifications, after adulthood, can generally learn the foreign language by virtue of blood memory.

Only those inferior inferiority will be incomplete in language and speak up.

A few of the patrolling big fish from the heart, have regarded Ning Fan as a mediocre person, and he is not very polite when he speaks. Only Ning Fan pointed out the need to do the ancestors to return to the ancestral home, then Ning Fan into the hook Yucheng.

Ning Fan is also happy to be nonsense with these patrols, and he will lose this truth. He certainly understands.

After the lost aliens recognize their ancestors, they need to go to the elders where their elders are located to open the mongols.

Gouyu City is very large. It can only accommodate millions of heads of big fish in a city. Because the buildings in Gouyu City are the same, Ning Fan asked many times to find the home of the elders.

At this moment, thousands of first-time small fishes have been gathered in the elders' homes, waiting for the opening ceremony, all of which come to recognize the ancestors of the ancestors.

Every day, many small fish are rushed back from the field, but the fish in the old town of the old town, it is naturally impossible to come to the small fish every day.

Only the first and fifteenth of each month of the aqua calendar will appear. Today is only the seventh day of the water calendar, and we have to wait another eight days before the fish will come.

Ning Fan was mixed in a small crowd of fish, waiting quietly, intending to wait here for eight days.

He is not worried that he will stay at the bottom of the water for too long. If there is a war in Lingyunguan, he will immediately rush back. This is not a problem.

During the waiting period, he mobilized the search treasure compass from time to time to secretly explore the mineral deposits.

If the search for the compass is correct, in the bottom of the jade city, there are 800 million yin trees with a hundred kilograms of reserves.

You must know that a piece of eight hundred million yin wood of the size of a fist can make Dong Tian Xiandi hit the big hand, let alone hundreds of pounds of sinister wood. If all of them are taken to alchemy, I don’t know how many bottles of dan can be refined...

Ning Fan endured the desire of the heart, did not directly grab the gloomy wood.

Interracial underwater, the ground is connected, if he directly robs the gloomy wood here, it will definitely be the locals of the aliens, and there is no quasi-holy, but other waterways! If there are other things, those aliens will come across the domain and stir up the things of the eleventh; but if there is a family of gloomy woods that are destroyed, there will be quasi-hoss coming to ask for sin. This matter is actually a top priority in the hearts of the aliens. The seriousness seems to be far more than the thing that Ning Fan has done for the eleventh...

With this in mind, Ning Fan could not help but have some headaches.

Of course, he does not want to attract foreign quasi-sacred, but he is also sure to have a gloomy ambition in this place.

Then, how can God take the gloomy wood here without knowing it? He is lost in thought.

This is the eighth day.

Every day, there will be many days when the lions return from the field and come to the elders to wait for the opening of the Mongolian. When Ning Fan came, there were only a few thousand small fish in the courtyard. By the end of the fifteenth day, there were tens of thousands of small fish in the courtyard.

These small fish do not talk to each other, because everyone knows that the people who participated in the opening ceremony in the same period are competitors and do not need to be in a relationship.

The Mongolian fishermen’s enlightenment is very bloody. It is said that thousands of fish will be smashed and killed. The last surviving batch will be eligible to accept the old fishermen’s enlightenment and formally join the Tianchong fish family.

The small fish that can come to the Tianchong fishermen are the elites who have been selected by nature, and then they will take them by killing them. It is no wonder that the strength of the aliens is much higher than that of the same-level Dongtian monks.

When the fish came to the elders' home, what they saw was a scene of tens of thousands of small fish waiting quietly. He was very satisfied with the safety of these fish.

This is a weird fish with a forked fish tail as its foot and a fin as its hand.

As a celestial fish, he has a ruin of the sacred peaks, and is the fourth real power after the three ancestors of the family.

The old eyes of the fish faintly swept below, secretly stimulating blood perception. He is now, among the fish below, there seem to be several good seedlings with very high blood concentration. Of course, whether those few are really good seedlings, but also need to be confirmed by killing.

"I am waiting for me to come to the slaughterhouse!"

The fish is indifferent, and walks out from the back door of the elders' home. The small fish suddenly swims behind the fish.

On the sand behind the elders' home, there is an open area that has been banned by the array of law. There are countless fish bones in it, which is the place where all the small fish were killed.

Under the old command of the fish, tens of thousands of days of bush fish went into the slaughterhouse, and when the door closed, the killing began!

Even though she was psychologically prepared, Ning Fan was surprised by the indifference to the low-order aliens. As the saying goes, the ants are still stealing, but they are the East Heaven monks, that is, the alien emperors, and which one is not afraid of death?

However, this law does not apply to low-order aliens.

The low-order interracial cleverness is very low, and even if it can spit out people's words, it has only a very low thinking ability.

They don't know how to enjoy themselves.

They retain the wildness of natural creatures.

They only know that they are natural and have no feelings about killing and living.

For them, killing is a very common thing, it is because of death, it does not matter.

Ning Fan’s exposed fish body is a broken realm, but there are still some sacred and golden scorpions of the squad, and they are smothered by him. There is no fear, only greed.

Want to eat Ning Fan's fish!

I want to drink the high blood of Ning Fan!

How blind?

Ning Fan naturally cannot stand still and let the enemy bite. He wants to mix into the Tianchong fish family, and he needs to take out the record in this opening ceremony and temporarily join the family.

Killing is inevitable!

Here, the strong is respect!


Ning Fan fish mouth swallowed, directly swallowing the lions that want to attack him.

This move not only did not scare others, but it aroused the fierceness of more clumps of fish, and they attacked him.

He naturally is not falling, all swallowed.

This scene fell in the eyes of the old fish, making his eyes bright, and then smiled.

"This little guy seems to be good. Although the blood is not strong, but the fertility is far more terrible than other small fish, but it can be earned under the door, wait for the big, and then slaughter him to jade..."

Ning Fan still doesn't know at the moment. He was actually stared at by the fish and moved to mourn; he knew that he didn't care. It’s far from enough to try to murder him.

The fish is not only staring at Ning Fan alone. Among these small fishes, there are still a few good seedlings. Although the fertility is not as good as Ning Fan, the blood is better than the other. It’s hard to say if you are good or bad.

After half an hour, the gates of the slaughterhouse opened.

Only the Baitoutou small fish, including Ningfan, survived from the slaughterhouse, and the rest were all buried in the melee.

Even though Ning Fan did not deliberately express his strength, he was still regarded by the fish as the best of all.

"You are very good! From today, you are the real Tiankuyu people! Next I will arrange accommodation for you and teach you the basic exercises of your family. You can freely move in Gouyu City, but no old man allows Can't leave the city within a hundred years, remember it!"

"Remember!" The small fish replied in unison, and the aliens have always obeyed the command.

Ning Fan is not the obedient fish, naturally will not obey the other's orders.

If he wants to leave, he can leave the Tianchong fish family at any time, but at this moment the sinister wood has not succeeded, and he is naturally not in a hurry to leave.

He wants to find a way to take away the gloomy wood of this place without knowing it.

In the end, Ning Fan and others were arranged in the inferior city of Gou Yucheng. If you want to live in a higher-sized city, you need to be martial arts and ranks. Obviously, those who have just returned to their homes do not have those qualifications.

Everyone has a single fishhouse, which is a shell-shaped building with a neat decor, after all, just the inferior city.

Ning Fan came to his own fish house and was slightly surprised.

Although his fishing house is also very simple, it is obviously more spacious than other people who have been enlightened in the same period. The interior is equipped with lighting facilities for coral lamps, which is not the treatment of other fishing houses.

"That fish is old, it seems to be exceptionally good to me, I don't know if it is goodwill, or malicious..." Ning Fan smiled with deep thought.

How did he not notice the greed of the fish in his eyes when he finally talked to him?

The other party may want to plot against him, so it is exceptionally privileged, but what does it matter? Will he be afraid of a broken peak?

Stand still and let the other party kill, the other party can not kill him, this is the difference in level.

"However, what is unexpected is that the practice of the clumpfish family on this day seems to have quite a few doorways... The strength of this tribe is not strong in the boundary river, but it is not small..."

Through the small fish of the opening ceremony, they have won three rewards for inheriting fish scales. Above the fish scales, with inheritance, swallowing fish scales and refining, can be passed down.

After Ningfan used to pass the fish scales, his expression suddenly became dignified and a layer of dark clouds emerged.

The first one inherits the scales, and the inheritance is the language and language of the aliens.

The second inheritance of fish scales, the inheritance of the history of the Tianchong fish family.

The third inheritance of fish scales, inheriting some shallow shallow clumps of fish introduction skills, magical power.

The monks passed through the eyes and helped the fish scales. Ning Fan only spent half a day learning the entire language of the Tian Cang fish family. As a result, his alien language is no longer a half-baked.

He learned from the second fish scale that the history of the Tianchong fish family. The original identity that was originally suppressed by the Emperor of the Purple Emperor in the boundary river, is the descendant of the Ziwei Emperor!

This matter, the East Heaven monk was rarely known, and Ning Fan suddenly heard it, and was also very shocked.

He even explained some doubts in his heart.

It is no wonder that these alien supernatural powers are extraordinary, and many magical powers are even more powerful. The original is actually from the Ziwei star field!

Purple bucket purple, Ziwei Beidou!

At that time, the Emperor of the Purple Emperor destroyed the two fairy tales of Ziwei and Beidou, but in the fantasy world, he retained the blood of the descendants of the enemy. There are the Beidou people who killed the temple, and the Ziwei people who lived under the boundary river. The Purple Emperor is a magnanimity, can tolerate the existence of these enemy descendants, or say, another plan...

Ning Fan’s eyes are deep and deep, but naturally he can’t think of an answer.

For a long time, he received a distraction, swallowed the third piece of the fish scales, and gained inheritance.

In the memory, the contents of the first volume of the "Tian Cong Twelve Scrolls" are added in an instant.

These contents only include the magical magical powers of the days before the Golden Age. During the Jindan period, Ning Fan did not pay much attention, but there were two places that made him very concerned.

One is the name of the Tiancun fish family practice.

The Ten Clan Twelve Scrolls... The one that I wanted to come to him was the first volume of the Twelve Holy Volumes, but this practice actually took a holy letter. Could it be that this is a step of the saints?

Or, this holy word is not an actual word, just an adjective...

Another place where Ning Fan cares is the one that is recorded in the first volume of the Twelve Holy Volume.


This supernatural power is the identity symbol of the Tianchong fish family and the origin of the name of Gou Yucheng.

What Ning Fan got was only the entry method of Hao Tiangou, not too advanced content.

This is so, he was also attracted by the introduction of this 勾天勾玉.

Under the Emperor Ziwei, there are three hundred saints to accompany, one of them, known as the ancestor, is the ancestor of the Tiancun fish family.

The most proud skill of the ancestors of the ancestors is the scorpion jade. This is one of the few magical powers that can directly enhance the power of the Taoist soldiers. It can cultivate Tiangouyu and inlay Tiangouyu in the Taoist soldiers. If it is only plain and often take the jade to kill, the power is not strong.

If other magical powers, Ning Fan probably won't be interested.

However, this day, the Gouyu can be embedded in the Taoist soldiers to enhance the power of the Tao. It must be said that this is very attractive to Ningfan.

If he cultivated this 勾天勾玉, it would have made the sword of the counter-sea sword stronger. The Taoist soldiers, following their lives, Ning Fan is more indifferent to the magic weapon, and still attaches great importance to the Tao soldiers. After all, today's anti-sea swords are already one of Ning Fan's main means of attack. If the power of the counter-sea sword is further...

Ning Fan smiled and was happy to get a windfall.

However, looking at the Tianchong fish family, there are not a few people who have repaired the Taoist soldiers. Most of them only use Tiangou jade to directly kill the enemy. The power is naturally not high, and the humiliation has no reputation for the ancestors.

It’s not that these clumps of fish do not want to cultivate the Taoist soldiers. It’s really not the normal road to repair them. In the long years, these aliens have gone further and further away from the cultivation methods of Ziwei Xianxiu. They do not cultivate the soldiers, do not cultivate the sea, do not change the human form, but instead begin to mutate the monsters of Warcraft...

Suo Ningfan did not expect to safely take away the way of dark wood, but did not mind mixing in the Tianchong fish family, learning the other side of the non-passing skills.

As for the method of taking the dark wood secretly... and waiting for him to ponder and see if there is a two-pronged policy.

To condense Tiangou jade, it is necessary to absorb the water power between the heavens and the earth. If it is ordinary broken, there are no thousands of years, and I want to condense a heavenly jade.

How can Ningfan be repaired, and only three days passed, and then a tangled jade came out, which made the water power around Gouyu City slightly lower.

The so-called Tiangou jade is a transparent light symbol in the shape of a jade. Once repaired, Ning Fan immediately embeds this light symbol on the counter-sea sword.

In a short time, on the sword of the counter-sea sword, there is a very small jade rune. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

Ning Fan God swept away, now inlaid with Tiangou jade, the power of the counter-sea sword, although a little improved, although only a trace of a trace, but if he is inlaid with hundreds of thousands of Tiangou jade on the counter-sea sword...

At the moment when Ning Fan repaired the first Tiangou jade, the fish who had been retreating in the elders' home, suddenly had an induction, suddenly opened their eyes and stunned.

In fact, all the family fish houses arranged by him are secretly banned, and whoever cultivates Tianzhuyu will send inspiration and let him know.

I didn’t think of the old fish. Just joined the Tianchong fish family for three days, Ning Fan became the first Tiangou jade.

This degree is too much too bad! If Ning Fan is the legendary bloodline of the sky, you may be able to have such a degree of cultivation when you are broken. But according to his investigation, Ning Fan’s fish blood is very thin...

"Why are you, the old man actually looked away? Could it be that this son entered the city of Gouyu, and deliberately concealed the bloodline level? Hey! It must be! Before he came to Gouyucheng, he would have heard that the old man likes to ruin the same family. For cultivation, it is deliberately concealed... The area is broken, but it can be overwhelmed by the old man’s eyes, and it is also a chance. And it can be so heart-felt, it is much more powerful than other low-ranking aquariums."

"Unfortunately, it's a pity! If you have more chances, after all, it's just a broken! You will practice Tiangou in this jade city. The more Tiangou jade you cultivate, the more the old man will kill you when you kill you! When the old man decides, he will take you as the main material for the old man to enter the realm of the ancients!"

The old fish smiled and called a few big fish guards and told him a little.

In a short time, there will be a large number of rewards, and they will be sent to the fishing house of Ningfan. They are all treasures of heaven and earth, which are rich in water resources. They help to cultivate Tiangouyu, many of which are hard-to-find drugs that are difficult to find in Dongtian. .

Ning Fan did not change these colors to accept these rewards.

Of course, he knew that there was a ban in the fish house, which was able to perceive the birth of Tiangou, but he did not pay attention to this prohibition.

When a person's strength is far beyond the enemy's innumerable times, all the intrigues will lose their effect. Ning Fan is not afraid of how to calculate the old man, because the other party is only a jumping clown in his eyes.

"Also, use the huge resources of your Tianqu fish family for me to practice!" 8

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