Grasping Evil

Chapter 1140: Who is the white wine?

The goddess of the air and the sacred woman’s song of the sacred sacred man, at this moment fainted on the glacier, for a long time can not wake up, very embarrassing.

Ning Fan did not immediately wake up these pig teammates.

His eyes were a little bit of exploration, and he looked at the quasi-sacred woman in front of him. His eyes flashed in the eyes, and he wanted to use the eyes of the heavens to penetrate the mystery of this woman.

This woman, who is suspected of Aphrodite, seems to be caged with an invisible fog. This woman is trapped in the net, clearly close at hand, at his fingertips, but Ning Fan face this woman, but I do not know why, feel a lingering sense of distance. It seems that his actual distance from this woman is more than one step, even more than a thousand mountains and waters, but through different time and space, endless reincarnation...

Aphrod, this woman, actually called Aphrodo...

It is not surprising that there will be one or two monks with the same name in the world of comprehension. But if the appearance, breath, and manners are almost the same, they cannot be combined by chance.

Intuition tells Ning Fan that this woman must have some kind of connection with Aphrode that he had left before; it is only this connection, and now he has not enough ability to think thoroughly.

Afro was irritated by Ning Fan's burning gaze. Her fishtail swings, trying to struggle out of Ningfan's Zixia big net, but it is only a waste of energy. As the power of the chaos of Zixia Zixia continued to invade the body, she gradually felt that her body was weak and weak, and her teeth were bitten and snarled.

"I actually use the charm of me, mean! You are really a disciple of the Great Prophet! Do you not know that the sacred sacred sacred disciples, do not practice these left-handed ways!"

Ning Fan shook his head. "I am not a disciple of the Great Prophet."

"Hey! Hugh is a sophistry! You know that you have the poison of the inheritance of the descendants of the sacred sacred priests. Why do you deceive me? Is it because I am afraid that after I am out of the dream, I will sue the sorcerer and sue the sacred sect. Go to your grandfather, the sacred priest!"

"Beyond the dream? God's ancestors?" Ning Fan's eyes are confused, and he does not know what God is.

Seeing Ning Fan’s confusion is not like disguise. This time it’s the turn of the quasi-sacred woman to doubt. “Are you really not a disciple of the Holy Prophet?” Hearing the tone, he finally believed in Ning Fan’s point.

"No, the poison of the saint's inheritance in the girl's mouth is the spoils I got after I killed a badly fired sect."

"Giggle, it’s really interesting. You dare to take the blame of the gods. Although there is no real death in the trial of dreams, you have robbed the poison of the sacred disciple." Short-term protection, when you are separated from the dream test, the gods will not let you go. Unless you have the protection of the Nirvana, the heavens and the earth are four, there is no place for you!" The quasi-sacred woman sneered, she was upright Ning Fan secretly counts her, and it is naturally very pleasant to hear that Ning Fan is going to be unlucky.

"Dream trials? Gods sects to kill? Nirvana protection? Heaven and earth four wasteland? What the girl is saying, in the next fog, I don't understand."

The strange feeling in Ning Fan’s heart is even stronger.

He felt that when he was talking to this quasi-sacred woman, there was a strong sense of disharmony, but he could not tell where the sense of disharmony came from.

"You don't even know the world's four wilderness? Any one of the true monks can't know the heavens and the earth!" The quasi-sacred woman looked at the idiot's expression and looked at Ning Fan.

It stands to reason that this woman is the captive of Ning Fan. With the character of Ning Fan, she does not bother to talk nonsense with a prisoner.

But at this moment, Ning Fan’s sense of disharmony is increasing. He wants to find out the source of the feeling, so he replied with patience. “I am not a monk in the real world, but a monk in the dream world.”

"The dream world, what is the fantasy world?" The quasi-sacred woman is even more confused.

"You don't know the fantasy world?"

"I have never heard of it."

"Then you know the three real worlds?"

"What are the three real worlds? Is there really only one in the real world? There are four continents in the world..."

"You are a monk, you must also be a member of the Yi people. Should the Yi people be one of the end of the Ziwei?" Ning Fan asked tentatively.

"What is the end of Ziwei? What nonsense! My Ziwei Xianyu is a good end, never destroyed, and Xiaoan dare to talk nonsense!" The quasi-sheng woman seems to be insulted by the glory of the heart, and is furious.

"The girl must have been trapped under this glacier for too many years. I don't know that Ziwei Xianyu has been destroyed more than a billion years ago..." Ning Fandao.

"It’s nonsense! I’ve been trapped in a dream for hundreds of millions of years, and I’ve converted it into a real time, but it’s just a hundred dollars. I’m a big Ziwei Xianyu, and at the moment it’s a good place to occupy the northern part of the Luzhou semi-continent. I have a trial of a dream of ten years. And my true body in Luzhou, Luzhou, can still send me outside news! After all, I’m talking nonsense, saying that my big purple Weixian domain has been destroyed? Oh! Sure enough, you and that The Shuizong Eight Sons are all the way. It is really a monk who knows which continent, and who dared to be so sly in front of me. If you let Ziwei Dasheng know, you will not lightly exalt you!"

"Ziwei Dasheng? Who is that?"

"Lonely and ignorant! Even the Ziwei Dasheng does not know, that is the ancestor of my Ziwei Xianyu! The existence of Nirvana!"

"Nie Sheng? The ancestor? Your ancestors of Ziwei Xianxiu should not be the fourth step of the Ziwei Emperor? How can it be Nirvana."

"Are you kidding me? My Ziwei Xianyu has never been to the fourth step of the Emperor...not even knowing why, in the fourth step, the Lagerstroemia is always facing the north and weeping..."

"...tell me about the history of your four continents, how?" Ning Fan seems to have a guess, to the woman.

"Hey! You are who I am, why do I listen to you?" The quasi-sacred woman disdain.

"You are my captive at the moment. If you don't listen to me, don't blame me for punishing you!"

"Hey! District punishment, what is the road! Big deal and a nightmare, I am not afraid!" Quasi-sacred woman proudly said.

The proud expression, as if another Aphrod was just taken by Ning Fan, was unyielding.

Like, it’s too much like...

Two Apholo, clearly carved out as a mold!

To deal with that Aphrodite, Ning Fan has already had a lot of experience. I don’t know if those experience methods are used in this Aphrodite.

A roll of Ning Fan's sleeves, wanting to bring this quasi-sacred woman into the Xuanyin world, but found that the Xuanyin world can not accommodate this woman.

The quasi-sacred woman saw Ning Fan want to take her to treasure her. She sneered and said, "Don’t waste it! Your world can’t hold me, it’s impossible to take me away from this glacier world. This is also the reason why Shuizong Bazi has no choice but to suppress me here. They cannot take me out of this glacier world."

"Can't bring this place?"

Ning Fan’s eyes shot the green mans and penetrated the heavens and the earth. For the first time, he observed the glacier world so seriously. Gradually, what he seemed to understand, confirmed the speculation in his heart.

"...therefore, you can punish you without changing places!" Ning Fan will be smothered by the charm fishing net, pressed on the ice wall, the big hand across the fishing net, unveiled the woman's chest Cover the shell.

"You, you, what do you want to do to me!"

The quasi-sacred woman suddenly felt shameless, and realized that Ning Fan wanted to do something to her, seven points of anger, but three points to refuse to welcome, extremely unreasonable.

"The mouth is the heart!" Ning Fan secretly scorned the woman's hypocrisy, separated by a thin and unintentional charm fishing net, a bit of the fullness of this woman.

"Yes, hateful! It's you, it turned out to be you! I remembered it! Ah, so comfortable..."

The quasi-sacred woman leaned against the ice wall and raised her unbearable tenderness on her neck. Ren Ningfan Shi did not have much resistance.

At the moment, in her mind, countless fuzzy dream scenes gradually began to clear. She has done countless nightmares, and she has been violated numerous times in her dreams, and she has lost her tears many times.

She did not know why those nightmares started, only remember that the aggressors were all white men who could not see the appearance.

At this moment, those dream segments became clear, and she remembered that all the dream aggressors were all the same as the men in front!

No wonder, it is no wonder that although this son took her, she did not feel much hatred, but she had a natural feeling.

It turned out that... It turned out that she was in her dreams and had a close relationship with this skin...

"It turned out to be you! Damn, damn... ah, lightly, you bite me! Don't, don't, you know what's wrong, you want to know, I tell you! Don't worry!"

The quasi-sacred woman was full of flushes and finally spoke for mercy.

Numerous nightmare experiences tell her that if she does not ask for mercy, she will be defeated by Ning Fan and shed precious tears of her lover.

Seeing this woman's clothes soft, Ning Fan did not want to humiliate her too much, loosed her mouth, and put the shell back to the woman's chest.

The quasi-sacred woman breathed a sigh of relief, and she sighed with relief. In the depths of her heart, there were countless shadows that were humiliated by Ning Fan, and there was some fear of Ning Fan.

Ning Fan asked her the history of the real world. She knew everything. Of course, for the information that was harmful to Ziwei Xianyu, she would rather die than tell Ning Fan. This insists, but like another Apholo, stubborn and cute.

"The real world where I am living originated from the evangelism of Hongjun. At that time, there was no real world in the heavens and the earth, and the world was a huge one..."

As the quasi-sacred woman came to the road, Ning Fan finally understood that the sense of distance and disharmony came from wherever!

Since the practice of Ning Fan, the world pattern that he has been exposed to is the three real worlds, plus countless dream circles.

The world pattern that this woman is exposed to is only one true world. The real world is divided into four continents.

In the realm of comprehension that Ning Fan came into contact with, the Emperor of the Purple Emperor defeated the two emperors of Ziwei and Beidou with their own power.

In the comprehension circle that this woman is exposed to, there is no Ziwei Xianhuang, the most powerful of Ziwei, but it is a Nirvana, which belongs to the middle level of the three saints of the beginning, the nirvana and the wild.

If Ning Fan, who has just stepped into the road of comprehension, will surely think that the woman in front of him is a madman and is talking nonsense.

Unfortunately, Ning Fan is no longer a self-cultivation rookie. He believes that this woman does not lie. The world pattern that each other understands is different, and there are other reasons.

Ning Fan knows a lot about the history of the real world, but the general historical trend is still known.

There is a **** first, then a fairy spirit, and then there is a real world fairy repair, this is the general history of the development of the real world.

But in the world where the quasi-sacred woman is located, the world was initially squandered, and then Hongjun preached, and then chaotic development, followed by the Lich era, and then later...

This woman is from another world of comprehension! In the world of comprehension, there is no Ziwei Emperor, there is no Beidou Emperor, and there is no Purple Emperor.

In that world, there is also the supreme fourth step of the Emperor, who is competing for the avenue. But the world, there is no such a shady world as the fantasy world.

The existence of that world is like a place in the world where Ning Fan lives... parallel time and space!

At the beginning, the Emperor Tuo had instilled a lot of recurrent knowledge of parallel time and space to Ning Fan in the case that Ning Fan could not understand.

Now, Ning Fan has a little bit of understanding.

He no longer listened to the historical changes in the world where the quasi-sacred woman lived, but fell into thinking and slightly fascinated.

The quasi-sacred woman is talking about the wonderful wild war. For this history, she is the most fascinating. I thought that Ning Fan would like to listen, and suddenly I saw Ning Fan actually wandering around the world, and I was not interested in this history. I was a little angry.

Can you be angry? It is clearly that Ning Fan let her tell the history of the real world, she said, Ning Fan is not good to listen, actually dare to go!

"Hey, you don't listen carefully, I won't talk about it! Hey, this is, this is! This is impossible! This is the grass surrender! How can you do this!"

The quasi-sacred woman still wanted to blame a few words, and suddenly she was attracted by the strange scene.

Above the glaciers, the grass was not born because of the cold, but with a roll of Ning Fan's sleeves, the nearby ice surface grew out of a cluster of tall grasses and tall grasses.

Out of nothing, making grass, this is the use of the wood way, and not the ordinary way, but the power of the level of the palm!

Once the poppies appeared, they immediately fell to the ground in clusters. They were worshipping Ning Fan, not driven by the supernatural powers, but surrendered from the heart.

This made the quasi-sacred woman's inner drama shock, but I did not expect the Ning Fan, who was cultivated by the immortal king of the district, to apply the wooden palm to such a realm!

It is rumored that in the same era, among the great emperors who practiced the same position as the palm of their hand, there can only be one person who became the supreme king of the palm. Only the existence of that kind can make the life of the palm of the hand come from the heart of the surrender.

If the immortal king of the area is repaired, will he have a wooden palm? This is impossible!

Ning Fan did not pay attention to the shock of the quasi-sacred woman, and would not explain to the other party the identity of the **** of the wood.

At this moment, he fell into a mysterious and mysterious realization, this understanding, so that his body's reincarnation power slowly increased!

From the words of this quasi-sacred woman, Ning Fan saw a new reincarnation.

He understood what parallel the time and space that the Tu Wang said in the past, what is the matter. He remembers the concept that the Emperor mentioned the reincarnation point...

[...What do you ask me about the reincarnation connection point? Of course, it refers to the place where many reincarnations are connected! What, I still can't understand, really a headache, how to explain to you, what I am not good at is to talk to people...]

[...Reincarnation is a wonderful thing. It is more than one layer, but a layer of layers; each layer of reincarnation, like parallel space and time, each person extends out from the parallel time and space, there can be countless kinds of past, or There are countless futures... you can think of reincarnation points as boundaries of different parallel time and space. Your past is not necessarily what you have experienced in this world; your future is not necessarily what you have encountered in this world. understand? 】

Reincarnation connection point, yes, this glacier world is clearly a reincarnation point discovered by Shuizong Yazi!

This glacier world is connected to another reincarnation. In that parallel reincarnation, there is also an Aphrodite, which is undergoing a trial of the dream of Ziwei Xianyu for ten years.

If nothing else, this quasi-Saint Afflault is the semi-Savlo Afro he had caught before, in another parallel reincarnation!

Parallel reincarnation can be countless, the same person, there can be countless reincarnations. These reincarnations are never met because of their parallelism, but there are exceptions... the exception is the wonderful place of the reincarnation connection point, which can connect parallel reels!

This quasi-Saint Afflé could not be brought out of this glacier world, and could not be accommodated in the treasure space, just because she did not belong to this cycle, so it was blocked by this circle of freedom.

"You know, reincarnation?"

Ning Fan’s eyes are empty at this moment, as if it contains all the heavens, and asked for Afro.

Quasi-Saint Afflo stunned and shook his head. Is reincarnation something she is qualified to know? She is quasi-holy, but she has just touched a smattering of meaning, but she is far away and far away from comprehending the reincarnation.

"This is the reincarnation I am in."

Ning Fan unplugged a piece of bulrush and braided it into a grass ring for Avery.

Aphrod did not understand what Ning Fan was doing, and did not understand why a grass ring in the district was a reincarnation, without words, waiting for Ning Fan to explain.

Ning Fan did not explain to her, but pulled a piece of bulrush and weaved a second grass ring. "This is the reincarnation of yours."

Afflolo is even more puzzled. As a quasi-holy, she must have a preliminary understanding of the reincarnation. However, Ning Fan’s words are too sinister. Xuan’s words don’t understand her.

Ning Fan still did not explain, suddenly stacked two grass rings on the ground and asked, "Do you understand?"

Aphrod shook his head and there was more confusion in his eyes.

She looked at the two grass rings on the ground, and there seemed to be a voice in her mind, constantly asking questions.

Why do these two grass rings exist in parallel...

How can these two grass rings exist in parallel...

In the same world, there can be no two...

"I don't understand why, then, you may understand?"

Ning Fan pulled out another patch of grass and tied a grass ring at one end. As a result, the stalk becomes the only connection point between two parallel grass rings. Ning Fan pointed to the Pucao that connected the parallel grass ring, to Aphrodo. "I don't know what the trial of dreams you said is, but if I didn't guess wrong, you may have accidentally taken the wrong way. I stumbled into the connection point of the parallel reincarnation, which was suppressed by Shuizong Bazi..."

"Parallel reincarnation, connection point..." Aphrodite slammed the top, and the eyes were shocked. It seemed that at this moment, many problems were solved.

The place where she was at the moment was not a trial of dreams; the people she met here were not at all in her reincarnation.

No wonder, no wonder she always felt a slight violation of this glacier world, the original reason is here!

She accidentally entered another cycle of reincarnation!

"Reincarnation, what is reincarnation; parallel, how parallel..."

Ning Fan pulled out more stalks and weaved more grass rings, standing on the ground.

The grass ring was piled up into a small tower. The higher the heap, the more people piled up. The confusion in the eyes of Ning Fan was more and more.

He no longer piled the grass ring, but on the ground, spent a straight line.

In Aphrod's eyes, this line is just a line.

But in the eyes of Ning Fan, every point above this line is a grass ring, which is a parallel cycle.

The cycles are parallel, stacked together, and naturally form a straight line.

However, Ning Fan knows that there is no straight line in the cycle. Then straight up the line, go all the way, and eventually return to the starting point to form a circle.

Ning Fan painted the line very long and long, and it will be one of the few reincarnation forces, all covering the eyes.

His eyes are no longer shimmering, but covered by a layer of purple-gold reincarnation.

When the force of these reincarnations covered the binoculars, the time and space that Ning Fan saw began to be distorted. The straight line was no longer a straight line. After the straight line on the ground was twisted, the end and the end were connected together and became a dense circle.

But this circle, this connection, this time and space distortion, only Ning Fan can see, Afro can not see.

"There are countless parallel time and space stacked together, which will form a brand new big circle. And this circle is the real reincarnation. The reincarnation I am in is also the reincarnation of Quasi Afro, but it is only one of the complete reincarnation. component…"

"If the grass ring that I originally weaved is regarded as the first ring of the heavens, then there are countless first rings of the heavens that exist in parallel. Under the stack, a larger and wider revolving circle can be formed. This is the second ring of the heavens. If the second ring of the Tiandao is also stacked like this, there are countless second rings of the heavens that exist in parallel, and the third ring of the heavens can be piled up. If the third ring of the heavens is stacked in parallel, then..."

"The existence of the world is countless small circles, piled into a big circle! But the big circle has reached the extreme, and it is very likely to return to the original small circle..."

"In the countless parallel reincarnation, there are countless Aphrodes, whether there are countless me, countless Ning Fan..."

"Who am I... countless parallel reincarnations, there can be countless Ning Fans... If I meet other Ning Fans, I only use Ning Fan to make a difference, and we can't distinguish us."

"So I am Ning Fan, I can also say that it is not Ning Fan."

"But if I am not Ning Fan... Who am I..."

When Ning Fan made this question, the temperament of the whole body suddenly changed!

At this moment, he began to be unable to tell who he was.

But at this moment, the context of the world is in his eyes, very clear!

This question, not the name, but the self!

When this question was issued, Ning Fan qualified, repaired my body, repaired the body, and repaired the dead body! With the law of zombies, qualify for the realm of saints!

Of course, Ning Fan, who issued this question, didn’t realize it, and he didn’t know what the corpse was.

He does not know, but does not mean that Quasi Afro does not know!

In her parallel reincarnation, there are many saints and emperors. She is fortunate enough to see the great saints through the zombies!

She does not understand Ning Fan, but from Ning Fan, she perceives the scent of my body!

"What did this son do! The district king, the body actually gave birth to a karma of my own body! This is impossible! How can there be such a qualification in the world! It is those overhaul, big demon, big devil, It is a rare phenomenon to be able to understand the three corpses and causal species. Otherwise, how can there be so many supreme being trapped in the front door of the third step, how can there be so many people who give up the law of the corpse and retreat Second, seek the path of sanctification and sanctification..."

"How did he give birth to the karma?"

"He just compiled some grass rings, said some strange words, drew a straight line..."

Aphrod's heart is difficult, she faintly realizes that there is a precious opportunity to comprehend the corpse of the corpse, but she can't comprehend it.

She stared at the line that Ning Fan painted on the ground, and wanted to see the line. It is a pity that this line is always a straight line in her eyes; only in the eyes of those who initially touch the reincarnation, can the time and space be distorted and connected end to end.

She is destined to be as bad as Ning Fan, and easily cultivate the karma.

"who am I…"

Ning Fan seems to be stuck in this problem and can't extricate himself.

It seems that there are countless magic sounds, asking questions in his ear, but the more he realizes the reincarnation, the more he can't find the answer.

I am Ning Fan?

No, I am not Ning Fan...Ning Fan has a lot, and I, how can I be the only...

Afflé looked at the straight line, and he couldn’t see the clues. He also saw that Ning Fan was like a fire, and he kept whispering to himself, "Who am I?"

not good! This sub-district, Xian Wang, who is qualified to cultivate the cause and effect of this kind of fruit, this is the method of rushing to touch the corpse, and gone into flames!

"I want to save him! I want to..."

Quasi-Saint Afflault was struggling.

For a moment, there were countless times in my mind that I had a nightmare with Ning Fan's skin.

Those nightmares are far away, as far as another reincarnation.

Those nightmares are very close, and they are close to her body, as if they still have the power of the medicine given by Ning Fan.

I remember a nightmare, she almost fell into the realm because of the tears of the tears, and Ning Fan from now on, every time I ask for tears, I will feed her medicine with concern, Guben Peiyuan...

The heart is still struggling, but the body has already responded first.

"When you know who you are, you are not you; when you don't know who you are, you are you!" Aphrod suddenly reminded, this opening, even her own surprise.

She actually... will care so much about the safety of Ning Fan!

What is the meaning of this sentence, Aphrod does not know, she only knows that she is in the Ziweixian domain, once had a major repair to repair the karma, and like Ning Fan, I went crazy and madly asked myself "I am Who".

At that time, Ziwei Dasheng was so convinced that the overhaul was awakened.

Ning Fan was caught in the flames, and the gods knew that the last Qingming of Lingtai told him that the situation at the moment was very dangerous!

Reincarnation, it is not that he can easily comprehend.

He seems to have rebelled because of the reincarnation of the reincarnation...

Ning Fan sensed that the power of reincarnation in his body did not know why, and he flowed into the Yuanshen, and within the Yuanshen, he formed a purple gold quirky seed.

Ning Fan does not know that this seed is the karma of my own corpse, but it is vaguely visible that he is now in a fire and is associated with this strange seed.

If the heart is to go into flames and go to the devil, there will be a danger to life, it would be better to ruin this strange seed, so that it can probably wake up from the fire.

Desperate to destroy this kind of consciousness with nothing left, Aphrod's words suddenly passed to his ears.

[When you know who you are, you are not you; when you don't know who you are, you are you! 】

For a moment, Ning Fan seems to have realized, the body raging in the body, suddenly has a calming down.

"Yes, yes...Ning Fan, my countless parallel reincarnation is not born with my will! I don't know who the Creator is, but I might as well call the person who painted this the Creator. Creator created A butterfly, this creation is the will of the Creator. But it is not my will! The reason why I am Ning Fan is not because the Creator wants to create a Ning Fan, but because... I want to be Ning Fan! The existence of the body has nothing to do with the body, and has nothing to do with the name. It has nothing to do with my cultivation and the road. My will, my, is me!"

"There are countless me because of the endless cycle, so I am not Ning Fan; because my will exists is unique, so I am still Ning Fan!"

Even if the parallel reincarnation can create countless looks, breathable Ning Fan, the same will, there will always be only one!

I am me, why bother to ask!

Ning Fan long breathed out a sigh of gas, and completely suppressed the demons. Because of this ignorance, the mysterious seeds in the body seemed to be more stable. The death and death were rooted in the gods, with the power of the gods. Nutrients grow; while growing, nourish the power of reincarnation in Ningfan, so that the power of reincarnation grows at a very slow, extremely stable rate.

Can actually improve the power of reincarnation?

This unknown seed is really a must! He just had to destroy this seed almost!

Ning Fan looked at the quasi-Saint Afflolo in the fishing net in a complicated way and sighed.

If there is no such woman to mention you, he can't easily break away from the demons, how can he destroy the magical seeds in the body.

Nowadays, he relies on this woman to save this magical seed, but he owes this woman a favor.

When I thought of myself, I was still frivolous, but this woman complained with morality. Rao is a very thick face, and she is somewhat ashamed at the moment.

"Thank you."

His supernatural powers show that he will lift the charm of the woman.

Aphrod was also a glimpse. I didn't expect to mention Ning Fan with a piece of mouth. Ning Fan would be grateful to let her go. With the release of the charm of the big net, Affro's mana recovered a little bit, and the huge quasi-sacred atmosphere once again screamed out and moved.

When the mana swayed, Afro subconsciously wanted to get rid of Ning Fan and look for the previous scene. He only thought that Ning Fan was actually the fantasy object of her countless nightmare, and she also remembered the kindness of Ning Fan who let her go. It’s just a slap in the face, and I can’t bear to let Ning Fan’s shot at the moment, the inner blockage, the feeling of incomprehension.

"Why did you let me go!" In turn, he blamed Ning Fan.

Ning Fan is speechless and replies. "Is it not good for you? Or do you prefer me to lock you up?"

"Hey! Shameless!" Afro's old face is red, she is not a masochistic, how could she like to be locked up by Ning Fan?

However, she also has to admit that she is a little bit attached to the various pleasures in the nightmare...

I did not expect to have been a nightmare for many years, only to find that the fantasy object does have someone, this feeling is not too shameful.

I also thought that Ning Fan had just licked her on her chest. She even felt awkwardly. She looked around the glacier world and shifted the topic. "I didn't expect this place to be the connection point connecting parallel reversals. That is to say, we Isn't it a reincarnation? It turns out that this is not a trial of dreams. It is no wonder that I stumbled into the place that year, and I will be directly suppressed by Shuizong Bazi. They may think that I am an extraterritorial invader. After suppressing me, I also used the technique of asking questions, by worshipping my statue, gathering incense, and deducing my origins..."

What is the technique?

Ning Fan a trip. There are some temples that worship by the mortal, gather incense, and draw fortune telling. I can't think of the world of incense, but it is magical. Unfortunately, this type of questioning and confession seems to have been lost in the realm of cultivation. Today's end of the Fa Xian Emperor does not pay special attention to incense.

"I have been shut down by Shui Shou eight sons for hundreds of millions of years. Although it is only a matter of hundreds of interest for the trial of the dream I participated in before, I am afraid that it has greatly affected my trial score. Oh, I have to go back. Go back to my reincarnation."

Afflolo sighed, dreaming for hundreds of millions of years, and the reality is full of interest. However, she finally experienced the hardship of hundreds of millions of years of repression. Although there is no growth in the cultivation, the Tao is more than a few times stronger than before.

"This glacier world was mistaken when I lost my way. The entrance was long gone. I can go back to the secret method this time, but I can't find the entrance anymore in the future. Goodbye, Menglang..."


Ning Fan became a spirit, instinctively felt that this title is very vulgar, and if Aphrod returned to a different world, it would be too difficult to listen to him in his heart.

After thinking about it, Ning Fan decided to tell the woman's own name. He is Ning Fan, the unique Ning Fan.

"My name is Ning Fan."

"Ning Fan? Well, I remembered, Menglang, goodbye." Afflo smiled back and looked at Ning Fan deeply. Finally, he was still pointing and showing some secret technique. He planned to leave this. The glacier world is here.

"Wait! I have a person here, I want you to see you?" Ning Fan suddenly thought of a move.

He would like to know what would happen if he had two Afro in time and space.

It may pose a danger to the two women, or it will bring different opportunities to the two women.

If there is danger... See Avery's speech reminder, he will do his best to keep the two women.

If the organic edge...may be able to rely on this opportunity, slightly repay the reminder of Quasi Aflo.

"Who do you want me to see?" Quasi-Saint Afflault.

"You will know when you meet."

Ning Fan took a deep breath and for a long time, finally put the semi-Saint Afro out of the Xuanyin world.

For the semi-St. Afro, Ning Fan is not so trusting, although it is released, it is still tied with a charm rope.

At first, Quasi Afro had a bit of interest in Ning Fan and was not interested in seeing other people.

But when Quasi Afro saw another Aphrod appear, her beauty was rounded out in an instant.


Of course, Semi-Savlo Afro was also shocked by the scene.

No more explanation!

The two women only need to stand face to face, they can sense each other's blood flow!

Just like yourself!

Even more in this moment, the memories of the two women have been superimposed, and the cultivation has been merged!

Quasi-Saint Afflolo's cultivation, the moment more than half of St. Afro's cultivation, the same extra, and half of St. Aflo's memories.

Semi-Savlo Afro's cultivation is even more soaring, almost bursting into the ranks of quasi-holy, if not because of lack of sentiment, you can definitely become a quasi-saint!

At this moment, the two women whose reincarnation trajectories are different, because the reincarnation overlaps and overlaps, it seems to be one person!

It is like two pieces of debris that are incomplete in different reincarnations. They find each other and form a slightly larger piece.

"If people of different time and space meet each other, is this the case... It seems to be very beneficial. So, it is enough to pay off the grace of this woman." Ning Fan sees individuals from different time and space, but there is no Dangerous, this is a slight relief.

In turn, there was another layer of enlightenment, a layer of speculation.

After the third step, the cultivation will not... It is to meet with each other in different parallel time and space.

If so, he will let two different Aphrod meet today, which will not give Affro a chance to advance to the third step?

"I am Aphrodite." Quasi-Saint Afflolo laughed at another Afflo.

"I am also Aphrodite." The other side also showed a smile.

"you are me."

"You are me too."

"He is a dreamlang."

"Yes, he is Menglang."

At this moment, the two women also set their sights on Ning Fan, with extremely complex emotions.

Ning Fan feels a headache, and Meng Lang, such a vulgar title, is it to be called by Aphlo for a lifetime...

Whether it is different time and space, or at the same time?

"Go back there, I will leave it to me, after all, Menglang is in this reincarnation." Semi-St. Afro suddenly ordered another Aphrodite.

Quasi-Saint Afflo Mingming was higher, but for the command of the semi-St. Afflault, it was extremely compliant.

The second woman did not know what to do. For a moment, the two women suddenly had a sense of primary and secondary.

Then, Quasi-Saint Afflour showed his secrets and returned to her different time and space.

And semi-St. Afflault, incredibly perceives the extra virginity of the body. She actually realized the karma, but she knew that it was impossible for her to draw a straight line and draw the causal species. The reason why she could cultivate the causal species was to rely on the opportunity of the sky. The chance to meet another time and space.

This is the encounter that countless saints long for.

She was not yet sanctified and she was given these adventures.

"Damang, when do you want to bundle me?"

"Call me Ning Fan..." Ning Fan looked at the semi-St. Afro in a deep sense.

This woman's look at his expression, like the quasi-Saint Aphrod, with a touch of complex emotions, is a rare thing.

Half St. Afloben was his captive, but on the face of another Aphrodo... He nodded and untied all the charms on the woman.

"Well, call you Ning Fan. Ning Fan, you gave me a sanctification hope, I have a good news from Afro. From today, I will not be against you again. I used to blame and write off. But let me help. It is absolutely impossible for you to deal with other Ziwei companions. You and me, after all, are hostile, I have to go back to my people..."

"You want to go back to the 11th road?"

"It doesn't necessarily go back to the road. The eleventh road is not the root of my aristocratic family. But if the big gods know that I am out of danger, I will probably recall me directly to the sixth road. After all, the sacrifice of the blood **** adults has been... in short, you can Don't worry, even if I go back to the family, I won't help them to deal with you. I am Aphrodite, I won't shoot the benefactors. If I swear, I have such an arrow!"

Afro changed a golden arrow and broke it into two. The end of the arrow was collected by himself, and the end of the arrow was handed to Ning Fan.

"Similarly, if you have difficulties, as long as you don't hurt the interests of Ziwei Xianxiu, with this arrow, I can do one thing for you. You have the grace of the road, if I have a sanctification qualification. The big gods may be willing to show my love for the people... This is very important, it will be reported! Meng Lang, no, Ning Fan, goodbye!"

Even then, this half-sacred Avo, also flew out of the glacier world and left.

For Afflé this woman, Ning Fan is still very trusting. This is a woman who believes in life more than life. He has been tortured by him and has never betrayed the people. Now, since he has vowed, he will not betray him.

It is a pity that this woman will not be able to collect the tears of the monks in the future. If they want to quickly cultivate Tiangou, they will need to find another way.

After all, he couldn’t succumb to Aphrodo anymore, and let it go.

It is impossible for him to imprison the benefactor. This woman, after all, has mentioned him, and he is also his benefactor.


The whole glacial world suddenly shakes the mountain, as if the eight icebergs were destroyed, and the position was unstable, and it was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing that there are few reincarnation points in the world, one is about to be destroyed. Although Ning Fan feels a pity, he is unable to stop the collapse of this position and has to give up.

In the collapse of the world, Ning Fan only had time to take away the unconscious God Air Emperor and others. Shortly after the world of glaciers, the whole world collapsed.

This reincarnation connection point will never exist again...

Ning Fan regretted a sigh and rescued the gods and other emperors.

When everyone woke up, they asked Ning Fan nervously. What happened after they were in a coma.

Ning Fan looked at this group of pig teammates and came to the fire. If it is not sealed, it is a male quasi-holy; if it is not a first-order quasi-holy, but a second-order, third-order, Ning Fan is very likely to die in the glacier world today!

In order to find treasure, these goods were not even clear about the bottom of the glacier world. They called him to go to the battle and almost did not pit him.

In this way, Ning Fan naturally could not assign the eight innate magic weapons seized to several people; Shen Air Emperor and others asked him that he only said that Bao was taken away by the female quasi-holy; Wherever, he said that the other party ran away. As for everything that happened with Quasi Afro, he did not mention anything.

When I heard the innate magic weapon, I was taken away by the female standard rope. The gods and the emperor were all a pity, but they felt that the matter was normal.

The enemy is a quasi-holy! Ning Fan can save them, it is already very valuable, how can it be able to keep the magic weapon?

I am afraid that because Ning Fan abandoned the magic weapon, the female quasi-sacred did not pursue them.

"Thank you for the help of Ning Daoyou! I will wait for the next day!" Shen Kongdi and others will not die, and Ning Fan is grateful. Turning to the horror of the song of the Kraken, they are cold and sweaty, and they are shocked.

Seeing these pig teammates at least know the graciousness report, Ning Fan feels a little better. As for the return of a few people, they don’t care.

"Whether the innate magic weapon is lost, but there should be other treasures, not being taken away by the female quasi-hospital?"

"I remember the last Dongfu, there is a semi-finished ten-turn Zudan!"

"I remember there was a strange iron box that was sealed and sealed, and I couldn't open it!"

"That iron box seems to have a breath of water, and I don't know what is inside the box. Dare to ask Ning Xiong, can that baby be kept?" Shen Kongdi and others expected.

Iron box? Water palm position?

Ning Fan Yi Yi, before he rescued Shen Kongdi and others, he did see the empty Emperor holding a tin box in his hands. The iron box was taken away by him and is now hidden in the Xuanyin world. He didn't perceive the iron box, but naturally he didn't know the power of the iron in the iron box.

Is it true that those caves in the Treasure House have a harvest that is worthy of his attention?

For example, this unidentified water palm iron box...

"Is there such a tin box? I only said that it was an ordinary iron box, so I was snatched away by the quasi-sacred, and I did not desperately **** it back. Instead, I took the opportunity to escape with my friends." Ning Fan pretended to be a model.

"Dan medicine? That semi-finished Zu Dan!"

"It was also taken away."

"Hateful! That quasi-deception is too much!"

For deceiving these pig teammates, Ning Fan does not have any psychological burden; there is no sense of guilt about the baby who swallows his teammates.

Shen Kongdi and others heard that the baby was taken away by the enemy, and suddenly he was, of course, all the enemies. They are still very grateful to Ning Fan for these saviors.

Although a few people are not just gentlemen, but as a fairy emperor, how can they not know the harm of the cause and effect of owing people, returning the mind of Ning Fan, but it is out of the heart, thinking about how to pay back the cause and effect of Ning Fan in the future.

Ning Fan does not care about this cause and effect. Everything in this place has been closed. He just wants to return to the Halloween Gate soon, and see what is the so-called water palm in the tin box. What is the mystery?

Speaking of it, the semi-finished ten-turn Zudan seems to have some doorways.


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