Grasping Evil

Chapter 1141: Advancing against the sea, eighty products

[10 billion rain distraction]: Ancient ancient overhaul level life-saving magical powers, from the last glacier cave house, for the famous name of Shuizong eight sons. This surgery is bound to die, can be tens of billions of escapes, the deeper the perception of water, the more difficult it is to kill.

[10 lions and ten elephants Dan]: The semi-finished products are turned into Zudan, which seems to be an medicinal herb that enhances the body. The specific efficacy is unknown.

[Rusty Iron Box]: The quirky iron box that can't be broken by the magical inferiority of the heavens, it seems that there is a breath of water in the palm of your hand.

[Innate magic weapon]: Eight pieces that are intact, half damaged, two pieces.

When Fang Yi returned to the Wansheng Pass, Ning Fan retired to study the spoils of this trip.

There were a lot of spoils in this trip. He was only a flawless inferior weapon, and he got eight pieces. For ordinary Xiandi, eight innate magic weapons are enough to make them crazy, but for Ning Fan, these innate magic weapons are used only to burn God's liquid, whether they are intact or damaged.

From the Dongfu of the Shuishui Bazi boss, Ning Fan also got a volume of magical power called [Billions of rain and distraction]. At the Glacier Cave House, Ning Fan did not look at this supernatural jade, because he felt that he was not lacking in magical powers, even if it was a volume of ancient superb supernatural powers, most of them would be useless.

However, after careful observation, he discovered that this tens of billions of rains were not as useless as he imagined.

If this technique is completed, it can be smashed into a tens of billions of distractions at the time of death. By then, one of the distractions can escape life and be practical.

Many of the enemies that Ning Fan has played with each other know a similar escape. This kind of supernatural power has not been cultivated yet. Nowadays, if you get this technique, you can make up a short board.

The short board of escape.

Considering that the East River has **** gods and other anti-day monsters, Ning Fan does not mind learning more life-saving techniques to counter the possible dangers.

[Ten Lions and Ten Elephants] is the semi-finished product of Ning Fan from the Glacier Cave House. Through the talent of all things to communicate, Ning Fan directly talked about the drug and asked for the name of the drug. It is a pity that the wisdom of the medicinal herbs is too low. Ning Fan could not ask about the specific effects. He only asked roughly, this is a kind of remedy for strengthening the body.

Strengthen the body?

Ning Fan shook his head and his body was very strong. Because the physical basis is too high, I am afraid that even if I take this Dan, the efficacy will not be too obvious.

After all, this is just a semi-finished product. If it is a real ten-turn ancestor, Ning Fan may report a higher expectation.

What he is looking forward to at the moment is the last rusty metal box.

This is an iron box with a breath of water. What is in the iron box? Ning Fan still doesn't know.

He was very curious, what exactly was sealed in the iron box, why could it reveal the breath of the water palm; and the iron box was so strong that even the ordinary innate magic weapon could not be crushed, which made Ning Fan think that the iron box was extraordinary.

I want to think about the characters of the Shuizong Eight Sons, but they have worked together to defeat the goddess of the East Heavenly Emperor! Dong Tianzu can be unified in the ancient times, how can it be an ancient overhaul; Shuizong eight sons can defeat these existences, and naturally it is impossible to be a leisurely generation.

The position of the palm, the position of the palm... like the sage of the sect of the sect, it is the repair of the water, it is not impossible, otherwise how to defeat the East Heavenly Emperor!

"Perhaps, the seal in the iron box will be the water palm of the Shuizong eight sons; even worse, it may directly seal a water palm!"

At the thought of this possibility, with the heart of Ning Fan, I could not help but be a little excited.

He has already built a wooden palm, and he used the wooden palm to repair the wooden god, and then became the father of the wood.

If there is any water in the iron box, he has great confidence, and he will build a water palm, the **** of water; if you are lucky, you can even become a **** in this age of desolation. The father of the water, the king is on all the water repair!

The benefit of the father of the wood to Ning Fan is great. The super-recovery effect will not be said. It can only be said that the wood-based Fabao can add a layer to the air, so that Ning Fan is very tempted.

If you can become the father of water, don't say anything else, just say that you will use water to flood the bottle in the future, then it is not the power of the innate product, and it is likely to rise directly to a level, to achieve the innate power...

That kind of power can be drowned!

"In the iron box, there will be water in the palm of your hand!"

Ning Fan was eagerly awaiting the Qibao Miaoshu, carefully cutting off the seal lock on the iron box.

With a click, the iron box opens and is printed in the eyes of Ning Fan. It is not a water palm, but a small stone with a fingernail size.

Isn't it a palm of your hand? Sure enough, the palm of your hand can't be met, which is so easy to get...

The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. Ning Fan shook his head and, with the strength of his heart, instantly suppressed the disappointment, looked as usual, and carefully looked at the inconspicuous pebbles in the iron box.

Even if it is not the palm of your hand, you can be so carefully stored by Shui Shou Ba Zi, I am afraid that it is not a common stone.

This is a black and gray pebbles, a stone that Ning Fan had never seen before in the end of the law. When you touch it, you can feel the huge water power on the stone. This stone is inherently rich in the power of the palm of the hand, and the end is extraordinary. If it is incorporated into the magic weapon of the Tao, it will surely increase the attack power of the Taobao magic weapon.

"What stone are you?" Ning Fan asked Xiao Shizi.

[Indecent ridges, incomplete ridges, incomplete ridges...] Xiao Shizi turned over and over and only answered such a sentence.

Not a mountain ridge?

This name seems to have heard of it...

Ning Fan frowned, trying to remember, trying to remember the origin of the name. Although the monks can be remembered, but because of this, the amount of information stored in their minds is too large, although some casual information can be remembered, but it takes quite a bit of effort to remember completely.

After a short time, Ning Fan remembered where he had heard of the name.

In order to forge the anti-sea sword, Wu Lao Ba once dedicated to Ning Fan a volume of yellowed ancient books, which recorded many drawings of ancient Tuo soldiers.

[The arrogant mountain axe, this axe can be included in the sixty-sixth of the saints, but the sky is missing the ancient star. Lack of the ancient country's wind crystal, the land is lacking in the ridge, the lack of the earth's teeth ... poor life has not been able to refine, regret. 】

Yes, yes! The ridges of the Zhou Dynasty can be used to forge the sixty-sixth ancient figure of the Taoist soldiers!

It is necessary to know the original grade of the counter-sea sword, but it is only the ancient figure of the ninety-eight products. Even if Ning Fan forged the counter-sea sword, the use of the ancient sword is not much rain, and the forged sea sword is equivalent to Eighty-nine products of the ancient map soldiers...

Can you use it to forge the sixty-sixth ancient figure of the Taoist soldiers, is not more precious than the immortal rain!

Ning Fan at this moment as long as a small piece of ridges, materials are not enough, of course, will not refine any of the sixty-six products of the arrogant mountain axe.

What he wants to do is to forge this precious mountain ridge into the counter-sea sword!

Nowadays, the anti-sea sword has the inlay of Tiangouyu, and the power is already very strong; if it is integrated into a mountainous ridge, the power will be even more terrifying.

The only trouble is that the incomplete ridge in the anti-sea sword has completely deviated from the drawings of the counter-sea sword. Without the guidance of drawings, Ning Fan wanted to use his own forging technology to perfect forge the ridges into the counter-sea sword, which is not an easy task.

But then again, the drawings of the ancient Tuo soldiers were created by the predecessors. The predecessors were able to create ancient Tuo soldiers without drawing drawings. Why can Ning Fan not rely on his own talents to find ways to add other fairy materials to the counter-sea sword?

Just do it.

In the next few months, Ning Fan was studying the matter.

At first, the addition of the ridges in the anti-sea sword did not go smoothly. This is because although the ridge of the mountain has the power of the palm of the hand, it is the mountain after all; and the main ingredient of the anti-sea sword is the sea.

Mountain and sea, which is so easy to integrate.

But later, Ning Fan suddenly remembered the scene of becoming a barbaric god, thinking of the mountains and seas in the eyes of the barbarians...

The barbarians are also imitating the cultivation of ancient gods.

Ever since, when Ning Fan creatively incorporated a hint of spiritual power into the anti-sea sword, the force of the mountains and seas between the rain and the ridges of the eternal ridges was well balanced.

The brand new anti-sea sword was forged by Ning Fan!

It is still a beautiful blade with a blue body and a flowing water. The difference is that there are some mountains and seas above the waves of the sword.

The anti-sea sword is a very beautiful sword. Now it is inlaid with thousands of Tiangou jade, and there are more mountains and seas. This sword is more beautiful.

Ning Fan is not an appearance party. It is not important that the anti-sea sword is not beautiful. He is more concerned about this sword power.

After the sword was merged into the inferior ridge, it was equivalent to about 80 items of ancient Tudor soldiers. Under the skyrocketing power, it is not weaker than the real innate magic weapon, even in the innate middleware, it belongs to the middle-up power!

You know, the Tao soldiers can grow up with the owner!

Nowadays, Ning Fan is only a sacred king, and this sword can make the sword play the power of the middle and upper level of the innate product. In the future, Ning Fan will be higher, and this sword will achieve the innate power and is not impossible!

Unconsciously, the anti-sea sword has become an attacking method that Ning Fan relies heavily on.

However, there are also troubles.

That is... after the incomprehensibility of the ridge, the anti-sea sword does not know why, even more heavy...

This matter is greatly out of the expectation of Ning Fan, because the incomplete ridge of the anti-sea sword is not a heavy material. If the thinking of the matter is based on the knowledge of the personalities, the quality of the material is conserved. After being integrated into the incomplete ridge, the anti-sea sword should still be the weight of the seven stars.

However, the reality is that the weight of the counter-hai sword has more than doubled, and it has reached the weight of the eighteen stars!

This matter is completely inconsistent with common sense, but the revision of the truth is a violation of common sense, and the theory of mortal does not apply.

The weight of the eighteen repairing stars... such a heavy flying sword, with the gods reading the sword, the difficulty will be even greater; holding the sword and slamming will also cost more.

If the seven-star heavy anti-sea sword, Ning Fan can use his own strength to swing thousands of swords, then the eighteen-star heavy anti-sea sword, he can only swing five or sixty swords, will be exhausted...

This makes Ning Fan feel a big headache: before and after the sea **** needle is too heavy to use; after the counter-sea sword gains weight, increasing the difficulty of use. It is imminent to improve the physical strength.

It is a pity that the physical strength is so easy to upgrade?

Ning Fan shook his head, and the anti-sea swordsmanship could rise and the weight increased. It is a good thing. He should not have any dissatisfaction.

In this way, Ning Fan forged the anti-sea sword, and then began to incinerate the innate magic weapon, cultivation of billions of rain and distraction... As for the ten lions and ten elephants, they were thrown in the corner by Ning Fan and did not pay attention.

In the past few months, Ning Fan was initially repaired into a paradise of 10 billion rains. He only embraced the idea of ​​being better than nothing, and ate the ten lions and ten elephants.

For this Dan, he really did not report much expectations.

However, the reality has made a joke with him!

The water palm that he expected was not present.

The ten lions and ten elephants he ignored, gave him a surprise!

After refining this Dan, Ning Fan’s physical defense did not improve, but the strength was skyrocketing, and the number of doublings was more than double!

This surprised Ning Fan. You must know that his body is now stronger than most of the Emperor. With such a high foundation, you can still double your strength. This ten lion is like a Dan!

It is only a semi-finished drug, why is it so bad?

Since this is so against the sky, why did the original Shuizong eight sons not eat this Dan, but sealed it?

Ning Fan can't figure it out.

He naturally does not know that this ten lion ten elephant Dan is not something in the fantasy world, but the real medicine that flows into the magical dream world.

Although it is only a semi-finished medicinal herb, in order to refine this Dan, the alchemist used the life of the ten-and-a-half sacred lion and the ten-and-a-half sacred demon to refine this semi-finished medicinal herb.

The reason why it is only a semi-finished product, not a finished product, is not the lack of ability of the alchemy teacher, but the real ten lions and ten elephants, can not be refining the semi- holy materials, but need to refine the holy materials!

Although the alchemy master was superb, it was only a first-order quasi-sacred, and naturally did not have the ability to hunt twenty quasi-sacred alchemy in one go.

Therefore, this Dan can only be a semi-finished product.

But still has a very powerful effect!

Suzumiya’s eight sons accidentally got this Dan, and he was shocked to be a man of heaven. He didn’t want to eat, but he didn’t dare to eat.

This Dan can greatly enhance the physical strength of the monk, but the process of improving the strength is very dangerous, the physical strength is not enough, not only can not get the benefits from the drug, but will be directly blasted by the drug, dangerous.

The Shuizong eight sons are of great power, but they are not good at refining bodies. The flesh is not as strong as Ning Fan. Naturally, they dare not take this Dan.

Ning Fan is different. He is not only physically strong, but his physical resilience is still high. Therefore, taking this Dan does not feel how dangerous it is... but it is impossible to understand why Shui Shui Ba Zi did not eat this Dan.

In short, this medicinal medicine makes Ning Fan’s strength soar, which is a good thing. After doubling the power, Ning Fan was relieved to find that the Dinghai Shenzhen, which used to be difficult in the past, seems to be easier to use; the weight of the anti-sea sword that has soared to eighteen stars is no longer difficult to wave...

Everything is moving in the right direction.

In his spare time, Ning Fan wanted to continue to practice and cultivate the scorpion jade, but unfortunately he did not have the tears of Aphrodite. His progress in cultivation was very slow, and he could not help but miss the days of Aphrod.

This kind of nostalgia certainly has nothing to do with feelings. What Ning Fan misses is the tears of a lot of people...

"Unfortunately, this woman has a good point for me. Even though she is still here, I can't bully her in violation of the principle and win the tears."

"Speaking of it, what is the mysterious seed in the birth of my **** of the day, what is it... This kind of body, the power of reincarnation in my body increases day by day, actually more than enough to condense a ring..."

Ning Fan was the force of reincarnation in the body, and the fingertip suddenly added a purple gold ring.

The day of the reincarnation in the body will grow slowly with his daily cultivation.

The power of reincarnation today has only one number of rings.

According to Ning Fan's estimate, if he practiced for thousands of years, his reincarnation might be enough to condense the aura of the bracelet size.

If it is a practice of hundreds of thousands of years, it is probably enough to condense the aura of the size of the headband.

If he cultivates hundreds of millions of years according to the current growth rate, he is even expected to build a huge aura of the beginning.

Of course, he is too lazy to wait for hundreds of millions of years to practice a ring of the beginning of the sanctuary. For hundreds of millions of years, you can do too many things. Although the mysterious seed can increase the power of reincarnation, the growth rate makes Ning Fan dare not compliment.

This is really better than no...


Before Ning Fan entered the Xuan Yin Circle to retreat, Shen Kong Emperor and others handed over to Ning Fan's voice Yu Fu, and suddenly made a small noise.

Ning Fan brows slightly wrinkled, he knows that this is outside the gods and other people are contacting him. Before he retreats, he will not disturb others. Since the other party took the initiative to contact, I was afraid that something was going on in the Halloween.

"It seems that there is a major military situation..."

Ning Fan suspends retreat, and makes a slap in the direction of the sound of Yu Fu. The voice of Shen Kong’s anxious voice suddenly came out from Yu Fu, which confirmed Ning Fan’s guess.

"The big things are not good! The big things are not good! Ning Xiong is going to retreat, and the big disaster is coming! The aliens have actually dispatched two and a half sacred to attack my Wanshengguan! One of them is the ninth road, the famous Dragon King. Another... is the real demon!"

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